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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    12 (Hilarious!) Tips for Brides and Grooms to Keep the Laughter Alive

    Key Takeaways:

    • Humor strengthens marital bonds.
    • Disagreements can be lightened with jokes.
    • Small gestures of fun matter.
    • Balance humor with serious moments.
    • Keep laughter alive daily.

    Introduction to Funny Wedding Advice

    Let's be real: marriage is a wild ride. One day you're in a blissful honeymoon phase, and the next, you're fighting over who left the socks on the floor. But what if we told you there's a secret ingredient that can help smooth out those bumps? Yep, we're talking about humor! Funny advice for brides and grooms isn't just about keeping things light—it's about helping you handle the ups and downs of married life with a smile on your face.

    From playful fights to the art of not taking each other too seriously, witty wedding advice might just be the thing that keeps you from sweating the small stuff. Let's dive into some of the funniest, most insightful tips for a long and laughter-filled marriage.

    Why Humor is Essential in Marriage

    Humor does more than just make you laugh; it's the glue that can keep a marriage together. Psychologist John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, once said, “Couples who laugh together last together.” Laughter is a powerful bonding experience, and studies show that couples who use humor to manage stress and conflict are more likely to stay satisfied in their relationships.

    When things get tough—and they inevitably will—humor is the release valve. It helps diffuse tension and reminds us that we don't have to take everything so seriously. Sure, serious discussions are important, but it's equally important to find lightness in those moments that might otherwise spiral into negativity.

    In fact, humor can even help during arguments. By making a light-hearted comment or cracking a joke, you can shift the tone of the conversation, reminding both you and your partner that you're on the same team. And hey, sometimes a goofy one-liner can break the ice better than any apology.

    Start a Bean Jar: Tracking Your Arguments

    Here's a funny little idea that has a surprisingly deep meaning. Start a “bean jar” to track your arguments. Every time you have a disagreement, drop a bean in the jar. You'll be amazed at how quickly you fill it up—and how ridiculous it can seem when you look at how many beans are there.

    Why does this work? It's a playful way to remind yourselves that arguments, while inevitable, don't have to define your relationship. By using a physical reminder, like a jar of beans, you turn something that could be frustrating into a shared joke. Over time, you might find yourselves laughing at how much you've “bean” through together. (Pun intended!)

    A jar filled with beans

    Only Fight Naked: Lighten Up Disagreements

    This might sound absurd, but it's been a favorite piece of funny marriage advice for ages. The idea behind “only fight naked” is simple: It's almost impossible to stay angry or have a serious argument when you're standing in front of each other in your birthday suits. Suddenly, that issue about who didn't take out the trash seems a lot less important.

    Of course, this tip isn't meant to be taken literally every time. The core of the idea is that sometimes you need to do something completely unexpected to break the tension. When things get heated, injecting humor or absurdity into the moment can help defuse the situation and remind you both that life's too short for petty arguments. Next time a fight is brewing, why not try something lighthearted to pull each other back to reality?

    As the old saying goes, “Don't sweat the small stuff”—and nothing feels smaller than fighting over the remote when you're laughing about the ridiculousness of it all.

    Cut a Little Slack: Be Flexible

    Marriage isn't a competition, and not everything has to be perfect. One of the best pieces of advice for newlyweds is to “cut a little slack.” It's easy to get caught up in expectations and idealized versions of what marriage should look like, but reality tends to be messier. The key is learning to let go of the small stuff and give your partner a bit of breathing room.

    Flexibility is one of the most important traits in a long-lasting marriage. No one is perfect, and expecting your spouse to always meet your standards is a recipe for frustration. Whether it's letting go of the fact that they didn't fold the laundry the way you like or accepting that they have a different approach to problem-solving, showing flexibility builds trust and respect in the relationship.

    Remember, it's okay to bend without breaking. Sometimes, the strongest marriages are the ones that can weather change with a little grace and humor. If you want things to stay peaceful, cut a little slack—it's amazing what that can do.

    Make Them Dinner: Food as a Peace Offering

    There's an old saying: “The way to someone's heart is through their stomach.” And guess what? It's true! Making your partner dinner can be one of the simplest and most effective ways to show love and appreciation, especially after a fight.

    Food has a powerful ability to bring people together. It's hard to stay mad when you're sitting down to a meal that's been made with love, whether it's a fancy dish or just a simple plate of spaghetti. It's not just about the food itself—it's about the effort and care that goes into it. The act of cooking for someone can be a symbol of your willingness to make things right.

    Next time you're in the middle of a disagreement, why not offer a peace meal instead of more harsh words? Chances are, a full stomach will help smooth over those rough edges, and you'll find yourselves laughing over dinner instead of brooding in separate corners of the house.

