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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    15 Unbelievable Signs He's in Love With Her (Not You)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Married men can love another woman
    • Emotional distance leads to new attractions
    • Look for subtle body language cues
    • He may still love his wife
    • Know what to do next

    Can a married man fall in love with another woman?

    Yes, a married man can absolutely fall in love with another woman, and it happens more often than many might think. It's a painful reality, especially if you're the wife or the other woman in the situation. Relationships are complex, and human emotions are unpredictable. When a man feels emotionally disconnected from his wife or if their relationship has hit a rough patch, he might seek connection elsewhere, even if he didn't set out to do so.

    Psychologically, this can be explained by what some experts refer to as the “proximity effect” or the idea that we are more likely to form bonds with those we spend significant time with. Dr. Terri Orbuch, author of Five Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great, explains that “emotional closeness often grows from shared moments, and sometimes those moments aren't with the person you're married to.”

    For the other woman, being the object of a married man's affection might feel exciting or flattering, but it can come with a whirlwind of complications. Loving someone who is already committed may create emotional confusion, guilt, and a feeling of being caught in a moral dilemma. We've seen this struggle play out time and time again—it's not easy, and it's certainly not clear-cut.

    What causes married men to fall for other women?

    There's never one reason why married men fall for other women, but it usually starts with emotional distance in the marriage. When men feel disconnected from their wives—emotionally, physically, or mentally—they become vulnerable to forming connections outside of their marriage. This can be triggered by many things: a lack of communication, the fading of intimacy, or a sense that they're no longer appreciated at home.

    One theory to consider is the “affair fog,” a term coined by therapists to describe the emotional haze that can cloud judgment when someone is caught up in an illicit relationship. During this time, the man may feel a surge of excitement, lust, or even love for the other woman. Dr. Shirley Glass, author of Not “Just Friends”, warns that emotional affairs often begin innocently but grow into something more significant. "Boundaries blur, and what feels like harmless flirting can quickly evolve into an emotional dependency."

    Often, the other woman fills an emotional void that the wife once did. She offers him the validation and attention he craves, which might have dwindled in his marriage over time. The thrill of something new, combined with emotional availability, is a potent mix that can cause a man to fall for someone other than his wife.

    15 signs a married man is in love with another woman

    love triangle

    If you're wondering whether a married man might be in love with another woman, you'll notice a few telltale signs. These aren't just random behaviors; they're patterns that reflect his deep emotional and sometimes physical attachment. While every situation is different, here are some clear signs to look for if you suspect he's falling for someone else:

    1. He turns on the charm when she's around – You'll notice he becomes more charming, confident, and attentive in her presence. It's like watching someone fall back into their teenage self, and you can feel the energy shift when she's nearby.
    2. He plays it like it's middle school – Instead of being direct, he may start acting coy or awkward around her, like someone experiencing a new crush.
    3. The compliments start flying – Whether it's about her appearance or personality, he seems to find endless reasons to praise her, even when it's unwarranted.
    4. He's talking, but not in words – Body language speaks volumes. Watch how he stands closer to her, maintains longer eye contact, and mirrors her movements.
    5. He loves talking to her – Conversations seem to flow effortlessly. He'll find any excuse to be around her or engage in long discussions, even if it means neglecting others.
    6. He keeps tabs on her love life – If he's regularly asking about her dating status or expressing curiosity about her relationships, it's more than casual interest.
    7. He wants to be her hero – You might catch him offering unsolicited help or going out of his way to support her in situations where he wouldn't normally invest his time.
    8. He looks for signs she feels the same – He's constantly gauging her reactions, trying to figure out if she's interested in him as well.
    9. He mimics her interests – Whether it's picking up hobbies she enjoys or mirroring her viewpoints, he starts to become a reflection of her.
    10. He always finds time for her – Even when he's swamped or “too busy” for others, he somehow has time to text, call, or meet with her.
    11. He's curious about her future – He'll ask about her future plans, wondering if they might align with his, and hinting at the possibility of being in her life long-term.
    12. He skips out on obligations – Whether it's work or family commitments, you'll notice he starts making excuses to free up time for her.
    13. His body language is unmistakable – Beyond words, his actions scream attraction. From lingering touches to extra-long hugs, it's clear he's more than just friendly.
    14. He seeks closeness – Being physically near her becomes important to him. You'll see him stand closer, sit by her side, or find reasons to be in her space.
    15. On important days, he's talking to her – Birthdays, holidays, or special events? He'll find a way to check in with her, even if he's celebrating with someone else.

