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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    12 Tactics for Dealing with a Manipulative Mother-in-Law

    Key Takeaways:

    • Recognize controlling behaviors early on
    • Set clear, firm boundaries
    • Understand her motives and triggers
    • Involve your partner in the process
    • Let go of trying to please her

    Why do mothers-in-law tend to control?

    When it comes to controlling behavior from a mother-in-law, there are often deep-rooted reasons. Some mothers-in-law feel a strong need to protect their child, even if it means overstepping. Others may struggle with letting go of their parental role, especially if they've been highly involved in their child's life before marriage. This can create tension, as their attempt to help may come off as controlling, especially when you and your spouse are trying to establish your own path together.

    Psychologically, this tendency can be explained by the concept of "enmeshment," where boundaries between individuals are blurred, leading to over-involvement. In these cases, the mother-in-law might find it hard to accept that her child now has a new primary relationship and feels the need to assert her influence.

    Dr. Terri Apter, a psychologist and author, has said, "Mothers-in-law who refuse to loosen their grip may be struggling with their own insecurities or fear of losing control." Recognizing this behavior for what it is can help us navigate the dynamic better without taking everything personally.

    Signs your mother-in-law is manipulative

    If you've ever felt unsettled or frustrated by your mother-in-law's behavior but can't quite put your finger on why, you might be dealing with manipulation. It can be subtle and sometimes hard to identify, but it leaves you feeling undermined and powerless.

    A manipulative mother-in-law will often play the victim, twist situations to make you look like the bad guy, or constantly undermine your decisions. She may use guilt as a weapon or put on a front in front of others, only to reveal her true intentions when it's just the two of you. This type of behavior can slowly erode your confidence and make you question your own boundaries and decisions.

    The emotional toll of dealing with such tactics can be immense, especially if your spouse feels stuck in the middle. Understanding the signs is the first step toward reclaiming your emotional well-being and protecting your relationship from her influence.

    Comparing and demeaning you


    Few things sting as much as being compared to others, especially when those comparisons are made to make you feel less than. A manipulative mother-in-law often resorts to these subtle digs, constantly praising others while highlighting your flaws. Whether she's comparing you to a sibling, another family member, or even herself, the intention is clear: to undermine your confidence and position in the family.

    This behavior can be emotionally draining, particularly when the comparisons are masked as “helpful advice” or “concern.” Psychologist Dr. Susan Forward explains that, "People who use comparisons to demean others are often projecting their own insecurities and fears, using this tactic to assert control over situations they feel powerless in." Recognizing this manipulation for what it is can help you rise above it and avoid internalizing these demeaning comments.

    The key here is to remind yourself that these comparisons are not a reflection of your worth. They're simply a tool being used to exert control. You are enough, and you don't need to be anyone else's version of perfect.

    Always knows better than you

    We've all heard it before—unsolicited advice, always given with a slight air of superiority. A manipulative mother-in-law often frames her opinions as if she knows best about every aspect of your life. From how you run your home to decisions about raising your children, she always has a “better” way of doing things.

    While some advice may come from a place of experience, the constant undermining of your autonomy signals a deeper issue. It's not about helping; it's about control. Her need to assert her authority in your life might stem from a fear of becoming irrelevant or losing influence over her child. This can often leave you feeling helpless, like your own judgment is never good enough.

    Standing firm in your decisions without falling into arguments is crucial. Acknowledge her advice, but reinforce that your choices are your own. It's your life, and while advice can be welcomed, it doesn't mean you're obliged to follow it.

    Her negative behavior changes when others are around

    One of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with a manipulative mother-in-law is how her behavior seems to change when others are present. When it's just the two of you, she might be passive-aggressive, critical, or cold. But the moment other family members or friends are around, she turns on the charm, acting as if everything is perfectly fine.

    This drastic shift can leave you feeling confused and isolated. You might start questioning whether you're imagining the negativity. This type of behavior is known as “two-faced” behavior in psychological terms, where an individual shows one side of themselves to one group and a completely different side to another. It's a way of maintaining control by keeping up appearances.

    Dr. Susan Heitler, a clinical psychologist, explains, "The goal of this behavior is often to control the narrative and maintain a certain image while gaslighting the victim into doubting their own perceptions." It's essential to trust your own experiences and not be swayed by her “public persona.” What matters is how she treats you in private, not the act she puts on in front of others.

