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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    19 Loving Ways to Romance Your Husband (He'll Love #5)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Show love through small gestures
    • Plan intentional romantic moments
    • Listen and understand his needs
    • Create cozy and intimate times
    • Support his hobbies and interests

    How to Be Romantic with Your Husband

    Romance isn't reserved for the beginning of a relationship; it's a constant commitment. Sometimes, we get caught up in routines and responsibilities, but romance can thrive when we make it a priority. It's all about finding small ways to show appreciation, passion, and connection. Romance doesn't have to be extravagant—it's the thought and effort that counts.

    Whether it's leaving a thoughtful note on the kitchen counter, planning a surprise date, or just wearing his favorite perfume, these small acts of affection can reignite the spark. Let's dive into how we can keep the love alive in our marriages with easy, practical, and heartfelt ideas.

    Why Romance is Crucial in Marriage

    It's easy to overlook the importance of romance when life gets busy, but it's essential for a thriving marriage. Romance keeps the emotional connection strong and adds an element of excitement and playfulness to the relationship. According to Dr. John Gottman, the presence of small, positive interactions during everyday life is one of the most significant factors in long-lasting love.

    Romantic gestures remind your husband that he's loved and appreciated. When both partners make an effort to keep the romance alive, it creates a deeper emotional bond. Esther Perel, renowned relationship expert, says, “Sustaining desire requires effort. It's about being curious, being playful, and staying present in the relationship.” And that effort doesn't have to be difficult—it's about showing love in ways that resonate with your husband.

    Understanding Your Husband's Love Language

    understanding love

    Every person has their own unique way of expressing and receiving love, and this is where love languages come into play. Understanding how your husband feels loved will make your romantic gestures more impactful. Dr. Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages theory identifies five key ways people experience love: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

    For example, if your husband's love language is Words of Affirmation, he'll feel most loved when you express your feelings through compliments or kind words. On the other hand, if his love language is Physical Touch, he may appreciate hugs, cuddles, or even a simple hand-hold. Knowing this helps you show your love in the way that matters most to him. It's about aligning your efforts with what truly speaks to his heart.

    1. Tell Him What You Love About Him

    Words are powerful, and telling your husband exactly what you love about him is one of the easiest yet most meaningful ways to romance him. You might admire his strength, his humor, or his dedication to the family. Don't just keep it to yourself—let him know! Be specific. Maybe it's how he always makes your morning coffee just right or how he lights up a room with his presence.

    When you take the time to express these feelings, it makes him feel valued and appreciated. According to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, couples who regularly affirm each other's qualities build stronger emotional bonds. The act of recognizing and sharing your appreciation keeps the love fresh and fuels deeper connection.

    2. Create Cozy Moments Together

    There's something incredibly intimate about spending quiet, cozy moments together. Life can be chaotic, but creating time for those warm, peaceful evenings can work wonders for your relationship. Picture the two of you wrapped in a blanket on the couch, maybe sipping on hot chocolate, and simply enjoying each other's company. It doesn't have to be a grand event—it's about being present together, without distractions.

    Cozy moments help build a sense of security and comfort in your relationship. These moments of closeness are where you can reconnect on a deeper level, without the noise of the outside world. Whether you're talking, watching a movie, or simply sitting in silence, this shared space becomes a place to recharge emotionally together. These little pockets of intimacy strengthen your bond over time.

    3. Plan a Special Date Night

    In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, planning a date night can easily fall by the wayside. But don't underestimate the power of setting aside a special evening just for the two of you. It's an opportunity to step out of the regular routine, dress up, and create new memories together. Whether it's dining at a fancy restaurant, having a picnic under the stars, or even a fun activity like bowling, what matters most is the intentional time spent focused on each other.

    Dr. Terri Orbuch, author of The 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great, emphasizes the importance of novelty in relationships. She explains, “Trying new things together keeps the relationship exciting and brings couples closer.” By planning a date night, you're not only setting aside quality time, but you're also creating an environment where excitement and love can thrive. So, get creative and make it a night to remember!

    4. Surprise Him with a Love Note

    There's something timeless and heartfelt about a handwritten love note. In the digital age, where everything is instant and fleeting, a simple love note can make a huge impact. Tuck a small note into his briefcase, wallet, or leave it on the bathroom mirror for him to find. It doesn't have to be long or poetic—it just needs to come from the heart.

    You can tell him how much you appreciate him, or remind him of a sweet memory the two of you share. Even a quick “I love you” can brighten his entire day. As Dr. Sue Johnson, the creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy, says, “Small moments of emotional connection can have a lasting impact.” These gestures help reinforce your bond and show him that he's always on your mind.

    5. Embark on an Adventure Together

    Every relationship benefits from a bit of adventure. Stepping out of your daily routine and experiencing something new together adds excitement and brings you closer. Whether it's planning a weekend getaway, going on a hiking trip, or trying out a new activity like kayaking or cooking a new recipe together, these shared adventures create lasting memories.

    Not only do adventures create fun stories, but they also help build trust and teamwork in your relationship. You might even discover new things about each other along the way. The joy of these shared experiences deepens your emotional connection and gives you both something to look back on with a smile. So, pack a bag, embrace the unknown, and enjoy the journey!

