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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    17 Negative Body Language Cues (That Show Marital Unhappiness)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Body language reveals hidden emotions.
    • Unhappy couples show less eye contact.
    • Cold hugs indicate emotional distance.
    • Rolling eyes signals contempt.
    • Lack of empathy strains connection.

    What is body language?

    Body language is the silent form of communication we all use—whether we realize it or not. It's the way our bodies express feelings and emotions without words. From the angle of a head tilt to the movement of hands, body language speaks volumes. But here's the thing, we don't just listen to what people say; we're always reading their non-verbal cues, sometimes even more than their words.

    When we're talking about relationships, especially marriages, body language is critical. Over time, couples develop their own way of connecting, and body language is a huge part of that. It shows how people truly feel about each other, especially when words fail. The gestures, facial expressions, and physical distance between partners can either strengthen their bond—or reveal cracks in the foundation.

    How do you know if a married couple is unhappy?

    There are subtle, but telling signs that can show when a marriage is unraveling. Often, it's not the arguments or lack of communication that first alert us—it's the non-verbal cues, the silent signals that something is wrong. And the hard truth is that body language is often more honest than words. Have you ever seen a couple sitting together but not really together? It's in the way they don't look at each other, how their bodies seem to push away rather than lean in.

    In an unhappy marriage, these signs can become all too familiar. Lack of eye contact, physical distance, and even small gestures like sighing when the other person speaks—all these cues add up. When the connection fades, the body often speaks first, long before the couple can even articulate what's going wrong.

    1. No longer make eye contact

    no eye contact

    Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of non-verbal communication in a relationship. When you love someone, your gaze naturally seeks them out. But when that connection starts to fade, so does the eye contact. Couples who are unhappy often stop looking into each other's eyes—not just during arguments, but even in casual conversations. You may start to notice one or both partners avoiding eye contact, looking away, or down when they speak to each other. This avoidance speaks volumes, saying, "I don't want to see you, or be seen by you."

    It's a clear sign of discomfort, distrust, or emotional withdrawal. When the eyes no longer seek each other, it's like the heart has started to shut the door on intimacy. In unhappy marriages, the lack of eye contact becomes a daily occurrence. A simple gaze that once brought warmth now brings awkwardness or tension.

    2. They're all out of love

    When the love fades, it doesn't vanish overnight, but it starts showing in small ways. You can tell a couple is out of love not just by what they say—or don't say—but by how they behave around each other. In an unhappy marriage, the warmth, affection, and those small, loving gestures slowly disappear. The spontaneous hugs, sweet touches, or playful nudges are replaced with distance and indifference.

    Being "all out of love" isn't just about the absence of affection; it's about the absence of effort. In a healthy marriage, couples make a conscious effort to show love, even during hard times. But in an unhappy relationship, this effort stops. It's like both partners have given up, resigned to living together in an emotional void. The marriage becomes mechanical—just two people existing side by side without the love that once held them together.

    3. The hugs are cold and non-yielding

    There's a stark difference between a warm, loving hug and one that feels like an obligation. In unhappy marriages, the hugs lose their magic. What used to be a comforting embrace now feels cold, distant, and forced. It's no longer a hug that says "I'm here for you" but one that feels like a chore. You might notice that when you hug your partner, their arms remain stiff, their body rigid. It's a non-verbal message that they aren't emotionally present.

    Hugs are intimate gestures, a way for couples to connect without words. But when the emotional bond begins to crumble, these moments of connection turn hollow. Instead of feeling safe and loved in each other's arms, you feel a wall between you. The coldness of their touch echoes the emotional distance growing between you.

    4. You talk to your partner, and they roll their eyes

    Eye-rolling may seem like a small, dismissive gesture, but in reality, it's a powerful sign of contempt. When your partner rolls their eyes while you're talking, it's as if they're saying, "I'm not interested in what you have to say." This gesture shows not only a lack of respect but also signals frustration and disdain. It's a sign that your words don't carry value in their eyes, which is deeply damaging to any relationship, especially in marriage.

    Contempt is one of the most destructive emotions in a relationship. According to Dr. John Gottman, an expert in marriage and relationships, contempt is one of the leading predictors of divorce. When your partner dismisses your feelings or thoughts with an eye roll, they are essentially rejecting you emotionally. It's more than just an annoying habit—it's a red flag that needs attention before the relationship deteriorates further.

    5. Sighing while talking to you

    Sighing may seem like a small, insignificant act, but when it happens repeatedly in conversations, it speaks volumes. A deep, audible sigh can feel like a verbal slap in the face, especially when it follows something you've said. In unhappy marriages, sighing often signals frustration, annoyance, or even exhaustion with the relationship. It's the kind of response that suggests, "I can't deal with this anymore," without actually saying the words.