    Uses her emotions to manipulate situations

    Another classic tactic is using emotions to manipulate those around her. Whether it's guilt-tripping, playing the victim, or using emotional outbursts to sway decisions, a manipulative mother-in-law knows how to use her feelings as a weapon.

    For example, she might shed tears when confronted about her behavior, turning the tables to make it seem like you're the one causing her pain. Or she may sulk and withdraw affection until she gets her way, leaving you and your spouse feeling like you're walking on eggshells.

    This emotional manipulation is incredibly draining and can make it difficult to set boundaries without feeling guilty. According to therapist Beverly Engel, author of The Emotionally Abusive Relationship, "Emotional manipulators are skilled at using their feelings to control others, making it seem like you're responsible for their emotions." It's important to recognize this tactic for what it is and not allow it to dictate your choices.

    The key is to stay calm and not be pulled into her emotional storms. Set boundaries and remain firm in your decisions, even when she tries to use her emotions to sway you.

    No space for privacy or personal decision-making

    Does it ever feel like your mother-in-law is always just a bit too involved in your life? Whether it's making unannounced visits, inserting herself into decisions about your home or family, or offering opinions on matters that should be private between you and your spouse, her presence can feel overwhelming.

    This lack of respect for boundaries is one of the hallmark traits of a manipulative mother-in-law. She might justify her behavior as being “helpful” or “concerned,” but in reality, it's about exerting control and inserting herself into areas where she doesn't belong.

    The concept of boundaries is critical here. According to family therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab, "Without healthy boundaries, relationships become suffocating and lead to resentment." Her constant involvement can make you feel like you have no space to make personal decisions, which can erode both your confidence and your relationship with your spouse.

    Creating physical and emotional boundaries is essential to protect your privacy and autonomy. This isn't about shutting her out; it's about ensuring that your decisions and personal space are respected.

    12 ways to deal with a manipulative mother-in-law

    Dealing with a manipulative mother-in-law is no easy feat, but with the right strategies in place, you can reclaim your peace and protect your relationship. Let's break it down into 12 actionable steps:

    1. Understand her motives: Recognize that her behavior likely stems from fear or insecurity, not necessarily malice.
    2. Avoid known triggers: Stay clear of conversations or topics that often lead to conflict. If you know certain things set her off, avoid them.
    3. Detach emotionally from her comments: Not every comment she makes deserves your energy. Let go of the need to respond to every slight.
    4. Learn to de-escalate arguments: When tensions rise, focus on staying calm and removing yourself from the situation before things get out of hand.
    5. Don't start fights, but stand firm: You don't need to be aggressive, but it's important to assert your boundaries when needed.
    6. Create clear boundaries and enforce them: Make it known what's acceptable and what's not in your relationship. Be consistent in enforcing those limits.
    7. Involve your partner in setting limits: Your spouse needs to be an active participant in managing the relationship with their mother. This isn't a solo job.
    8. Take breaks from the relationship: Sometimes, taking a step back from the relationship to reset is necessary for your own mental health.
    9. Focus on building intimacy with your spouse: Strengthen your bond with your partner, so it becomes a united front, less affected by her influence.
    10. Let go of trying to please her: No matter what you do, you might never meet her standards. Accept this and stop bending over backward to please her.
    11. Accept that she may not change: You can't change her behavior, but you can change how you respond to it.
    12. Look for any positive traits she might have: While it's tough, finding something good about her can ease tensions and help shift your perspective.

    By following these steps, you can navigate the complexities of a manipulative mother-in-law without losing your sense of self or compromising your relationship.

    1. Understand her motives

    Before diving into conflict, it helps to take a step back and try to understand where your mother-in-law's behavior might be coming from. It's easy to assume the worst, but often her manipulation is rooted in deeper issues like fear of losing her place in her child's life or insecurities about her own role as a mother. By recognizing that her actions may stem from fear rather than malice, you can start to depersonalize the situation.

    Psychologically, this is known as seeking to understand "the story behind the behavior." She may feel displaced by the new dynamic in your marriage, and her actions are an attempt to regain a sense of control. Psychotherapist Amy Morin notes, "Manipulative people often feel out of control in their own lives and seek to control others as a way to cope." While this doesn't excuse her behavior, it provides a helpful lens for viewing it with more compassion.

    When you can see her motives more clearly, it becomes easier to detach emotionally. Instead of reacting out of frustration or anger, you can respond with a sense of clarity, setting boundaries without feeling like you're constantly under attack.

