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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    6 Habits That Are Secretly Making You Miserable and How to Break Them

    Most of us exhibit habits every day without even realizing it. Some of these habits are positive and beneficial to our lives, but others can lead to bad thinking patterns and unhealthy behaviors. When these bad habits start to add up, they can weigh you down and make you feel incredibly miserable. If you’ve become aware of the fact that some of your habits are preventing you from leading your most optimal version of a life, it’s time to break them. Highlighting 6 habits that are secretly making you miserable and how to break them is an excellent way to start!

    1. Negative Self-Talk – One habit that can do damage to your mental health is negative self-talk. This habit involves inwardly criticizing yourself and engaging in unreasonable self-judgement. No matter what task you are presented with, regardless of its size or difficulty, if you struggle to complete it in a way that you deem as “good enough”, you may find yourself harshly beating yourself up for it. As soon as the inner self-critic starts to work its magic, your entire mood can take a turn. If you’re attempting to break the habit of negative self-talk, the best thing to do is practice self-compassion. This can be done by becoming aware of when your inner critic is speaking, and then combatting it with self-compassion.

    2. Procrastination – Another habit that can be a real productivity killer is procrastination. We all know how tempting it is to leave a task until the last minute, but in the long run, procrastination only makes matters worse. You end up feeling anxious and stressed because you’re left trying to complete the task with little to no time left. In order to break this habit, it’s important to focus on taking small steps that will prevent procrastination from occurring in the first place. Start by breaking down the task into smaller chunks, setting realistic expectations, and taking action right away.

    3. Excessive Social Media Use – Social media is one of the defining features of the 21st century, and for better or for worse, it has a major effect on our day-to-day lives. It’s become a crucial part of our lives and businesses, but if we’re not careful, it can disrupt our motivation, productivity, and overall mental state. To combat excessive social media use, it’s important to create boundaries that work for you. This can mean setting aside certain hours, days, or even weeks away from social media entirely.

    4. Poor Eating Habits – Eating is one of the most basic and natural tasks that humans do on a daily basis. However, if your eating habits involve lots of processed foods, sugary drinks, and sweets, you can expect your mental state to suffer accordingly. In order to break this particularly destructive habit, it’s important to start creating healthy meals that feature lots of unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

    5. Skipping Exercise – Exercise isn’t just essential for physical health and maintaining a good physique, it also has a major impact on our mental state too. If you’ve fallen into the bad habit of skipping exercise or avoiding physical activity, it’s inevitable that it will negatively affect your mental health. To break this habit and get back into the groove of things, it’s important to start slowly. Start by taking a 30-minute walk after dinner, or sign up for an online yoga class – whatever works for you. The key is to make sure that you enjoy it and make time for it.

    6. Poor Sleep Habits – Last, but certainly not least, poor sleep habits have a major impact on your mental well-being. When you don’t get enough sleep, your energy levels are down, and your mood takes a hit. In order to break this habit, it’s important to develop a consistent sleep schedule and create a routine that allows you to get the most out of your sleep. Make sure to stay away from screens before bed, minimize noise and light, and keep worrying thoughts at bay.

    Once you’ve identified the habits that are secretly making you miserable and taken steps to break them, you’ll see a huge shift in your sense of wellbeing and productivity. Breaking bad habits is never easy, but the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reap the rewards.

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