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  • ENA

    Five Profound Benefits of Seeking Out Intergenerational Friendships

    There’s something special about intergenerational friendships. Being able to connect with people from all walks of life brings diversity and understanding into our lives. People who are significantly younger or older are often overlooked in favor of those in our age group. But having an intergenerational friend can bring a richness to our lives that isn’t found anywhere else. Here are five reasons why you should seek out an intergenerational friendship.

    First, intergenerational friendships open us up to different ideas and perspectives. When you’re interacting with someone who is a few decades older or younger than you, you’re exposed to a different outlook on life than you would be otherwise. You may find yourself exploring new topics of conversation and gaining knowledge which you otherwise may have never been exposed to.

    Second, having an intergenerational relationship provides an opportunity for personal growth. Whether you’re teaching or learning from your friend, the exchange of information and experiences is invaluable. It gives you an opportunity to reflect on your words and actions in a different context, which encourages self-awareness and introspection.

    Third, intergenerational connections provide valuable support. This is especially true if you’re dealing with a situation that isn’t easily relatable to your peers. If you’re struggling with a particular problem or issue, reaching out for advice to an older or younger person can give you a more comprehensive view of the issue you’re facing and some beneficial insight into how to handle it.

    Fourth, these unique relationships can also offer companionship, especially when we’re feeling lonely or isolated. While it’s great to spend time with friends and family in our own age group, having an intergenerational friend can enhance our social circle and introduce us to new ideas and experiences.

    Finally, having a connection with someone from a different generation can help reduce the generational gap that exists in our society. This type of interaction gives each person the opportunity to learn more about the values and beliefs of others and can even lead to a greater understanding of one another’s cultures and traditions.

    Intergenerational friendships can be immensely meaningful and beneficial, both to the individuals involved and as a whole. They provide us with valuable friendship and support and encourage growth through learning and exchanging ideas. Building a connection with someone of a different age can help eliminate prejudices, break down cultural barriers and increase empathy. There’s no doubt that seeking out an intergenerational friendship will bring you closer to understanding and appreciating the diversity which exists in our world.

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