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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    10 Powerful Steps to Discovering Your True Value (Don't Miss #5!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understanding your true value is essential.
    • Reflect on those who inspire you.
    • Your most painful experiences reveal growth.
    • Regularly revisit and refine your values.
    • Rank your core values to prioritize.

    Finding Your True Value

    We often get caught up in the hustle of life, chasing success, relationships, or the next big thing. But have you ever paused and asked yourself, "What is my value?" This question digs deeper than surface-level achievements; it's about understanding your core, the essence of who you are and what you stand for. To truly know your worth, we need to look inward, reflecting on the experiences and beliefs that have shaped us.

    Discovering your value is more than a self-help cliché. It's a journey of self-discovery, where you explore what truly matters to you. This article will guide you through 10 powerful steps to uncover your value, providing insight into how your experiences, inspirations, and even your most painful moments contribute to your sense of self-worth.

    Consider the People You Admire Most

    Think about the individuals you admire deeply. These could be mentors, public figures, or even close friends and family. What qualities do they possess that draw your admiration? Perhaps it's their resilience in the face of adversity, their kindness, or their unwavering commitment to their principles. By identifying these traits, you start to understand the values that resonate with you.

    Admiration isn't just about idolizing someone; it's about recognizing the values you see in others that you wish to embody. This step helps you align your actions with these values, making them a fundamental part of your journey in discovering your true value.

    Identify What Truly Matters to You

    Contemplating priorities

    It's easy to get lost in the noise of everyday life, constantly bombarded by societal expectations, family obligations, and personal ambitions. But at the heart of it all, what truly matters to you? This question isn't always easy to answer, especially when we're pulled in so many different directions. Take a moment to consider the core aspects of your life that hold the most significance. Is it family, career, personal growth, or something entirely different?

    Identifying what genuinely matters to you is a crucial step in understanding your value. When you align your actions with your core values, you start living a life that feels more authentic and fulfilling. This is about stripping away the non-essential and focusing on what gives your life meaning. Once you've pinpointed these key areas, you'll find that your decisions, big and small, begin to reflect these priorities naturally.

    Reflect on Moments of True Inspiration

    Inspiration can come from the most unexpected places—a conversation, a book, a breathtaking view, or even a fleeting moment of clarity. Reflecting on these moments of inspiration can reveal a lot about what drives you. What are the common themes? Do these moments ignite a passion or a desire to make a difference? Inspiration is more than just a fleeting feeling; it's a signal pointing you towards your true value.

    Think back to a time when you felt genuinely moved or motivated. Maybe it was an idea that sparked a change in your life, or perhaps it was someone's story that resonated deeply with you. These moments aren't just memories; they are clues, guiding you towards understanding what you truly value. As you reflect on these experiences, you'll start to notice patterns, which can help you define your personal value system more clearly.

    Recall the Times You've Felt Most Alive

    Close your eyes and think back to the moments when you felt most alive. These are the times when everything seemed to click, and you were fully present, experiencing life with an intensity that left a lasting impression. Was it during a challenging adventure, a creative project, or perhaps when you were helping someone in need? These vivid memories are not just random; they are indicators of what fuels your passion and purpose.

    When you reflect on these peak moments, you begin to understand what brings you true joy and fulfillment. These experiences often reveal the activities, people, and environments that align with your deepest values. They are the moments when you were living in complete harmony with who you are at your core. By recognizing and understanding these instances, you can start to shape your life in a way that allows you to feel this sense of aliveness more consistently.

    Examine Your Most Painful Experiences

    It might seem counterintuitive, but some of the most valuable insights into your true value come from your most painful experiences. These are the moments when life's challenges stripped away the superficial, leaving you face-to-face with what really matters. Whether it was a personal loss, a failure, or a period of deep struggle, these experiences shape you in profound ways.

    When you take the time to examine these painful moments, you start to see the growth that emerged from them. What lessons did you learn? How did these experiences change your perspective on life and what you value? Pain, as difficult as it is to endure, often pushes us to reassess our priorities and clarify what we hold dear. By confronting these experiences head-on, you can transform pain into purpose, deepening your understanding of your true value.

