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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    The Benefits of Letting Your Cat Have Their Say

    Cats are beloved pets, and most people don't think twice about giving them unconditional love and care. But cats, like any other creature, need to express their opinion to feel safe and secure. Allow your feline friends to have their say, and make sure that they consent with how you treat them, and they will reward you with happiness.

    Cats are a special kind of pet that exude an enigmatic charm and can make the most wary of heart swell with love. Most cat owners regard the relationship with their felines like family--they lavish their cats with attention and enjoy spending time together. From playing, snuggling, or just enjoying each other’s company, there are many ways that cats and their humans can create memorable moments of joy.

    Yet, although cats often seem oblivious and aloof to us, they still have their own needs and wants when it comes to being cared for and treated. Allowing cats to have their say is one way to make sure that their needs are met and to form strong bonds, as well as ensuring that they trust and feel safe around their human companions. Listening to their needs and preferences allows the cats to have a sense of control over their environment and facilitates positive, healthy relationships between cats and humans alike.

    Engaging in conversations with cats is one way to get a sense of what they consider important. Cats often communicate through meows, mews, and purrs. Those conversations can offer insights into what cats are thinking, feeling, and wanting. For instance, if a cat expresses displeasure through meowing and growling after being petted, then it's likely that the petting was too much for them. On the other hand, if a cat meows in anticipation when it’s time for their meals, then providing the food that they enjoy will garner a positive response.

    It’s also important to understand that cats’ consent is much more than simply trading verbal responses. Body language is essential, because it allows cats and humans to share their feelings without words. Some common signs of consent include: relaxed posture, contented facial expressions, soft eyes, purring, head-butting and rubbing, and playful behavior. Conversely, twitching tails, crouching, hiding, yowling, and scratching can all signify distress or lack of consent.

    When cats feel trusted, respected and in control, it encourages better behaviors from both cats and humans. Ensuring that cats’ consent is taken into account makes it easier for them to cooperate when performing activities that could initially cause some discomfort. For example, cats may require regular checkups or medical attention, or be involved in curiosity-driven activities or games. When cats know that their humans will respect their boundaries and listen to their expressions, it makes the process easier for both parties.

    When cats are allowed to express themselves, it also strengthens the bond between cats and humans, leading to a more harmonious relationship and happier cats overall. It’s important to remember that cats communicate not only through language but also through body language, and that they need to express their opinion in order to feel safe and secure. Acknowledging the cats’ perspectives can foster trust and understanding, and lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    Consenting cats are happier cats, and it’s important to remember to take your cats’ opinions into account when showing them love and care. By respecting their consent, your relationship with cats can be even more rewarding and you’ll reap irrefutable benefits.

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