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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    21 Irresistible Long-Distance Date Ideas (You Need to Try!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Long-distance needs creativity and effort
    • Virtual dates keep the spark alive
    • Plan future travels to stay motivated
    • Share experiences through virtual activities
    • Communication and bonding are essential

    The challenges of long-distance relationships

    Let's face it—being apart from someone you love isn't easy. You miss the simple things, like holding hands, spontaneous kisses, and just being in the same room. Distance amplifies the feeling of loneliness and can sometimes make you question your relationship. In fact, according to The Anatomy of Love by Dr. Helen Fisher, the lack of physical closeness can trigger anxiety in many long-distance partners, as they might feel emotionally disconnected over time.

    So, how do we cope with these struggles? It's about maintaining a strong emotional connection, even when you're far apart. Long-distance relationships require more communication, creativity, and intentionality than most. Whether it's texting throughout the day or scheduling video calls, it's crucial to maintain a sense of presence in each other's lives. The key is to combat the feeling of isolation and not let it overtake the love and trust you've built.

    Why planning dates matters for long-distance couples

    Many people underestimate the power of a simple date when you're far apart, but here's the truth: without quality time, your relationship can quickly lose its spark. Long-distance couples often fall into the routine of just checking in on each other's day, which can get mundane. Dates, even if they're virtual, allow you to have something to look forward to and give you a chance to focus on one another.

    Relationship experts often talk about "The Investment Model" of relationships, which says that the more we invest time, energy, and resources into something, the more likely we are to stay committed to it. For long-distance couples, that investment often comes through planning intentional time together. Dates don't just fill the gap between visits; they create memories, bring excitement, and most importantly, remind you why you're together.

    By planning dates, you add excitement and shared activities that can reignite the passion and keep your emotional connection thriving. And let's be real—it breaks the monotony of constant texting or calls about the weather!

    Virtual movie night: Sharing screen, sharing love

    virtual movie

    Just because you're far apart doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good movie together. Virtual movie nights are a perfect way to relax and bond, even if it's through a screen. Using services like Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party) or simply sharing your screen, you can watch the same film at the exact same time while sharing reactions in real-time. The best part? You can stay cozy in your own space while feeling connected to your partner.

    “Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out,” said Martin Scorsese. In a long-distance relationship, you might not be physically in the same frame, but you're still creating a shared experience, and that's powerful.

    Plus, movie nights give you an easy way to unwind after a busy day, enjoy some laughter or suspense, and create little inside jokes over the films you love—or even the ones you both find awful! Pro tip: make it more special by watching a movie you haven't seen before, so both of you get to discover it at the same time.

    Online cooking date: Spice up your connection

    If you miss cooking together, you don't have to wait until your next visit. Online cooking dates let you share the experience of creating something delicious, even from miles apart. Pick a recipe you both want to try, and hop on a video call to cook it together. You can chat while you prep, share your cooking tips, and show off the finished dish before sitting down to enjoy your meal over the same virtual table.

    Food has a way of bringing people together, and cooking virtually taps into that magic. It turns an everyday task into something fun and intimate. You get to see how your partner moves around their kitchen, what ingredients they use, and even laugh over any culinary mishaps. Bonus: It gives you both a reason to plan a future visit where you can finally cook together in person.

    Not sure what to cook? Choose something easy, like pasta or tacos, or get adventurous and try out a new cuisine. If you're feeling particularly playful, set a time limit and challenge yourselves to a 'Chopped'-style competition using random ingredients from your kitchen!

    Virtual reality adventures: Exploring worlds together

    What if you could explore an entire new world with your partner without leaving your home? Virtual reality (VR) makes that possible. Whether it's exploring a fantasy world, going on a roller coaster ride, or visiting distant cities, VR experiences allow you to share thrilling moments despite the physical distance. With headsets like Oculus Quest or PlayStation VR, you can dive into immersive adventures together.

    Virtual reality takes long-distance dating to a whole new level. You're no longer just watching or talking—you're participating in shared experiences as if you're side by side. For example, you can go rock climbing, walk through the streets of Tokyo, or even battle zombies in a post-apocalyptic world, all while talking and interacting with each other in real time. These adventures help break the monotony and keep things exciting.

