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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    100 Self-Improvement Books To Learn These 7 Principles

    Sometimes, life can throw us for a loop. One moment we may be on top of the world and the next we are struggling from some setback or obstacle. It can be useful to look outside of our own life and find inspiration from those who have gone before us. Through books, we can be exposed to some of the best lessons to help strengthen our understanding and perspective of the world. Here, we will explore 100 self-improvement books that can provide us with seven lessons of life that can serve to prepare us for whatever life throws at us.

    The first lesson is to remember that failures are only temporary, and there is always something better around the corner. This can be exemplified in such books as Napolean Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, which emphasizes the importance of hard work and dedication; and “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey which advocates for taking initiative and having a plan for every day. When faced with difficulty, realize that failure isn’t the end and that it may just open the door to greater possibilities.

    The second lesson is to never give up hope. There are many books that explain how to stay resilient and optimistic during difficult times. Examples of some books that show this are Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love” which encourages readers embrace uncertainty and find solace in spirituality; and “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis, who encourages readers to push past the lies they’re telling themselves and delve into the depths of their potential. With each challenge you might any face, don’t be afraid to hold onto hope.

    The third lesson is to celebrate your successes. There are tons of books that help us learn how to appreciate what we have achieved instead of immediately moving on to the next goal. Some of these include “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz and Mark Sanborn’s “The Fred Factor”, both of which focus on a positive outlook, build motivation and boost confidence. You should desire for yourself the same joy and pride that you would bestow upon another. Celebrate your accomplishments!

    The fourth lesson is to make sure you take care of your physical and mental health. Reading books like Brene Brown’s “The Gifts of Imperfection” or “How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie help emphasize self-care, boundries and assertiveness. Having a healthy relationship with yourself and your environment has important implications for our life. When something doesn’t feel right, take the time to step back and assess your condition and seek medical attention if necessary.

    The fifth lesson is to forgive yourself and others. This is often easier said than done, but it is vital in order to find peace within ourselves. For example, such titles as Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages, “The Road Less Traveled” by M. Scott Peck and “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie emphasize how vital forgiveness is in the process of achieving inner peace. Before we can move forward, we must learn to accept our role in conflicts, learn from our mistakes, and make amends where needed.

    The sixth lesson is to practice patience. There are many books out there that teach us how to relax and ease up, such as “Stillness Is The Key” by Ryan Holiday, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, and Chade-Meng Tan’s “Search Inside Yourself". Patience requires understanding and recognition of the natural cycle of events and being humble enough to accept and ride through all the bumps. Make sure to take one thing at a time and enjoy the calming journey.

    The seventh lesson is to practice gratitude. Valuing what you have, who you are and where you are going is essential to improving your overall well-being. Even when things don’t go as planned and unexpected obstacles arise, it is important to remain thankful for all that we have. This message is chanted in books such as “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, “Life Without Limits” by Nick Vujicic and “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Anchor.

    No matter what age or stage in life somebody is in, there is always plenty of room to learn and grow. Through the thousands of self-improvement publications out there, anyone can cultivate valuable lessons for a more fulfilling and successful tomorrow. Hence, here are 100 must-read self-improvement books to discover what it takes to be armed and ready for the challenges ahead.

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