    List Your Life Goals and Desires

    Now that you've reflected on your most alive moments and the lessons learned from pain, it's time to turn your attention to the future. What are your life goals and desires? This isn't just about career aspirations or material achievements, though those can be part of it. It's about identifying the things you genuinely want to experience, accomplish, and contribute during your time on this earth.

    Take some time to write down your goals and desires, no matter how big or small they may seem. Do you want to travel the world, build a loving family, create something that outlasts you, or perhaps make a difference in your community? By listing these aspirations, you're giving shape to your dreams, turning abstract thoughts into concrete plans. This step is crucial because it aligns your daily actions with your long-term vision, ensuring that you're moving toward a life that reflects your true value.

    Think About Your Legacy

    Legacy is a powerful word. It represents the lasting impact you leave on the world long after you're gone. Have you ever thought about what you want your legacy to be? What do you want to be remembered for? Considering your legacy is not about vanity or seeking fame; it's about understanding the values you want to impart on others and the difference you want to make.

    When you think about your legacy, you're forced to confront the bigger picture of your life. It's an opportunity to align your actions today with the future you envision. Whether you want to be remembered as a loving parent, a dedicated professional, a kind friend, or someone who brought about positive change, your legacy is shaped by the choices you make every day. Reflecting on this can provide profound clarity on your true value and how you want to live your life.

    Find Peace Within Yourself

    In our quest to understand our value, we often overlook one of the most important aspects: inner peace. Finding peace within yourself is about accepting who you are, flaws and all. It's about letting go of the need for external validation and recognizing that your worth isn't defined by others' opinions, but by your own sense of self. This peace isn't something you stumble upon; it's something you cultivate through self-reflection, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

    Take time to engage in practices that promote inner peace, whether it's meditation, spending time in nature, or simply allowing yourself to be still and present. When you find peace within, you start to see your value more clearly. You become less reactive to the ups and downs of life, and more grounded in your own truth. This sense of calm and self-assurance is a powerful indicator of true value, and it's something that will guide you through even the most challenging times.

    Rank Your Core Values (1-10)

    By this point, you've reflected on the people you admire, identified what matters most to you, and considered your life goals and legacy. Now it's time to take all of this information and distill it into a clear, prioritized list of your core values. Ranking your values from 1 to 10 can be challenging, but it's an essential step in understanding what drives you and how you want to live your life.

    Start by listing out the values that have surfaced throughout your reflections. Perhaps integrity, compassion, creativity, or independence have emerged as important to you. Once you have your list, take the time to rank them in order of importance. This exercise forces you to make tough decisions about what truly matters most to you, providing a clear roadmap for how you want to align your actions with your values moving forward.

    Remember, this list isn't set in stone. It can evolve as you grow and your priorities shift. But having a ranked list of core values gives you a foundation to build upon, helping you make decisions that are in harmony with your true self. It's a powerful way to ensure that your life reflects the values you hold most dear, allowing you to live with purpose and intention.

    Revisit and Refine Your Values Regularly

    Your values are not static. They evolve as you do, shaped by new experiences, challenges, and growth. That's why it's essential to revisit and refine your values regularly. Just as you would tune a musical instrument to ensure it plays harmoniously, you need to tune your values to ensure they align with who you are today and who you want to become tomorrow.

    Make it a habit to reflect on your values at key moments in your life—during significant life changes, after achieving major milestones, or whenever you feel a shift in your priorities. Ask yourself, "Are these values still serving me? Do they still reflect what's most important to me?" Don't be afraid to make adjustments. Refining your values doesn't mean you've been wrong; it means you're growing and adapting to life's changes.

    This ongoing process of revisiting and refining helps keep your life aligned with your true self. It ensures that you're living authentically, making decisions that resonate with your core beliefs, and staying true to the person you're becoming. It's about living a life that feels right for you, where your actions and values are in harmony, guiding you toward a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

    Recommended Resources

    • "The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
    • "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl
    • "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown


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