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    Plastic Surgery Numbers On The Rise

    By Margarita Nahapetyan

    Data from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) showed a dramatic increase in the number of people undergoing plastic and cosmetic surgeries, compared with previous years.

    There has also been a sharp raise in the number of men having breast reduction surgery to correct their co-called "moobs" with numbers up 44 per cent on the year before. It was found that last year 323 men went under knife, compared to just 22 reduction surgeries five years ago. Breast reduction turned out to be the fifth most popular operation for men.

    According to Bryan Mayou of London's Cadogan Clinic, who first introduced liposuction in Great Britain 25 years ago, more and more men feel themselves uncomfortable and suffer low self-esteem because of the state of their breasts, "I'm seeing an increasing number of men coming into my clinic with body-image problems and low self-esteem because of this particular condition," he said. "Many of these men have been teased since school or in the gym about the fat on their chests, and some even refuse to take their T-shirts off in front of their partners, they are so embarrassed about the problem."

    Male breast reduction, known as gynaecomastia, has replaced the face lift as one of the top 5 procedures for men. For the surgery medical professionals use the liposuction in order to reduce extra fat from breasts, through small incisions being made under the armpits. For many people the full recovery process may take up to three months, though they can come back home right away after the operation.

    Men now account for almost one in 10 of cosmetic surgery patients. Rhinoplasty, or nose jobs are still the most popular, with almost 700 operations last year, down three per cent on the 716 in 2007, followed by eyelid surgery, which had a 9 per cent raise from 558 in 2007 to 610 in 2008. Ear correction had a 22 per cent rise,with 508 procedures in 2008, compared to 418 in 2007, and there were 479 liposuction operations, 18 per cent down from the 582 in 2007. Overall, men had more than 3,000 cosmetic procedures in 2008, compared with 2,881 in 2007.

    Mr Rajiv Grover, a consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS secretary responsible for the UK audit of cosmetic surgery, said that this might be due to more publicity about the procedures. According to him "There has been a dramatic rise in the number of procedures such as male breast reduction and brow lifts - this may be due to heightened media attention, which has allowed men to realize the positive outcomes that can be achieved."

    Overall, the BAAPS data showed that there were 34,187 operations performed on men and women in 2008, up 5 per cent on the 32,453 in 2007. that is more than three times the 2003 figure, when only 10,700 plastic surgery operations were conducted. The data also showed that much more women went in for cosmetic surgery to look more beautiful, compared with previous years. 19,601 women underwent cosmetic surgery in 2005. They accounted for 91 per cent of all cosmetic procedures in 2008, with 31,183 undergoing the surgeries compared to 29,572 in 2007.

    The most popular procedure for women was breast augmentation, with a 30 per cent raise to 8,439 operations in 2008 from 6,487 in 2007. Eyelid surgery came on the second place with 4,520 procedures in 2008 - down 12 per cent on the 5,148 in 2007, followed by a face/neck lift with 4,355 procedures in 2008, 3 per cent up on the 4,238 in 2007.

    The BAAPS data showed that there had been a 31 per cent rise in tummy tucks, with 3,526 operations in 2008 compared to 2,701 operations in 2007. The fifth most popular procedure was breast reduction, with 3,522 operations in 2008, up 11 per cent compared to 3,178 in 2007.

    Nigel Mercer, consultant plastic surgeon and president of the BAAPS, said: "These figures indicate that despite the beginnings of a financial downturn last year, the public's interest in aesthetic surgery remained strong, especially in regards to specific procedures. It is partly down to wide media coverage which has helped to educate the public about the latest advances and choices available."

    However, Mr. Adam Searle, a consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS president, warned that cosmetic and plastic surgery is important to be carried out in a responsible and a correct way or it can bring more damage than benefits to a patient. Many people for financial issues undergo cosmetic surgery in clinics that are not registered or certified and this can be dangerous and harmful for their health and looks. Mr. Searle pointed out that people will only benefit if they get their surgery done only in a registered institution with good reputation that has professional doctors and cosmeticians.

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