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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    13 Unsettling Signs He's Into His Coworker (and How to Handle It)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Notice subtle changes in his behavior.
    • Trust your instincts about their connection.
    • Avoid jealousy—focus on communication.
    • Strengthen your relationship, not your suspicions.
    • Your well-being matters most.

    The Subtle Signs You Can't Ignore

    Have you ever noticed your husband mentioning a female coworker more often than usual? Or maybe you've sensed a shift in his behavior, leaving you with an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. These subtle signs might be easy to dismiss, but when they start adding up, it's hard not to feel a wave of doubt wash over you.

    In our busy lives, it's natural to interact with others, especially at work, where people spend so much time together. However, when the line between professionalism and personal interest starts to blur, it can create a confusing and emotionally charged situation for everyone involved. Whether you're already feeling suspicious or just starting to notice something off, it's important to recognize the signs that your husband may be developing feelings for his female coworker—and to know how to address it.

    We're going to dive into the specific behaviors that might be sending up red flags, and, more importantly, we'll discuss the steps you can take to manage the situation with grace and confidence. Remember, you're not alone in this—many people have navigated similar waters, and there's a way forward that protects your emotional well-being and your relationship.

    He Casually Mentions Her More Often

    Have you noticed that your husband seems to bring up his female coworker in casual conversation more frequently? Maybe it's a story about something funny she said in a meeting, or perhaps he's talking about a project they're working on together. On the surface, it might seem harmless—after all, work is a big part of life, and it's normal to talk about colleagues.

    But here's the thing: if he's mentioning her in a way that feels excessive, or if his tone shifts when he talks about her, it might indicate that she's occupying more of his thoughts than you'd expect for a typical coworker. Dr. Harriet Lerner, a renowned psychologist, notes in her book The Dance of Connection that when someone frequently brings up another person, it can be a sign that they're trying to make sense of their own feelings about that individual.

    This could be an early indicator that his interest in her is growing beyond the professional realm. Pay attention to the frequency and context of these mentions, as they could provide insight into what's really going on in his mind.

    You Know She Fits His Type

    concerned look at coworker

    One of the more unsettling realizations you might come to is that this coworker fits his type—the type he's always been drawn to, whether it's her physical appearance, her personality, or even her sense of humor. It's the kind of recognition that can hit you like a ton of bricks, making the situation feel even more threatening.

    Understanding his preferences can give you some context, but it can also amplify your concerns. If you've noticed that she shares similarities with women he's been attracted to in the past, it's natural for your mind to start making connections that lead to worry. It's not just about her being another coworker; it's about her being someone who ticks all the boxes that have historically captured his interest.

    This kind of realization can be incredibly challenging to process. It might make you question your own self-worth or whether you measure up to this person. But it's important to remember that just because someone fits a type doesn't mean they're a better match or that your relationship is any less valuable. Focus on what makes you unique and why your connection with him has lasted this long.

    Suddenly, They're Spending More Time Together

    When you start noticing that your husband and his female coworker are spending more time together outside of what's necessary for work, it can raise a significant red flag. Perhaps they're grabbing coffee more often, staying late to finish a project, or attending work events together where they seem inseparable. These actions can be easily justified in the context of their jobs, but when they start becoming a pattern, it's hard to ignore.

    Dr. Shirley Glass, in her book Not "Just Friends", explains that one of the first steps toward an emotional affair is an increase in time spent together. When someone begins to prioritize time with another person over their partner, it can be a sign that emotional boundaries are starting to blur.

    This sudden increase in togetherness might not mean anything concrete yet, but it's worth paying attention to. Are they seeking each other out in ways that go beyond what's required? Is he more eager to attend work-related events because she'll be there? These are the questions you need to ask yourself as you navigate these observations.

    It's essential to approach this with an open mind, but also with a sense of self-preservation. Recognizing these patterns can help you decide on the next steps, whether it's having a conversation with him about your concerns or simply observing for a little longer to gather more information.

    He Acts Differently When She's Brought Up

    Have you noticed a shift in your husband's behavior when her name comes up in conversation? Perhaps he becomes more defensive, dismissive, or even overly enthusiastic. These changes, however subtle, can speak volumes about what might be going on beneath the surface.

