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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    16 Powerful Steps to Discover (and Embrace) Your True Self

    Key Takeaways:

    • Embrace your individuality and uniqueness.
    • Let go of the past, focus on now.
    • Stop comparing, start owning your life.
    • Personal growth over others' opinions.
    • Be confident in your true self.

    The Journey to Be Yourself

    We've all heard the advice, “Just be yourself,” but what does that truly mean? For many, it's a lifelong journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It's not just about knowing who you are but embracing it wholeheartedly and living in a way that reflects your true self. The path to being yourself is one of the most rewarding and challenging endeavors you can undertake. It requires courage, introspection, and the willingness to evolve.

    In this article, we'll walk you through 16 powerful steps that can help you discover and embrace your authentic self. Whether you're just starting on this path or are well on your way, these steps will guide you in shedding the layers of doubt, comparison, and societal expectations that have held you back. It's time to embark on the journey of becoming the person you were always meant to be.

    Step 1: Discovering Who You Really Are

    Before you can truly be yourself, you need to understand who that self is. This might sound simple, but in reality, it can be one of the most profound challenges you face. Who are you when no one is watching? What are your deepest passions, values, and desires? To answer these questions, you need to take time to reflect on your life, your experiences, and your inner world.

    Consider the words of Carl Jung, who said, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” This step involves peeling back the layers that society, family, and even your own fears have placed upon you. It's about getting to the core of your being and acknowledging all the different aspects that make you unique.

    Start by journaling about what truly matters to you, what makes you feel alive, and what dreams you've buried over the years. This isn't about who you think you should be; it's about who you genuinely are, underneath it all. The more honest you are with yourself in this discovery process, the more authentic your journey will be.

    Step 2: Reflect on Your Evolving Values

    reflective moment

    As we move through life, our values often change, shaped by our experiences, relationships, and the lessons we learn along the way. It's essential to regularly pause and reflect on these evolving values. What you once held dear might no longer align with who you are today, and that's perfectly okay. The key is to be honest with yourself about what truly matters to you now.

    This reflection isn't just about letting go of old values; it's about understanding how they've evolved and what new beliefs have taken root. Take time to sit with yourself, maybe with a journal or in a quiet space, and ask: What are my core values now? How have they shifted? Recognizing these changes is a powerful step toward living authentically.

    Step 3: Embrace Your Present, Forget the Past

    It's easy to get caught up in the past, replaying old mistakes, regrets, or even the person you used to be. But living in the past only holds you back from being who you are now. Embracing your present self means letting go of the old narratives and focusing on who you are today.

    Every day is an opportunity to reinvent yourself, to step into the person you've become, and to live in the moment. When you let go of the past, you free yourself from its hold, allowing you to fully experience the present and all the possibilities it holds. Remember, the past doesn't define you; it's your actions and choices in the present that shape who you are.

    One way to start embracing the present is by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness allows you to stay grounded in the now, fully experiencing your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. As the philosopher Lao Tzu said, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” This wisdom highlights the importance of anchoring yourself in the present to truly be yourself.

    Step 4: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

    Comparison is often called the thief of joy, and for a good reason. When you constantly measure yourself against others, you lose sight of your own unique path. In a world where social media highlights everyone's best moments, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're not enough. But here's the truth: No one else is living your life, and no one else can be you.

    It's important to remember that everyone is on a different journey, with their own challenges, triumphs, and timelines. What might seem like a perfect life from the outside could be hiding struggles you'll never see. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday. Focus on your growth, your progress, and your happiness.

    When you stop comparing yourself to others, you free up so much mental space to focus on what really matters: your own journey. It's not about being better than someone else; it's about being the best version of yourself. As you shift your focus inward, you'll find that your self-esteem and confidence naturally begin to grow.

    Step 5: Own Your Choices and Actions

    Taking responsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do. It's easy to blame others or circumstances for where you are, but that only keeps you stuck. When you own your choices and actions, you take back control of your life.

    This doesn't mean blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong; it means recognizing that you have the power to shape your own destiny. Every decision you make, big or small, contributes to the life you're building. By taking ownership, you can make conscious choices that align with your true self and your values.

    It's also important to acknowledge that mistakes are a natural part of life. Everyone makes them, and they're often our greatest teachers. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, focus on what you can learn from the experience and how you can grow from it. Remember, it's not about never making mistakes; it's about how you handle them and what you choose to do next.

    Owning your life means standing by your decisions and learning from every step you take. It's about being proactive rather than reactive, and it's one of the most crucial steps in becoming your authentic self.

    Step 6: Focus on Personal Growth, Not Opinions

    One of the biggest barriers to being yourself is the weight of other people's opinions. It's natural to want acceptance and approval from those around us, but when that desire takes precedence over your personal growth, it becomes a problem. The truth is, no matter what you do, there will always be someone who disagrees or disapproves. That's why it's crucial to focus on your own growth rather than getting caught up in what others think.