    When your partner sighs while talking to you, it's a clear indication that they're emotionally checking out of the conversation. It's a dismissive action that can make you feel belittled or like your feelings aren't important. Over time, these sighs can add up, creating a communication gap that becomes harder and harder to bridge.

    6. Not walking in sync

    There's something symbolic about a couple walking together in sync. It shows unity, harmony, and a sense of shared purpose. But when couples fall out of sync—literally—it's often a reflection of deeper emotional and psychological distance. In an unhappy marriage, you may notice that you and your partner no longer walk side by side. One of you may walk ahead, or you drift apart, physically separated even when you're supposed to be together.

    This lack of synchronization reveals a disconnection on a fundamental level. Walking together requires a subtle coordination that reflects how well you work together as a team. When that coordination breaks down, it mirrors the emotional discord in the relationship. You may feel like you're moving in different directions—both physically and emotionally. It's a sign that your paths are no longer aligned, and unless addressed, the gap will only widen.

    7. You keep a physical distance from each other

    Physical distance in a relationship is more than just the space between you on the couch—it reflects the emotional and psychological distance as well. In a healthy marriage, couples naturally gravitate toward each other, whether it's sitting closely, holding hands, or giving each other small, affectionate touches. But when a marriage is strained, you might notice that both of you begin to keep more space between yourselves. You sit farther apart, avoid physical contact, and even sleep on opposite sides of the bed.

    This growing physical distance is a red flag that something deeper is wrong. It's like an invisible wall goes up, making it harder to connect. The body craves closeness in happy relationships, but when the emotional connection fades, so does the desire to be physically near each other. This lack of touch is a symptom of emotional withdrawal, a sign that the warmth and affection that once defined your relationship are disappearing.

    8. Distracted when they are with you; not mentally present

    In an unhappy marriage, one of the most painful experiences is realizing that your partner is physically present but mentally checked out. You might be sitting together, but their mind is elsewhere. They're scrolling on their phone, zoning out, or simply not engaging in the conversation. This distraction can feel like rejection, as if you're no longer important enough to hold their attention.

    When someone is distracted during your time together, it creates a sense of emotional isolation. Instead of bonding and connecting, you're left feeling alone, even in their presence. It's not just about being physically present; it's about being mentally and emotionally there for one another. Over time, this lack of attention erodes the intimacy in the marriage, making you feel neglected and unimportant.

    9. Kissing with hard, closed lips

    Kisses are often seen as the ultimate expression of love, passion, and affection. But when a kiss becomes cold and mechanical, it's a clear sign that something has changed in the relationship. In an unhappy marriage, kisses are no longer tender or intimate. Instead, they become brief, with hard, closed lips that show no warmth or emotion. It feels like a task rather than a moment of connection.

    When the softness of a kiss is replaced by stiffness, it reflects the emotional tension between the couple. A kiss is meant to be a loving gesture, but when it loses its meaning, it can symbolize the loss of affection and intimacy in the relationship. This small but significant change is often one of the first signs that the emotional bond between partners is weakening.

    10. Lack of shared smiles

    Smiling together is one of the most natural ways couples bond. It shows joy, playfulness, and a shared sense of happiness. But when smiles disappear, it's as if the joy has been drained from the relationship. In an unhappy marriage, you might notice that the shared moments of laughter and lightheartedness become rare, replaced by neutral or indifferent expressions.

    Without those shared smiles, the relationship can feel heavy and burdened by negativity. Smiling at each other is a way of saying, "I enjoy being with you," and when that stops, it's a sign that the emotional connection is faltering. The absence of shared smiles isn't just about missing out on fun moments—it's about losing the sense of partnership and togetherness that once defined your bond.

    11. Shift from smiles to indifference

    The transition from shared smiles to indifferent glances is often subtle but incredibly telling. In the early stages of a marriage, smiles come easily, reflecting the joy and affection partners feel for one another. However, in an unhappy relationship, those smiles begin to fade, replaced by neutral or even disinterested expressions. You might notice that your partner's face, once so full of warmth when they looked at you, has become blank, showing no sign of emotion.

    Indifference is one of the most painful shifts in a marriage. It's not anger or frustration—it's a complete lack of caring. When smiles disappear and are replaced with indifference, it's a sign that the emotional connection has been severely damaged. This shift indicates that both partners may have emotionally checked out, leaving the relationship in a state of limbo where neither joy nor sadness can be felt.

    12. You shudder when you talk to each other

    Shuddering when talking to your partner is an extreme reaction that points to deep-seated emotional discomfort. It's more than just feeling annoyed or irritated; it's a physical response to the tension between you. If you or your partner physically recoil when speaking to each other, it's a clear sign that something is very wrong in the relationship.

    This reaction often stems from unresolved conflicts, pent-up frustration, or a buildup of negative emotions over time. When you shudder at the thought of interacting with your spouse, it's an indication that the relationship has reached a point where communication feels not just difficult, but unbearable. This level of emotional strain can create a toxic environment where every conversation feels like a battle, leaving both partners drained and disconnected.

