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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    10 Surprising Ways to Arouse Your Husband (Today!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Initiate and lead intimate moments
    • Flirting rekindles the playful spark
    • Physical touch is vital for connection
    • Surprise and spontaneity boost attraction
    • Emotional intimacy strengthens sexual desire

    1. Initiate intimacy

    Have you ever noticed that sometimes all it takes is that first step to break the ice? If you're waiting for your husband to initiate intimacy, you're missing out on an important part of connection. Don't wait—be the one to spark the moment. Whether it's a soft touch, a lingering kiss, or a playful whisper, initiating intimacy shows confidence and desire.

    Research supports that couples who actively engage in initiating intimate moments tend to maintain a stronger emotional and physical bond. According to Dr. Sue Johnson, the creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), “When you reach out for connection, you communicate that you value the relationship. This simple gesture deepens emotional safety.” Being the first to initiate can often open the door to deeper intimacy and closeness.

    Start by tuning into the mood and using subtle body language to show your interest. Small actions, like a gentle caress on his arm or a kiss on his neck, can trigger desire. When you take the lead, you remind him of the connection you share—and he's likely to reciprocate.

    2. Flirt more

    Flirting isn't just for the early days of dating; it's a powerful tool to keep the excitement alive in long-term relationships. Remember the playful texts, the inside jokes, and the mischievous looks you used to give each other? Those things shouldn't disappear with time—they should evolve into a deeper, more intimate form of communication.

    Psychologist Dr. Monica Whitty explains that “flirting within a committed relationship is a way of maintaining interest and sexual attraction.” A wink across the room, sending a cheeky text while he's at work, or even playfully teasing him about something trivial can reignite that spark. It reminds him that there's still a sense of fun, spontaneity, and attraction between you.

    So, let go of the everyday routine for a moment and engage in lighthearted, flirty banter. It can be as simple as complimenting him on his appearance or telling him how much you've been thinking about him. The key is to make it feel effortless and genuine—it will naturally reawaken those early feelings of attraction.

    3. Dress up


    Never underestimate the power of dressing up. When you put effort into your appearance, you're sending a clear message: "I want to look good for you." That visual appeal can have a major impact on attraction. Whether it's a stunning dress, some well-fitted jeans, or even something more playful, choosing an outfit that makes you feel confident can create a magnetic energy.

    And it's not just about him—this is about you feeling empowered. When you dress in a way that makes you feel attractive, it boosts your confidence, which is a huge turn-on. Confidence is contagious, and when you feel good, your husband will pick up on that energy. Remember, it's often the little things, like adding a touch of perfume or wearing that outfit you know he loves, that reignite attraction.

    As fashion psychologist Dr. Carolyn Mair explains, “The clothes we choose to wear have a psychological impact on both how we feel and how others respond to us. Dress intentionally, and it can elevate the mood, confidence, and energy in the room.” Dressing up isn't just superficial—it's a meaningful way to show your husband that you care about looking good for him, and in turn, it can stimulate desire.

    4. Stay fit

    Staying fit goes beyond appearance—it's about feeling strong, healthy, and energetic. Physical fitness plays a role in sexual attraction because it boosts your mood, enhances your energy levels, and increases body confidence. You don't need to aim for perfection, but engaging in regular physical activity helps you feel more comfortable in your body, which can have a direct effect on your intimacy.

    When you take care of your body, it shows you're committed to your well-being and your relationship. Exercise also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that naturally boost your mood. This positive energy often translates into greater sexual confidence, and your husband will be able to sense that. Plus, staying fit together can become a bonding activity that deepens your connection.

    Fitness expert Jillian Michaels points out, “When you feel good physically, it spills over into every area of your life, including your relationships.” So whether it's yoga, a brisk walk, or hitting the gym, prioritizing fitness isn't just about looks—it's about feeling empowered in your relationship.

    5. Surprise him

    Surprises have the power to inject excitement and novelty into your relationship. When routines start to settle in, it's easy for both partners to become comfortable, which can sometimes lead to a lack of sexual spontaneity. A well-timed surprise, whether big or small, can reignite that initial spark of excitement between you and your husband.