    2. Avoid known triggers

    Every relationship has its sensitive points, and when it comes to a manipulative mother-in-law, avoiding certain triggers can help prevent unnecessary conflict. It's likely that over time, you've identified topics or situations that lead to tension—whether it's your parenting choices, finances, or household decisions. Recognizing these triggers allows you to sidestep potential flare-ups and maintain more control over the situation.

    For example, if she tends to criticize your parenting, make a conscious effort to redirect conversations away from that topic. If financial decisions lead to unwanted advice, avoid discussing money altogether. While you shouldn't have to tiptoe around her, choosing to avoid these landmines can save you from exhausting, drawn-out conflicts.

    This doesn't mean you're avoiding important discussions forever. It's about strategically navigating the relationship to minimize unnecessary drama. As Dr. John Gottman advises in his research on relationships, "Successful couples avoid falling into predictable patterns of conflict by being aware of triggers and de-escalating when necessary."

    By sidestepping the emotional traps and choosing your battles, you gain control over your interactions and preserve your energy for more important matters.

    3. Detach emotionally from her comments

    When a manipulative mother-in-law throws out hurtful or passive-aggressive comments, it can feel personal. But learning to detach emotionally from her words is a powerful tool for protecting your peace. It's easier said than done, but not every comment deserves your reaction or even your attention. The ability to take a step back and see her remarks for what they are—a reflection of her own insecurities or control issues—helps you avoid being pulled into emotional quicksand.

    Think of it like this: her words are arrows, but without your emotional reaction, those arrows have nowhere to land. By practicing emotional detachment, you put yourself in the driver's seat of your reactions. Dr. Harriet Lerner, in her book The Dance of Anger, suggests, "It's not the intensity of your anger or hurt that matters, it's how you handle those emotions that makes the difference." Instead of letting her comments fester and grow, learn to brush them off and remind yourself that they don't define you or your decisions.

    This doesn't mean suppressing how you feel. It's about recognizing that her opinions don't have to shape your emotions or your actions. By doing this, you reclaim your power in the relationship dynamic.

    4. Learn to de-escalate arguments

    Arguments with a manipulative mother-in-law can escalate quickly, especially if emotions are running high. However, learning how to de-escalate arguments is a skill that can transform these tense interactions into manageable conversations. Instead of feeding the fire, your goal should be to calmly redirect the conversation or, if necessary, step away to let emotions cool down.

    One way to de-escalate is by acknowledging her feelings without agreeing with her stance. For example, saying, “I understand that you feel strongly about this,” can validate her emotions without giving in to her control. This shows her that you're willing to listen but on your terms. Sometimes, simply giving a pause and allowing a moment of silence can also take the wind out of an escalating situation.

    Additionally, removing yourself physically from the argument when things get heated can be a powerful tool. If the conversation is becoming too emotional, calmly excuse yourself and revisit the topic when everyone has had a chance to cool off. Dr. John Gottman emphasizes that taking breaks during conflict is one of the most effective ways to prevent emotional flooding and reduce the likelihood of saying something you'll regret.

    The bottom line: you don't have to engage in every argument. Learning how to de-escalate can preserve your energy and keep you from being drawn into emotionally charged battles.

    5. Don't start fights, but stand firm when needed

    It can be tempting to call out a manipulative mother-in-law's behavior the moment it happens, but starting a fight will only escalate tensions. There's no need to go looking for confrontation. However, standing firm when the situation calls for it is equally important. You can address issues without letting them spiral into unnecessary conflicts.

    Remember, you can disagree without being disagreeable. When she makes a passive-aggressive comment or oversteps her bounds, you don't have to react with aggression or anger. Instead, calmly assert yourself. For instance, if she criticizes a decision you and your spouse made, respond by saying, “We've made this decision together, and we're comfortable with it.” This sends a clear message that while you value her input, you are confident in your choices.

    It's about balancing diplomacy with firmness. You're not out to provoke a fight, but you're not letting her walk over you, either. Dr. Deborah Tannen, author of You Just Don't Understand, advises that it's often the tone, not the content, of a conversation that determines whether it escalates into a fight. Keep your tone calm but assertive, and you'll likely prevent things from getting out of hand.

    6. Create clear boundaries and enforce them

    Boundaries are your best defense against manipulative behavior. Without them, you'll find yourself continuously bending to meet her expectations, often at the expense of your own well-being. Clear, firm boundaries allow you to set the tone for how you wish to be treated—and more importantly, they communicate what is and isn't acceptable in your relationship.

