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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Do Girls Like Guys With High Cheekbones?

    The question of whether girls like guys with high cheekbones might seem like a superficial one. But it's a topic that, surprisingly, digs deep into the realms of psychology, anthropology, and evolutionary biology. Beauty standards, whether we like to admit it or not, play a significant role in our dating lives. And one such standard that often finds its way into conversations is the appeal—or lack thereof—of men with high cheekbones.

    You've likely heard the phrase, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." While that's true to an extent, research suggests that certain features, such as high cheekbones, can be universally attractive. Yet, is this actually the case? And if so, why? This article aims to explore these questions, delving into scientific research, societal views, and even the role of makeup in influencing our opinions on what's attractive.

    So, are men with high cheekbones the George Clooneys and Brad Pitts of this world, destined to captivate? Or is this another overblown myth perpetuated by societal standards and Hollywood glamour? Let's dissect this intriguing subject, and along the way, offer some practical tips for anyone concerned about how their facial features might impact their love life.

    If you're someone who doesn't have high cheekbones, don't fret. We'll also cover how you can enhance your natural features, and why confidence may actually be more important than how chiseled your cheekbones are.

    Whether you're a man curious about how your high cheekbones might be affecting your dating life, or you're someone who's always been attracted to men with these particular features, you'll find some intriguing insights ahead.

    We've included expert opinions and relevant research to give you a well-rounded perspective. But before diving into the deep end, let's first explore what science has to say about high cheekbones.

    The Science Behind High Cheekbones

    High cheekbones are often considered a hallmark of attractiveness, but why is this so? Science offers us a few clues. Anthropologically speaking, high cheekbones are said to signify youth and fertility—qualities that have been evolutionarily advantageous. This makes some biological sense. In women, high cheekbones can signify a higher level of estrogen, which is linked to fertility. But how does this translate to men?

    Well, a study published in the journal "Evolution and Human Behavior" found that facial symmetry and prominence of cheekbones are predictors of perceived attractiveness, not just for women but also for men. It seems that high cheekbones, at least scientifically speaking, are generally associated with higher perceived attractiveness.

    Facial features can also be tied to health indicators. High cheekbones may imply that a person has good genes and is therefore a suitable mate. These are all subconscious judgments, of course, but they play a role in immediate physical attraction. It's worth noting that these judgments are often made within split seconds of meeting someone, illustrating how deeply ingrained these perceptions can be.

    Biologists and psychologists often argue that such features are cues for genetic fitness and reproductive health. In a way, being attracted to men with high cheekbones could be rooted in our primal instincts for survival and reproduction. But does this scientific angle tell the whole story? Not necessarily. There's a lot more nuance when individual preference and societal factors come into play.

    Moreover, there's a fascinating link between facial features and hormones. High levels of testosterone, for instance, can result in more defined facial features, including high cheekbones. This hormonal factor can add another layer of complexity to the attractiveness equation.

    So, Science offers compelling evidence that high cheekbones can indeed be a desirable trait in men. However, there are many other factors at play, and these are what we will explore next.

    Why Some Women Are Attracted to High Cheekbones

    Now that we've skimmed through the science, let's delve into the psychology of attraction. While men with high cheekbones might score some points in the biological department, how does this translate into real-world attraction? As we navigate the labyrinth of dating and relationships, it's apparent that different women have different preferences. So why are some particularly drawn to high cheekbones?

    One reason could be cultural programming. We're bombarded daily by images of what's considered attractive, thanks to social media and the entertainment industry. High cheekbones often find a favorable place in this narrative. When you're continually seeing images of attractive men flaunting their chiseled cheekbones, it's easy for these preferences to become ingrained.

    Personality perception can also come into play. High cheekbones are sometimes associated with certain character traits like confidence and assertiveness. While this may be nothing more than a stereotype, it's still a factor that could subconsciously affect how women perceive men with this particular facial feature.

    Then there's the aspect of uniqueness. Features that stand out or break the norm often attract attention. High cheekbones can give a face character, adding that extra touch of uniqueness that might make someone more memorable or eye-catching.

    But, let's also remember the flip side: not everyone is attracted to the same thing. Some women may find high cheekbones too harsh or prefer softer, more rounded facial features. Attraction is a complex recipe, and high cheekbones are just one ingredient among many.

    Additionally, women's preferences can be influenced by their own characteristics. For example, studies show that what women find attractive can change based on their hormonal cycles. Could the appeal of high cheekbones also wax and wane with these hormonal shifts? It's an interesting thought and another example of how complex attraction can be.

    While some women do find high cheekbones attractive, it's not a universal rule. Factors like cultural influences, personal preferences, and even hormonal changes can all come into play.

