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    Working Moms vs Stay-At-Home Moms

    By Margarita Nahapetyan

    There is always a big question as who's lifestyle is easier: stay-at-home moms or working moms? It is for sure that both types of mothers work very hard, but what is better for a woman, to stay at home with kids, or to work is very hard to determine. So let's dig a little deeper and find out all the pluses and minuses for staying at home or working while being a mom.

    Anyone who has children, especially infants and toddlers, will know and agree that this is not an easy task at all. Keeping up with children is very tiresome and is equal to working a full time job. There is a constant attention that kids require, no matter whether they need to read a book, watch TV, eat, play or go for a walk. In addition, women have do the work around the house cleaning, cooking and doing laundry.

    Some experts in early childhood development believe that parental care cannot be substituted by anything, including daycare, babysitter or nanny care, or even a relative care for a child. There were two studies published in 2003, one conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the other by the Institute of Child Development of the University of Minnesota, that found that children who spent all day long in daycare center were likely to be exposed to more stress and more aggression than kids cared for at home.

    Stay-at-home moms have the opportunity to directly supervise the child's care, making sure it is in a familiar, comfortable, relaxed, and nurturing environment. They have the

    opportunity to be in touch with their child on a regular basis, and are able to witness the child's emotional and physical changes. They are given a better chance to be the first to see anything new that happens in a child's life. Some mothers consider staying at home with kids as "the most rewarding career" that one can ever imagine to have.

    For some families, it is, in fact, less expensive for one parent to stay home rather than to pay for a daycare or to hire a babysitter. They also benefit, in their words, by avoiding the stress from unsatisfactory job. Staying home gives women more time to spend with children and a spouse, and at the same time to maintain the home. For many families it is a better way to keep the family life running smoothly.

    But the life at home is not always that perfect for many women, and the major reason for that is loneliness. For those used to work and being surrounded by other co-workers, colleagues and friends at work, the change of pace can lead to stress, and sometimes to a deep depression. For those who were happy with their work and tried to build a career, it might even cause the feeling that they are losing their identity. The self-esteem suffers if they do not feel the appreciation of their boss or colleagues. Many women also prefer crowded busy offices to diaper changing and laundry, which they consider as boring and upsetting.

    As to working moms, unfortunately, they may not have the opportunity to spend as much time with their children and spouses as they would like to. It is very stressful for many women who do not have any other choice and have to work in order to keep both ends meet. On the other hand, they have their own income and bring home a regular pay check which means more independence, freedom and a little extra money to spend. They can make their own decisions about money and purchases, and they know how the money is being spent.

    It is better for many working moms to use their potential, knowledge and abilities at work rather than to stay at home. For them, intellectual stimulation, problem solving, and coping with challenges increase feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence. If mom is happy and challenged in her own life, she has a better chance to provide a happy and challenging life for her children. When women are fulfilled in themselves, they have much more to give to their kids. Modern women were raised to fulfill themselves intellectually, financially, and socially, and very few might feel complete and satisfied if they give all that up to stay home with small children.

    To be a working mother is surely a hard task. After spending the whole day at work they have to come home and clean, cook, do laundry, and everything else. Unless they have a housekeeper or some other kind of helping hand, they have to do all the work by themselves. Working moms deserve a big respect for their strength and energy to be able to perform their jobs everyday.

    Factors such as financial stability, work availability, spousal support, passion for work, kid's age and health play a big role in the decision to be a working or stay-at-home mother. Being a mom, in general, can be tough enough sometimes, let alone having daily chores and responsibilities. The conclusion is, no matter what they have decided in their lives, all good mothers deserve a big applause and respect just as much as anyone else.

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