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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    10 Signs of a Toxic Mother-in-Law (And How to Handle It)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Toxic mothers-in-law affect relationships deeply.
    • Boundaries are crucial for protection.
    • Signs of toxicity can be subtle.
    • Emotional distance can help cope.
    • Your partner must play a supportive role.

    What is a toxic mother-in-law?

    A toxic mother-in-law is someone who consistently undermines boundaries, creates emotional tension, and often manipulates situations to maintain control. While all family relationships can have moments of friction, toxic mother-in-laws operate on a different level of dysfunction, making it challenging for any healthy dynamics to form.

    This kind of behavior often stems from unresolved personal issues, jealousy, or the desire to maintain control over their child's life, even after marriage. They might not realize the full impact of their actions, but the effects can be devastating to your marriage and mental health.

    As psychotherapist Dr. Susan Forward notes in her book “Toxic In-Laws: Loving Strategies for Protecting Your Marriage”, these relationships often leave you feeling powerless and emotionally exhausted. It's not just annoying; it can be emotionally damaging.

    How common are toxic mothers-in-law?

    Unfortunately, toxic mothers-in-law are more common than many realize. They often emerge quietly, disguised in traditional roles of caring and concern, making them difficult to spot early on.

    Some studies suggest that over 60% of married individuals report some form of ongoing conflict with their mother-in-law. This number varies based on culture and family dynamics, but the tension is universal. Toxicity is not always blatant—sometimes it's the subtle digs, the constant one-upping, or the passive-aggressive remarks that slowly poison the relationship over time.

    Psychologist Harriet Lerner explains in “The Dance of Anger” that boundary-pushing often becomes normalized in families where unresolved conflicts fester. It's these unspoken rules that make dealing with a toxic mother-in-law feel like walking on eggshells.

    Why are toxic mothers-in-law so problematic?

    toxic argument

    At first glance, dealing with a difficult mother-in-law might seem like a minor issue—something you just tolerate during family gatherings. But when toxicity becomes a pattern, it can seriously disrupt the emotional harmony in your marriage.

    The problem with toxic mothers-in-law lies in their manipulation of boundaries. They often meddle, insert themselves into your personal decisions, and create unnecessary tension between you and your spouse. Their behavior can create loyalty conflicts, forcing your partner to choose between family and you, which is an incredibly damaging position to be in.

    Boundaries are key, yet toxic individuals tend to ignore or bulldoze through them. This makes it difficult to foster a sense of peace and emotional safety within your relationship. Toxicity can also manifest as passive-aggressiveness, criticism, or even emotional blackmail—all of which chip away at your self-esteem over time.

    Effects of having a toxic mother-in-law on marriage

    The presence of a toxic mother-in-law can leave lasting effects on a marriage. It's not just about the immediate tension she brings but the long-term emotional consequences for both partners. You might find yourself constantly on edge, feeling like you have to compete for your spouse's attention or approval. This can lead to resentment and emotional withdrawal.

    Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to toxic family members can lead to higher levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression. Over time, the consistent stress from these interactions puts strain on the marriage, making it harder to communicate openly and trust each other.

    Another consequence is the way it affects intimacy. When your emotional energy is depleted from dealing with a toxic mother-in-law, there's less left for your partner. The stress can sap the joy out of even small moments, making everything feel heavier than it should.

    Ultimately, having a toxic mother-in-law can drive a wedge between you and your partner if left unchecked. It's crucial to recognize the signs early and take steps to protect your relationship before the damage becomes irreversible.

    10 Telltale Signs of a Toxic Mother-in-Law

    If you're wondering whether your mother-in-law falls into the toxic category, there are specific behaviors that can help you identify the problem. Toxicity isn't always glaring—it can be insidious and subtle. But the signs are there if you know what to look for. Here are 10 telltale signs that your mother-in-law may be toxic:

    1. One-ups everything you say: Does she constantly try to outshine or “top” your experiences? If so, this could be a sign that she craves dominance in every conversation.
    2. No regard for your feelings: Toxic mother-in-laws often dismiss your emotions, viewing them as irrelevant or exaggerated. If she lacks empathy, this is a major red flag.
    3. Self-involvement: It's all about her. No matter the situation, she finds a way to make it revolve around her needs or her opinion.
    4. Invasive in your marriage: A toxic mother-in-law can be highly invasive, offering unsolicited advice or questioning decisions that should stay between you and your spouse.
    5. Makes you feel inferior: If you're left feeling small or inadequate after interacting with her, that's intentional. She might use subtle digs or outright criticism to keep you feeling off-balance.
    6. Criticism is her second language: Toxic mother-in-laws thrive on criticism. Whether it's your parenting, career, or home life, she'll find a way to tear it down.
    7. Negativity follows her: Negativity oozes from every interaction. Nothing seems to be good enough for her, and she may complain about everything from your cooking to your life choices.
    8. Ignores boundaries: A toxic mother-in-law refuses to respect the lines you draw. Whether it's showing up unannounced or calling at all hours, she acts like your life belongs to her.
    9. Jealousy: Toxic mother-in-laws often harbor secret jealousy toward their child's spouse, feeling like they've been replaced or overshadowed in their child's life.
    10. Drama is her game: Is she the center of every family drama? If she stirs the pot and enjoys watching the fallout, you're dealing with someone who thrives on chaos and control.

    Recognizing these signs can be a crucial first step in reclaiming your peace of mind and protecting your relationship from further harm.

    How to set boundaries with a toxic mother-in-law

    Setting boundaries with a toxic mother-in-law is essential for your emotional well-being and the health of your marriage. Without boundaries, toxic behavior can spiral out of control, leaving you feeling powerless and stressed.

    The first step is clarity. Be clear about what you will and won't tolerate. For example, if she frequently makes critical comments about your parenting, let her know those remarks are unwelcome. You can say something like, “I appreciate your concern, but we have our own way of doing things.” This communicates firmness without escalating the situation.

    It's important to stay consistent. Toxic individuals often test boundaries to see if they can get around them. If you give in or relax your boundaries, you're sending a message that you can be swayed. Stand your ground even when it's uncomfortable. It's also helpful to enlist your partner's support in enforcing these boundaries together. Presenting a united front makes it harder for her to manipulate the situation.

    Psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud, author of “Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life”, emphasizes that setting boundaries isn't about keeping people out—it's about protecting the space where you and your spouse thrive.

    Why toxic mothers-in-law thrive on control

    Control is the cornerstone of most toxic behaviors, and toxic mothers-in-law are no different. They thrive on control because it gives them a sense of importance and relevance. This need for control often stems from deep-seated insecurities or an unwillingness to let go of their role in their child's life.

    When a mother-in-law feels like she's losing her influence—especially after her child gets married—she may act out by trying to regain that control in unhealthy ways. This could be through manipulation, criticism, or even emotional blackmail. The goal is to reassert her position of power in the family dynamic, whether by turning her child against you or making you question your self-worth.

    As Dr. Karyl McBride, author of “Will I Ever Be Good Enough?”, explains, toxic behavior often reflects a narcissistic need to maintain control over others, especially those closest to the individual. These mothers-in-law may not be able to handle the idea that their child now has other priorities outside of them.

    Recognizing the root of this behavior can help you better protect yourself and your marriage from her attempts to dominate and control.

    How to manage your emotional health around a toxic mother-in-law

    Managing your emotional health around a toxic mother-in-law can feel like an uphill battle, but it's crucial for maintaining your sanity and sense of self. Toxic behaviors can leave you feeling emotionally drained, anxious, and even questioning your own worth. However, there are ways to protect your mental space while still navigating these difficult family dynamics.

    One of the best strategies is emotional detachment. This doesn't mean ignoring or avoiding your mother-in-law entirely, but rather learning not to let her actions or words deeply affect you. When you accept that her behavior is a reflection of her own issues, not a judgment on your worth, you can begin to shield yourself from the emotional damage.

    Practice mindfulness techniques to remain calm during interactions. When she says something hurtful or crosses a boundary, take a deep breath before responding. Being mindful helps you stay grounded and prevents reactive emotions from taking over.

    Lastly, consider talking to a therapist. Therapy can help you process the complex emotions that arise from dealing with a toxic person and provide tools to protect your mental well-being. You don't have to navigate this alone.