    The Connection Between High Cheekbones and Masculinity

    There's an intriguing connection between high cheekbones and traditional notions of masculinity. In many cultures, prominent cheekbones are often linked to a rugged, masculine appearance. But why is this so? Does this connect back to biology, or is it a purely societal construct?

    One possibility is that high cheekbones, especially when paired with a strong jawline, are markers of testosterone. As mentioned earlier, testosterone can influence the development of facial features, and these characteristics are traditionally associated with masculine traits like strength and virility.

    It's essential to note that these are largely societal views. While biologically high cheekbones may signify good genes, the association with masculinity is often constructed through cultural stories, myths, and media portrayal. Just think of the archetypical action hero with his square jaw and high cheekbones. These features become symbols, reinforcing certain stereotypes.

    Interestingly, the view of high cheekbones as a marker of masculinity can vary across cultures. In some societies, softer facial features are the epitome of male beauty, diverging from Western ideals. This variance highlights how societal norms can influence our perceptions of what's masculine or attractive.

    Furthermore, this connection between high cheekbones and masculinity can be a double-edged sword. While it can amplify attractiveness for some women, it may also steer away those who are looking for different traits in a partner. After all, masculinity is just one element in the vast array of characteristics that people find attractive.

    So, do high cheekbones contribute to a masculine aura? They can, but it's worth remembering that attractiveness and masculinity are both complex traits influenced by a myriad of factors, including individual and cultural perspectives.

    Societal Views on High Cheekbones

    As we navigate the topic of men with high cheekbones, it's crucial to examine the societal views surrounding this feature. Culture often serves as a magnifying glass, amplifying certain traits while diminishing others. So what does society at large think of high cheekbones?

    Firstly, there's no denying the premium that many cultures place on high cheekbones, especially in the realm of celebrity. This is evident not just in the casting of movies and TV shows but also in fashion and advertising. The 'ideal' face, as projected by these industries, often includes chiseled cheekbones, further embedding this trait as a marker of attractiveness.

    However, let's not forget the role of social media. With the advent of platforms like Instagram and TikTok, everyday people also have the power to shape beauty standards. Here, the views are more mixed. While high cheekbones are undoubtedly celebrated, there's also a growing movement advocating for diverse forms of beauty.

    Then there are historical perspectives. In many traditional societies, high cheekbones have been viewed as a sign of wisdom and authority. This may tie back to the feature's connection with masculinity and the qualities traditionally associated with male leaders.

    However, it's essential to consider the role of cultural relativism. What one society finds attractive may not hold in another. In some cultures, high cheekbones might not have the same allure, supplanted by other features like eye shape, nose length, or even ear size!

    What we can conclude is that societal views on high cheekbones are not monolithic. They are shaped by a myriad of factors, from media and pop culture to historical norms and individual experiences.

    In wrapping up this section, societal views can significantly shape our perceptions of what's attractive, but they are ever-changing and influenced by a broad spectrum of factors.

    The Role of Makeup and Facial Contouring

    We can't talk about high cheekbones without mentioning the transformative power of makeup and facial contouring. If you're not naturally blessed with chiseled cheekbones, fear not! A stroke of bronzer or highlighter can do wonders.

    The world of beauty has given people the tools to emulate the look of high cheekbones, even if Mother Nature didn't. This act alone speaks volumes about how this facial feature has been idealized. If people are spending time and money to create the illusion of high cheekbones, it's clear there's something compelling about them.

    However, this brings up an interesting question: does artificial enhancement of cheekbones produce the same level of attraction? Could makeup potentially alter someone's perception to the point where they find you more attractive? The jury is still out on this one, but it's a fascinating area for discussion and research.

    Makeup aside, there are also more permanent methods like fillers and facial implants. These procedures can cost a pretty penny and involve a certain level of risk, but they offer a more long-term solution for those committed to the high-cheekbone aesthetic.

    What's worth noting is that while makeup and surgical enhancements can emulate the look, they can't replicate the genetic benefits we discussed earlier. So, while they might tick the box for societal standards of beauty, they won't impact biological markers of good health or reproductive fitness.

    Also, let's not forget that sometimes less is more. Excessive contouring or overly dramatic implants can venture into the realm of artificiality, which could be a turn-off for some people. It's a fine line between enhancement and overdoing it.

    Makeup and facial contouring allow people to adapt and conform to beauty standards surrounding high cheekbones. However, the attraction to artificially enhanced cheekbones may or may not mirror the appeal of naturally high cheekbones.

    The Genetics of High Cheekbones

    So, what dictates whether someone is born with high cheekbones? The answer lies in the intricate world of genetics. High cheekbones are often a hereditary trait, passed down through generations.