    13. No longer show empathy in difficult circumstances

    Empathy is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. When you care deeply for your partner, you naturally feel their pain and want to support them through tough times. However, in an unhappy marriage, empathy begins to fade. You may notice that during difficult circumstances, whether it's a personal struggle or something external, your partner no longer offers emotional support. Instead, they might seem distant or indifferent, as if your problems don't matter to them anymore.

    This lack of empathy can be deeply hurtful. It's a sign that the emotional bond that once connected you is weakening. When couples stop showing empathy, they stop caring about each other's well-being. This emotional detachment can create a cold and isolating environment, where both partners feel alone, even when they're physically together.

    14. You smirk at them

    A smirk can be a powerful weapon in communication, often more hurtful than outright insults. When one partner smirks at the other, it conveys condescension, superiority, or even contempt. It's the kind of gesture that says, "I don't take you seriously," and it cuts deeply, especially in a marriage where respect should be mutual. In an unhappy relationship, smirking becomes a common response to disagreements or frustrations.

    Smirking is more than just a facial expression—it's a non-verbal signal that reveals underlying resentment. When you or your partner starts smirking during conversations, it's a sign that the respect between you has diminished. This behavior undermines trust and breeds further conflict, making it nearly impossible to resolve issues constructively. Over time, these small gestures of disdain can erode the foundation of the relationship, leading to even greater emotional distance.

    15. You mimic one another but not in a friendly manner

    Imitation can be playful and affectionate in a healthy relationship, but in an unhappy marriage, it often takes on a more negative tone. When you or your partner begins to mimic each other's words, gestures, or mannerisms, but in a mocking or sarcastic way, it's a sign of underlying hostility. This kind of behavior signals contempt and shows that there's little respect left between you.

    Mocking mimicry is a way to belittle or dismiss the other person's feelings and opinions. It's a passive-aggressive tactic, often used to undermine the other person without directly confronting them. Over time, this type of behavior creates a toxic atmosphere where every conversation feels like a power struggle. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue, you end up mocking each other, further widening the emotional gap.

    16. Frequent interrupting or talking over

    Interrupting or talking over your partner during conversations is another sign that the respect in the relationship has eroded. In healthy marriages, partners listen to each other and allow space for their thoughts and feelings to be expressed. But in an unhappy marriage, interruptions become frequent, and talking over each other becomes the norm. It's a clear sign that one or both partners no longer value what the other has to say.

    Frequent interruptions show that there's a breakdown in communication, where each person is more focused on making their point than truly listening to the other. This kind of behavior can quickly escalate arguments, as neither person feels heard or understood. In the long run, constant interruptions create a communication barrier that's difficult to overcome, leaving both partners feeling frustrated and disconnected.

    17. Avoiding shared decision making

    Shared decision-making is a vital component of any strong marriage. It's about working together, respecting each other's opinions, and finding solutions that benefit both partners. However, in an unhappy marriage, you may notice that one or both of you starts avoiding joint decisions. Whether it's something as simple as what to eat for dinner or as significant as financial choices, the avoidance of collaboration becomes more apparent.

    This behavior signals a deeper issue—when couples stop making decisions together, it reflects a lack of trust and partnership. It shows that one or both partners no longer feel like a team. Avoiding shared decisions often leads to resentment, as one person may feel like they're carrying the weight of the relationship alone, while the other has emotionally checked out. In a healthy relationship, decision-making is a shared effort, a way of maintaining balance and unity.


    How do you know if your couple is unhappy?

    It's often the non-verbal cues, like the lack of eye contact, cold hugs, or a sudden disinterest in spending time together, that reveal an unhappy couple. If you notice an emotional distance, a decline in affection, or even small gestures of contempt like rolling eyes or sighing, these can all point to deeper issues in the relationship.

    How do you tell if a man is unhappy in his marriage?

    When a man is unhappy in his marriage, he may withdraw emotionally, avoid physical closeness, or become easily irritated during conversations. He might also stop participating in shared activities, preferring to spend time alone or engaging in distractions like work or hobbies to avoid the relationship's problems.

    How do you deal with a spouse who is never happy?

    Dealing with an unhappy spouse requires patience, communication, and sometimes professional help. It's essential to open a dialogue about their feelings, but also to recognize when external support, such as therapy, might be needed. Encourage your spouse to express their emotions, but also set boundaries to protect your own emotional well-being.

    Why does my husband always seem unhappy with me?

    Your husband's unhappiness may stem from unresolved issues in the marriage or even personal struggles that are affecting his mood. It's important to talk openly about his feelings and explore whether external factors, like stress or unmet needs in the relationship, could be contributing to his dissatisfaction. Sometimes, professional counseling can provide insights and help rebuild emotional connection.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman
    • Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson

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