    Why is it important to be aware of these signs?

    Understanding these signs is crucial because it helps you assess the situation honestly. Being aware means you aren't left guessing or ignoring potential red flags. Emotional affairs often start subtly, and many people dismiss early warning signs as harmless. However, recognizing these behaviors can help you protect yourself from heartbreak or make informed decisions about your relationship.

    As Dr. John Gottman states in The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, “Small things often are big things.” Paying attention to these little actions can prevent bigger betrayals down the line. No one wants to face the possibility of a partner's emotional infidelity, but being informed empowers you to confront it early.

    Can a man love his wife and the other woman simultaneously?

    It's a tough question, but the answer is yes—sometimes, a man can feel strong emotions for both his wife and another woman at the same time. However, it's important to recognize that this kind of love is often rooted in very different feelings. His love for his wife may be based on years of shared experiences, loyalty, and a deep emotional bond. But his love for the other woman could be driven by excitement, novelty, or the emotional connection that's missing from his marriage.

    Many men in this situation convince themselves that they're not doing anything wrong, because they haven't physically acted on their feelings. But love isn't just about physical actions. Emotional connections can be just as powerful—if not more so—than physical ones. Esther Perel, a renowned relationship therapist, explains in her book The State of Affairs that “infidelity is often less about sex and more about desire: desire for novelty, freedom, or the version of ourselves we can be with someone else.” This can create a confusing and painful dynamic where the man feels torn between two emotional worlds.

    While it's possible for him to love both women simultaneously, it often leads to a breakdown in trust and stability, especially if his wife senses the emotional divide. Balancing two emotional connections almost always comes with its share of complications, leaving someone feeling neglected or betrayed in the end.

    What happens when a married man falls in love with another woman?

    When a married man falls in love with another woman, everything changes—whether he realizes it at first or not. His priorities shift, and that emotional pull toward the new woman becomes impossible to ignore. He may begin to distance himself from his wife, emotionally withdrawing without even knowing why. Over time, this emotional distance often grows, and it becomes harder for him to maintain both relationships without one suffering.

    Psychologically, this is called “cognitive dissonance,” the tension between two conflicting thoughts or beliefs. On the one hand, he loves his wife and the life they've built together. On the other, he's drawn to the excitement, attention, and emotional fulfillment he's finding elsewhere. The constant battle between these two realities can cause overwhelming stress and guilt.

    For the wife, the change is often palpable. She may notice that he's no longer as present as he once was, or that his attention is divided. His emotional absence speaks louder than any words. For the other woman, it can be equally confusing. She may sense his divided loyalty and question his true intentions, wondering whether he'll ever fully commit to her or remain stuck in limbo.

    In many cases, unless the situation is addressed openly and honestly, the married man eventually faces an emotional breakdown. He either has to choose between his wife and the other woman, or the relationships unravel on their own. Without clear communication and resolution, no one involved truly wins.

    What should you do if you think your husband is in love with another woman?

    First things first—take a deep breath. Finding out or even suspecting that your husband might be in love with another woman can be emotionally devastating, but reacting impulsively will only escalate the situation. Instead, start by gathering your thoughts and preparing to approach the situation calmly.

    Begin by looking for the signs that confirm your suspicions. Has his behavior changed dramatically? Is he emotionally distant, spending more time away from home, or showing less interest in the relationship? These changes often signal deeper issues. If you see patterns like the ones we discussed earlier, it's time to have an honest conversation.

    Sit down with your husband when you both have the time and space to talk openly. This isn't the time to place blame or attack; it's a time to share your feelings and listen to his side as well. It's possible that he's unaware of how his actions are affecting you. Communication is key here. As Dr. Sue Johnson, author of Hold Me Tight, emphasizes, “Open and vulnerable conversations are the only way to truly connect and rebuild trust in a relationship.”

    If the conversation reveals that he does have feelings for another woman, you both need to decide on the next steps. Some couples choose to work through the situation with the help of a therapist, while others might see it as a turning point in their relationship. The most important thing is to act with clarity and compassion for yourself. Whatever the outcome, you deserve to be in a relationship where you feel loved, respected, and emotionally secure.