    6. Encourage Him to Have a Guys' Night Out

    While spending time together is important, giving your husband the space to enjoy time with his friends is equally essential. Encouraging him to have a guys' night out shows that you respect his need for independence and connection outside of the marriage. It can be refreshing for him to bond with his friends, share laughs, and blow off some steam.

    Healthy relationships thrive on a balance of time spent together and apart. When your husband has the opportunity to recharge and have fun with his friends, he often returns to the relationship feeling more fulfilled and energized. Supporting this can lead to a stronger, more resilient partnership, where both of you feel valued and understood.

    7. Give Him Time to Unwind

    After a long day, sometimes all your husband needs is a little time to decompress. Whether it's watching his favorite TV show, reading a book, or just sitting in silence for a bit, allowing him this space to unwind can work wonders for his mental health. We all need those quiet moments to relax and reset, and when you encourage this, you're showing empathy and understanding for his needs.

    According to Dr. Laurie Santos, a Yale professor and expert in well-being, taking time to relax is essential for both mental and emotional health. She says, “Regular relaxation reduces stress and helps people feel more capable of handling life's challenges.” So, when you support your husband's need for downtime, you're contributing to a more peaceful and balanced home life for both of you.

    8. Get Your Endorphins Flowing Together

    One of the best ways to bond with your husband is through physical activity. Whether it's going for a run together, hitting the gym, or even dancing in the living room, getting your endorphins flowing as a couple can boost your connection. Exercise releases those feel-good hormones, and doing it together adds an element of teamwork and shared accomplishment.

    Not only does this improve physical health, but it also strengthens emotional intimacy. Research shows that couples who work out together often feel more satisfied in their relationship. Dr. Theresa DiDonato, a social psychologist, mentions, “Engaging in challenging activities with your partner can enhance feelings of attraction and connection.” So, find an activity you both enjoy and make it a fun part of your routine!

    9. Wear Something He Loves

    Sometimes, it's the small, thoughtful gestures that can have the biggest impact. Wearing something you know your husband loves—whether it's his favorite color, a dress he's complimented, or even a cozy sweater—shows him you care about his preferences. It's a simple way to let him know you're thinking about him and want to make him happy.

    These little efforts to be intentional in how you present yourself can reignite the spark between you. It's not about dressing up all the time, but about showing you're mindful of what makes him feel special. After all, romance is about the details, and this is an easy way to keep the excitement alive in your relationship.

    10. Flirt with Him Secretly

    Flirting doesn't have to end just because you're married. In fact, keeping that playful energy alive can help maintain the spark in your relationship. Secret flirting adds an element of fun and mystery to your marriage. Send him a cheeky text when he's at work, give him a flirty smile across the dinner table, or whisper something sweet in his ear when no one's watching. These little moments of flirtation remind him of the excitement you had when you first started dating.

    Dr. Esther Perel, a relationship expert, often emphasizes the importance of keeping curiosity and excitement alive in long-term relationships. She says, “Desire needs mystery and playfulness to thrive.” So don't be afraid to flirt with your husband—those small, unexpected gestures can keep the flame burning bright.

    11. Listen Actively to Him

    One of the most romantic things you can do for your husband is to truly listen when he talks. We're not just talking about hearing him, but actively listening—engaging with what he's saying, asking questions, and showing empathy. Active listening builds emotional intimacy and lets him know that his thoughts and feelings matter to you.

    In a study conducted by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, couples who practice active listening report higher levels of relationship satisfaction. It's about creating a space where your husband feels heard and valued. The next time he shares something with you, put aside distractions, maintain eye contact, and make an effort to understand what he's saying. This simple act of attentiveness can deepen your bond in meaningful ways.

    12. Show Genuine Interest in His Hobbies

    Hobbies are often a big part of who we are, and when you take the time to show genuine interest in your husband's hobbies, it can strengthen your connection. Whether he's into sports, music, gaming, or woodworking, joining him in his interests—or simply showing curiosity—can mean the world to him. You don't have to become an expert in his favorite activities, but your effort to engage demonstrates that you care about what makes him happy.

    This doesn't mean faking enthusiasm—authentic interest is key. Ask questions, join him for an afternoon, or simply watch him in action. According to Dr. John Gottman, “Shared activities and interests are one of the cornerstones of long-term happiness in relationships.” Even if you don't share his passion, supporting him in it will help you grow closer.

    13. Plan a Fun Game Day

    If your husband is competitive or enjoys a good challenge, planning a game day can be a great way to bond. Whether it's a friendly board game, video games, or even an outdoor sport, tapping into his playful side will bring a sense of fun and joy to your relationship. Plus, who doesn't love a little friendly competition to spice things up?

    Make it a day where you both can unwind, laugh, and enjoy each other's company. You could even plan a double date with friends and add a social element to the mix. A fun game day takes the pressure off, allowing you to focus on having a great time together. It's about sharing laughter, banter, and creating positive memories that will stay with you both for years to come.