    Keep Track of Her Cycles: Stay in Tune

    Now, this might sound like an unusual piece of advice, but keeping track of your partner's cycles—whether it's her monthly period or her emotional rhythms—can make a world of difference. Understanding these natural fluctuations can help you avoid unnecessary friction and show deeper empathy.

    It's not just about avoiding arguments when she's in a mood, it's about being aware of when she might need extra support, kindness, or just a little space. By staying in tune with her cycles, you're showing her that you care enough to pay attention, even to the things that don't get openly discussed.

    Being mindful of her emotional or physical state allows you to anticipate her needs, making you a more attentive and supportive partner. And trust me, she'll appreciate it more than you know!

    Socks on the Floor: Choose Your Battles

    Ah, the infamous socks on the floor. It's a cliché for a reason—small annoyances like this can drive anyone up the wall. But here's the thing: not every battle is worth fighting. In a marriage, learning to choose your battles is a survival skill.

    If the worst thing your partner does is leave a pair of socks lying around, then you might just want to let it go. Constantly nitpicking over the little things can create unnecessary tension. Instead, focus on what really matters in your relationship. Chances are, leaving socks on the floor isn't a reflection of how much they value you or the relationship—it's just an oversight.

    So next time you see those socks, take a deep breath and ask yourself: is this worth an argument? Probably not. Save your energy for the moments that truly matter, and laugh off the small stuff. A peaceful home is much more valuable than a sock-free floor.

    Birthday Presents: Remember the Small Things

    It's easy to get caught up in the big gestures—expensive gifts, elaborate surprises—but in marriage, it's often the small, thoughtful gestures that mean the most. Remembering birthdays and other important occasions shows your partner that you're paying attention, and it reinforces that you care about their happiness.

    And here's the thing: it's not always about the gift itself, but the thought behind it. It could be something as simple as their favorite candy or a handmade card. The key is making sure they feel seen and valued. When you remember the little things, you create moments of connection and warmth that build the foundation of a happy marriage.

    So, don't underestimate the power of a small, thoughtful gift. It doesn't have to be extravagant to be meaningful—it just has to come from the heart.

    Say Something Funny Every Day

    One of the best pieces of advice you'll ever get: never underestimate the power of humor in your marriage. In fact, aim to say something funny every day. It doesn't have to be a full stand-up routine—just a silly comment, a playful jab, or even an inside joke. Laughter is the quickest way to create a positive emotional connection.

    When you make humor a part of your daily interactions, it helps create a lighthearted atmosphere. Even during the more challenging times, sharing a laugh can provide relief, perspective, and a reminder of the joy in your relationship.

    Author and marriage expert Gary Chapman once said, “Laughter is an instant vacation.” Make time for these little vacations with your partner, and watch how it strengthens your bond. After all, life is too short to take everything too seriously—especially marriage.

    No Electronics Night: Keep it Simple

    In a world where screens dominate our lives, it's all too easy to get lost in the digital noise and forget about real, face-to-face connection. That's why establishing a “No Electronics Night” can be a game-changer for your marriage. Once a week, or even once a month, put away the phones, turn off the TV, and focus entirely on each other.

    This doesn't mean you have to plan some grand romantic evening every time. The point is to keep it simple—play a board game, cook dinner together, or just talk. Without the distractions of notifications and emails, you'll find that you connect on a deeper level. It's amazing how much more present and engaged you can be when the digital world is switched off for a bit.

    Plus, these nights often lead to some of the best conversations or even spontaneous moments of humor. You might just rediscover that spark you've been missing. Sometimes, less is more—and “No Electronics Night” is a perfect example of that.

    Funny Advice for the Bride-to-Be

    So, you're about to tie the knot—congratulations! But before you walk down that aisle, here's a little funny advice to help you on your journey. First off, remember that your groom is a fully grown child (most of the time). Be prepared for the occasional (or frequent) mess, and try not to let the little things drive you crazy. Think of it as practice for the rest of your married life!

    Another thing? Don't expect him to always pick up on your subtle hints. If you want something done, you might just have to spell it out. Men aren't always mind readers, and marriage gets a lot easier when you lower your expectations in that department.

    Lastly, keep in mind that humor is your best ally. When things get stressful, a good laugh can help you both reset and remember why you're together in the first place. After all, as the old saying goes, “A happy wife makes for a happy life”—and if you can laugh together, you're already halfway there.

    Beauty Fades but Humor Lasts

    Let's be honest—looks aren't forever. Sure, physical attraction might bring you together in the beginning, but what truly keeps a marriage alive is something much deeper. Humor, for instance, is timeless. Wrinkles may appear, and hairlines may recede, but the ability to laugh with your partner never gets old.