    It could be something as simple as a surprise date night where you've planned everything, or maybe you leave a playful note in his briefcase. Get creative. Surprises show that you're still thinking about him in a romantic and intimate way, and they help break the monotony of everyday life. Research shows that novelty and spontaneity are key factors in keeping long-term relationships exciting. According to relationship therapist Esther Perel, “Eroticism thrives in mystery and unpredictability.”

    The element of surprise taps into that unpredictability, making him feel desired and appreciated. It doesn't need to be extravagant—thoughtfulness counts. Next time he walks in the door, try greeting him in a way he wouldn't expect, or surprise him with something you know he'll enjoy, and watch how that simple act can create a ripple effect in your connection.

    6. Share fantasies

    Being open about your fantasies is one of the most intimate ways to deepen your sexual connection. It requires vulnerability, trust, and a willingness to communicate your deepest desires. Opening up to your husband about your fantasies creates an opportunity to explore new dimensions of your relationship and strengthen your bond in a powerful way.

    Sharing fantasies doesn't have to be daunting. Start with small, simple conversations about what excites you both. This exchange builds trust and opens a door to exploring together, making intimacy feel fresh and exhilarating. According to sex therapist Dr. Emily Nagoski, “Desire thrives on curiosity and exploration. The act of sharing fantasies can shift the dynamic, bringing back the thrill of novelty in a safe, consensual space.”

    Whether your fantasies are playful, sensual, or adventurous, the key is open communication. By discussing and perhaps acting on these fantasies, you create a shared experience that brings excitement and variety to your sexual relationship. Don't be afraid to be honest—it might surprise you how much it brings you closer.

    7. Physical touch

    Physical touch is the language of love that often speaks louder than words. A gentle caress on his back as you walk by, a soft touch on his hand, or a warm embrace after a long day can all send powerful signals of affection and desire. We often think of physical touch as just being part of intimacy, but it's actually the foundation that builds connection and comfort in any relationship.

    Studies have shown that couples who engage in regular physical touch outside of the bedroom often report higher levels of intimacy and satisfaction. Touch releases oxytocin, sometimes called the "love hormone," which fosters feelings of closeness and security. A simple hug can have the power to diffuse tension and create a moment of intimacy without saying a word.

    Take the time to reach out more often throughout the day. Whether it's a playful touch on his shoulder or holding his hand while you watch TV, these small gestures can accumulate to create a deeper emotional and physical bond. As Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The 5 Love Languages,” explains, “For some, physical touch is their primary love language. Regular, non-sexual physical touch can make them feel loved and desired.” It's a reminder to prioritize physical closeness in your everyday lives.

    8. Create anticipation

    Building anticipation is one of the most exciting ways to stoke desire. We all know the thrill of waiting for something we really want, and that feeling can be just as powerful in your relationship. Creating anticipation for intimacy—whether through teasing, flirtatious texts, or simply hinting at what's to come—can make your husband look forward to those intimate moments in a whole new way.

    Think about it like this: when you leave subtle clues or messages about how you're feeling or what you're planning, you're igniting his imagination. This sense of anticipation elevates desire and turns the mundane into something exciting. Whether it's telling him what you're going to wear later or leaving a note for him to find, these small acts build suspense and heighten attraction.

    Relationship experts agree that anticipation is an important part of keeping long-term relationships exciting. As sex educator Dr. Ian Kerner states, “The act of waiting and imagining can increase desire and sexual satisfaction. When partners create tension and build up the moment, it often leads to a more meaningful and pleasurable experience.” Don't be afraid to draw out the process—it can make the eventual payoff even more satisfying.

    9. Maintain eye contact

    Eye contact is one of the most intimate and powerful ways to connect with your husband. It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget the importance of those small moments where your eyes meet, but those moments can spark something much deeper. When you maintain eye contact during conversations or even intimate moments, you're signaling that you are fully present and engaged with him.