    When someone's feelings start to complicate a situation, their natural reaction is often to hide or downplay those emotions. It's a protective mechanism—one that's designed to prevent others from seeing what's really going on. If your husband starts to act differently when you mention this coworker, it could be a sign that there's more to their relationship than meets the eye.

    Pay attention to his tone, his body language, and the way he responds to your questions. Does he change the subject quickly? Does he try to reassure you a bit too much? These are often the subtle cues that something is amiss. In her book Emotional Unavailability, Bryn Collins notes that people who are emotionally invested in someone else might become inconsistent or erratic in their behavior when trying to conceal their true feelings.

    It's not about jumping to conclusions, but rather, being aware of the shifts in his demeanor that weren't there before. These small changes can be an early warning sign that his feelings are getting tangled up in ways that could affect your relationship.

    Trust Your Gut Feeling

    There's a reason why the phrase “trust your gut” is so often repeated. Our instincts are powerful tools, finely tuned by years of experience and intuition. When something feels off, it usually is. Ignoring that little voice inside you can lead to more confusion and heartache down the line.

    Your gut feeling is a culmination of subtle cues, past experiences, and your deep understanding of your partner. It's not just paranoia or insecurity—it's your mind picking up on inconsistencies, behaviors, and patterns that don't align with what you know to be true in your relationship. In her book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell discusses how our instincts can make quick, accurate judgments about situations, often before we consciously understand why.

    So, if your gut is telling you something is wrong, it's worth paying attention to. This doesn't mean you need to confront him immediately, but rather, take note of your feelings and the behaviors that trigger them. Your intuition is a powerful guide—it's your first line of defense against emotional harm.

    However, it's also important to balance gut feelings with rational thought. While instincts are valuable, they should be considered alongside concrete evidence and open communication. If your gut is telling you there's an issue, use it as a signal to look deeper, ask questions, and observe more closely. It's your inner wisdom speaking—don't ignore it.

    There's a Tangible Energy Between Them

    Sometimes, the most telling signs are the ones you can't quite put into words. You know that feeling when you walk into a room, and there's an undeniable energy between two people? It's like the air is charged, and you can sense the connection without them even saying a word. This is what happens when there's a tangible energy between your husband and his female coworker.

    Maybe you've noticed it at social gatherings, or perhaps you've seen it in the way they interact at work events. There's a certain spark—an unspoken understanding—that seems to flow between them. It might be as simple as a shared laugh, a lingering glance, or the way they seem to always gravitate toward each other in a crowded room.

    This kind of energy can be difficult to quantify, but it's something that many people pick up on instinctively. In the book The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman discusses how non-verbal communication can often speak louder than words. When two people are emotionally connected, it shows in their body language, eye contact, and even the way they position themselves around each other.

    Don't underestimate the power of this unspoken connection. While it might seem like something you're imagining, trust that your perception of their energy is valid. If you're feeling it, there's a good chance others are too. It's important to keep this in mind as you assess the situation and decide on your next steps.

    Borrowing Personal Items Becomes Normal

    Sharing is a natural part of human relationships, but when your husband starts borrowing personal items from his female coworker—or vice versa—it can be a sign of increasing intimacy. Whether it's something as innocent as a book, a pen, or even a piece of clothing, these exchanges can symbolize a deeper connection.

    Borrowing personal items often reflects a level of comfort and trust that goes beyond the typical coworker relationship. It's one thing to borrow a stapler from someone at work; it's another to feel comfortable enough to exchange more personal belongings. In her book Attached, Dr. Amir Levine talks about how sharing possessions can be a way of creating bonds and building emotional connections.

    Think about it: when you borrow something from someone, it creates a small, but significant, link between the two of you. There's an expectation of return, and with that comes ongoing interaction. It's a subtle way of maintaining contact and fostering a sense of familiarity. If you've noticed that your husband and his coworker are sharing things regularly, it could be a sign that their relationship is becoming more personal than professional.

    This might seem harmless at first, but it's worth considering what these exchanges represent. Are they just coworkers helping each other out, or is there something more behind these gestures? Pay attention to how frequently this happens and what kinds of items are being exchanged. It could provide insight into the nature of their relationship.