    Your journey is yours alone. Personal growth isn't about pleasing others; it's about evolving into the best version of yourself. This means setting your own standards, pursuing your own goals, and living by your own values. When you stop worrying about what others think, you free yourself to explore, experiment, and grow without fear.

    Consider this: the opinions of others often reflect their own fears, insecurities, or limitations. They are not a true measure of your worth or potential. By focusing on your growth, you prioritize what really matters—your happiness, fulfillment, and progress. The more you invest in yourself, the less power others' opinions will have over you.

    Step 7: Showcase Your Unique Individuality

    Your individuality is your greatest asset. No one else in the world has the exact combination of experiences, talents, and perspectives that you do. Yet, many people spend their lives trying to fit in, conforming to societal norms, and hiding the very things that make them unique. But to truly be yourself, you must embrace and showcase your individuality.

    Being unique doesn't mean being different for the sake of it. It means recognizing and celebrating what makes you, you. This could be your sense of humor, your creative talents, your values, or even your quirks. When you allow yourself to be fully seen and heard, you give others permission to do the same. Your individuality becomes a beacon for those who resonate with your true self, attracting like-minded people and opportunities into your life.

    Don't be afraid to stand out or to be unapologetically yourself. The world doesn't need another copy of someone else; it needs the unique contributions only you can make. Whether it's through your style, your work, or the way you interact with others, let your individuality shine. The more you showcase your true self, the more authentic and fulfilling your life will become.

    Step 8: Accept and Embrace Your Emotions

    Emotions are an integral part of who we are, yet many of us are taught to suppress or ignore them. Whether it's anger, sadness, or even joy, we often judge our feelings instead of accepting them. But to be truly yourself, you must learn to embrace all your emotions, not just the ones that are easy or socially acceptable.

    Your emotions are valuable signals from your inner self. They guide you, inform you, and reflect your deepest truths. When you allow yourself to feel fully—without judgment—you connect more deeply with your authentic self. This doesn't mean letting your emotions control you, but rather acknowledging them, understanding their origins, and responding to them in a healthy way.

    Brené Brown, a renowned researcher on vulnerability and shame, says, “We cannot selectively numb emotions. When we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.” Embracing your emotions, even the difficult ones, is crucial for living a full and authentic life. It's through this acceptance that you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and can navigate life with greater clarity and compassion.

    Step 9: Choose Your Company Wisely

    The people you surround yourself with have a profound impact on your life and your sense of self. While it's important to be open to different perspectives, it's equally important to choose companions who support, uplift, and encourage you to be your authentic self. Negative or toxic relationships can cloud your judgment, drain your energy, and pull you away from your true path.

    Your inner circle should consist of those who respect your individuality and inspire you to grow. These are the people who challenge you in constructive ways, who celebrate your successes, and who stand by you during tough times. As the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Make sure those people reflect the values and qualities you strive for in your own life.

    This doesn't mean you need to cut off everyone who doesn't fully align with your values, but it does mean being mindful of who has the most influence in your life. By choosing your company wisely, you create a supportive environment where you can thrive and be unapologetically yourself.

    Step 10: Stand Firm in Your Values

    Your values are the foundation of who you are. They guide your decisions, shape your character, and define your sense of right and wrong. In a world where opinions and trends are constantly changing, it's easy to feel pressured to compromise your values to fit in or gain approval. But standing firm in your values is essential for living an authentic life.

    When you stay true to your values, you create a solid ground to stand on, no matter what challenges you face. This doesn't mean being rigid or closed-minded, but rather holding onto what matters most to you, even when it's difficult. There will be times when your values are tested, and in those moments, your commitment to them will determine the direction of your life.

    It's also important to remember that your values might evolve as you grow. What's crucial is that you take the time to reflect on them regularly and make sure they still resonate with who you are. By standing firm in your values, you not only build a strong sense of self, but you also gain the respect of others who see you as someone with integrity and conviction.

    Step 11: Be Confident in Your Authentic Self

    Confidence is often mistaken for arrogance, but true confidence comes from a deep understanding and acceptance of who you are. It's about knowing your worth, embracing your strengths, and acknowledging your weaknesses without letting them define you. Being confident in your authentic self means showing up as you are, without apology or pretense.

    This kind of confidence doesn't happen overnight; it's built over time as you learn to trust yourself and your decisions. The more you live in alignment with your true self, the more your confidence will naturally grow. It's about recognizing that you don't need to be perfect to be worthy—you just need to be true to yourself.

    As you step into this confidence, you'll find that it influences every aspect of your life. Your relationships will become more genuine, your work more fulfilling, and your overall sense of well-being will improve. Remember, confidence isn't about being the loudest in the room; it's about being comfortable in your own skin. When you're confident in who you are, you give others permission to do the same.

    Step 12: Embrace Change and New Opportunities

    Change is inevitable. Whether we like it or not, life is constantly shifting, presenting us with new challenges and opportunities. While it's natural to feel resistant to change, embracing it is crucial for personal growth and self-discovery. When you open yourself up to change, you allow new experiences to shape you, bringing fresh perspectives and insights into your life.