    It's a complex interplay of multiple genes that determines your facial structure, including the height of your cheekbones. Researchers have identified certain genetic markers associated with facial features, although the science is still evolving.

    But genetics isn't the whole story. Environmental factors can also play a role in how your facial features develop. For instance, nutrition during crucial developmental stages can impact bone structure, although to a much lesser extent compared to genetic factors.

    Also, it's important to note that having high cheekbones isn't necessarily a 'better' genetic trait. It's just one of many variations in human appearance, and its perceived value is largely influenced by cultural and societal norms.

    So if you have high cheekbones, you probably have your ancestors to thank for it. But it's not a guarantee that your offspring will inherit the same trait, given the complexities of genetic inheritance.

    While genetics can offer some insight into the natural occurrence of high cheekbones, they're not the be-all and end-all. They are merely one piece of the puzzle in understanding the broader topic of attraction and facial aesthetics.

    High cheekbones are a genetic trait influenced by a host of genes and, to a lesser extent, environmental factors. Their presence or absence doesn't determine your worth or attractiveness; it's just another feature in the wide tapestry of human diversity.

    Are High Cheekbones a Universal Attraction?

    After diving deep into the science, cultural factors, and even the beauty industry's role, a crucial question remains: Are high cheekbones a universally attractive trait? The short answer is no, but let's unpack this a bit more.

    While high cheekbones are often highlighted as an attractive feature in many Western cultures, the same can't be said for all societies worldwide. Beauty standards are incredibly diverse and what's considered attractive in one culture might not hold the same weight in another.

    In some Eastern cultures, for example, softer and more rounded facial features are the epitome of beauty. In these settings, high cheekbones might not garner as much attention or be viewed as particularly special.

    Then there's individual preference. Even within a culture that glorifies high cheekbones, you'll find a wide range of opinions. Some may be attracted to this feature, while others could be indifferent or even turned off by it.

    Furthermore, there's a growing movement advocating for a more inclusive definition of beauty, one that embraces all facial features and structures. In this evolving landscape, the traditional allure of high cheekbones may be challenged or nuanced.

    The key takeaway is that attraction is a complex interplay of biology, culture, and individual preference. While high cheekbones might tick some of these boxes for some people, they're far from a universal key to attractiveness.

    To wrap up, while high cheekbones are certainly celebrated in various societies and cultural outputs, they are not a universally attractive trait. Like most aspects of human attraction, they exist in a complex web of individual and collective opinions.

    Can Having High Cheekbones Be a Disadvantage?

    Given all the positive buzz around high cheekbones, it's worth considering if there's a downside to having this prominent facial feature. After all, there's often a flip side to any coin.

    Firstly, let's consider the concept of 'typecasting.' People with high cheekbones may find themselves stereotyped in certain roles or professions, particularly in industries like acting or modeling. This could limit the range of opportunities available to them, at least in some contexts.

    Then there's the matter of personal taste. As we've discussed, not everyone finds high cheekbones attractive. In some cultures or individual scenarios, they may even be seen as a less desirable trait. This could influence interpersonal dynamics or romantic pursuits.

    High cheekbones may also be associated with a certain level of aloofness or arrogance, perhaps because they're so often linked to traditional standards of beauty. It's important to remember that your cheekbones don't define you—your actions and personality do.

    Lastly, from a practical standpoint, higher cheekbones could potentially make you more prone to skin issues like sunburn. The raised surface area may receive more direct sunlight, especially if you have a slimmer face.

    While high cheekbones are often touted as a universally attractive feature, they aren't without their potential disadvantages. From typecasting to personal taste and even practical concerns, it's a mixed bag.

    So, while high cheekbones can often be an advantage in the game of love and life, they're not a guaranteed win. Just like any other feature, they come with their own set of pros and cons.

    Confidence Is Key: More Important Than Cheekbones

    Now that we've dissected the role of high cheekbones from multiple angles, let's get down to the crux of the matter: Confidence is key. Your facial features, including your cheekbones, are just a small part of who you are.

    Confidence has been shown to be a universally attractive quality, across cultures and genders. It has a way of overshadowing physical attributes, for better or worse. When you feel good about yourself, it shows, and people are drawn to that self-assured energy.

    Consider this: how often have you been attracted to someone not because they tick all the conventional boxes of attractiveness but because they exude a certain charisma? It happens more often than we think.

    Studies have shown that confident individuals are often rated as more attractive, regardless of their physical features. Confidence can affect the way you carry yourself, the way you interact with others, and even how you're perceived professionally.

    If you've been stressing over your cheekbones (or lack thereof), maybe it's time to shift that energy into building self-confidence. Whether it's through personal development, skill acquisition, or simply embracing who you are, confidence is a trait worth cultivating.

