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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    12 Unexpected Traits of Truly Cool People (You Need to Know!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • True coolness is about authenticity.
    • Cool people create their own energy.
    • They are open to new experiences.
    • They inspire confidence in others.
    • Coolness is effortless and natural.

    What Makes Someone Truly Cool?

    When you think of a cool person, what comes to mind? Is it the way they dress, the way they talk, or perhaps the effortless way they seem to navigate through life? While all these factors can play a role, there's something deeper at play that truly defines what it means to be cool. It's not just about appearances; it's about the energy you exude, the way you interact with the world, and how you make others feel in your presence.

    Being cool isn't about following trends or trying to impress others. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Truly cool people are those who are comfortable in their own skin, who set their own standards, and who aren't afraid to walk their own path. They live authentically, embracing both their strengths and flaws. But what are the specific traits that set them apart? Let's dive into what makes someone genuinely cool and why it matters in today's world.

    They Define Their Own Energy

    Cool people don't wait for others to set the tone—they define their own energy. Whether they walk into a room full of strangers or hang out with close friends, they bring a vibe that's entirely their own. This ability to create and maintain their unique energy is what draws others to them. People are naturally attracted to those who are confident and self-assured, and it's this confidence that forms the foundation of their coolness.

    According to Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and author, “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are.” This quote captures the essence of how cool people operate. They aren't trying to fit into a mold or meet external expectations; instead, they are fully themselves, and this authenticity is magnetic.

    In a world where many are quick to conform, cool people stand out by staying true to themselves. They don't need validation from others to feel secure—they know who they are and are comfortable with it. This self-assurance is not only refreshing but also inspiring, encouraging others to embrace their own individuality.

    They Don't Need a Posse

    Confident individual

    Cool people have an inner strength that doesn't rely on the presence of a group. They are comfortable being alone, and this independence is a key aspect of their coolness. While many people might feel the need to surround themselves with a crowd to boost their confidence, truly cool individuals are perfectly content going solo. They don't need a posse to feel validated; their self-worth comes from within.

    This trait is particularly striking in social settings. Have you ever noticed someone who seems completely at ease, even when they're by themselves? That's the hallmark of a cool person. They don't need to be the center of attention or constantly surrounded by friends to feel good about themselves. Instead, they move through life with a sense of self-assuredness that others can't help but admire.

    As American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” This quote resonates deeply with those who don't need a posse—they are true to themselves, regardless of the company they keep.

    They're Open to New Experiences

    One of the defining characteristics of cool people is their openness to new experiences. They don't shy away from the unfamiliar or the unknown. Instead, they embrace it, often with a sense of curiosity and excitement that's contagious. This willingness to step out of their comfort zone is what keeps them constantly evolving and growing.

    Cool people understand that life is full of opportunities to learn, and they're not afraid to take risks to explore what's out there. Whether it's trying a new hobby, meeting new people, or traveling to an unknown place, they dive in headfirst. This openness to new experiences not only broadens their horizons but also enriches their lives in ways that staying in the comfort zone never could.

    This trait isn't just about being adventurous—it's about having a mindset that values growth over comfort. By being open to new experiences, cool people constantly push the boundaries of what they know, which in turn makes them more interesting and dynamic individuals. Their lives are a tapestry of diverse experiences, each one adding depth to their character.

    They Make Things Seem Effortless

    There's something undeniably captivating about people who make everything they do look easy. Whether it's handling a tough situation with grace or pulling off a challenging task with finesse, cool people have a way of making the complex appear simple. This effortless vibe isn't about showing off—it's about being so in tune with who they are and what they do that everything flows naturally.

    We've all seen it: someone walks into a room and instantly commands attention without even trying. It's not because they're loud or demanding, but because they carry themselves with a quiet confidence. This ease isn't something you can fake; it comes from genuine self-assurance and a deep understanding of one's abilities.

    Author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek touches on this concept, saying, “Confidence is not, ‘They will like me.' Confidence is, ‘I'll be fine if they don't.'” This quote perfectly encapsulates the mindset of cool individuals. They don't exert effort to impress others; they simply do what they do best and let the results speak for themselves. This effortless approach is what sets them apart and makes others want to be around them.