    Increased Enthusiasm for Work Events

    Work events are a regular part of most jobs, but if your husband suddenly seems more enthusiastic about attending them, it might raise some questions. Maybe he used to be indifferent about work parties, happy hours, or team-building exercises, but now, he's marking them on the calendar and talking about them with anticipation.

    This newfound enthusiasm could be innocent—after all, socializing with coworkers can be fun. However, if you notice that his excitement seems particularly tied to the presence of a specific coworker, it's worth considering why. Is he going out of his way to attend events he previously would have skipped? Does he seem particularly interested in talking about who will be there, especially when it comes to this female coworker?

    Dr. Mira Kirshenbaum, in her book Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay, explains that when someone becomes emotionally invested in another person, they may find themselves drawn to situations where they can interact with that person in a more relaxed, social environment. These settings often allow for more personal conversations and connections that go beyond the professional realm.

    If he's showing a level of excitement for work events that seems unusual, especially when it's connected to this coworker, it's something to keep an eye on. The change in his behavior could be a subtle indication that these events have taken on a new significance for him.

    More Time Spent at Work Than Usual

    Working late or putting in extra hours occasionally is a normal part of many careers, especially when deadlines are looming or projects require more attention. But when your husband starts spending significantly more time at work than he used to, it's natural to wonder why.

    Has he started staying late more often? Maybe he's going in early, working weekends, or finding excuses to be in the office beyond what his job demands. These changes in his routine can be concerning, particularly if they coincide with his growing connection to a female coworker.

    In her book The State of Affairs, Esther Perel discusses how people sometimes use work as a convenient cover for spending more time with someone they're emotionally or romantically interested in. If your husband's extended hours coincide with this coworker's schedule, or if he seems eager to be at work more often than necessary, it might be a red flag.

    Of course, this doesn't automatically mean there's something inappropriate happening, but it does suggest that something at work—perhaps someone—is drawing him in. It's important to assess whether these extra hours are genuinely work-related or if there's another motivation behind them. Noticing patterns in his work habits and the reasons he gives for staying late can help you understand what's really going on.

    Your Relationship Dynamics Are Shifting

    Every relationship goes through phases, but if you've started to notice a shift in your dynamics, it's something that shouldn't be ignored. Maybe he's becoming more distant, or perhaps the ease and comfort that once characterized your interactions are being replaced by tension and uncertainty. These changes, while often subtle at first, can be a strong indicator that something isn't quite right.

    Perhaps he's less interested in spending time together or has become more critical or irritable without clear reasons. You might find that the emotional intimacy you once shared feels strained, and conversations that used to flow naturally are now stilted or avoided altogether. These shifts could be symptomatic of his emotional energy being directed elsewhere, possibly towards his female coworker.

    In her book Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson discusses how the quality of our interactions with our partners is a key indicator of the health of our relationship. When the dynamics shift, it's often because one or both partners are emotionally withdrawing or redirecting their focus. If you're feeling this shift, it's essential to address it rather than letting it fester.

    Understanding these changes in your relationship dynamics can help you determine whether they are temporary fluctuations or signs of a deeper issue that needs to be confronted. It's crucial to pay attention to these signs and consider whether they correlate with his interactions at work, particularly with his female coworker.

    How to Handle Your Suspicions

    Feeling suspicious about your husband's behavior is a difficult and often painful experience. It's natural to want to protect your relationship and yourself, but it's equally important to approach the situation with care and thoughtfulness. So, how do you handle these suspicions without causing unnecessary conflict or making rash decisions?

    The first step is to gather your thoughts and reflect on what you've noticed. Have there been consistent signs that point towards a deeper issue, or are these isolated incidents that might have reasonable explanations? Taking time to evaluate the situation can help you approach it with a clear mind rather than reacting purely out of emotion.

    Communication is key in any relationship, and this situation is no different. If your suspicions are weighing heavily on you, it may be time to have an honest conversation with your husband. Dr. John Gottman, in his book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, emphasizes the importance of discussing difficult topics with openness and respect. Approaching the conversation from a place of concern rather than accusation can lead to a more productive dialogue.

