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    Overcoming Self-Criticism and Perfectionism: Techniques for Mental Well-Being


    Self-criticism and perfectionism are tendencies that can have a serious effect on our mental health. Often, we only recognize the negative impacts of self-criticism when these patterns become a source of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Fortunately, there are ways to manage these tendencies to increase mental well-being and reduce or eliminate their impact on our lives. One approach to overcoming self-criticism and perfectionism is to focus on autonomy support.

    What Is Autonomy Support?

    Autonomy support is a type of behavior used to encourage self-initiated action in individuals. It involves recognizing a person’s feelings and views, facilitating choices, and encouraging self-directed behavior. This type of communication and relational dynamics can help people develop internal strength and motivation. Self-initiated behavior helps people take charge of their own lives and make decisions that promote their own growth and well-being.

    How Autonomy Support Reduces the Effects of Self-Criticism and Perfectionism

    By providing autonomy support, we can strengthen our sense of self-determination and foster a more positive attitude towards life. The feelings of self-confidence and self-respect that come with autonomy can mitigate the effects of self-criticism and perfectionism. Through increased internal strength, we are better equipped to handle challenging situations and manage our emotions.

    Autonomy support also reduces the development of avoidance-oriented cognitive strategies and helps us connect to our understanding of our own past experiences in order to make decisions from a more informed perspective. This type of insight helps us understand our individual needs, values, and desires, as well as consider how our current behaviors are impacting our sense of self-worth. By considering this information and using it to form decisions, we can break away from self-defeating behavior patterns and make choices that can positively contribute to our overall mental health and well-being.

    Techniques for Applying Autonomy Support in Your Daily Life

    Though it may not be easy to begin applying autonomy support into our daily lives, several helpful techniques can aid us in doing so. Here are some ideas to get you started:

    • Acknowledge Your Feelings: It’s important to take the time to acknowledge your feelings and thoughts when dealing with self-criticism and perfectionism. Taking the time to sit with and process your negative emotions prevents them from lying dormant and hiding out of sight. Making it an active practice to interact with your inner dialogue can help you understand and distinguish which thought patterns should be maintained and which should be discarded.

    • Engage with Others: Staying connected to others has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health. Make an effort to engage in positive communication and exchanges with others. Oftentimes, when we reach out to connect with others, our communication skills improve, we feel a greater sense of connection to our peers, and we can build a stronger foundation of self-esteem through positive relationships.

    • Take Some Time for Yourself: Taking time to ground and recenter yourself is essential to maintaining your mental health. Use this time to practice relaxation techniques and engage in activities that bring you joy. This could look like yoga, journaling, a hot bath, going for a walk in nature, meditation, or engaging in creative pursuits. However, find the activities that work best for you and make sure to incorporate these into your routine.

    • Set Boundaries: Establishing clear and respectful boundaries is a crucial component of autonomy support. These boundaries can be with other people or within yourself, setting a limit on expectations and responsibilities. Boundaries allow us to take ownership of our own lives, allowing us to create space to be our authentic selves while still maintaining respectful relationships with those around us.

    Self-criticism and perfectionism can have a profound effect on our mental health, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Autonomy support can be a beneficial practice for reducing the impact of self-criticism and increasing mental well-being. Acknowledging feelings, engaging in meaningful relationships, taking time for ourselves and setting boundaries are all practices that can be applied to our daily lives in order to support autonomy and manage self-criticism.

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