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    10 Signs You're Thriving in Your 30s Even if You Feel Like You Aren't

    The thirties represent a special time of self-reflection in life. It can be a decade filled with successes, mistakes, and growth. During your 30s, it can be hard to measure how far you have come in both your personal and professional life. It is easy to feel like you aren't thriving despite your accomplishments and progress. However, there are many signs you can look out for that prove that you are actually doing amazingly well in your 30s-- even if you don't feel like it.

    1. You Are Financially Independent

    Money plays a big factor when evaluating success in your 30s. As an adult, financial independence should be a priority. Taking control of one’s finances is something to be proud of. Whether you are able to contribute to a retirement account, save money for an emergency fund, pay off debt, or all of the above, you are on the path to being in a good financial place.

    2. You Are Taking Time For Self-Care

    It is essential to take care of yourself and fill your cup before you can do any meaningful work. When you take time to relax, reflect, and recharge, you are showing that you are comfortable in your own skin and have healthy routines. Additionally, self-care is more than just spa days, yoga classes, and meditating. It could also involve public speaking, job interviews, and having career-building conversations.

    3. You Have Positive Relationships

    As an adult, it is important to surround yourself with positive relationships. Even though it can be easier to focus on the negative and unhealthy relations, you must remember the people who practice unconditional love and cause you to feel supported and celebrated. That could be family members, friends, colleagues, or partners. No matter the type of connection, good relationships serve as pillars of emotional stability, tough times, and remind you of your worth.

    4. You Make Constructive Choices

    Living successfully in your 30s is about making equitable decisions. Constructive choices involve taking time to understand and evaluate a certain situation before reaching a conclusion. This could include making deliberate life choices such as travel plans, investments, career switches, or home purchases. Making the right moves can be difficult but can bring profound growth and change.

    5. You Have Adapted To Changes

    Adulthood comes with various life changes that can make it difficult to adjust. Examples may include relocating to a new city, a promotion at work, or an illness. The truth is, life always keeps changing. Adapting to different environments and situations is key to thriving. Not every person has the same level of comfort with change; nevertheless, consistently evolving and growing from it is essential to make the best out of each circumstance.

    6. You Are Pursuing Passion Projects

    In most cases, a healthy sign of success in your 30s is pursuing your passion projects. No matter how big or small your dreams are, having the audacity to attempt them takes strength and ambition. Being brave enough to turn a thought into a reality and following through with such a process even in failure is something to applaud.

    7. You Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

    Like we said before, life is constantly changing. Growing and progressing in your 30s means getting out of your comfort zone and entertaining novel ideas, beliefs, and practices. It could involve volunteering, learning new skills, or recreating yourself. Standing in unfamiliar settings can be intimidating, however, the end result is worth it. Expanding your knowledge and boundaries bring new opportunities and deeper growth.

    8. You Value Self-Reflection

    Self-reflection is key to uncovering whether you are thriving or not. Advancing through your 30s requires periodically taking a step back to evaluate where you are versus where you want to be. Checking in with yourself allows you to reflect on what has happened or what kind of changes do you need to make to become the best imaginable version of yourself?

    9. You Prioritize Your Health

    Valuing both mental and physical health is yet another sign of thriving in your 30s. Eating nutritious food, establishing achievable fitness goals, and regularly consulting a doctor can make all the difference. Taking care of your body should be a top priority, not something to think about from time to time. In the long run, prioritizing your well-being can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

    10. You Find Moments Of Gratitude

    When it comes to living successfully, taking moments to breathe and appreciate every accomplishment can be liberating. Reflection also helps to acquire moments of gratitude and acknowledge yourself for completing any task you set out for. It doesn’t matter if its something as small as finishing a project at work or something bigger like saving a certain amount of money. As long as you remain thankful and celebrate your wins, you are guaranteed to make further progress.

    At the end of the day, assessing whether you are thriving or not in life can be difficult. Nevertheless, understanding that success is a daily journey and appreciating the fact that your journey is unique will go a long way in confirming that you are, indeed, thriving in your 30s even if you don’t feel like you are.

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