    They Have Their Own Swagger

    Swagger is one of those things that's hard to define but instantly recognizable when you see it. It's not just about the way someone walks or talks—it's about the unique flair they bring to everything they do. Cool people have their own swagger, a style that's all their own, and they wear it with pride.

    This swagger isn't about following trends or mimicking others; it's about being true to oneself. Whether it's a distinctive fashion sense, a particular way of speaking, or even the way they interact with others, cool people have a signature style that's unmistakably theirs. It's this individuality that makes them stand out in any crowd.

    Swagger is more than just outward appearance—it's a reflection of inner confidence and self-acceptance. Cool people don't try to be something they're not; they embrace who they are, flaws and all, and this authenticity is what gives them their unique swagger.

    As fashion designer Ralph Lauren once said, “Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.” Cool people understand this difference, and it's why their swagger is timeless. They don't chase after the latest fads; instead, they cultivate a style that's rooted in their own personality and values, making it both enduring and endearing.

    They Don't Judge

    One of the most refreshing traits of truly cool people is their lack of judgment. They don't look down on others or make snap decisions based on superficial impressions. Instead, they approach life with an open mind, recognizing that everyone has their own journey and struggles. This non-judgmental attitude not only makes them more approachable but also creates a safe space for others to be themselves.

    Cool people understand that judgment stems from insecurity. When we judge others, it's often a reflection of our own fears and doubts. By choosing to rise above this, they demonstrate a level of emotional intelligence that's both rare and admirable. They don't need to belittle others to feel good about themselves; they're secure enough in who they are to accept people as they are.

    As Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist, said, “Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge.” Cool people take the time to understand rather than judge, valuing empathy over criticism. This open-hearted approach not only fosters better relationships but also allows them to see the world in a more nuanced and compassionate way.

    They're Holistically Educated

    Education isn't just about textbooks and degrees—it's about a broad understanding of the world, a curiosity to learn, and a willingness to explore different perspectives. Cool people are holistically educated, meaning they draw knowledge from various sources and experiences. They aren't limited by conventional definitions of intelligence or success; instead, they pursue a well-rounded education that includes emotional, social, and cultural awareness.

    This holistic approach to education makes them incredibly versatile. They can hold a conversation on a wide range of topics, from art to science to current events, and they do so with genuine interest and insight. Their education isn't confined to what they learned in school; it's an ongoing process of discovery that continues throughout their lives.

    Holistically educated individuals are also more adaptable. They understand that the world is constantly changing, and they're always ready to learn something new. This adaptability is a key component of their coolness—it allows them to stay relevant and connected in a fast-paced, ever-evolving world.

    “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel,” said Socrates. Cool people embody this philosophy, seeking out experiences and knowledge that ignite their curiosity and passion. They don't just accumulate facts; they seek to understand the world on a deeper level, which in turn makes them more insightful and interesting.

    They Help Others Connect

    One of the most powerful traits of cool people is their ability to bring others together. They have a natural knack for helping people connect, whether it's introducing friends at a party, facilitating discussions, or simply creating an environment where everyone feels included. This isn't about being the life of the party; it's about understanding the value of human connection and knowing how to foster it.

    Cool people recognize that everyone has something valuable to offer, and they make it their mission to ensure those contributions are heard and appreciated. They don't dominate conversations; instead, they listen and engage in a way that makes others feel seen and valued. This talent for connecting people often leads to strong, lasting relationships that are built on mutual respect and understanding.

    Psychologist and author Adam Grant emphasizes the importance of such behavior, stating, “The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed.” Cool people live by this principle, knowing that their influence is best measured by the positive impact they have on others. They don't just build networks; they build communities.

    They Put the Rest of the Room at Ease

    It's one thing to be comfortable in your own skin, but it's another to make others feel comfortable around you. Cool people have a unique ability to put everyone else at ease, no matter the situation. Whether it's a tense meeting or a casual get-together, they have a calming presence that helps to diffuse anxiety and make the environment more relaxed.