    When establishing boundaries with your mother-in-law, be specific. Vague statements like “I need more space” won't cut it. Instead, be clear about what behaviors need to stop. For instance, you might say, “We appreciate your advice, but we've decided to handle things our way when it comes to parenting.” Be respectful, but direct.

    Enforcing those boundaries consistently is key. It's easy to set them, but much harder to uphold them when she tests your limits. Every time she pushes, gently but firmly remind her of the boundaries you've established. Over time, she'll learn that you mean what you say, and the pushback will lessen.

    According to clinical social worker and therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab, "Boundaries aren't just about keeping people out; they're about protecting your peace." By enforcing boundaries, you ensure that your relationship with your spouse—and yourself—remains strong and respected.

    7. Involve your partner in setting limits

    Setting boundaries with a manipulative mother-in-law isn't something you should have to do alone. Your partner must be involved in the process, as they are the link between you and their mother. When your partner takes an active role in establishing and enforcing limits, it sends a strong message that the two of you are united in your decisions.

    Start by having open conversations with your partner about what's bothering you and why. It's essential that they understand how their mother's behavior affects you and your relationship. From there, work together to decide what boundaries are necessary and how you both will communicate them to her. This approach prevents you from being singled out as the “bad guy” and makes it clear that these are joint decisions.

    Dr. Terri Apter, author of What Do You Want from Me? Learning to Get Along with In-Laws, emphasizes the importance of teamwork: “When couples present a united front, it minimizes the power that a manipulative parent can have over the relationship.” By involving your partner in setting limits, you're not just protecting yourself—you're strengthening your marriage.

    8. Take breaks from the relationship

    Sometimes, the most effective way to deal with a manipulative mother-in-law is to step back and take a break from the relationship. This doesn't mean cutting her off entirely, but giving yourself some space to regroup and recharge can be crucial for your mental health and the health of your marriage.

    If interactions with her consistently leave you feeling drained, anxious, or upset, it's a clear sign that a break is needed. This might mean limiting how often you see or talk to her, or even taking a brief hiatus from family gatherings. It's important to remember that distance can be healthy, especially when it allows you to reset and approach the relationship from a more balanced place.

    Therapist Beverly Engel, in her book The Emotionally Abusive Relationship, suggests, "Sometimes temporary distance is the only way to regain emotional control and prevent further harm." Taking breaks is not about punishing her—it's about protecting your peace and ensuring that future interactions can be handled with more clarity and less emotional weight.

    Don't feel guilty for needing space. It's a valid part of maintaining a healthy relationship, and it might even allow your mother-in-law to reflect on her own behavior without the constant tension of daily interactions.

    9. Focus on building intimacy with your spouse

    At the end of the day, the most important relationship you need to nurture is the one with your spouse. When a manipulative mother-in-law tries to exert control, it can create a wedge between you and your partner, but this is where your focus needs to be. Strengthening your emotional and physical intimacy ensures that your marriage remains the top priority, even when external forces are trying to interfere.

    Spend quality time together that's free from the drama of family tensions. Engage in activities that allow you to connect on a deeper level, whether it's having uninterrupted conversations, planning a date night, or simply enjoying each other's company without distractions. The stronger your bond, the less impact her manipulation will have on your relationship.

    According to relationship expert Dr. John Gottman, "Couples who make their relationship a sanctuary from external stressors create an emotional buffer against outside influences." This is key. Make your relationship the safe space where both of you feel secure and supported, no matter what's happening with your mother-in-law.

    By focusing on each other and keeping your marriage as the priority, you're creating a united front. This makes it far more difficult for manipulation or interference to find its way into your home.

    10. Let go of trying to please her

    If there's one truth about manipulative people, it's that they are rarely, if ever, satisfied. Trying to please a mother-in-law who manipulates is a never-ending, uphill battle that can leave you feeling frustrated and unappreciated. The harder you try, the more she raises the bar or finds new ways to criticize. It's time to let go of the idea that you can ever fully win her approval.

    This doesn't mean you should stop being polite or considerate, but it does mean that you need to stop bending over backward to meet her expectations. You're not responsible for her happiness, nor is it your job to make her feel validated. It's important to shift your focus from seeking her approval to ensuring your own well-being and the health of your marriage.

    As Dr. Brené Brown says in The Gifts of Imperfection, "When we stop pleasing others and start honoring our own needs, we create healthier, more authentic relationships." It's okay if she isn't pleased with every decision you and your spouse make. Your goal should be to live authentically, not to meet the impossible demands of someone else.