    Studies show that novelty and excitement boost relationship satisfaction by releasing dopamine, the "feel-good" hormone. When you explore new environments together, you're not just having fun; you're deepening your emotional connection.

    Online game night: A fun way to bond

    Game nights aren't just for family get-togethers—they can be a great way for couples to bond too. With so many online games available, from trivia to board games to multiplayer video games, there's no shortage of fun ways to challenge each other and laugh together. Whether you prefer casual games like Among Us or intense multiplayer games like Fortnite, online gaming adds a playful element to your relationship.

    Competitive or cooperative, games encourage communication and teamwork, both of which are vital for long-distance relationships. As psychologist John Gottman suggests in his research, building "love maps" helps couples stay connected. Playing games together can reveal more about each other's personalities, preferences, and even problem-solving styles, enhancing your mental map of your partner.

    Plus, it's a light-hearted way to blow off steam after a long day. So, set up a regular game night and take turns choosing the game—whoever wins gets to pick the next activity!

    Virtual museum tours: Cultural journeys from afar

    If you both enjoy art, history, or science, a virtual museum tour can be a perfect way to spend time together. Many of the world's most famous museums, such as The Louvre in Paris or The Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., offer virtual tours that allow you to explore their exhibits from the comfort of your home. You can walk through the halls of the Vatican Museums or marvel at ancient artifacts, discussing your favorite pieces with your partner as if you were there together.

    Experiencing cultural sites together can stimulate deeper conversations, helping you learn more about your partner's thoughts and tastes. Art can evoke emotion and spark meaningful dialogue, which builds emotional intimacy. And because you're engaging with something intellectually stimulating, it feels more like a "date" than just another video call.

    According to studies in psychology, shared experiences are crucial for bonding. Even if those experiences are virtual, they create memories that reinforce your connection. So the next time you're feeling bored or missing your partner, consider taking a virtual stroll through a world-class museum!

    Book club for two: Deep conversations through literature

    If you're both book lovers, starting a mini book club just for the two of you could be one of the most enriching long-distance date ideas. Choose a book you both want to read, and set a time to discuss it, chapter by chapter or after you've both finished it. Whether it's a gripping mystery, a classic novel, or a thought-provoking book, reading together gives you plenty of material for deep conversations.

    As literary critic Harold Bloom once said, “We read not to find life, but to create it.” Books open doors to conversations about life, philosophy, dreams, and personal values. By diving into characters, themes, and narratives, you'll learn more about how your partner thinks and feels, often in ways that day-to-day conversations don't touch.

    Plus, reading and discussing literature together builds intellectual intimacy. It's not just about the book itself, but the discussions that follow—the revelations about how you each view the world. So, whether you love fiction or non-fiction, find something that piques both your interests and create your own little literary escape.

    Sending care packages: Thoughtful tokens of love

    Sometimes, the smallest gestures can have the biggest impact. Sending a care package is a thoughtful way to remind your partner that you're thinking of them, even when you're miles apart. Whether it's their favorite snacks, a handwritten note, or little items that remind them of you, a care package brings a physical connection to an otherwise digital relationship.

    Psychologically, receiving a gift can increase feelings of appreciation and emotional closeness. According to relationship experts, small acts of kindness and generosity strengthen emotional bonds. Care packages also have the added benefit of surprise—there's something exciting about opening a box filled with personalized items, each one carefully chosen to make your partner smile.

    If you're wondering what to send, think about items that hold sentimental value. Maybe it's something from a place you visited together, or a book you think they'd love. It doesn't have to be extravagant—just thoughtful. These tokens of love make your partner feel cared for in a tangible way, which is invaluable when you can't be together in person.

    Planning future travels: The excitement of what's to come

    One of the best parts of a long-distance relationship is the excitement that builds up before your next reunion. Planning future travels together gives you both something to look forward to and helps ease the pain of being apart. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a dream vacation, the anticipation of spending quality time together can be a huge morale booster.

