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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Slaying the Enigmatic Anxiety Monster at Work

    Everyone knows how it feels to drag their feet through a never-ending workday with an eerie feeling that nothing will change. The office coffee is lukewarm, the same old monotonous tasks that need to be done, the stressful deadlines looming over the horizon—it’s almost as if your body has been taken hostage by an enigmatic anxiety monster that won’t let you go. Too often, we are our own biggest enemies when it comes to pursuing our dreams and reclaiming happiness.

    It can be challenging to admit that, instead of blaming the world for our woes, we're the ones who cage ourselves in coiled self-doubt and fragile hopes. In times like this, it’s crucial to just stop, take a deep breath, and accept that anxiety can have a grip over our lives. The most effective strategy to conquer the anxiously gnawing monster isn’t to suppress or ignore it—but to embrace it.

    Once we recognize the true culprit of our struggle, we can begin the process of slaying it. The first step should be regaining control of our emotions. This can be done by being consciously aware of how you’re feeling in the moment, and then noticing any counterproductive patterns of worry. Our mind is like turbulent waves on the surface of the ocean—billowing tides and powerful currents. When overwhelmed by strong emotions, it’s important to stay calm and channel inner strength to still the rough waters. Acknowledging and accepting our emotions, while maintaining composure, provides a stepping stone forward.

    The next step is focusing on what we can and cannot control in the situation. We can’t change the fact that some people are difficult to work with, or that some clients can be unpredictable, but we can change how much importance we assign to these external factors. If a particularly challenging project has become too overwhelming for one person, ask for help and create reasonable goals. Further, if a colleague or a clique at work causes distress, practice going beyond rational thinking and start problem solving from within. Ask yourself what kind of support do you need in that moment, and take action in order to create solutions.

    Third and most importantly, invest in your personal growth and development. There’s no need to plunge headfirst with unnecessary haste, and it’s essential not to sacrifice sobriety, balance and ambition. Put yourself first and learn to balance a healthy diet, plenty of rest, and occasional indulging in time for yourself. Practice mindfulness and keep reminding yourself to focus on the basics: the joy of simply being alive, the pleasant experience of sharing those moments with close ones, the accomplishment of creating meaningful and lasting achievements.

    Finally, strive to lead a purposeful life. Find out what type of experiences appeal to your imagination, activate your creativity and nourish your spirit. Start working towards developing new habits and skills that supplement your qualities. If something doesn't seem quite right, don’t be discouraged and give yourself permission to fail—bounce right back up, with a newfound understanding and inner powers to face whatever else lies ahead.

    Although the anxiety monster may continue to lurk around, it will no longer have the power to completely drown us. We've regained the agency to face our imperfections as unique individuals—acknowledging them without fear, yet refusing to be forever bound by them. With a little bit of empathy and a sprinkle of compassion towards ourselves, we can reclaim our happy workplace, no matter the circumstances!

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