    Letting go of this need to please can be incredibly liberating. You'll find that when you're no longer chasing her approval, you'll have more time and energy to focus on the people and things that truly matter in your life.

    11. Accept that she may not change

    One of the hardest truths to come to terms with is that your mother-in-law may never change. No matter how much you try to set boundaries, have tough conversations, or address her behavior, some people are simply set in their ways. Accepting this can be freeing. It allows you to shift your focus from trying to change her to changing how you respond to her.

    It's tempting to believe that if you just handle things the right way or say the right words, she'll have an epiphany and start respecting your boundaries. But the reality is, some individuals are unwilling or unable to make the changes necessary for a healthier relationship. That's not your burden to carry.

    As relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman explains, "You cannot force someone to change, but you can change how you engage with them." Instead of wasting energy on trying to control her behavior, focus on controlling your own reactions. This shift in mindset will empower you to protect your emotional well-being and minimize the impact of her manipulation.

    By accepting that she may never change, you take back control of the narrative. You can set boundaries without holding onto false hope that she'll suddenly become someone different. This acceptance doesn't mean giving up, but rather, it's about finding peace in knowing you've done your part and moving forward with that understanding.

    12. Look for any positive traits she might have

    Even the most difficult relationships aren't entirely negative. While your mother-in-law may have manipulative tendencies, that doesn't mean she's devoid of positive qualities. Shifting your perspective to look for her redeeming traits can help ease tension and soften the edges of the relationship.

    Perhaps she's fiercely loyal to her family, or she has a strong work ethic that your spouse admires. Maybe she's excellent with your children or has a talent for bringing the family together for holidays. Finding these silver linings doesn't mean you're excusing her manipulation, but it helps balance the emotional scales.

    Psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson, author of Resilient, suggests that by focusing on positive aspects, even in strained relationships, we can "retrain the brain to see opportunities for connection and growth." It's a way to shift your focus from the constant negativity and create a more manageable relationship dynamic.

    While it's crucial to maintain your boundaries and protect yourself from manipulation, acknowledging her positive traits can help you navigate the relationship with a bit more grace. It might not change the challenges, but it can make them feel less overwhelming.


    How do I talk to her about boundaries?

    Setting boundaries with a manipulative mother-in-law can be challenging, but the key is to approach the conversation with calmness and clarity. When you talk to her, avoid using accusatory language like “you always” or “you never.” Instead, focus on “I” statements that express your feelings and needs. For example, “I feel overwhelmed when decisions about our family are questioned, so we've decided to handle things this way.” Keep the conversation respectful but firm.

    Timing is also important. Choose a moment when emotions aren't running high, and make sure to be as specific as possible about what behaviors need to change. Vague statements won't get the message across. A clear, direct conversation helps eliminate misunderstandings and sets the tone for healthier interactions moving forward.

    How do I involve my spouse in setting boundaries?

    Your spouse is your biggest ally in setting and enforcing boundaries with their mother. The key is ensuring that you're both on the same page. Have an honest discussion with your partner about the issues you're facing and why certain boundaries are necessary. It's vital for them to understand how their mother's behavior is affecting both you and the relationship.

    Once you've agreed on what boundaries need to be set, your spouse should be the one to communicate these to their mother. This reduces the chances of you being painted as the villain, and it also reinforces that these decisions are coming from a united front. Remember, boundaries are much easier to maintain when both partners are equally committed to them.

    When should I take a break from the relationship?

    Sometimes, taking a step back from the relationship is the healthiest option. If you find that interactions with your mother-in-law are consistently toxic or emotionally draining, a break can give you the space you need to recover and reflect. This doesn't mean cutting ties completely but setting limits on how often you see or communicate with her.

    You should consider taking a break if every interaction leaves you feeling anxious, if boundaries are continuously ignored, or if there's a pattern of emotional manipulation. Distance can provide a reset, allowing you to approach future interactions with a clearer mind and a stronger sense of self. Don't feel guilty for needing this time—it's essential for preserving your mental health and protecting your relationship.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Dance of Anger by Dr. Harriet Lerner
    • What Do You Want from Me? Learning to Get Along with In-Laws by Dr. Terri Apter
    • The Emotionally Abusive Relationship by Beverly Engel
    • Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness by Dr. Rick Hanson
    • The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr. Brené Brown


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