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    Baby Teeth Require More Attention Than Parents Think

    By Margarita Nahapetyan

    One of the questions that really bothers lots of parents today is "why there is such a rise of cavities in baby teeth?"

    Some babies are born with yellow or white stains on their teeth or a defective enamel. Yet, it is not known whether if this is a genetic problem or is caused by some complications during pregnancy. There is also a condition that causes black decayed teeth, it is called "caries" (in medical language - cavity). It was a common belief that cavities appeared because many babies went to bed with a bottle, and the lactose sugar would sit on the enamel and penetrate into tooth, causing bacterial feasts and leading to decay. But it is not considered as a fact as many babies, who get their nighttime bottles, have perfect teeth.

    Doctors say that one of the reasons of this increasing problem is a modern diet: food the kids eat and beverages they drink. It is all loaded with fermentable carbohydrates and sugar. Every time our children eat crackers, chips, candy or drink juice, soda and, even milk (products that contain sugar or starch), the bacteria in their mouth sticks to tooth surface and produces an acid that weakens or eats away the tooth enamel. These snacks and drinks should be consumed in moderation. More teeth are in contact with the food, more they are being exposed to decay. This is why pediatricians recommend nutritious snacks for children, such as fruit, vegetables and cheese, water instead of juice and advise to avoid eating sticky foods (e.g. raisins) consisting of sweets and carbohydrates, and continuous consumption of sweetened beverages from sippy cups.

    Before it was considered that not much can be done for little baby teeth, and it was recommended that toddlers first should see a dentist when they are 3. But presently, The Academy of Pediatrics suggests that parents should find a dentist for their child already at one year of age. As soon as a baby has first teeth parents need to start cleaning them in order to remove any sugar presence. Unless milk given to the baby is lactose free, there is a sugar in milk products and baby formula, and by no means should be left on the tooth enamel for long. Some mothers take into the habit to "clean" their child's pacifier by putting it in their own mouth. It is a very big no-no, because tooth decay is an infectious disease and the bacteria can be easily passed from mother's mouth to the mouth of the baby.

    On the second year of age baby should have his teeth brushed at least twice a day, in the morning and at night, with a small, soft toothbrush and using baby toothpaste which have a low dosage of fluoride (for teeth strengthening). Toothpaste for kids are safe even if being swallowed. Only a pea-sized amount or a smear layer of fluoride should be applied on the toothbrush to avoid a negative side of this mineral: in case of too much ingesting it leads to fluorosis, a condition that causes defects in the enamel and leaves teeth more vulnerable to cavities. And, many parents might be surprised, but baby teeth need flossing as well. Doctors recommend to start as soon as two of the child's teeth touch each other and recommend to pay maximum attention to back molars which are at a greater risk of being destroyed.

    Tooth decay is the most common infectious disease of childhood which in baby teeth predisposes children to more decay once their permanent teeth come in. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in their 2007 report stated that it is on the rise in the baby teeth. Cavities in kids from the ages of 2 to 5 increased to 28% between 1999 and 2004 compared with 24% of those between 1988 and 1994. It was found that a lot of toddlers visit today dentists for teeth treatment.

    Professionals recommend 10 tips to maintain healthy teeth:

    1. To use a clean, wet face cloth to wipe the mouth of a newborn in order to accustom them to cleansing.

    2. Sticky candy is better to substitute with a piece of chocolate.

    3. Juice consumption should be limited to one cup per day.

    4. Kids should be used to quench their thirst with water.

    5. Kids teeth must be brushed while they're lying down in the feeding position or with their head in your lap.

    6. Children should use child-size toothbrushes with soft bristles and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste by age three.

    7. Tongue needs brushing, as well as all sides of teeth and gums for 2 to 4 minutes.

    8. In case of bleeding gums to brush them more in order to make them healthy.

    9. At once take a child to dentist when white or brown spots appear on baby teeth.

    10. Children under the age of 8 must be supervised by a parent while brushing.

    Healthy baby teeth help children learn how to chew in a proper way and how to speak clearly. It is very important that parents teach their children to care for their teeth and if there is ever a choice between getting kids' hair brushed or teeth brushed, teeth should always come first.

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