    Invasive behaviors and their impact on your mental health

    Invasive behaviors—whether it's unsolicited advice, showing up unannounced, or constant phone calls—can erode your mental health over time. Toxic mothers-in-law often disregard personal boundaries, treating your space and life as extensions of their own. This constant invasion can make you feel like you have no control over your own environment, which can lead to feelings of helplessness and frustration.

    The psychological impact of such invasiveness is profound. It creates a persistent sense of anxiety, as you never know when she might intrude or criticize. This anxiety can affect your daily life, leaving you feeling constantly on edge, even in your own home.

    When someone repeatedly crosses your boundaries, it can also lead to resentment and anger. This emotional buildup not only affects your relationship with your mother-in-law but can spill over into your relationship with your spouse. It's important to recognize that this invasive behavior is a form of emotional control, aimed at keeping you off balance.

    Setting firm boundaries and maintaining your emotional distance can help mitigate the mental health toll. But remember, it's okay to limit contact if these invasions become too frequent or damaging. Protecting your peace is just as important as managing family dynamics.

    11 Ways to Deal with a Toxic Mother-in-Law

    When you're facing a toxic mother-in-law, it can feel like you're walking on eggshells. But there are practical steps you can take to regain control over your emotional and mental space. Here are 11 effective ways to handle a toxic mother-in-law without losing your peace:

    1. Keep yourself emotionally distant: While it's natural to want to engage, keeping your emotional distance can help prevent you from being drawn into her toxic energy. Don't give her the power to affect your mood.
    2. Avoid triggering topics: Every toxic person has their triggers. If certain topics or conversations seem to ignite her negativity, steer clear of them. Know what sparks conflict and avoid unnecessary drama.
    3. Avoid self-judgment: Toxic people often try to make you feel inadequate. Don't buy into this narrative. Stay grounded in your self-worth and remind yourself that her opinions don't define you.
    4. It's okay to avoid pretending: You don't need to fake a perfect relationship. Acknowledge the reality of the situation. Pretending everything is fine often leads to more emotional exhaustion.
    5. You don't need to try so hard: You can't win over a toxic mother-in-law, and it's not your responsibility to make her like you. Let go of that pressure and focus on your own well-being instead.
    6. Remain true to yourself: Don't let her toxicity make you someone you're not. It's easy to get caught up in trying to please her, but it's essential to stay authentic to who you are.
    7. Allow your partner to step in: Let your spouse take the lead when it comes to difficult conversations with his or her mother. Your partner should be the one managing the relationship to ease the tension.
    8. Forgiveness doesn't have to be for her: Forgiveness is about releasing the emotional hold she has over you. It's not about excusing her behavior, but about freeing yourself from the burden of resentment.
    9. Let go of unrealistic expectations: Stop expecting her to change. Toxic individuals rarely do. Adjust your expectations so that you can protect yourself from disappointment and frustration.
    10. Space away helps: Taking time away from her presence—whether by limiting visits or reducing phone contact—can be a healthy boundary that protects your mental and emotional well-being.
    11. Seek support from others: Vent to trusted friends, talk to a therapist, or join a support group. Sometimes just talking about the stress can help lighten the emotional load.

    Dealing with a toxic mother-in-law doesn't have to mean constant conflict or emotional strain. Implementing these strategies can help you create distance and protect your peace, even if her behavior never changes.

    How to handle an over-controlling mother-in-law

    An over-controlling mother-in-law can make you feel like you're constantly being watched or judged. The need for control often manifests in her trying to dictate how you live, from parenting decisions to household matters. If you're dealing with this kind of behavior, you've likely noticed that nothing ever seems good enough for her, no matter how hard you try. But there's a way to handle it without sacrificing your peace.

    The first step is to establish firm boundaries. Let her know, kindly but assertively, that certain decisions—like how you raise your children or manage your home—are yours to make. For example, you might say, “I appreciate your input, but we've got this covered.” While this may not immediately change her behavior, it draws a line she will eventually have to respect.

    It's also important to limit her control by not allowing her demands to influence your day-to-day decisions. An over-controlling mother-in-law thrives on making others second-guess themselves. If you keep bending to her will, she'll continue to assert dominance. Remember, standing your ground doesn't mean you're being unkind—it means you're protecting your autonomy.

