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    Dealing With Infidelity in the Workplace - What Can Employers Do?

    Infidelity can be an emotionally destructive force, and having to deal with it in the workplace can be a difficult situation for all parties involved. Although it may have been going on without notice, once it becomes an issue in the workplace, employers must take action – not only for their own protection, but for the well-being of their employees as well. This article will explore ways to deal with infidelity in the workplace and what employers need to do to protect both the individuals and their business.

    One of the first things employers should do when they become aware that one of their employees is cheating on their spouse while they’re on the job is to consult with an attorney and human resources expert. While there may not be any legal ramifications, the employer needs to be sure they are acting within their rights, as the matter can be trying for those involved. They may consider offering the employee resources for counseling and emotional support, such as a referral to a mental health professional or other type of support group.

    Once the decision has been made to take formal action against the cheating employee, the employer must put together a plan of action. This should be based on the nature of the infidelity and the employee’s history with the company. One of the most important things to consider is the impact of this violation on other employees, customers and any stakeholders – if the company’s reputation is damaged, it could lead to serious repercussions.

    The employer should also assess how comfortable they feel confronting the individual in question. Although indisputable evidence of infidelity needs to be discussed – and potentially documented – it's important that all parties involved feel secure in the process. If the employer is uncomfortable talking with the employee and determining a course of action on their own, they should look into consulting a third-party mediator or someone who specializes in employee relationships.

    The employer should also discuss the consequences the accused employee could face, such as suspension – or even termination – depending on the extent of their violation(s). Documentation of any disciplinary action taken should be kept in the employee’s file, and the employer should always keep an eye out for any potential legal fallout from their decision.

    When dealing with such a serious situation, it's important to remember that certain laws may be applicable to help protect individuals from false accusations – such as libel, slander and discrimination – and the employer should be sure to research laws applicable to their state in order to determine their best course of action. For example, although California does not have a specific law related to infidelity in the workplace, the state does have statutes in place to protect employees from discrimination.

    Finally, employers should create a clear and fair policy outlining their expectations in regards to their employees’ personal lives. This should be written in such a way that it provides specific details while still leaving enough room for flexibility depending on each situation. It's important that employers make it clear that any type of infidelity – whether on or off the clock – won’t be tolerated, and that severe consequences may result.

    Dealing with cases of infidelity in the workplace can be a difficult, tricky situation, but it is not impossible to manage. The most important thing for employer’s to remember is that although it is their responsibility to protect both their employees and business, they should consider consulting a third-party mediator or someone with experience in dealing with such a delicate matter. By following the steps outlined in the article, employers can develop the resources and the understanding necessary to make the best decisions possible in their particular circumstances.

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