    Embracing change doesn't mean abandoning your values or who you are; it means being adaptable and open-minded. It's about seeing change as an opportunity rather than a threat. Each change you encounter is a chance to learn something new about yourself, to explore different paths, and to grow in ways you never imagined.

    Think of it this way: staying in your comfort zone might feel safe, but it also keeps you stuck. By embracing change and the unknown, you invite possibilities that can lead to exciting and fulfilling new chapters in your life. As the philosopher Heraclitus famously said, “The only constant in life is change.” How you respond to it will define your journey.

    Step 13: Get Active and Energize Your Life

    Physical activity is more than just a way to stay fit; it's a powerful tool for boosting your mental and emotional well-being. When you get active, you release endorphins—those “feel-good” hormones that elevate your mood and energy levels. Regular exercise not only strengthens your body but also clears your mind, helping you feel more grounded and in tune with yourself.

    Getting active doesn't have to mean intense workouts or hours at the gym. It can be as simple as going for a walk, dancing to your favorite music, or practicing yoga. The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and that makes you feel alive. When you move your body, you reconnect with your physical self, releasing stress and tension that might be holding you back from being your true self.

    Moreover, physical activity has been shown to increase self-confidence and improve mental clarity. It's a way to take care of yourself, to show up for yourself, and to invest in your overall well-being. So, whether it's a morning jog, an evening stretch, or a weekend hike, make movement a regular part of your routine. The more energized and active you feel, the more aligned you'll be with your authentic self.

    Step 14: Keep Your Promises to Yourself

    The promises you make to yourself are just as important, if not more so, than those you make to others. When you keep these promises, you build trust and self-respect, reinforcing your commitment to living authentically. Whether it's a goal you've set, a boundary you've established, or a habit you've decided to break, honoring your word to yourself is a powerful affirmation of your self-worth.

    Think about it: how often do we let ourselves down by making excuses or allowing other priorities to take over? When you consistently break promises to yourself, it erodes your confidence and self-esteem. On the other hand, when you follow through on what you've committed to, you prove to yourself that you are capable, reliable, and deserving of the life you want to create.

    Start with small promises and build from there. Whether it's dedicating time to a passion project, practicing self-care, or sticking to a new routine, every promise kept is a step closer to living a life that is true to who you are. Remember, you are your most important commitment. Treat yourself with the same respect and dedication that you would offer to others.

    Step 15: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Your comfort zone is a place of safety and familiarity, but it's also a place of stagnation. While staying within its boundaries might feel secure, it prevents you from growing and discovering new aspects of yourself. Stepping out of your comfort zone is essential for personal development and embracing your true self.

    This doesn't mean you need to take drastic leaps; even small steps outside your comfort zone can lead to significant growth. It might be trying something new, taking a risk, or facing a fear. The more you challenge yourself, the more you expand your horizons and learn what you're truly capable of.

    As you push these boundaries, you'll likely encounter discomfort or fear, but that's where the real growth happens. It's in those moments of uncertainty that you discover strengths you didn't know you had, develop resilience, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. The rewards of stepping outside your comfort zone far outweigh the temporary discomfort it may bring.

    Remember, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. By embracing the unknown and daring to take risks, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and experiences that can shape you into the person you're meant to be.

    Step 16: Savor the Simple Joys of Life

    In the pursuit of being yourself and living authentically, it's easy to get caught up in the big picture—the goals, the growth, the challenges. But don't forget to pause and savor the simple joys that life has to offer. These small moments of happiness and contentment are what make life rich and fulfilling.

    Whether it's the warmth of the morning sun on your face, the laughter of a loved one, or the quiet satisfaction of a job well done, these are the moments that ground you and bring you back to the present. Savoring these simple joys is not just about appreciating what you have; it's about recognizing that happiness is found in the here and now, not just in the pursuit of something greater.

    Make it a habit to find joy in the little things—those everyday moments that might otherwise go unnoticed. By doing so, you cultivate a sense of gratitude and presence that enhances your overall well-being and deepens your connection to your true self.

    Living as Your True Self

    The journey to being yourself is ongoing. It's not a destination but a continuous process of self-discovery, growth, and acceptance. As you move through life, you'll encounter challenges and changes that test your commitment to living authentically. But with each step, you'll become more confident, more grounded, and more aligned with who you truly are.

    Living as your true self means embracing your uniqueness, standing firm in your values, and having the courage to be unapologetically you. It's about letting go of what others think and focusing on what truly matters to you. It's about taking risks, learning from your experiences, and savoring the simple pleasures that life offers.

    As you continue on this path, remember that you are your greatest resource. Trust yourself, honor your journey, and know that being yourself is the most powerful and fulfilling way to live. There's no one else like you, and the world needs the unique contributions only you can make. So step into your authenticity, and let your true self shine.

    Recommended Resources

    • Brown, Brené. The Gifts of Imperfection. Hazelden Publishing, 2010.
    • Jung, Carl. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Vintage, 1989.
    • Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching. Penguin Classics, 1963.


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