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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Tips for Building an Inclusive Friend Group

    We all know the phrase "it takes a village" and while it may mean different things to different people, its meaning is equally true when it comes to forming meaningful relationships with friends. Having a diverse group of friends not only allows us to expand our horizons, but also allows us to have a wider range of perspectives, interests, and skillsets to draw from. It can also be intimidating to try and create a more inclusive group of friends if you've never done it before. Below are some tips on how to attract a more inclusive friend group.

    First and foremost, focus on developing relationships that are based on mutual respect and understanding. Spend time getting to know people and build meaningful relationships with them. Truly understanding someone allows for better communication, which in turn helps build trust. Once that trust is established, it becomes easier to invite more people into your circle.

    Focus on expanding your interests. Find out what different people are doing and try to get involved. Sign up for classes, join clubs, or even just do some online research - anything that will help you meet like-minded people. This will help create a more open environment and attract people who share the same interests as you.

    Next, pay attention to how you communicate with people. Respectfully communicate your thoughts without being judgemental or imposing your opinions upon others. Refrain from derailing conversations and stay open-minded about other people's ideas. This shows others that you are interested in maintaining meaningful friendships and actively seek to make them more inclusive.

    Invest the time and energy needed to make real connections with people. Without genuine relationships, it's impossible to build a truly inclusive friend group. Don't be afraid to keep reaching out to people and make attempts to connect with them. Invite them to social gatherings or simply to grab a cup of coffee. It's important to nurture any new relationships you have and make a conscious effort to maintain connection with people. Creating an inclusive friend group can seem difficult at first, but it doesn't have to be. All it takes is respect, diligent communication and genuine effort to form meaningful relationships, and you'll be on your way to building an inclusive, supportive community.

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