    Remember, beauty standards change. What's considered attractive today might be passé tomorrow. But confidence is a timeless attribute, one that will serve you well in every aspect of life.

    So if you're fretting about whether or not your high cheekbones make you attractive, perhaps you're asking the wrong question. The better question might be, how can you become more confident in who you are, cheekbones and all?

    Expert Opinions and Research

    So far, we've delved into various aspects of the high cheekbones allure, but what do experts have to say? Let's ground some of our discussion in scientific research and expert opinion.

    According to Dr. Michael R. Cunningham's research at the University of Louisville, facial attractiveness involves a mix of factors including symmetry, averageness, and secondary sexual characteristics like prominent cheekbones in men. This lends scientific weight to the societal observations we've been discussing.

    In addition, an article published in the journal "PLOS ONE" indicates that certain facial features, including high cheekbones, are often associated with perceptions of health and fitness. While the study mainly focuses on the correlation, it adds another layer to our understanding.

    However, experts like Dr. Vinita Mehta, a clinical psychologist, emphasize the role of confidence and emotional connection in overall attractiveness. So while facial features may provide an initial draw, they're seldom the determining factor in long-term attraction.

    It's essential to take such research with a grain of salt. While studies can point to general trends, they can't predict individual preferences or the alchemy of attraction between two specific people.

    Moreover, it's vital to remember that research in this area is continuously evolving. New studies may offer fresh perspectives that challenge or deepen our current understanding.

    Scientific research and expert opinions offer valuable insights into the role of high cheekbones in attraction, but they also confirm that it's a complex interplay of multiple factors. And don't forget, while high cheekbones might give you an initial advantage in the attraction game, it's your confidence and personality that will make a lasting impact.

    How to Enhance Your Natural Features

    Regardless of whether you have high cheekbones or not, the key to maximizing your attractiveness lies in enhancing your natural features. After all, what's more attractive than someone who's confidently themselves?

    The most obvious route for those wanting to accentuate their cheekbones is makeup. Contouring techniques can create the illusion of higher or more defined cheekbones. While this method is most popular among women, there's a growing trend of men using subtle makeup techniques for similar effects.

    Skincare is another avenue. A well-maintained complexion can make any facial feature stand out. Consistent cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturizing can make a world of difference. This is particularly important for men with high cheekbones, as the raised area can be more prone to dryness or sunburn.

    Hairstyles can also play a role in how your cheekbones are perceived. Certain cuts can frame the face in a way that either highlights or downplays your cheekbones. If this is something you're interested in, a conversation with a skilled hairstylist can provide some tailored recommendations.

    Then there are accessories like glasses or earrings that can work to your advantage. Rounder frames may soften the appearance of prominent cheekbones, while angular frames can accentuate them. The trick is to choose what complements not just your cheekbones but your overall face shape.

    Exercise can also shape how your facial features appear. While it's not a quick fix, facial exercises targeting the cheekbone area can, over time, offer a more sculpted look. However, results vary from person to person, so manage your expectations accordingly.

    Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, is your posture. Standing tall not only boosts your height but also affects how your facial features are viewed. Good posture can lend an air of confidence that enhances your overall attractiveness.

    So while you may not be able to change your bone structure, you certainly have plenty of options for putting your best face forward. By thoughtfully choosing how to present yourself, you can enhance what makes you unique and attractive in your own right.


    So, do girls like guys with high cheekbones? The answer, as you've probably gathered by now, is not straightforward. While high cheekbones are often considered an attractive feature based on societal standards and some scientific research, they're far from the only factor that contributes to attractiveness.

    At the end of the day, what makes someone attractive is as diverse as people themselves. Physical features like high cheekbones may offer an initial advantage in the realm of first impressions, but it's confidence, personality, and emotional connection that carry the day.

    If you find yourself lacking in the high cheekbone department, fret not. As we've discussed, there are numerous ways to enhance your natural features and showcase your unique attractiveness. From makeup and skincare to the right accessories and even posture, the tools are in your hands.

    Moreover, while societal preferences can influence perceptions of attractiveness, remember that these are ever-changing. What's deemed desirable today could be completely different a few years down the line.

    Therefore, instead of getting hung up on specific features like cheekbones, focus on what you can control: your confidence, your character, and the genuine connections you make with others. These are the factors that will stand the test of time.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey exploring the mystique of high cheekbones and their role in attraction. It's a nuanced topic, for sure, but one that tells us a lot about how beauty and attraction work in our society.

    In the quest for attractiveness, remember, it's not just about one feature; it's about the whole package. Embrace what makes you uniquely you, because that's your greatest asset.

    Further Reading

    • Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women by Renee Engeln
    • The Psychology of Physical Attraction by Viren Swami and Adrian Furnham
    • The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker

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