    Studies show that having something to look forward to, like a planned trip, increases happiness and well-being. When you plan a trip with your partner, you're investing in future memories, and that shared sense of adventure strengthens your bond. Plus, it's a great way to engage in meaningful conversations about what you both enjoy—whether it's a beach holiday, hiking in the mountains, or exploring a new city.

    Even if your next visit isn't for a while, the process of researching destinations, booking hotels, and planning activities keeps you connected. It reminds you that the distance is temporary and that there's something amazing waiting just around the corner.

    Virtual art class: Getting creative together

    Art has a way of connecting people, and even when you're apart, you can share in that creative process. Taking a virtual art class together is a fun and interactive way to bond. Whether it's painting, drawing, or even pottery, learning something new side by side gives you a chance to explore your creative sides and compare your masterpieces.

    Many platforms offer virtual classes where you can both follow the same instructions and create your own pieces of art. It's not about who is the better artist—it's about the joy of expressing yourselves and having fun together. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even try to create art for each other and exchange your creations at the end of the class.

    Psychologists often talk about the concept of "flow"—a state of being fully immersed in an activity. Art can easily put you into that flow state, allowing both of you to forget about the distance and focus on creating something meaningful together. Plus, you'll have a physical (or digital) keepsake to remind you of the experience!

    Stargazing together virtually: A romantic connection

    There's something inherently romantic about looking up at the stars, and the good news is that you don't have to be in the same place to enjoy this experience together. Thanks to technology, you can share a stargazing moment virtually. Apps like SkyView or Star Walk let you both look at the night sky in real-time, whether you're on the same continent or half a world away.

    Stargazing is one of those quiet, reflective activities that allow you to connect on a deeper level. You can talk about the vastness of the universe, share your hopes and dreams, or simply enjoy the peace of the moment together. It's a date idea that requires nothing but time and a willingness to marvel at the beauty above.

    For centuries, lovers have gazed at the same stars, feeling closer through the shared experience. You and your partner can do the same, no matter the distance between you. So grab a blanket, find a clear night, and spend some time under the same sky. It's a simple but powerful way to strengthen your bond.

    Virtual coffee dates: Simple and sweet moments

    There's something so comforting about sitting down with a warm cup of coffee, and when you're in a long-distance relationship, a virtual coffee date can be just as sweet. It's simple, yet meaningful. Pick a time to brew your favorite drinks, hop on a video call, and treat it like you would a regular coffee date in person. These small, everyday moments can help maintain the feeling of normalcy and closeness in your relationship.

    The beauty of virtual coffee dates lies in their simplicity. It's not about grand gestures—it's about having uninterrupted time to talk and catch up, without the pressure of a big event or outing. You can discuss your day, your thoughts, or even just sit in comfortable silence, sipping your coffee together.

    Sometimes, it's these seemingly mundane moments that keep the connection alive. You're sharing an experience that feels familiar, even though you're far apart. Whether you make it a weekend tradition or a spontaneous mid-week pick-me-up, these virtual coffee dates can become a grounding ritual that helps you both feel closer.

    Writing stories together: Crafting your shared narrative

    For couples who love to flex their creative muscles, writing stories together is a fantastic long-distance date idea. Whether you're crafting a fun short story, a romantic tale, or even a silly adventure, collaborating on a narrative lets you explore each other's imaginations while creating something unique together. You can take turns writing paragraphs or chapters, building off each other's ideas, and seeing where the story takes you.

    Storytelling has always been a way to connect on a deeper level. By writing together, you not only share your creativity but also build a narrative that reflects both of your personalities and emotions. It's a collaborative process that requires communication, imagination, and a sense of playfulness. Plus, it gives you a chance to explore different themes and ideas that may mirror your own relationship journey.

    As you craft stories together, you might find that your shared narrative becomes more than just words on a page. It can symbolize the evolving story of your relationship—one that you're writing together, even from a distance. And who knows? You might end up with a fun keepsake to look back on years from now.

    Fitness challenges online: Supporting each other's goals

    Staying active and healthy can be tough when you're apart, but turning it into a shared goal can make all the difference. Fitness challenges are a great way to bond while also supporting each other's health goals. Whether it's signing up for a virtual 5K race or competing to see who can complete the most push-ups in a month, these challenges add a bit of friendly competition and accountability to your relationship.