    Lastly, don't hesitate to distance yourself emotionally. Over-controlling behaviors can be suffocating, but taking a step back, even mentally, can help you regain a sense of calm.

    How your partner can support you in dealing with toxicity

    Your partner plays a critical role in navigating the tricky waters of a toxic mother-in-law. The relationship dynamic can become particularly strained when your partner doesn't understand the extent of their mother's toxicity. It's essential for you and your spouse to be on the same page and tackle this as a team.

    Your partner should act as the primary point of communication with their mother, especially when setting boundaries. A unified approach lets your mother-in-law know that your relationship is strong and that her behavior won't succeed in driving a wedge between you. It also prevents you from being seen as the “bad guy” or the one causing division, which toxic individuals often try to exploit.

    Encourage your partner to have open, honest conversations with their mother about the impact of her behavior. They need to be clear that while they love and respect her, the marriage comes first, and toxic behavior won't be tolerated. This kind of direct conversation can be uncomfortable, but it's crucial to ensuring long-term peace in your relationship.

    At the same time, your partner must support you emotionally. Toxic behavior, especially from a mother-in-law, can leave you feeling drained and stressed. Having your partner validate your feelings and stand by your side makes a huge difference in how you cope with the situation.

    It's about mutual support. Your partner is your biggest ally in dealing with this toxicity, and together, you can create a boundary-strong environment that minimizes the negative impact of a toxic mother-in-law on your marriage.

    Toxic mother-in-laws and jealousy: How it plays out

    Jealousy is one of the most common—and destructive—traits in a toxic mother-in-law. At the core of this jealousy is often a deep-seated fear of being replaced or losing her influence over her child. This insecurity can manifest in many harmful ways, and if not addressed, it can wreak havoc on your relationship with your spouse.

    A jealous mother-in-law may try to undermine your relationship by constantly comparing herself to you or making passive-aggressive remarks that highlight her perceived superiority. She might criticize your choices, whether it's how you run your household or raise your children, in an attempt to prove that she knows better. This jealousy-driven behavior often aims to push you into a position of feeling inadequate.

    In extreme cases, she might even try to drive a wedge between you and your spouse by creating unnecessary drama or guilt-tripping her child into spending more time with her than with you. This kind of manipulation can lead to serious conflict within your marriage if not properly handled.

    Jealousy in toxic mother-in-laws is often a symptom of their inability to accept their child's independence and the new role their spouse now plays. Recognizing this jealousy for what it is—a form of control—can help you protect your relationship and set the necessary boundaries.

    How to have difficult conversations with a toxic mother-in-law

    Having a tough conversation with a toxic mother-in-law is never easy, but it's sometimes unavoidable. Whether it's addressing her over-involvement, her critical behavior, or her attempts to undermine your marriage, these conversations require careful thought and clear communication.

    Start by being clear about your intentions. Before diving into the conversation, ensure you know exactly what you want to address. Whether it's her constant criticism or disregard for boundaries, being specific helps avoid a conversation that veers off into unrelated topics. This also gives you the chance to prepare your responses ahead of time.

    When addressing her behavior, stay calm and avoid accusations. For instance, instead of saying, “You're always criticizing me,” try framing it as, “I feel hurt when my decisions are constantly questioned.” This keeps the focus on your feelings rather than putting her on the defensive.

    Another key to managing these conversations is setting firm boundaries. Let her know what's acceptable and what isn't, and be prepared to stand your ground. Toxic mother-in-laws are skilled at turning a conversation back on you, but staying focused and clear can prevent her from derailing your message.

    Finally, be prepared for backlash. Toxic individuals don't like being called out, and she might react poorly. However, standing your ground and addressing the issues is necessary for protecting your emotional health and your relationship in the long term. Difficult conversations are uncomfortable, but they are sometimes the only way to break the cycle of toxic behavior.

    Signs your mother-in-law is undermining your marriage

    When a toxic mother-in-law starts undermining your marriage, it can be hard to spot at first. She may not directly attack your relationship, but her actions and words can quietly erode the foundation of trust and communication between you and your spouse. Recognizing these signs early is critical to protecting your relationship.

    One of the most telling signs is that she subtly pits you and your spouse against each other. For example, she might say something to your partner like, “I'm just worried that you're doing too much around the house,” even though it's clear she's hinting that you're not pulling your weight. This creates friction and makes your spouse question whether there's truth to her comment, even if it's based on manipulation.

