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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Nowhere to Go But Up: Strategies for Tackling Your Loneliness

    You’re lonely. Everyone faces moments when they feel overwhelmed with their own thoughts and cut off from the people around them. It’s a feeling that can sneak up on you in the night hours, like a tempest that casts a heavy blanket of silence around you. Loneliness can be paralyzing, even heartbreaking. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

    There are strategies for improving your sense of well-being and connection, even when life’s curves and surprises leave you feeling isolated. You don’t have to go through this alone—in fact, you have more options than being alone. Here’s how to start making progress on your journey away from loneliness.

    Reach Out

    If anyone has ever told you “it’s always best to reach out,” there’s truth in that statement. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or classmate, find someone you feel comfortable talking to about your struggles. It can be hard to make the first move, but remember—you are not a burden. In fact, by reaching out for help, you’re taking a brave step towards healing and self-care. Plus, there’s no rule that says you need to be one hundred percent vulnerable right away; start small and work your way up to bigger conversations.

    Pick someone you trust, as having support and understanding is crucial on your road to recovery. Then, watch how your connections can change overtime. You’ll be surprised to see how developing relationships create exciting opportunities.

    Make Connections

    Finding a community of other like-minded people can yield a big payoff. An engaged network offers diverse perspectives, and ultimately strengthens your individual sense of belonging.

    Social media is a great place to start. Not only can it help you find hobby boards and interest groups, but it also allows you to connect with people all over the world who share similar backgrounds and experiences. Building connections does not depend on physical proximity; technology allows us to extend our reach beyond geography. And if building those connections online feels too daunting to you at first, know that there are plenty of ways to get the ball rolling in your real-world context too.

    Think about the individuals in your surroundings; look for friends in your workplace, people in your classes, or neighbors you’ve yet to meet. Don’t underestimate the validating power of a welcoming smile or kind conversation. Through investing in new settings and exploring personal interests, you can rediscover relationships or stumble across new ones. The possibilities are endless!

    Put Yourself First

    Being with yourself doesn’t have to be daunting. While socializing and connecting can help alleviate feelings of loneliness, it’s important to take time for introspection. Exercising self-care practices like journaling, meditating, and engaging in creative endeavors often leads to less intense “lonely” times. Take the time to do something positive for your mental wellbeing, like getting enough sleep or going on a walk.

    Through sparkle and stillness, challenge yourself to reframe moments of loneliness so they become moments to center yourself and recalibrate your thoughts. When emotions come alive, practice mindfulness and remain curious. Engaging in tender awareness can be a way to heal, express emotion, and learn to cope with hard times.

    Finally, support your chosen path with tangible commitments: treat yourself to a movie, sign up for a yoga class, dedicate a few hours a week to volunteering, or whatever else genuinely interests you. Making little efforts over time will prove to be beneficial.

    The journey is just beginning; it will be covered with both successes and disappointments. As loneliness often leaves us with an overwhelming sense of helplessness, it’s crucial to remember that there are still powerful steps we can take together. Everyone has something to offer, so don’t forget to offer yours.

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