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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Advance Your Marriage with Technology

    Technology has become such an integral part of our lives that it is no wonder couples are starting to turn to it to help their marriage. Whether it's the tools to help streamline tasks and communication or the ability to stay connected with friends and family, technology can be used to help manage all the aspects of our marriages.

    One way to use technology to help manage marriage is to use it to manage day-to-day activities. For example, using a grocery list app and shopping together can help manage schedules, budgets and daily errands. This is especially important for couples who both have busy lives; having the extra assistance of a technology tool can save time, energy and resources for when couples can actually spend quality time together.

    Using technology can also help couples stay connected when life gets hectic. Could be messaging, texting, or video chatting when miles apart: technology can help out spouses stay in touch despite any geographic obstacles. Where couples once had to rely on traditional mail to stay connected, today they have a variety of options, from dedicated apps to Skype. This makes it easier to stay involved with each other’s lives and stay connected even while only miles or continents apart.

    Technology can also be used to help couples anticipate and prevent marital problems. With the different available tools, like personalized relationship calendars, couples can easily set and keep track of dates, schedule events, and record messages for special occasions. Some tools provide reminders of special moments, others monitor relationship patterns, and all give couples the opportunity to enter important information that can help them identify any issues that might be causing tension in the relationship.

    Basic tech tools can also prevent the small stuff from ballooning into something bigger. Ever have an argument because one person forgot to do something? When the couple starts using electronics like shared calendars, to-do lists or reminder apps, these potential moments of conflict decrease significantly. Use of these tools is not just practical, but can also help keep preferences, details, and needs better sorted, organized and remembered in the long run.

    Making use of basic tech tools can help couples navigate their marriage with ease. Making sure to remain mindful of each other's needs and avoiding everyday sources of stress can preserve the health of the marriage and help couples better understand each other’s thinking and expectations. Technology can be used to facilitate those everyday conversations that can be easy to permit to fall prey to life’s hustle and bustle.

    There are some precautions couples should consider when using technology. One should always consider privacy and security, and be informed of the safety measures and any tracking applications available. Encryption and two-factor authentication are essential security measures for anyone who wishes to use tech within their marriage. Technology can become an excellent resource for couples to take advantage of, however ahead of diving in one should make sure it doesn’t jeopardize the safety and comfort level of themselves or their partner.

    Technology is increasingly becoming a staple in helping couples manage their marriage. From staying connected to preventing arguments, making use of tech tools can help couples keep their relationship balanced, healthy and happy. While there is a certain level of risk associated with technology, if used mindfully it can become an incredibly useful tool to support the marriage.

    Tag: Technology, Marriage, Communication, Safety

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