    Another sign is that she constantly questions or criticizes your decisions as a couple. Whether it's about how you raise your children, how you spend your money, or where you live, her goal is to create doubt and insecurity in your partnership. She may act as though she's giving helpful advice, but the underlying motive is often to sow discord.

    Finally, undermining can take the form of exclusion. If she leaves you out of family plans, speaks only to your partner when making decisions, or acts as if you're an afterthought, it's a clear signal that she doesn't respect your role in the marriage. This can lead to feelings of isolation and resentment, which can drive a wedge between you and your spouse if not addressed.

    Managing family events with a toxic mother-in-law

    Family events can be especially challenging when you have a toxic mother-in-law. Holidays, birthdays, and gatherings that should be joyful often become stressful as you brace yourself for the inevitable drama or passive-aggressive remarks. But with the right strategies, you can manage these events without letting her toxicity ruin the occasion.

    One effective approach is to set expectations in advance. If you know that she tends to stir up trouble or make hurtful comments, have a conversation with your spouse beforehand about how you'll handle the situation together. Having a game plan can help you feel more in control and reduce the likelihood of a major conflict.

    It's also important to limit your interactions during the event. If possible, avoid being alone with her for extended periods. Toxic individuals often take advantage of one-on-one time to criticize or manipulate without others noticing. Sticking to group settings can make it harder for her to target you and can keep the focus on the larger family celebration.

    If she crosses a line during the event, don't hesitate to walk away or take a break. Stepping outside or finding a quiet spot can help you regroup and avoid reacting in the heat of the moment. You don't need to engage with her negativity, especially if it's clear that she's trying to provoke you.

    Finally, after the event, give yourself time to decompress. Dealing with a toxic mother-in-law at family gatherings can be emotionally draining, so make sure to take care of your mental health afterward. Whether it's through talking things out with your partner, taking a relaxing walk, or venting to a friend, find a way to release the stress and reset.

    Setting boundaries for the sake of your relationship

    Setting boundaries with a toxic mother-in-law is one of the most critical steps you can take to protect your relationship. Without clear, established limits, her behavior can start to erode the trust, respect, and peace you and your spouse have worked hard to build. Boundaries act as a shield—not just for you, but for your relationship as a whole, making sure that her toxic patterns don’t penetrate the foundation of your marriage.

    But setting boundaries isn’t always easy. Toxic mother-in-laws are skilled at pushing back and testing limits. This is why you need to be firm and unwavering when communicating what is and isn’t acceptable. For example, if she has a habit of offering unwelcome parenting advice, you might say, “We appreciate your concern, but we’re confident in how we’re raising our children. Please respect our decisions.” This communicates a clear boundary while maintaining respect, but most importantly, it closes the door to further debate.

    Consistency is key. The moment you start wavering on your boundaries or give in “just this once,” you signal that your boundaries are negotiable. Toxic people tend to exploit these cracks, so sticking to your limits, even when it’s uncomfortable, ensures that you and your partner are in control of your relationship, not her.

    Above all, setting boundaries with a toxic mother-in-law should be a team effort. Your spouse must be fully involved and supportive of these boundaries, presenting a united front. A toxic mother-in-law will try to exploit any division between you, so it’s crucial that you and your spouse remain aligned. Together, you can ensure that her actions no longer intrude on your personal space.

    Toxic mother-in-laws and the emotional toll

    The emotional toll of dealing with a toxic mother-in-law is not something to underestimate. The constant criticism, the subtle manipulation, and the way she seems to always put herself between you and your spouse can wear you down, slowly but surely. Toxic behavior doesn’t just happen in a vacuum—it has lasting emotional consequences that can impact your mental health, your self-esteem, and your sense of stability in your marriage.

    Emotionally, you might start feeling a sense of dread every time you know you’ll have to see or speak to her. What should be happy family moments—holidays, dinners, or even simple phone calls—turn into stressful events that leave you feeling drained and upset. This constant stress can even begin to manifest physically, leading to anxiety, insomnia, or even depression over time.