    What does it mean when a married man falls in love with you?

    If a married man has fallen in love with you, the situation is far more complicated than a typical romantic relationship. While you might feel the excitement of mutual affection, being involved with a married man brings moral, emotional, and sometimes even social consequences. You might find yourself caught between your feelings for him and the reality that he's committed to someone else.

    It's essential to ask yourself some hard questions: Does he plan to leave his wife for you, or is he looking for an emotional escape without intending to make any real changes? Relationships with married men are often clouded with uncertainty and secrecy, which can take an emotional toll over time. As Dr. Shirley Glass explains in Not “Just Friends”, “Emotional infidelity often leads to guilt and confusion, making it hard to establish a healthy and trusting relationship.”

    When a married man falls in love with you, it doesn't necessarily mean he'll leave his wife. He may feel torn, but still unwilling to dismantle his marriage. You have to decide what you want out of the relationship and whether you're willing to wait in the shadows or demand more clarity and honesty from him. Remember, your emotional well-being should always come first. Being with someone who is unavailable in any capacity can leave you feeling unfulfilled and stuck in a never-ending cycle of hope and heartbreak.

    What should I do if I'm falling for a married man?

    Falling for a married man is a complicated emotional space to be in, and it's not a situation anyone dreams of finding themselves in. You may feel a deep connection to him, but the fact that he's committed to someone else creates a moral and emotional conflict that can't be ignored. The first thing you should do is pause and reflect on the reality of the situation.

    Ask yourself if you're okay with being in a relationship where you'll never have his full attention or commitment. Chances are, this relationship will be filled with uncertainty, secrecy, and guilt. These are not the foundations of a healthy connection. It's also important to consider the wife in this equation—how would you feel if the roles were reversed? Compassion for everyone involved is crucial.

    Sometimes, stepping back and allowing the man to figure out his relationship with his wife is the best course of action. Dr. Harriet Lerner, a clinical psychologist, and author of The Dance of Intimacy, advises, “We must create emotional boundaries, even when it feels hard. Protecting your own emotional well-being should be your top priority.”

    You deserve to be in a relationship where you're not just someone's emotional escape. Think carefully about whether this relationship can truly bring you happiness or if it's only going to lead to pain down the line.


    • How can I tell if my husband is in love with another woman? – Look for changes in behavior such as emotional distance, secretive actions, or an unusual amount of attention directed at another woman. These signs often indicate that something more may be going on.
    • How can I save my marriage if my husband loves another woman? – It's critical to have open, honest conversations about how you both feel. Seek couples therapy, where a professional can help guide you through this difficult time and rebuild trust.
    • What should I do if I think my husband is cheating on me? – Don't jump to conclusions. Look for clear signs such as increased secrecy, emotional withdrawal, or physical changes. Approach him calmly and ask for an honest conversation about what's happening.
    • How can I repair my relationship with my husband after infidelity? – Rebuilding a marriage after infidelity takes time, patience, and professional help. Both partners need to be willing to communicate openly, forgive, and work on restoring trust.
    • What should I do if I find out my husband is cheating on me? – The first step is to process your emotions. Give yourself time to decide how you want to move forward. Whether you choose to stay or leave, make sure it's a decision based on what's best for your emotional well-being.

    In conclusion

    When it comes to love, relationships, and infidelity, nothing is ever black and white. A married man falling in love with another woman is an incredibly complex situation, and it can bring immense pain to everyone involved. Whether you are the wife, the other woman, or even the married man, emotions will run deep, and decisions will not be easy.

    The most important takeaway here is to approach the situation with honesty and clarity. If you're the wife, confronting the reality of your husband's feelings might be painful, but it's necessary for healing and rebuilding trust—whether that means working on the marriage or choosing to walk away. If you're the other woman, understanding that love isn't always enough can be heartbreaking. Sometimes, the best way to protect your heart is to step away from a relationship that can never fully satisfy your emotional needs.

    Relationships thrive on communication, trust, and mutual respect. Without these, even the strongest bonds will weaken. Recognizing the signs of emotional infidelity is crucial to avoiding long-term pain. As we navigate love's complexities, we must remind ourselves that we all deserve relationships where we feel valued, loved, and secure.

    Recommended Resources

    • The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity by Esther Perel
    • Not “Just Friends”: Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity by Shirley Glass
    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman


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