    In fact, maintaining eye contact increases feelings of trust, vulnerability, and connection. Studies show that couples who look into each other's eyes during intimate moments report feeling more emotionally connected. It's not just about the physical act of looking at someone—it's about seeing and being seen, without distractions. According to relationship expert Dr. John Gottman, “Eye contact is a form of non-verbal communication that helps couples feel understood and connected.”

    So next time you're talking or even just relaxing together, make an effort to hold his gaze a little longer. It's a simple but powerful gesture that can rekindle a sense of intimacy and closeness. Let him see that you're truly present, and you'll find it enhances not just your emotional bond but your physical connection as well.

    10. Be positive

    A positive mindset is contagious, and it can do wonders for your relationship. When you approach intimacy with a light-hearted and optimistic attitude, it not only relaxes you but also helps your husband feel more at ease. Positivity creates an environment where both of you can feel more open, vulnerable, and willing to connect on a deeper level.

    We all have our moments of stress or frustration, but when it comes to maintaining sexual attraction, focusing on the positives can make a significant difference. Celebrate the small victories in your relationship and highlight the things you love about each other. Compliments, words of appreciation, and simple acts of kindness all feed into a more joyful and intimate connection.

    Positivity also sets the stage for fun and playful intimacy. When you're relaxed and happy, it's easier to engage in flirtatious banter, surprise him with affectionate gestures, or laugh together. As relationship counselor Terri Orbuch suggests, “Couples who focus on positive interactions in their relationship tend to stay more connected and satisfied over time.” Being positive is not about ignoring challenges, but about creating a supportive and uplifting environment where intimacy can thrive.

    Ask yourself this first:

    What are my motivations?

    Before diving into ways to rekindle sexual attraction, it's important to reflect on your true motivations. Are you looking to connect with your husband on a deeper level, or are there other reasons driving your desire for more intimacy? Taking a moment to understand your inner motivations helps you approach the situation with clarity and intention.

    What does my husband appreciate most about our intimacy?

    Every relationship is unique, and what your husband values in your intimate connection might be different from what you expect. Does he cherish emotional closeness, spontaneity, or physical touch? Understanding what he appreciates most can guide you toward actions that resonate with him and strengthen your bond.

    Are there any underlying issues that might be affecting our intimacy?

    Sometimes, unresolved issues can create a barrier to intimacy. Whether it's emotional distance, stress, or past conflicts, identifying these underlying problems is crucial. Addressing them openly can clear the path for deeper intimacy, allowing you to rebuild trust and connection.

    How comfortable am I with these changes?

    Introducing new ways to connect intimately can sometimes feel outside of your comfort zone. It's important to ask yourself how comfortable you feel with the changes you're considering. Take gradual steps, and remember that intimacy grows when both partners feel secure and respected.

    How well do I understand his current stresses or challenges?

    Your husband's emotional and mental state plays a significant role in his level of intimacy. Is he under stress at work? Is he dealing with personal challenges? Being aware of what he's going through can help you approach intimacy with compassion and patience, leading to a more supportive and connected relationship.

    What's our current way of communicating about sex?

    Open communication about sex is key to maintaining a healthy intimate life. Take a moment to reflect on how often you both talk about your desires, boundaries, and feelings regarding sex. Are these conversations productive, or do they feel uncomfortable? Improving communication can be a game-changer for your sexual connection.

    How does my husband express his love and attraction towards me?

    Everyone expresses love and attraction in different ways. Understanding how your husband shows his affection—whether through physical touch, words of affirmation, or acts of service—can give you insight into his emotional and sexual needs. This awareness allows you to respond in ways that strengthen your bond.

    What are his thoughts on our current sexual relationship?

    It's important to not only consider your own perspective but also to ask your husband how he feels about your sexual relationship. Does he feel satisfied? Are there areas he would like to explore or improve? His input is vital to creating a mutually fulfilling intimate connection.

    What changes have occurred in our relationship or personal lives that could be influencing our intimacy?