    14. Wear His Favorite Fragrance

    Scent is deeply tied to memory and emotion. Wearing your husband's favorite fragrance can evoke fond memories and make him feel even more connected to you. Maybe it's the perfume you wore when you first met, or a scent he's complimented before. When you wear it, you're creating an unspoken connection—a sensory reminder of your bond.

    It's a simple gesture, but powerful. A familiar scent can transport him back to special moments you've shared, bringing a warm sense of nostalgia. As author and neurologist Dr. Alan Hirsch explains, “Smell has a unique ability to evoke emotionally charged memories, more so than any other sense.” So, the next time you want to add a little romance, just spritz on that favorite fragrance and let it work its magic.

    15. Cook His Favorite Meal

    The old saying goes that the way to someone's heart is through their stomach, and there's truth to that. Cooking your husband's favorite meal is a thoughtful way to show love and appreciation. It doesn't have to be fancy—it's about the care and attention you put into preparing something that makes him happy. Whether it's a homemade pasta dish or his go-to comfort food, the effort you put into making something just for him speaks volumes.

    Plus, sharing a delicious meal together creates an opportunity for quality time. Light some candles, set the table, and enjoy the moment. As relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman explains in his book, The Five Love Languages, “Acts of Service, such as cooking a meal, can be a powerful way to express love and commitment.” So grab the apron and make dinner a memorable experience!

    16. Watch a Romantic Movie Together

    Sometimes, the simplest moments are the most meaningful. Cuddling up and watching a romantic movie together can be a wonderful way to reconnect. It's not just about the film itself—it's about the shared experience of relaxing, laughing, or even shedding a tear together. Grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and get cozy for a movie night that will leave you both feeling closer.

    Pick a film that you know will resonate with both of you. Maybe it's a classic you watched when you were dating or a new one you've both been curious about. Studies show that watching romantic movies together can help strengthen emotional bonds by fostering empathy and shared feelings. So go ahead, pick that love story, and enjoy the warmth it brings to your relationship.

    17. Compliment His Good Looks

    Everyone loves to feel attractive, and your husband is no different. Complimenting his good looks boosts his confidence and lets him know that you still find him attractive, even after years together. Whether it's commenting on how great he looks in a certain outfit or how his smile lights up the room, these small affirmations can have a big impact.

    Make it genuine—he'll appreciate it more if he knows your compliments are heartfelt. Compliments don't just make him feel good; they also strengthen the emotional connection between the two of you. As Dr. John Gottman's research on relationships shows, expressing admiration and affection is a critical component of a healthy and lasting marriage. So, don't be shy—tell him just how handsome he is!

    18. Shower Him with Affection

    Physical affection is one of the most direct ways to show love and appreciation. Whether it's a hug when he comes home from work, a kiss on the cheek in the morning, or holding hands while walking, these simple gestures of affection go a long way. They help remind your husband that you care and are still physically connected, even in the midst of a busy life.

    Affection is about more than just physical touch—it's about creating moments of connection throughout the day. Dr. Sue Johnson, a leader in the field of relationship psychology, emphasizes the importance of physical closeness in strengthening emotional bonds. She says, “Physical touch fosters a sense of security and reassurance.” So, shower him with those little touches and watch your relationship grow even stronger.

    19. Appreciate His Efforts for the Family

    It's easy to overlook all the things your husband does to support the family, especially when life gets busy. Taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate his efforts—whether he's working long hours, helping with the kids, or taking care of the household—can make him feel valued and seen. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in showing him that his hard work doesn't go unnoticed.

    Appreciation fosters a positive environment in your relationship. When you express gratitude for what he does, it motivates him to continue being supportive and engaged. Dr. Terri Orbuch, a marriage expert, explains that “expressing appreciation can significantly enhance relationship satisfaction and emotional well-being.” Let him know that his efforts matter, and it will deepen your bond as partners and as a family.


    How can I be romantic in small ways?

    Romance doesn't always have to be grand gestures. Small acts of love can be just as meaningful. Leave a sweet note for him to find, give him a quick kiss before heading out, or send him a thoughtful text during the day. Even simple gestures like preparing his favorite coffee in the morning or offering a back rub after a long day show that you care. These little moments build up over time and keep the romantic flame burning in your marriage.

    How often should I plan a romantic evening?

    There's no set rule for how often you should plan romantic evenings—it depends on your schedule and what feels right for your relationship. However, making time for a special evening at least once a month can help keep your connection strong. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Whether it's a candlelit dinner at home or a walk in the park, the key is setting aside time for just the two of you. Regularly nurturing your relationship ensures that you remain close and engaged as a couple.

    What if my husband isn't romantic?

    If your husband isn't naturally romantic, that's okay. Not everyone expresses love in the same way, and that's where understanding each other's love languages becomes essential. While he may not shower you with traditional romantic gestures, he might show his love in other ways—like acts of service or being emotionally supportive. Encourage him by sharing what makes you feel loved and appreciated, and be patient. Sometimes, leading by example with your own romantic efforts can inspire him to reciprocate in his own unique way.

    Recommended Resources

    • The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson
    • The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman

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