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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    10 Perks of Saying 'I Do' (They're Not What You Think!)

    1. Shared Financial Stability: The Economic Powerhouse

    When most people think of marriage, romance and lifelong companionship spring to mind. However, there's also a pragmatic aspect: financial stability. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, married couples tend to have a higher accumulated wealth than their single counterparts. Why is this?

    First, having a partner means two incomes, and this is often synonymous with purchasing power. Expenses like rent, utilities, and other necessities are split, making them more manageable. Furthermore, the potential for dual incomes often means more investment opportunities and a stronger financial safety net. Having someone to discuss and strategize about financial decisions can lead to more informed and fruitful choices.

    Moreover, there are tax benefits associated with being married. In most countries, the tax system is structured in a way that offers breaks and deductions for married couples, potentially saving them thousands annually.

    There's also the advantage of shared insurance benefits. Many companies offer spousal benefits, which can mean significant savings on health, dental, and even auto insurance.

    2. Emotional Support: Your Built-In Therapist

    Humans are social beings. We thrive on connection, understanding, and emotional support. One of the greatest advantages of marriage is having a life partner – someone who's always there during good times and bad. As the saying goes, "Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow." Research from the Journal of Marriage and Family has shown that married individuals report higher levels of emotional and psychological well-being than those who are single or divorced.

    Having someone to confide in, discuss daily happenings with, or just curl up next to on a lazy Sunday adds a layer of warmth and security to life. It's like having a built-in therapist, cheerleader, and confidant rolled into one.

    Moreover, the emotional intimacy built over years of marriage fosters a deep understanding between partners. This often leads to an unmatched level of comfort and acceptance, allowing individuals to be their most authentic selves without fear of judgment.

    The beauty of this bond is that it grows over time. As couples face challenges together, overcome obstacles, and celebrate milestones, the emotional threads that tie them together only become stronger and more intricate.

    3. Improved Physical Health: The Wellness Duo

    Believe it or not, marriage can have a tangible effect on your physical health. Studies have shown that married people tend to live longer, have fewer health problems, and even recover from illnesses faster. One research piece from the American Journal of Epidemiology found that the mortality risk for singles was 32% higher than for those who are married.

    But why is this? Well, having a partner means there's someone constantly looking out for your well-being. Whether it's reminding you of your doctor's appointment, encouraging healthier eating habits, or just taking a walk together, these small actions compound over time for better health outcomes.

    Furthermore, couples often have synchronized health routines. If one decides to pursue a healthier lifestyle, it's likely the other will too, creating a domino effect of positive health decisions. This shared commitment to health can lead to regular exercise routines, better dietary choices, and a decrease in detrimental habits such as smoking or excessive drinking.

    Moreover, the emotional support discussed earlier plays a role here too. Emotional well-being often translates to physical well-being. Feeling loved and supported can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even boost immunity, according to a study from the Psychosomatic Medicine journal.

    4. Boosted Personal Growth: Becoming Your Best Self

    Personal growth is often perceived as a solitary journey, but marriage can be a catalyst for profound self-improvement. When two people commit to growing old together, they're not just committing to love and cherish one another. They're also committing to pushing each other toward personal evolution.

    With marriage comes a mirror, reflecting both your virtues and your flaws. This constant reflection pushes individuals to confront and rectify their shortcomings. Whether it's becoming a better listener, learning patience, or even mastering the art of compromise, marriage challenges individuals in myriad ways, leading to personal maturation.

    Furthermore, having a partner often means having a personal cheerleader. Someone who sees your potential, believes in your dreams, and pushes you towards achieving them. They're there to celebrate your successes, offer consolation during failures, and provide motivation when the going gets tough.

    In many ways, the growth experienced within the confines of marriage translates to other areas of life. The patience learned from marital disputes can aid in workplace dynamics. The listening skills honed over years can help in friendships. Marriage, in essence, becomes a training ground for holistic personal development.

    5. A Social Circle Expansion: Double the Fun, Half the Effort

    When two people tie the knot, it's not just their lives that merge but also their social circles. Suddenly, you're introduced to an entirely new set of people, enriching your social life in ways you might not have imagined. According to the journal 'Social Psychological and Personality Science', being married can significantly widen your social network, leading to improved mental and emotional health.

    With this amalgamation comes a myriad of benefits. Think about the new friendships that can blossom, the diversification in experiences and events, or just the sheer joy of having larger family gatherings during the holidays. A larger social circle also means a broader support system. During tough times, there's a bigger cushion of friends and family to lean on.

    Moreover, this extended circle can be a source of new opportunities – be it in professional contexts, hobbies, or travel recommendations. You're essentially tapping into the wisdom, experiences, and resources of a whole new set of individuals.

    Lastly, navigating this expanded circle together as a couple can strengthen the marital bond. Collaborative decision-making, shared experiences, and mutual friends can further entwine the lives of the married duo, fostering deeper intimacy.