    Life changes—whether big or small—can impact sexual attraction. Have there been recent shifts in your relationship dynamics, careers, or family life? Reflecting on these changes can help you identify the root of any disconnect and find ways to adjust and reconnect.

    What am I hoping to achieve?

    Finally, get clear on your goals. Are you hoping for more passion, deeper emotional connection, or simply to revive the spark? Knowing what you want to achieve helps you focus your efforts and communicate your desires effectively with your husband, making your journey toward intimacy more intentional and rewarding.

    Why is sexual attraction important in a relationship?

    Sexual attraction is more than just physical desire—it's the glue that holds emotional and physical intimacy together. When we feel sexually attracted to our partner, it creates a sense of closeness, excitement, and fulfillment. Without it, the relationship can feel stagnant or emotionally distant.

    Sexual attraction fuels passion and desire, both of which are essential for keeping a long-term relationship vibrant. It allows couples to connect on a primal level, creating a sense of mutual understanding and satisfaction. As sex therapist Dr. Laura Berman explains, “A healthy sexual relationship not only strengthens physical intimacy but also deepens emotional closeness and trust.”

    It's important to remember that sexual attraction evolves over time. What ignited sparks in the beginning may shift as the relationship matures, but keeping that attraction alive helps foster a strong and enduring bond. Sexual intimacy acts as a powerful form of communication, signaling love, desire, and commitment in ways that words cannot fully express.

    Why is emotional connection important for elevating sexual satisfaction?

    Emotional connection deepens trust and safety

    When emotional intimacy is present, it creates a foundation of trust and safety. This sense of security allows both partners to feel more open and vulnerable, which is essential for true sexual satisfaction. Without trust, it's difficult to fully engage in physical intimacy. Feeling emotionally connected fosters a sense of closeness that allows couples to explore their desires without fear or hesitation.

    Enhances communication about desires and boundaries

    Emotional connection isn't just about feeling close; it also enhances communication. When you're emotionally attuned to each other, discussing your desires and boundaries becomes easier and more natural. This open dialogue leads to a more fulfilling sexual relationship where both partners feel heard, respected, and understood. Good communication is key to ensuring that both of you are on the same page when it comes to intimacy.

    Leads to more meaningful sexual experiences

    Sex isn't just about physical pleasure—it's also a way to express love, passion, and connection. When there's a strong emotional bond, sexual experiences become more meaningful and profound. You're not just engaging in physical acts; you're sharing a moment of deep intimacy that strengthens your emotional bond. This makes sexual encounters feel richer and more satisfying.

    Promotes a positive feedback loop in the relationship

    When emotional connection is strong, it often leads to more satisfying sexual experiences, which in turn strengthens the emotional bond. This creates a positive feedback loop where both emotional and physical intimacy feed into each other. The more connected you feel emotionally, the more fulfilling your sexual experiences become, and vice versa. It's a cycle that helps keep the relationship thriving.

    Helps sustain attraction over time

    Physical attraction can ebb and flow over time, but emotional connection helps keep the flame alive. When you feel deeply connected to your partner on an emotional level, it can sustain and even enhance physical attraction. Emotional intimacy fosters a deeper appreciation for your partner, making them more attractive to you over the long term. This connection becomes the foundation that keeps the relationship exciting and fulfilling, even as time goes on.

    10 possible hindrances to sexual attraction in marriage

    1. Stress and fatigue

    One of the biggest barriers to sexual attraction is stress and fatigue. Whether it's from work, family responsibilities, or other external pressures, stress can zap energy and lower libido. When either partner is feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, intimacy may take a backseat. Managing stress and prioritizing self-care can help alleviate this hindrance.

    2. Lack of emotional connection

    When emotional intimacy fades, it often takes physical attraction with it. Without a strong emotional bond, sex can start to feel mechanical or disconnected. Rebuilding emotional connection through quality time and open communication is crucial to restoring sexual attraction.

    3. Poor communication about sex

    Not discussing your sexual needs, desires, or boundaries can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. If you or your husband are unsure about what the other wants, it's difficult to feel fully connected during intimacy. Open, honest communication is key to resolving misunderstandings and reigniting attraction.

