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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    How to Build Meaningful Friendships as an Adult

    Being an adult and forming meaningful friendships can be a tricky business. Finding people in common interests seems like a daunting task, but opening up to new relationships can lead to many beneficial experiences. With communication, trust, consistency and realism, anyone can learn how to make meaningful friendships as an adult.

    For starters, it is important to remain open to new people and experiences. It's easy to become complacent and stick to the same type of people, the same activities, and the same old conversations, but reaching out for new friends with different interests can open up a world of fulfillment. Even striking up some small talk with a stranger during a bus ride or inviting people over for a potluck can be a great way to start creating meaningful friendships.

    The second step on the path to meaningful friendships is to create and nurture moments of real connection. Small talk and passing chit-chat can create a surface level bond, but truly meaningful relationships require engaging conversations. These can vary from discussing deep-seeded passions and ideas to lighter musings that bring both people joy. Sharing stories, thoughts, feelings, and experiences are key to creating meaningful friendships. And, alongside these kinds of moments, laughing together, joking around, and relaxing in each other's presence are all important elements.

    The third way to create and foster meaningful friendships is to accept the concept of compromise. Whether two people have the same or diverse interests, they must both be willing to bend. Maybe your friend loves soccer, but you hate it. Maybe you're an avid animal lover and couldn't careless about insects. Compromising means allowing for differences in opinions, ideas, tastes and more, but still being able to share moments as a pair. This may mean going to a game, exhibition, movie or just keeping company outside the circle of whatever makes the other person happy.

    Patience and reliability are core elements of fruitful relationships that adults should strive for. Nothing meaningful can bloom if there's no time for the relationship to take shape - no space for the delightful surprises, valuable lessons, and realized potential to develop. People need security and stability to absolutely blossom, so when fostering friendships as an adult, these components are a must. Keeping one's word, not flaking last-minute, and not letting things slip by too often is a starting point; showing up in someone's times of need, listening, and helping when possible is key. Those emotional pillars will become solid foundations for any meaningful friendship.

    And, adult relationships require a realistic approach. People must be their authentic selves. Trying to fit in an uncomfortable box or putting a faux personality will always lead us further away from meaningful friendships. It is easier said than done to be one's own person, but actively pursuing and developing one's own adventures, identity, and values will create a companionship based on genuine bonds.

    With communication, trust, consistency, patience and realism, adults can create meaningful friendships that enrich their lives. Openness to new people and experiences, creating moments of real connection, not shying away from compromise, providing security and stability, and authentically leading one's life will be sure to lead the way to meaningful friendships. Furthermore, the intonation of music in the rhythm of life, a subtle scent of crispy mornings, and the feeling of homey relaxation behind every corner of your journey to meaning and friendship will surely enlighten your life as an adult.

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