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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Is Ignoring Your Intuition Holding You Back? (Signs)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Signs of ignoring your intuition
    • Impact of bias on decisions
    • How autopilot leads to detachment
    • Reconnecting with your inner voice
    • Trusting intuition for better choices

    Are You Ignoring Your Intuition?

    We've all had that little voice inside us. You know the one I'm talking about—it whispers warnings, hints, or even clear advice, but so often, we push it aside. Are you starting to wonder if you've been ignoring your intuition? Maybe you feel stuck in your life or like things are just a little “off,” but you can't figure out why. Ignoring your gut can happen without us even realizing it, often masked by external noise or internal doubt.

    Our intuition is more than just a feeling—it's an essential part of decision-making. The problem is, life gets noisy. It can become harder to hear that inner voice over the constant chatter of self-doubt, fear of judgment, or over-analysis. According to Carl Jung, “Intuition gives outlook and insight; it revels in the garden of magical possibilities.” Yet, many of us let this powerful guide fade into the background.

    In this article, we'll explore the subtle signs you may be ignoring your intuition, the psychological forces behind it, and most importantly, how you can reconnect with your inner guide for a more fulfilling, authentic life.

    Being Too Affected by Bias

    One of the first signs that you might be pushing your intuition aside is when biases take over your thinking. We all have biases—they're shortcuts our brains use to help us make decisions quickly. But they can also cloud our judgment, causing us to ignore the instincts that truly serve us. You may start favoring decisions based on past experiences, societal norms, or simply what's comfortable. This is known as confirmation bias, where we seek out information that supports our existing beliefs, even when our gut tells us otherwise.

    Research shows that relying too heavily on biases can prevent us from seeing the bigger picture. You might feel yourself swayed by what others think or avoid certain choices because of preconceived notions. This is the moment your intuition starts to fade. It's that nagging feeling telling you that you're not following the right path. Listen to it, because your instincts often have a wider view of possibilities than your biases ever will.

    Avoiding Taking Risks


    Many of us avoid risks because we fear failure, judgment, or simply stepping into the unknown. This hesitation might feel justified—it's a natural human response to uncertainty. However, continually playing it safe can drown out your intuition. When you consistently avoid taking risks, you're not giving yourself the chance to explore new possibilities, and that gut feeling urging you to leap might start to fade into the background.

    Psychologically, this ties into what's known as “loss aversion,” the idea that people are more afraid of losing something than they are excited by the prospect of gaining something new. While this protects us in certain situations, it can stifle personal growth. Taking risks doesn't mean being reckless, but rather listening to that inner voice when it's nudging you toward a new direction, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

    You Feel As If You're on Autopilot

    Ever feel like you're just going through the motions of life, day after day, without really engaging? This feeling of being on autopilot is a huge sign that you're disconnected from your intuition. When intuition is flowing, it drives us to be present, to take action with intention. But when you're ignoring it, life can become a routine of mindless tasks, where every day looks the same.

    According to research, this “autopilot mode” can be a defense mechanism—something we use to protect ourselves from emotional burnout or decision fatigue. However, in the long run, it disconnects us from our authentic selves. You might find yourself in jobs, relationships, or habits that don't serve you, yet you're unsure how you even got there. By tuning back into your inner voice, you can begin to make choices that feel aligned with who you really are, breaking free from the repetitive cycle of autopilot.

    Ignoring or Invalidating Your Feelings

    We live in a world where logic often takes precedence over emotions. Sometimes, we even tell ourselves that feelings are inconvenient or irrational, so we push them aside. But when you start ignoring or invalidating your own emotions, you're also tuning out your intuition. Our emotions act as signals—they can guide us toward what's right and warn us about what's wrong.

    Psychologist Susan David explains, “Emotions are data, not directives. We own our emotions, they don't own us.” However, if you're continually shutting down those feelings, you may lose touch with what's truly happening beneath the surface. Ignoring emotions can lead to confusion, because you're effectively muting a key part of your internal guidance system. You might feel a sense of disconnect, unable to make clear decisions, because you're not allowing yourself to fully acknowledge what's driving you.

    It's essential to recognize that your feelings aren't the enemy. They provide valuable insight into what aligns with your values, needs, and desires. Tuning in rather than tuning out is key to understanding when your gut is trying to tell you something.

    You Feel Unmotivated Every Day

    Waking up each morning with no drive, energy, or excitement for the day ahead? This lack of motivation can be a red flag that you're suppressing your intuition. When you're aligned with your inner voice, even the smallest tasks can feel purposeful. But if you're feeling unmotivated, it's likely that you've been ignoring what your intuition is trying to tell you about your current situation.

    This could be related to burnout, a lack of alignment between your daily actions and long-term goals, or even a general dissatisfaction with your environment. When your intuition is silenced, everything feels heavier. You might drag yourself through the day, uninspired by what you're doing, because deep down you know it's not what you truly want. But that voice telling you "this isn't right" gets quieter the longer you stay stuck in that routine.

    Reconnecting with your intuition often brings renewed motivation. It allows you to rediscover what excites you, what lights a spark within, and what direction you actually want to head in.