    Couples who know how to joke around with each other, especially in the face of life's inevitable changes, are more likely to stay connected over the long haul. It's easy to feel insecure as time marches on, but when you and your partner can still crack each other up, you know you've got something special.

    So, the next time you're stressing about appearance, remember that a good sense of humor will outlast any physical trait. As Oscar Wilde once said, “Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.” In marriage, it might just be the best way to keep the flame alive.

    Food Can Keep Him Quiet

    They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but it might just be the key to a peaceful household too. When tempers start to flare or stress levels rise, offering a good meal can do wonders for the mood. There's something about food that instantly calms and soothes—and let's face it, a full stomach makes for a happier person.

    Cooking for your husband doesn't just feed his hunger; it shows care, affection, and a willingness to nurture the relationship. Even something simple can go a long way. Next time there's tension, why not try offering a snack or a lovingly prepared meal instead of diving into an argument?

    As the saying goes, “Hangry is a real thing.” If you can keep him well-fed, you might find that a lot of potential disagreements fizzle out before they even begin. Food may not solve every problem, but it's a pretty solid start!

    Put the Seat Up Sometimes

    Here's a bit of classic marriage advice with a humorous twist: sometimes, it's okay to put the seat up. Yes, we've all heard the complaints about the toilet seat being left up or down, but the point here is really about compromise. Marriage isn't about winning every little battle; it's about finding balance and making small, thoughtful gestures for each other.

    Maybe he forgets to put the seat down, or maybe she doesn't care that you'd prefer it up. Whatever the case, these little moments are opportunities to show understanding. A marriage where each person is willing to meet halfway—even in something as trivial as toilet habits—is a marriage where both partners feel respected and valued.

    At the end of the day, marriage isn't about keeping score on these small details. It's about choosing peace, even when it means putting the seat up now and then. After all, life is too short to stress over the toilet!

    Reverse Psychology: The Power of Playfulness

    Sometimes, the best way to get what you want in marriage is through a little playful reverse psychology. Instead of nagging or demanding, try flipping the script in a fun way. Want him to take out the trash? Tell him he probably can't handle it as well as you can. Want her to put down her phone during dinner? Mention how great it is that she's so multitasking-obsessed these days.

    Reverse psychology works because it taps into the human desire to prove someone wrong—especially when it's done with a wink and a smile. You're not trying to manipulate your partner in a serious way; you're adding a layer of playfulness to the relationship that can ease tension and even spark a laugh.

    And here's the secret: playfulness keeps your relationship fresh. As relationships expert Esther Perel notes, “Play is a catalyst for vitality.” By keeping things light and humorous, you maintain a sense of fun that keeps your marriage from falling into routine. So next time you need something done, skip the serious tone and go for the playful challenge—it might just work better than you think.

    Time Works Differently After Marriage

    One of the funniest realizations after marriage? Time works differently! Before marriage, you might spend hours getting ready for a date, choosing the perfect outfit, and planning out a romantic evening. But after marriage, you're lucky if you both make it to the couch in your pajamas by 9 p.m. for a Netflix marathon. And that's okay!

    Marriage shifts your priorities, and sometimes, the best “date nights” are the ones where you're simply together, doing nothing at all. You'll find that quality time looks different after you've settled into life as a couple. There's no need for grand gestures all the time—sometimes, just being with your partner in the everyday moments is more valuable than anything else.

    Embrace the slower pace, the mundane routines, and the comfort that comes with being with someone who's seen you at your best and worst. Time might not work the same after marriage, but that's part of the beauty of building a life together.

    FAQs on Using Humor in Marriage

    How do I know if my spouse appreciates my sense of humor?

    If your spouse is smiling, laughing, or playfully teasing you back, they're probably enjoying your sense of humor. Everyone's style of humor is different, though, so it's important to be mindful of what your partner finds funny. As long as you're not crossing boundaries, humor can be a great way to bond.

    What if my spouse doesn't find my jokes funny?

    It's okay if your jokes don't always land! Not every joke will hit the mark, and that's fine. Pay attention to the kinds of things that make your spouse laugh and adjust your approach. The key is to keep trying in a lighthearted way, without getting frustrated or taking it personally.

    How can I use humor to resolve conflict in my marriage?

    Humor can be a powerful tool for diffusing tension, but timing is everything. When used appropriately, a well-timed joke or playful comment can ease the mood and bring perspective to an argument. Just make sure you're not using humor to dismiss your partner's feelings; instead, use it to lighten the atmosphere and bring you both back to a more open and connected place.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
    • Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel
    • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman


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