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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Should I Tell My Friend I Have Feelings for Her?

    Dear eNotAlone: I've got this mate, we've been chums for a good two years. But now, I've started to have a bit of a soft spot for her. I'm stumped on how to handle this. I'm scared that spilling the beans about my feelings might muddle things up and could even put our friendship in a tight spot. Yet, I can't stop myself from wondering, what if she harbors the same feelings for me? I don't want to miss this chance, but equally, I don't want to risk losing her as a friend.

    * * *

    Advice: the labyrinth of human emotions often presents us with a puzzle that seems almost impossible to solve. Our hearts and minds are forever engaged in a timeless dance, an unending ballet between what we feel and what we think we ought to feel. Your predicament, as confounding as it appears, is nothing more than an echo of this eternal conundrum.

    As a relationship coach with years of experience guiding people through these tumultuous waters, I understand the confluence of emotions you're navigating. Your feelings for your friend have taken on a hue of romantic affection, a development that has left you floundering in the vast sea of uncertainty.

    Let me assure you, the path forward, while shrouded in the fog of apprehension, is not as treacherous as you fear. You see, the key to unlocking this dilemma lies not in some esoteric wisdom, but in the simple act of communication, the cornerstone of any relationship, be it platonic or romantic.

    In the labyrinth of your feelings, you stand at a crossroads. You may choose silence, preserving the status quo but forever wondering about the road not taken. Or you could choose to voice your emotions, risking the friendship but potentially gaining something much more profound. It's like standing on the precipice of a vast ocean, contemplating whether to dive into the depths or remain on the shore.

    If you choose the path of disclosure, remember that honesty is your greatest ally. Be frank about your feelings but also express your fear of losing the friendship. This vulnerability could serve as a bridge between your current friendship and a potential romance.

    However, be prepared for every eventuality. Your friend may not reciprocate your feelings, and you must be willing to accept this possibility. It's like setting a bird free; if it comes back, it was always yours, but if it doesn't, it never was.

    Remember to be patient. Change can be difficult, and your friend may need time to process your revelation. This patience will be your beacon, guiding you through the stormy seas of uncertainty into the calm waters of resolution.My dear friend, I hope my words have provided some solace. You are standing at the threshold of a journey that could lead to a beautiful destination. Be brave, be honest, and above all, be patient. the darkest hour is just before the dawn.

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