    It's also essential to take care of your own emotional well-being during this time. Surround yourself with support, whether it's from friends, family, or a therapist. Handling suspicions can be emotionally draining, and having a support system can help you navigate these challenging waters.

    Ultimately, how you handle your suspicions will set the tone for how the situation unfolds. Whether it leads to a deeper understanding and reconnection with your husband or to difficult decisions about your relationship, the way you approach it matters. Trust your instincts, but also give space for communication and clarity. It's about finding a path forward that honors both your feelings and the truth of the situation.

    Don't Jump to Conclusions—Stay Calm

    When suspicions start to creep in, it's easy to let your imagination run wild, but jumping to conclusions can do more harm than good. The mind has a way of filling in the blanks with worst-case scenarios, especially when emotions are running high. It's important to take a step back, breathe, and approach the situation with a level head.

    Before you let fear and doubt take over, remind yourself that not every sign you notice automatically means something is wrong. There are often multiple explanations for a change in behavior, and jumping to the worst possible conclusion can create unnecessary tension and conflict. It's crucial to gather more information and observe the situation over time before making any definitive judgments.

    Staying calm also allows you to approach any necessary conversations from a place of clarity rather than from a reactive, emotional state. In her book Rising Strong, Brené Brown discusses the importance of being curious rather than judgmental in difficult situations. By staying calm and asking thoughtful questions, you can gain a better understanding of what's really going on without escalating the situation unnecessarily.

    Remember, your goal is to protect your relationship and your own emotional well-being. Panicking and making assumptions won't serve either purpose. Instead, focus on staying grounded and approaching the situation with patience and a willingness to see things as they are, rather than as you fear they might be.

    Avoid Jealousy, Possessiveness, and Neediness

    It's natural to feel a pang of jealousy when you suspect your partner might be developing feelings for someone else, but letting those feelings turn into jealousy, possessiveness, or neediness can push your partner further away rather than bringing them closer. These emotions, while understandable, often stem from fear and insecurity, and acting on them can lead to behavior that damages the relationship.

    Jealousy can cause you to become overly focused on the other person, leading to comparisons and self-doubt. This, in turn, can make you feel less secure in your relationship and more dependent on your partner for reassurance. But as Dr. Harriet Lerner points out in The Dance of Anger, becoming possessive or clingy can create a cycle of distance and resentment, which only exacerbates the problem.

    Instead of reacting with jealousy, try to channel those emotions into something more constructive. Focus on your own self-worth and the positive aspects of your relationship. Remember that your value doesn't diminish because your partner interacts with others. In fact, confidence and self-assuredness are often more attractive than neediness.

    It's also important to recognize that possessiveness can stem from a desire to control the situation out of fear of losing something valuable. But true love and trust thrive in an environment of freedom and mutual respect, not one of control. If you find yourself feeling possessive, take a moment to reflect on where those feelings are coming from and how you can address them in a healthy way.

    Ultimately, avoiding jealousy and possessiveness is about trusting in your own worth and in the strength of your relationship. It's about choosing to respond with confidence rather than fear, and allowing space for both you and your partner to navigate the complexities of your relationship with grace and understanding.

    Decide When It's Time to Have 'The Talk'

    Deciding when to have a serious conversation with your husband about your suspicions is a delicate balancing act. On one hand, you don't want to bring it up too early, risking unnecessary conflict over something that might be innocent. On the other hand, waiting too long could allow any potential issues to deepen, making them harder to address later on.

    So, when is the right time? The answer depends on how persistent your concerns are and how much evidence you've gathered. If you've noticed a consistent pattern of behavior that aligns with the signs we've discussed, it might be time to have “the talk.” The key is to approach it from a place of curiosity and concern, rather than accusation. This conversation should be about seeking clarity, not assigning blame.

    Timing is also crucial. Choose a moment when you both have time to talk without distractions, and when emotions aren't running high. The goal is to have a calm, open, and honest discussion about what you've observed and how it's making you feel. Dr. Gary Chapman, in his book The Five Love Languages, emphasizes the importance of using “I” statements during difficult conversations. This helps to express your feelings without making your partner feel attacked.