    Research shows that couples who work out together are more likely to stick with their fitness goals. You can use fitness apps, wearables, or even video call workouts to keep each other motivated. The key is finding a challenge that excites both of you—whether it's yoga, weight training, or hitting a certain number of steps each day.

    The physical benefits are great, but the emotional support is even better. Encouraging each other to push harder or celebrating small victories can boost your connection and give you something tangible to work toward as a team. Plus, knowing your partner is cheering you on from afar can make all the difference in sticking to those fitness goals.

    Online language learning: Growing your minds together

    Learning a new language together might seem like a daunting task, but it's an incredibly rewarding way to grow closer as a couple. Language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel make it easy to start, and you can turn it into a shared activity by practicing with each other. Whether you choose a language that's connected to your heritage, a place you've both wanted to visit, or just something fun and new, it's a great way to stimulate your minds together.

    Research has shown that learning new skills, especially as a couple, strengthens bonds and improves communication. You'll have fun stumbling over new words and perfecting phrases, and before you know it, you'll have an entirely new way to communicate with each other.

    Language learning also opens the door to future adventures. Imagine traveling together and speaking the local language—knowing you learned it side by side. It's about growth, discovery, and challenging yourselves in a way that adds another layer to your relationship.

    Virtual picnics: Creative and cozy

    Who says you can't have a picnic when you're far apart? A virtual picnic can be just as cozy and fun, with a bit of creativity. Pick a time, set up a nice spot in your living room or backyard, and prepare some of your favorite snacks. You can even coordinate what you'll both be eating to make it feel like you're sharing the same meal. Then, hop on a video call and enjoy your virtual picnic together.

    It's not just about the food—it's about creating a special moment where you can chat, laugh, and feel connected. You can even theme the picnic to make it more exciting, like an Italian spread with wine and cheese, or a brunch-style picnic with mimosas and fresh fruit. The effort you put into these little details will make it feel more intimate, like you're really sharing a meal together.

    Virtual picnics are a low-stress, high-reward way to break up the routine and spend quality time. They remind you that distance doesn't have to stop you from enjoying simple pleasures as a couple.

    Watching the sunrise or sunset: Romantic from anywhere

    Few things are more romantic than watching the sunrise or sunset together, even when you're far apart. Nature has a way of bringing peace and beauty into our lives, and sharing that experience with your partner can be deeply meaningful. Choose a time when the sun is setting or rising where you both live, get on a video call, and enjoy the view together. The colors, the calmness, and the shared silence can make for a truly special moment.

    Sometimes, it's the simplest dates that leave the biggest impact. Watching the sunset or sunrise is a perfect way to feel connected, even when there are miles between you. You don't have to talk much—just being present and sharing that quiet beauty is enough. It's a reminder that you're both looking at the same sky, no matter where you are in the world.

    These moments offer a chance for reflection, gratitude, and emotional closeness. Whether you're starting or ending your day together, it's a gentle way to strengthen your bond and feel united by nature's timeless beauty.

    Online puzzle solving: Test your teamwork

    Long-distance relationships thrive on communication and teamwork, and what better way to test those skills than solving puzzles together? Online puzzle-solving games, like escape rooms or cooperative puzzles, are a fun way to challenge your minds and work as a team. You and your partner can put your heads together to figure out clues, solve riddles, or escape a virtual room within a time limit.

    These games require patience, problem-solving, and collaboration, which can help strengthen your relationship. As you navigate the challenges together, you'll get a sense of accomplishment and build confidence in your ability to handle obstacles as a couple. Plus, it's just plain fun to see who spots the clues first or how well you can communicate under pressure.

    Whether you're puzzle aficionados or just looking for something different to do, this virtual activity is a great way to keep things exciting while also learning more about how you work together as a team. After all, a relationship is like a puzzle—you have to find the right pieces that fit together to make it whole.

    Creating shared Spotify playlists: Sharing your soundtracks

    Music has an incredible ability to connect us, and creating shared Spotify playlists is a great way to bring a personal touch to your long-distance relationship. You can curate playlists filled with songs that remind you of each other, music you've discovered together, or simply tunes that reflect your current mood. It's a thoughtful way to say, "Hey, I'm thinking of you," without needing to speak a word.

