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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    10 Reasons We Can't Resist Sticking Our Tongues Out in Photos

    The Cultural Currents of Non-Verbal Expression

    Why do people stick their tongues out in pictures? An odd question, perhaps, but one that piques our curiosity. We've all seen it. The camera rolls, and suddenly a tongue is poking out between two rows of pearly whites. It's an intriguing phenomenon, prevalent in both spontaneous selfies and professional photoshoots alike. To understand this trend, we need to dive into the cultural and psychological currents that have given rise to this expressive act.

    When you take a step back, the act of sticking out your tongue, while seemingly frivolous, may be rooted in age-old non-verbal forms of communication. Humans have been communicating through physical expressions, like facial gestures, long before the advent of verbal language. Non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, account for a whopping 55% of all human communication, according to Dr. Albert Mehrabian's classic communication model. The tongue-out pose, in its essence, is an extension of these non-verbal cues. It serves as a physical representation of certain attitudes and emotions that words often fail to convey.

    The tongue-out trend draws from various cultural origins. You might recall images of The Rolling Stones' iconic "Tongue and Lip Design" logo, inspired by the lead singer Mick Jagger's distinctive mouth. Or perhaps Michael Jordan's tongue-out concentration during challenging basketball games comes to mind. These figures, admired by millions, played pivotal roles in popularizing this cheeky expression.

    Beyond celebrities, the practice has historical and cultural resonance, as well. Consider the Maori Haka dance, where the tongue is extended as a show of warrior-like strength, or the Tibetan 'Tshegpa,' a gesture of defiance and resistance. The universality of the tongue-out expression across different cultures and time periods underscores its powerful communicative potential.

    Today's digital age amplifies the impact of this non-verbal cue. The advent of social media and the selfie culture has further popularized this trend, making it a global phenomenon. When scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, you'll find countless pictures featuring the tongue-out pose, an expressive symbol of fun, spontaneity, and playful rebellion.

    In the vast landscape of human behavior and culture, sticking your tongue out in photos is more than just a passing fad. It's a complex blend of non-verbal communication, cultural influence, and social media dynamics, offering a fascinating look into the cultural currents of our time.

    The Psychology of the Pose

    In our quest to understand why people stick their tongues out in pictures, we now turn our focus to the realm of psychology. It is here, in the intricate labyrinth of the human mind, where we can uncover the motivations and emotions behind this trend.

    The first and perhaps most prevalent reason is the desire to convey a sense of fun and spontaneity. Sticking one's tongue out is seen as an act of playful defiance, a rejection of the rigidity often associated with traditional portrait photography. This act, thus, signals to viewers that the person in the picture doesn't take themselves too seriously, invoking feelings of light-heartedness and joy.

    Secondly, the tongue-out pose can be a subconscious attempt to alleviate stress or anxiety associated with being photographed. According to psychologist Dr. Carol Kinsey Goman, "When we are stressed, our body has the instinct to bring more oxygen to our muscles and brain. That's why we yawn, and possibly why we stick our tongues out." The act of sticking out the tongue, therefore, could be a physical manifestation of a psychological coping mechanism.

    Furthermore, the act of sticking one's tongue out often implies a level of comfort and authenticity. In our increasingly digital society, where polished and perfected images often reign supreme, a tongue-out photo can signify a willingness to present oneself in a more raw and genuine manner.

    The act can be seen as a form of non-conformity or rebellion. It's a subtle signal that the individual rejects conventional norms of behavior or appearance, similar to other non-verbal gestures like the peace sign or the thumbs-up.

    By understanding these psychological underpinnings, we see how the seemingly silly act of sticking one's tongue out in photos is steeped in layers of emotional complexity. The tongue-out pose is not merely a trend but a nuanced expression of individuality, authenticity, and our inherent desire for playful rebellion.

    Embracing the Trend: Why It' s Okay to Stick Out Your Tongue

    Given the cultural and psychological layers underlying the trend, it's worth considering why we should embrace this peculiar pose, especially in a world where traditional, well-composed portraits continue to hold a certain prestige.

    Firstly, the tongue-out pose fosters a sense of playfulness and spontaneity, vital antidotes in our often too serious and fast-paced lives. In photos, it's a way to let loose, relax, and invite laughter. As Charlie Chaplin once said, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." Sticking your tongue out in photos can be a simple way to bring more laughter into your life and the lives of others.

    Moreover, the tongue-out pose signifies authenticity. It's an invitation for others to see you as you are, sans pretense. With the advent of social media platforms, authenticity can sometimes be lost amidst the sea of curated and filtered images. Therefore, this trend can be a refreshing deviation from the norm, a stand against digital perfectionism and for real, unedited human expression.

    The act of sticking one's tongue out, both symbolically and practically, serves as an act of rebellion against convention, a celebration of individuality. It is a non-verbal declaration of one's freedom to express, to go against the grain, to be one's authentic self. And in an era where individualism and personal expression are increasingly valued, this trend is more relevant than ever.

    While some might dismiss the tongue-out trend as silly or juvenile, this exploration proves otherwise. Beneath the surface, it embodies deep-seated human emotions, cultural dynamics, and psychological complexities, making it a potent symbol of our time.

    The act of sticking one's tongue out in pictures is more than just a fun fad. Rooted in historical and cultural practices, bolstered by psychological influences, and amplified by modern social media, it's a rich blend of human emotion, cultural influence, and personal expression. It's a testament to our innate desire for authenticity, individuality, and playful rebellion. So, the next time you find yourself in front of a camera, why not give it a try? After all, a little silliness never hurt anyone.


    1. Mehrabian, Albert. (1971). Silent Messages: Implicit Communication of Emotions and Attitudes. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
    2. Goman, Carol Kinsey. (2011). The Nonverbal Advantage: Secrets and Science of Body Language at Work. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
    3. Chaplin, Charlie. (2006). My Autobiography. Penguin Classics.

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