    Ultimately, the decision to have this conversation should come from a desire to understand and to protect your relationship, not from a place of fear or anger. If you approach it with the intention of strengthening your bond and finding a solution together, the talk can be a turning point for both of you.

    Focus on Strengthening Your Relationship

    Regardless of the outcome of your suspicions, one of the most important things you can do is focus on strengthening your relationship. Whether or not there's something more between your husband and his coworker, investing in your connection is always a positive step.

    This could be a wake-up call to address any underlying issues that may have been neglected. Are there areas in your relationship that could use more attention or care? Perhaps it's time to reignite the spark by spending more quality time together, engaging in activities you both enjoy, or simply having more meaningful conversations.

    Strengthening your relationship isn't just about fixing what's broken; it's also about celebrating what works. Take time to acknowledge the positive aspects of your partnership—the things that brought you together in the first place. Building on these strengths can create a more resilient bond that's less susceptible to outside influences.

    In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson talks about the importance of creating emotional security in a relationship. This means being responsive to each other's needs, showing appreciation, and fostering a sense of connection that transcends the everyday stresses of life. When your relationship feels strong and secure, both you and your partner are less likely to seek emotional fulfillment elsewhere.

    Focusing on your relationship also means focusing on yourself. Taking care of your own emotional and physical well-being makes you a stronger partner and helps you approach challenges with a clearer mind and a more open heart. Remember, a healthy relationship is built on the foundation of two healthy individuals.

    By making your relationship a priority, you're not only addressing any current concerns but also setting the stage for a stronger, more connected future together. It's about being proactive rather than reactive and ensuring that your bond remains strong, no matter what challenges come your way.

    Boosting Your Own Self-Esteem Is Key

    In times of uncertainty, it's easy to let doubts and insecurities creep in. You might find yourself questioning your worth or comparing yourself to others, particularly the person who's causing your concerns. But now, more than ever, it's essential to focus on boosting your own self-esteem. This isn't just about feeling good in the moment—it's about fortifying yourself emotionally so you can handle whatever comes your way.

    Self-esteem is the bedrock of how we perceive ourselves and our relationships. When you feel confident and secure in who you are, you're less likely to be shaken by external factors, including potential issues in your relationship. Start by recognizing your strengths and the qualities that make you unique. These are the things that drew your partner to you in the first place, and they're worth celebrating.

    Consider engaging in activities that reinforce your sense of self-worth. This could be anything from pursuing a hobby you love, setting personal goals, or spending time with friends who uplift and support you. The key is to focus on yourself and your own growth, rather than getting lost in worries about someone else.

    As Nathaniel Branden explains in The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, self-esteem is something we build through consistent, positive actions. By investing in yourself and your happiness, you're not only boosting your confidence but also setting a strong foundation for a healthy relationship. Remember, a partner who values you will appreciate seeing you thrive and will be drawn to the strength and positivity you bring to the relationship.

    Remember: Whatever Happens, You'll Be Okay

    In the midst of all the worry, suspicion, and potential confrontation, it's easy to lose sight of a simple but profound truth: no matter what happens, you'll be okay. This situation, no matter how challenging, doesn't define you. It's just one chapter in the broader story of your life, and you have the power to shape the outcome.

    It's important to remind yourself that your worth isn't determined by your relationship status or by what's happening with your partner. You are a complete and valuable person, with or without this relationship. Keeping this perspective can help you navigate the situation with a sense of calm and resilience.

    Whether your relationship comes out stronger on the other side or whether it leads to difficult decisions, you have the strength to handle it. Life has a way of working out, even if it doesn't always go according to plan. Trust in your ability to adapt, grow, and find happiness regardless of the outcome.

    In her book Rising Strong, Brené Brown talks about the importance of embracing vulnerability and understanding that failure or loss doesn't diminish our worth. It's how we rise from these challenges that truly defines us. So, no matter what path your relationship takes, know that you have the resilience to move forward and find peace.

    Remember, your well-being is paramount. You deserve a relationship that honors and respects you, and you deserve to feel secure and valued. Whatever happens next, trust in your ability to face it with grace and strength.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Dance of Connection by Dr. Harriet Lerner
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson
    • The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden
    • The State of Affairs by Esther Perel
    • Rising Strong by Brené Brown


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