    By sharing playlists, you're essentially sharing a piece of yourself—your taste in music, your emotions, your memories. Whether it's a playlist for a specific mood, like "Chill Weekend Vibes" or "Songs That Make Me Think of You," these soundtracks become a part of your relationship's narrative. Listening to the same music brings you closer, even when you can't physically be together.

    Plus, every time your partner listens to the playlist, they'll be reminded of you. It's an easy, ongoing way to stay connected and share a bit of everyday life through music. As the playlist evolves, it becomes a musical journey of your relationship, filled with memories and emotions.

    Planning a virtual vacation: Getaways from afar

    Even though you might not be able to physically travel together, planning a virtual vacation can bring a little excitement and adventure into your long-distance relationship. Imagine exploring the streets of Rome, walking along the beaches of Bali, or visiting the temples of Kyoto—all from the comfort of your own homes. With virtual tours and live-streaming services, you can explore new places together in real-time, learning about the culture, sights, and history as if you were on a real vacation.

    Planning a virtual getaway allows you to experience that thrilling feeling of exploring a new destination, even when travel isn't possible. You can map out itineraries, share travel goals, and maybe even plan for a future trip when you're finally able to visit each other. Not only does this keep the relationship exciting, but it also gives you something tangible to look forward to.

    By indulging in a virtual vacation, you're adding a sense of adventure to your relationship, keeping things fresh, and making new memories together. Whether it's a trip to a place you've always dreamed of visiting or a quirky online travel experience, the joy of discovery is something you can both share, even from afar.

    Online shopping dates: Digital strolls through stores

    Believe it or not, online shopping can be a fun date activity for long-distance couples. You might not be able to physically browse stores together, but you can still enjoy a virtual shopping spree! Whether you're picking out clothes, home decor, or quirky gadgets, it's a great way to bond and get to know each other's tastes and styles. Set up a video call and open your favorite shopping sites—it'll feel like you're strolling through the mall together.

    Online shopping dates can also be practical. Maybe you're picking out gifts for each other or deciding on decor for a future shared space. It gives you an opportunity to discuss preferences, style, and even dream about your future together. Plus, there's something fun about discovering new items and sharing the excitement of finding something perfect.

    Not only does this activity spark conversation and laughter, but it's also an easy way to make mundane tasks like shopping feel more special. So, whether you're shopping for the perfect outfit or just window shopping for fun, it's a playful and interactive way to connect.

    FAQs about long-distance dating

    Long-distance relationships often come with a lot of questions. Here are some common concerns and answers that might help ease your mind or provide some clarity as you navigate the distance with your partner.

    How long should you date long-distance before meeting?

    There's no hard and fast rule for this. It depends on your comfort levels and the logistics involved. Some couples meet within a few months, while others may wait longer due to financial, work, or visa restrictions. It's important to have open discussions about your expectations and find a timeline that works for both of you. The key is balancing patience with excitement—anticipating that first meeting is one of the sweetest parts of long-distance dating!

    Does long-distance count as dating?

    Absolutely! Just because you're not physically together doesn't mean your relationship is any less valid. Many couples start their relationships long-distance or spend long periods apart for work or study. The emotional connection you build, the time you spend communicating, and the effort you put into making it work all count. In fact, some long-distance relationships are even stronger because of the commitment and communication involved.

    How long can you date long-distance?

    There's no limit to how long a long-distance relationship can last, as long as both partners are committed and willing to make it work. Some couples spend years in long-distance relationships before finally closing the gap, while others transition sooner. The most important factor is ensuring that you both have a shared vision for the future and a plan to eventually be in the same place. Regular communication and setting goals for when you'll meet up again are crucial.

    How long should you date before becoming an official long-distance couple?

    There's no right or wrong answer here—it depends on your individual relationship. Some people decide to make things official right away, while others may want to see how the dynamic plays out over time. What matters most is that both partners are on the same page about the commitment level and expectations. As long as you're communicating clearly, you can define your relationship when it feels right.

    Recommended Resources

    • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
    • Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
    • Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson


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