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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Is TikTok Harming Our Cognitive Abilities?

    In today's fast-paced digital world, social media has become a ubiquitous force in the lives of people around the globe. From Facebook to Twitter, it has not only brought friends, family, and strangers closer together in ways never before imagined, but it has also changed the way we think, act, and interact significantly. Despite many benefits these services bring to both our personal, professional, and public lives, there are numerous drawbacks associated with them as well; one such platform that has come under particular scrutiny for its negative effects is TikTok. The billion user-strong social media app is widely used among young people and has been thrust into the spotlight recently due to its rumoured cognitive harms. But how true are these assertions?

    The human brain is an immensely powerful organ that can take in vast amounts of information at any given time and manipulate it to learn new skills and derive meaning from the world around us. however, what we do and how we think is mediated heavily by our environment. With that being said, there are plenty of schools of thought regarding the effects of TikTok on our minds; some claim that it can have real detrimental cognitive impacts for those invested in the app too deeply, while others argue that these are merely baseless allegations. To answer this question definitively and accurately, we must look at both sides of the argument and assess whether or not there really is cause for concern.

    To some, immediately springs to mind the fact that apps like TikTok have put a spotlight on shorter attention spans when consuming media content. In particular, the format of short skit videos on the app—plus the personalized algorithm which caters to viewing preference—make it difficult for users to pay attention to anything longer than a few minutes before moving elsewhere or "swiping away" to another clip altogether. For those who browse this type of content regularly and habitually, it could likely be argued that their concentration spans and overall cognition could be negatively impacted over time. Indeed, anecdotal evidence from psychologists suggests that users may become more easily distracted having adjusted to the lightning-quick cycle of content consumption (and often forgetting having seen or taken in any information).

    On the other hand, those who support TikTok observe that the app does indeed provide educational opportunities for users. Videos about foreign countries, languages, scientifically facts, historical events, and other topics that can increase knowledge have been present on the platform for some time now. Moreover, it often serves as an inspiring platform where content creators share advice and motivate followers to pursue dreams and goals along with providing fun content that stimulates both creativity as well as social connections- all of this does contribute to our cognitive ability.

    Regardless of which perspective one holds on this issue though, something both sides agree on is the importance of maintaining moderate usage habits when it comes to these types of platforms. The notion stands that it should not be used in excess day or night as mentioned previously short attention spans could lead to reduced concentration and increased distractions; if one were to commit too much time whilst browsing through content, they will likely suffer cognitively as a result. Similarly if someone watches too much informative clips they will find it extremely hard to sort through information during exams or workplace assessments as they become accustomed solely to periodic brief pieces of data rather than detailed and well-structured presentations. Therefore finding the right balance between moderation and consumption is essential in order to maintain a healthy relationship with one's auditory senses and cognitive state alike.

    Based on the available evidence about the effects of using TikTok excessively on our cognition we can tentatively conclude that there is indeed some cause for concern; however, it should be clarified that this applies primarily to those who spend far too much time lost in the dizzying array of brief clips found online. Much like any other aspect of our behaviour, thoughtful consideration and moderation are key when engaging with such digital platforms so as maintain a healthy relationship with technology and keep our mental faculties sharp.

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