    In the long run, the emotional strain from dealing with a toxic mother-in-law can bleed into your relationship with your spouse. The stress of managing her behavior and the toll it takes on you can lead to arguments, misunderstandings, and feelings of frustration in your marriage. It can be hard to stay connected and communicate effectively when you're constantly feeling undermined or disrespected by someone in your spouse’s life.

    Recognizing the emotional toll early on is key to preventing long-term damage to both your mental health and your marriage. It’s okay to prioritize your well-being, and sometimes that means limiting contact or seeking outside help, like therapy, to process the emotions stirred up by this difficult dynamic. Protecting your emotional health is just as important as setting physical boundaries.


    What should you say to a toxic mother-in-law?

    When speaking to a toxic mother-in-law, it’s important to stay calm and assertive without being confrontational. Frame your concerns around your feelings rather than blaming her. For example, “I feel uncomfortable when my decisions are constantly questioned.” This approach makes it harder for her to twist your words and avoids escalating the situation. Setting clear, respectful boundaries is also key, as it signals that you’re taking control of the dynamic without being aggressive.

    Is it okay to cut off your toxic mother-in-law?

    In some extreme cases, cutting off a toxic mother-in-law might be the healthiest choice. If her behavior is damaging your mental health or seriously harming your relationship, limiting or completely cutting contact could be necessary for your well-being. It’s a deeply personal decision and one that should ideally be made with your partner’s full support. Before reaching this point, it’s worth trying to set firm boundaries and seeking mediation if possible, but ultimately, your peace comes first.

    How to deal with a toxic mother-in-law if you have children?

    When children are involved, the situation becomes more delicate. You want to protect your kids from negativity while maintaining some degree of family harmony. Setting clear boundaries about what kind of behavior is acceptable around your children is essential. If she undermines your parenting or behaves inappropriately in front of them, be clear that this won’t be tolerated. You may also need to limit her interactions with your children if her toxicity becomes harmful to their emotional well-being.

    Can a toxic mother-in-law ruin a relationship?

    Yes, a toxic mother-in-law can ruin a relationship if her behavior goes unchecked. Constant criticism, manipulation, and boundary-pushing can drive a wedge between partners, leading to resentment, arguments, and even the breakdown of trust. It’s crucial for both partners to be on the same page about setting boundaries and protecting their relationship from her toxic influence.

    Is it normal not to like your mother-in-law?

    It’s perfectly normal not to get along with your mother-in-law. Family dynamics can be complex, and not every relationship is going to be perfect. What matters is how you handle the situation. If her behavior is toxic, it’s important to protect your mental and emotional health, even if that means setting boundaries or reducing contact. Don’t feel guilty for not liking someone who consistently undermines or disrespects you.

    How can I tell if my mother-in-law is toxic?

    A toxic mother-in-law will often undermine your relationship, disregard boundaries, and try to control or manipulate situations. Key signs include constant criticism, passive-aggressive comments, creating drama, and making you feel like you’re never good enough. If her behavior consistently leaves you feeling emotionally drained or anxious, it’s likely that she’s toxic.

    What are the effects of having a toxic mother-in-law?

    The effects of a toxic mother-in-law can be far-reaching. Her behavior can lead to stress, anxiety, and strained relationships, not only with your spouse but with other family members as well. Over time, the emotional toll of dealing with a toxic individual can impact your mental health, causing feelings of inadequacy, depression, or chronic stress.

    What can I do to protect myself from a toxic mother-in-law?

    To protect yourself, set firm boundaries and stick to them. Limit interactions where necessary and avoid engaging in arguments or taking her bait when she tries to provoke you. Prioritize your mental health by seeking support from your partner, friends, or a therapist. Remember, you don’t have to endure toxic behavior just because someone is family.

    How can I improve my relationship with my mother-in-law?

    Improving a relationship with a toxic mother-in-law can be challenging but not impossible. Start by setting clear boundaries and communicating your needs respectfully. Find common ground where possible—whether it’s shared interests or experiences—and try to build on that. However, don’t compromise your well-being to win her approval. Improvement may only come if she’s willing to acknowledge her behavior and make changes.

    Recommended Resources

    • Toxic In-Laws: Loving Strategies for Protecting Your Marriage by Susan Forward
    • Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Dr. Henry Cloud
    • Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Dr. Karyl McBride

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