    4. Routine and monotony

    Falling into the same routine can cause sexual attraction to fizzle out. When intimacy becomes predictable, it loses its excitement. Introducing new experiences, whether through date nights or trying something new in the bedroom, can break the cycle of monotony and bring back the spark.

    5. Unresolved conflict

    Conflict, especially if left unresolved, can create emotional distance. When tension lingers, it's difficult to feel attracted to your partner. Addressing conflicts head-on and finding ways to repair emotional wounds is essential for restoring intimacy.

    6. Physical health issues

    Physical health can have a significant impact on sexual attraction. Whether it's hormonal changes, illness, or medications, these factors can lower libido and make it difficult to engage in intimacy. If physical health is a concern, it's important to talk openly about it and seek medical advice if needed.

    7. Body image insecurities

    Feeling insecure about your body can lower your confidence and make it harder to feel attractive. If either you or your husband struggles with body image issues, it can create a barrier to intimacy. Building self-confidence and practicing self-love can go a long way in improving sexual attraction.

    8. Parenting responsibilities

    Children bring joy, but they can also drain energy and time. Parenthood often shifts focus away from the relationship, leaving little time or energy for intimacy. It's important to prioritize your relationship alongside parenting duties to maintain a healthy sexual connection.

    9. Emotional distance

    As emotional distance grows, sexual attraction tends to diminish. If you're feeling emotionally disconnected, it's essential to address these feelings before they affect your physical relationship. Rebuilding emotional closeness can reignite sexual attraction.

    10. External distractions

    Sometimes life's distractions—whether it's technology, social media, or other obligations—can get in the way of intimacy. Making time to focus solely on each other, without the interference of phones or other distractions, can help restore sexual attraction and deepen your connection.

    Final thoughts

    Reviving sexual attraction in marriage isn't about grand gestures or overnight changes. It's about consistent, thoughtful effort to deepen both the emotional and physical connection with your husband. When you prioritize intimacy, you strengthen the bond that holds your relationship together. Don't be afraid to communicate openly, experiment with new ideas, and focus on maintaining that spark as life evolves.

    Relationships require attention, and that includes the sexual aspect. By being intentional about how you approach intimacy—whether it's initiating more often, surprising him with small gestures, or simply holding eye contact longer—you show that your marriage is worth investing in. As you rebuild and nurture this attraction, remember that it's the little things that often matter most.

    Sexual attraction ebbs and flows, but it doesn't have to fade permanently. With conscious effort and communication, you can reignite the passion and desire in your marriage, keeping both of you connected and fulfilled in the long run.


    How to communicate effectively about intimacy?

    Effective communication about intimacy starts with honesty and vulnerability. Create a safe space where both you and your husband can talk openly about your desires, boundaries, and feelings without judgment. Ask open-ended questions like, “How are you feeling about our intimacy?” or “What could we do differently to feel closer?” The more transparent and patient you are in these conversations, the better the outcome. Remember, communication isn't just about talking—it's also about listening.

    How to keep the spark alive long-term?

    Keeping the spark alive requires a combination of effort, spontaneity, and emotional connection. Make time for each other, surprise each other with small romantic gestures, and don't shy away from introducing new experiences into your relationship. The key is to avoid complacency—be mindful of falling into routines that feel stale, and regularly check in with each other to see how you can keep things fresh. Above all, stay curious and open to growth together.

    What role does emotional intimacy play in physical connection?

    Emotional intimacy is the bedrock of a strong physical connection. When you and your husband feel emotionally safe and connected, it deepens your trust, which naturally enhances physical intimacy. Emotional intimacy allows you to express vulnerabilities, desires, and boundaries in a way that strengthens your bond, leading to more fulfilling sexual experiences. Simply put, when you feel emotionally close, the physical connection becomes that much more meaningful.

    Recommended Resources

    • The State of Affairs by Esther Perel
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson
    • The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman


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