    This isn't about being a comedian or a people-pleaser; it's about having a genuine sense of empathy and understanding. Cool people pick up on the emotions of those around them and respond in a way that's reassuring and supportive. They don't force themselves on others or try to dominate the room—instead, they quietly and confidently create an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.

    As author Maya Angelou wisely observed, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Cool people embody this sentiment, focusing not on what they can take from an interaction, but on what they can give. Their ability to put others at ease isn't just a skill; it's a reflection of their character and the way they view the world.

    They Don't Let Their Insecurities Stop Them

    We all have insecurities—those nagging doubts that creep in and make us question our worth or abilities. But what sets cool people apart is how they handle these insecurities. They don't let them hold them back or dictate their actions. Instead, they acknowledge their fears and move forward anyway, understanding that growth comes from facing challenges head-on.

    This doesn't mean they are fearless; rather, it means they are courageous. Cool people understand that it's okay to feel vulnerable, but they don't allow those feelings to paralyze them. They take risks, try new things, and put themselves out there, even when it's uncomfortable. This resilience not only helps them overcome their own insecurities but also inspires others to do the same.

    As the legendary Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Cool people live by this mantra, constantly pushing themselves beyond their comfort zones. They know that the only way to conquer their insecurities is to face them directly, and in doing so, they grow stronger and more confident.

    Life Rarely Fazes Them

    Cool people have an uncanny ability to remain calm and composed, even in the face of life's inevitable ups and downs. It's not that they don't experience stress or disappointment; it's that they've learned how to navigate these challenges without letting them disrupt their equilibrium. Life rarely fazes them because they understand that it's all part of the journey.

    This calm demeanor isn't about suppressing emotions or pretending everything is fine. Rather, it's about maintaining perspective and focusing on what truly matters. Cool people know that setbacks are temporary and that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. They don't dwell on the negative; instead, they look for solutions and move forward with resilience and grace.

    Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius once wrote, “You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” This philosophy is embodied by cool individuals who don't waste energy on things they can't control. Instead, they focus on their response, knowing that true strength comes from within.

    When life throws curveballs, cool people take them in stride. They adapt, adjust, and keep moving forward, unshaken by the inevitable uncertainties that come their way. This resilience is what allows them to not only survive but thrive, no matter what life throws at them.

    They Live For Themselves, Not For Others

    Cool people have a deep understanding of their own values and desires, and they live according to them, not according to what others expect of them. This doesn't mean they're selfish or inconsiderate—quite the opposite. By living authentically and staying true to themselves, they're able to bring their best selves to every situation. They don't feel the need to conform to societal pressures or fit into someone else's mold of who they should be.

    This independence is liberating. When you stop trying to please everyone else and start living for yourself, you discover a sense of freedom that's truly empowering. Cool people understand that their happiness and fulfillment come from within, not from external validation. They make decisions based on what feels right for them, not on what others might think.

    As Steve Jobs famously said, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the mindset of those who live for themselves. They aren't afraid to take the road less traveled, to pursue their passions, and to chart their own course in life. By doing so, they inspire others to do the same, proving that the coolest thing you can be is yourself.

    Finding Fun In Everything

    One of the most delightful traits of cool people is their ability to find fun in almost any situation. They don't take life too seriously, and they're always looking for ways to inject a bit of joy into their day. Whether it's turning a mundane task into a game, laughing at themselves, or simply enjoying the little things, they have a knack for making life more enjoyable for everyone around them.

    This isn't about avoiding responsibilities or being frivolous; it's about maintaining a positive outlook and finding the silver lining in every situation. Cool people know that life is too short to be bogged down by negativity, so they choose to focus on the good and make the most of every moment.

    As Dr. Seuss once said, “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” Cool people embody this sentiment, finding reasons to smile and have fun, even when things don't go as planned. Their infectious positivity not only boosts their own mood but also lifts the spirits of those around them.

    By finding fun in everything, cool people remind us all to not take life too seriously. They show us that joy is a choice and that with the right mindset, even the most ordinary moments can be extraordinary.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
    • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
    • The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday


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