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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Worried by Worry: Overcoming Anxiety and Stress

    As humans, we can often feel overwhelmed and also confused by our own emotions. We experience emotions like sadness and anger, but perhaps one of the most confusing and troubling of all emotions is worry. It is true that worry is a natural reaction to complex challenges and difficult situations in life, however, if left unchecked, our fear and worries can become overwhelming.

    Have you ever felt so overwhelmed and stressed out that you weren't sure why it was happening or how to make it stop? Do you find yourself isolated in your room, worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet? Do you ever feel panicked, helpless and stuck in a cycle of worrying without knowing how to break it?

    If the answer is yes then you are not alone. Experiencing excessive worrying is a common sign of an anxiety disorder. It is important to recognize the signs of anxiety so that it doesn’t take over control of our lives. Unfortunately, an anxiety disorder can develop without us realizing it, gradually leading to a more severe impact on our mental health and general well-being.

    Anxiety affects everybody differently, as there can be many triggers and causes that bring on overwhelming stress or worry. Whether it's obsessive thoughts or fear of judgement or pressure at work or other issues outside of our control, it is common to experience worry, fear and stress at some point in our lives. So recognizing those triggers and possible sources of worry is essential to helping manage the effects of anxiety.

    Here are few tips to help you cope with anxiety and reduce stress in your daily life:

    1. Acknowledge and Talk About Your Feelings

    Talking about your feelings is one of the most effective ways to cope with anxiety and stress, as it allows us to make sense of what we feel and accept it better. Each time you feel overwhelmed by your emotions and worries, try writing down your thoughts enabling you to observe your worries from a different perspective. It helps to then talk these thoughts over with someone you trust whether it be a friend, family member or mental health practitioner. Once we have identified our anxieties, it can give us the tools to work through them and understand them better.

    2. Practicing Mindful Techniques

    Mindfulness is being aware of and accepting how we feel in any moment without judgement. Practicing mindfulness acts as a way of helping to become more attuned to our environments and the energy around us. As a result, by being mindful we can teach ourselves to cultivate healthy behaviors. Mindful exercises such as meditating, practicing yoga or listening to music can help us to find moments of peace and tranquility, allowing us to reset and ground ourselves.

    3. Prioritize Self-Care

    Self-care can mean different things for different people. Regardless, it is important to make time for activities that nurture our mental health and self-esteem. This could involve going on walks in nature, treats like bubble baths or getting into a hobby such as sewing or painting. Having time to switch off or practice leisurely activities can help you to take a break from all the stresses and pressures of daily life.

    4. Build a Support System

    Reaching out and building a support system is essential to overcoming anxiety and stress. Connecting with friends and family can act as a positive distraction and allow us to connect or reconnect with important relationships. Building strong and supportive relationships can also provide a form of aid during tough times and help to restore our confidence and well-being.

    These tips will hopefully give you a place to start for managing your worries and stress levels. Remember that it is perfectly normal to experience anxiety, and with the right steps and therapy, anxiety can be managed and conquered.

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