    6. Lifelong Learning: The Classroom of Commitment

    Marriage, in many ways, is a lifelong learning journey. You're constantly discovering more about your partner, adapting to changes, and navigating the complexities of shared life. According to Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, successful marriages are those where partners turn towards each other, demonstrating an insatiable curiosity about their significant other.

    This learning isn't just about knowing your partner's favorite ice cream flavor or their most embarrassing childhood memory. It's about understanding their deepest fears, aspirations, and emotional triggers. It's about learning to communicate effectively, understanding the nuances of their body language, and discovering ways to support them best.

    Furthermore, marriage introduces individuals to situations they might not have otherwise encountered. From managing finances together, making joint decisions about relocations or career changes, to parenting (if couples choose to go down that path), every phase is a lesson in patience, compromise, understanding, and resilience.

    And as with any learning experience, there are challenges. However, these challenges, when navigated successfully, lead to personal growth, deeper understanding, and a stronger marital bond.

    7. Sense of Security: A Safe Harbor in Life's Storms

    Life is unpredictable. Amidst its twists and turns, having a partner by your side provides an unparalleled sense of security. This isn't just about financial stability, though that's a significant part. It's about knowing there's someone to come home to, someone who's got your back, and someone with whom you can face life's challenges head-on.

    The feeling of security transcends the emotional realm. Studies, like one published in 'Health Psychology', have shown that having a close partner during times of stress or medical procedures can have physiological benefits, including lowered heart rates and blood pressure.

    Additionally, this security extends to the family that couples might choose to build. For children, having married parents often means stability, routine, and a consistent environment. This, in turn, has numerous benefits for their emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.

    Knowing that there's a partner standing beside you, regardless of the challenges that life throws, can be an immense source of comfort and courage. It becomes easier to take risks, chase dreams, or merely weather life's storms when there's a safe harbor to return to.

    8. Fostering Familial Bonds: Crafting a Legacy

    Marriage is often the foundation stone for a family. It's where legacies are crafted, traditions are formed, and memories are made. Beyond the union of two people, it's a merger of two families and histories. According to the book "The Secrets of Happy Families" by Bruce Feiler, one of the strongest predictors of children's emotional well-being is their understanding of their family's history.

    Being married offers the unique advantage of creating and fostering these familial bonds. Whether it's crafting new traditions during the holidays, reminiscing about shared histories, or merely passing down stories to the next generation, these moments add depth and richness to life.

    Beyond the immediate family, marriage strengthens ties with extended family. Cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles – the tapestry of these relationships becomes more intricate and meaningful. It's an expansive web of care, support, and shared history.

    The legacy isn't just about the past; it's also about the future. Whether or not a couple chooses to have children, their union influences future generations, from instilling values, passing down heirlooms, or merely being the 'cool aunt and uncle' story that gets recounted at family gatherings.

    9. Personal Accountability: A Constant Mirror

    Living with someone day in and day out means there's always someone witnessing your actions, habits, and behaviors. This constant 'surveillance' might sound daunting, but it acts as a mirror, reflecting our best and worst sides. According to Dr. Harville Hendrix, a relationship therapist and author, partners can be our greatest teachers.

    Marriage, in this context, acts as an accountability partner. Maybe you've been procrastinating on a task, or perhaps there's a bad habit you've been trying to kick – having someone gently (or sometimes not-so-gently) nudge you can be the motivation you need to better yourself.

    This accountability isn't just about personal habits. It extends to moral and ethical grounds as well. Knowing someone aligns with your values and will call you out when you deviate from them keeps one grounded.

    Additionally, having someone celebrate your successes or acknowledge your efforts can be incredibly validating. It's a mutual growth pact, where both partners push each other to become the best versions of themselves.

    10. Deeper Intimacy: Beyond the Surface

    Intimacy isn't just about physical closeness. It's about emotional, psychological, and even spiritual connection. Marriage offers the framework for this profound intimacy to blossom. Over the years, layers are peeled back, revealing vulnerabilities, secrets, aspirations, and fears.

    This depth of connection isn't achieved overnight. It's crafted through shared experiences, challenges overcome, dreams chased together, and even the mundane day-to-day activities. Dr. Sue Johnson, a clinical psychologist and author, suggests that this emotional connection is the bedrock of any lasting relationship.

    The beauty of this intimacy is its ever-evolving nature. As individuals grow and change, so does the relationship, leading to new realms of understanding and connection. It's a dynamic dance of mutual growth and understanding.

    Moreover, this deep intimacy offers a safe space for self-expression. In a world where masks are often worn, having a space where you can be unequivocally yourself, warts and all, is invaluable. It's in this space that true healing, understanding, and connection occur.


    • Feiler, Bruce. "The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More". Harper Wave, 2013.
    • Hendrix, Harville. "Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples". St. Martin's Griffin, 2008.
    • Johnson, Dr. Sue. "Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love". Little, Brown Spark, 2008.

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