    You Feel You're on the Wrong Track

    Do you ever have that sinking feeling that you're not where you're supposed to be? This is one of the most obvious signs that you're ignoring your intuition. When you're on the wrong path, your inner voice often tries to warn you, but external pressures or fear of change can cause you to ignore it. Maybe you've achieved what others would call “success,” but it still feels hollow. Or perhaps you're moving forward in a direction that doesn't sit right with you.

    This sensation is not uncommon, and it's often a signal that your intuition is being drowned out by other voices—whether they come from society, family, or even your inner critic. Sometimes, we're so focused on the outcome we think we should achieve that we forget to check in with how we truly feel about it. Your intuition knows when you're off course, even when your mind hasn't caught up. If you're feeling that deep, nagging sense that something just isn't right, it's time to reevaluate and listen to what your gut is telling you.

    Living by Other People's Expectations

    This is a big one. Far too often, we find ourselves making decisions not because they feel right, but because they align with what others expect of us. Whether it's parents, friends, or society at large, the pressure to conform to other people's expectations can be overwhelming. You might make career choices, relationship decisions, or even lifestyle adjustments just to meet external standards, while your inner voice goes ignored.

    When we live for others, we suppress our true desires and instincts. Social psychologist Brené Brown puts it clearly: “Let go of who you think you're supposed to be; embrace who you are.” Living authentically requires that we listen to our intuition, even when it goes against what others might think is “best” for us.

    It's not easy to break free from the expectations of those around you. But the longer you silence your intuition in favor of pleasing others, the further you stray from your own path. It can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment. Realigning with your intuition means reclaiming your voice and making decisions that feel right for you, not just for the approval of others.

    Hungry for Validation

    We all seek validation from time to time, but constantly craving approval from others can be a sign that you're ignoring your intuition. When you rely on external validation to feel good about your choices, you're often dismissing your own inner voice. Instead of asking yourself what feels right, you're waiting for someone else to tell you that you're on the right track. This need for validation can make you second-guess your decisions, even when deep down, you know what's best for you.

    According to psychologist Nathaniel Branden, “Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves.” When we look for approval outside of ourselves, we're often trying to fill a gap that can only be bridged by trusting our own intuition. It's easy to fall into the trap of making choices that will get the most praise, rather than those that resonate with our true selves. If you're always chasing compliments or reassurances, it might be time to take a step back and ask yourself if you're ignoring what your gut is already telling you.

    Validation is important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of listening to your own inner wisdom. When you start trusting yourself more, the need for external approval diminishes.

    Unhappiness in Relationships

    Relationships are one of the most significant areas where ignoring your intuition can have serious consequences. Whether it's romantic, familial, or platonic relationships, your gut often sends signals when something isn't right. Yet, many of us stay in situations that make us unhappy because we're afraid of change, or because we think things will improve if we just hang on a little longer.

    If you constantly feel uneasy, dissatisfied, or disconnected in your relationships, it could be your intuition nudging you to pay attention. You might be ignoring red flags, dismissing your feelings, or rationalizing behavior that doesn't sit well with you. Psychologist Dr. Judith Orloff explains, “Intuition is knowing something without knowing how you know it.” In relationships, this often manifests as that gut feeling that things are off, even if everything looks fine on the surface.

    Ignoring these feelings can lead to deeper dissatisfaction and resentment over time. It's important to honor your intuition when it comes to the people in your life. If you feel unfulfilled or unhappy, it's worth taking a step back to reflect on whether you're staying true to your needs and desires, or if you're just trying to keep things afloat at the expense of your well-being.

    How to Reconnect with Your Intuition

    So, how do you reconnect with that inner voice that seems to have gone silent? The good news is, your intuition hasn't disappeared—it's just waiting for you to listen again. Reconnecting with your intuition requires slowing down, tuning out external noise, and spending more time in self-reflection. Meditation, journaling, and even spending time alone can help you quiet your mind and make space for your intuition to resurface.

    Start by trusting small, everyday decisions. Intuition doesn't always shout; sometimes it whispers. The more you trust those little nudges, the stronger your connection with your intuition becomes. It's about creating moments of stillness in your day where you can ask yourself, “What do I really feel about this?” and listening for the answer without judgment. The process is gradual, but the more you practice, the more in tune you'll become.

    Another way to foster this connection is by paying attention to your body's signals. Intuition often communicates through physical sensations—whether it's a knot in your stomach or a sense of peace. By noticing these reactions, you can better interpret what your intuition is telling you. Slowly, you'll find that inner voice becoming clearer and more reliable.

    Signs You've Begun Trusting Your Intuition Again

    Once you start listening to your intuition, you'll notice a shift. Decisions feel lighter, less forced. You won't agonize over every choice because you'll trust that inner guidance system to steer you in the right direction. One clear sign that you're back in touch with your intuition is that your decisions feel aligned with your true desires, not what others expect of you.

    Another sign is a deeper sense of peace, even in moments of uncertainty. You'll find that you don't need all the answers upfront because your intuition gives you confidence in the path you're on. You'll also become more self-aware, recognizing when something doesn't feel right and taking action sooner rather than suppressing those feelings. Over time, you'll experience less doubt and second-guessing because you'll trust your gut more fully.

    Trusting your intuition is about honoring that inner voice and knowing that it's always been there, ready to guide you toward a life that feels more aligned, more fulfilling, and more authentically you.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker
    • Emotional Agility by Susan David
    • Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach


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