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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Keeping Minors off Social Media: Why Preteens Should Not Have Accounts

    As technology develops, so does access to the internet. Social media is becoming a more and more popular form of communication for Americans of all ages. With the introduction of platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, children, specifically preteens, are experiencing pressure to join these networks. Allowing preteens to join social media sites carries many risks, and in order to protect the best interest of our children's health, parents should strongly prohibit social media access until they are of age.

    First, it is important to understand why preteens, aged 12 or less, may feel the need to join social media. They watch their siblings and peers using these websites, and they become curious. Also, they can be exposed to peer pressure when those around them have profiles set up, but they do not. As a result, they may think they are missing out on something, causing them to want to try it as well.

    In addition to even wanting to join social media, there is the worry of younger children not using social media with caution. They are used to being unable to access certain knowledge, platforms, or movies, but with the internet this barrier can be removed easily. Having access to so much content can be detrimental for a preteen's developing brain. While teens may already display more risk-taking behavior than younger children, preteens are more likely to engage in activities that can be dangerous or potentially damaging because of their undeveloped sense of judgement.

    The rash actions that preteens may take on social media pages can be both unhealthy and dangerous, like their general safety. It is common for predators to use the internet as a way of locating potential victims, and when they stumble across younger children, it can lead to serious danger of physical harm as well as psychological manipulation. although teen brains may be developed enough to be able to comprehend certain decisions, preteens are more brazen without considering the consequences of their behavior, which can leave them open to more bullies and predators online.

    This is why it is important for preteens to stay off of social media websites. And with the lacking legal protection that currently stands to protect our nation's youth, parents must take it upon themselves to ensure that their children do not engage in these activities. If a parent or guardian allows preteens to join social media, they must take steps to ensure their safety by keeping a keen eye on their social networking activity. This includes setting clear rules of participation and monitoring their pages religiously.

    But despite the potential risks, preteens can still learn to use social media in positive ways when they're old enough. To do so, parents should start by teaching their children the golden rule of being good stewards of social networking: if you wouldn't say it face-to-face, don't post it online. With this powerful message, preteens can begin to develop a sense of what is acceptable online and what is not. when children understand how to remain safe online, they can begin to use social media constructively.

    Social network sites such as Instagram and Youtube offer just as many useful opportunities for educational growth as negative ones. When preteens are allowed on social media, they should be monitored closely so that they benefit from its many rewards rather than its pitfalls. Educating preteens on proper social media usage is an important step towards making these platforms into beneficial resources for preteens instead of dangerous ones. Parents can also help their preteens find age appropriate social media platforms, so they don't have to expose themselves to certain content that may be unrealistic or damaging.

    Preteens should not be exposed to social media until they are old enough to understand the risks they might face. Although there are great rewards to using the internet correctly, such as educational growth and meeting new people, the potential damage that can come to preteens if they use it carelessly is too high. Through setting clear rules and boundaries, and teaching proper social media etiquette, parents can ensure that their preteens have healthy, positive experiences when they are eventually allowed on social media.

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