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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    7 Surprising Signs You're Dating a Metrosexual (Plus Perks!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Metrosexuals prioritize fashion and grooming.
    • Not tied to sexual orientation.
    • Self-care and confidence are key traits.
    • Women find metrosexuals attractive.
    • Metrosexual lifestyle encourages attention to detail.

    What is the metrosexual definition?

    Metrosexuality has become a buzzword in recent decades, but what does it truly mean? At its core, a metrosexual man is someone who is deeply invested in his appearance, grooming habits, and overall sense of style. The term combines "metropolitan" and "heterosexual," but it doesn't define one's sexual orientation. The essence of being a metrosexual lies in the details—how one dresses, maintains a skincare routine, and even designs their living space.

    The British journalist Mark Simpson first coined the term in 1994 to describe men who embrace aspects of self-care traditionally associated with women. Metrosexuality is not about being feminine; it's about breaking free from restrictive gender norms and celebrating individuality. As Simpson famously said, “Metrosexual man is a commodity fetishist; a collector of fantasies about the male sold to him by magazines.” In other words, metrosexuality is about curating one's image, not about identity.

    Who is a metrosexual man?

    So, who exactly qualifies as a metrosexual man? He's the guy who spends that extra five minutes in front of the mirror before stepping out the door, perfecting his look. He's the man who's never afraid to splurge on a premium grooming product, keeps up with the latest fashion trends, and knows how to match his belt to his shoes. Think of him as someone who sees his personal appearance as a form of self-expression.

    It's not just about the clothes or grooming habits either. A metrosexual man also takes pride in his lifestyle. From decorating his apartment with an eye for design to keeping up with the latest beauty products, this is a man who knows how to live well. He's modern, he's stylish, and he's confident in who he is. In essence, a metrosexual man enjoys embracing all facets of self-care and aesthetics, whether it's physical appearance, grooming, or lifestyle choices.

    7 Signs You're Dating a Metrosexual Man

    stylish couple

    If you're wondering whether your partner might be a metrosexual, there are a few telltale signs that give it away. Metrosexual men are easy to spot once you know what to look for, and the signs go beyond a simple love for fashion. Here's how to tell if you're dating one:

    1. Fashion-forward: He has an eye for the latest trends and can pull off styles that most men wouldn't dare try. His wardrobe is likely full of designer or well-tailored pieces.
    2. Grooming habits: He's the kind of guy who makes regular trips to the barbershop, has a skincare routine, and uses cologne that you can't help but notice.
    3. Attention to detail: He notices the little things, whether it's the way his jacket fits or how his hair looks after styling. Everything is perfectly placed.
    4. Appreciation for self-care: He takes time for himself, whether that's getting a manicure, facial, or spending an extra few minutes perfecting his look.
    5. Open-mindedness: He's not afraid to embrace trends or routines that might be traditionally considered feminine, knowing that confidence comes from within.
    6. Knowledgeable about beauty products: From hair wax to skin serum, he knows which products work best for him and might even give you skincare advice!
    7. Attention to interior design: His home is just as polished as his wardrobe. Expect to find thoughtfully chosen furniture, art, and decor that reflect his personal style.

    Is metrosexual a part of the LGBTQ+ community?

    One of the most common misconceptions about metrosexual men is that they are automatically linked to the LGBTQ+ community. But let's set the record straight—being metrosexual has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Metrosexuality is all about self-expression, grooming, and style, none of which are inherently tied to one's sexuality.

    In fact, many metrosexual men are heterosexual and simply enjoy presenting themselves in a polished, fashionable manner. It's more about challenging the outdated idea that men shouldn't care about their appearance. Being well-groomed and stylish is a choice, not an indicator of one's sexual preferences. The famous author and cultural critic Mark Simpson, who coined the term metrosexual, argued that “the metrosexual man might be straight or gay, but this is beside the point.” The focus is on the individual's love of self-care, style, and presentation, not their identity within the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

    In essence, metrosexuality belongs to all men who want to break free from restrictive stereotypes and embrace a more self-focused, detail-oriented lifestyle.

    The Benefits of Being with a Metrosexual Guy

    Being in a relationship with a metrosexual guy comes with some seriously underrated perks. This type of man is attentive, self-aware, and isn't afraid to put effort into his appearance or the relationship. Let's break down some of the key benefits of being with a metrosexual man:

    1. Grooming and personal hygiene: Metrosexual men take their grooming seriously. You won't have to worry about bad hair days or scruffy appearances—he always looks his best.
    2. Fashion sense: He knows how to dress. Whether it's a casual day or a formal event, he'll not only look the part but might even offer fashion advice that will help you elevate your own wardrobe.
    3. Attention to detail: He notices everything—whether it's your new hairstyle, the way you've rearranged the living room, or the subtle accessories you're wearing. His attention to detail makes him a thoughtful and considerate partner.
    4. Confidence: A metrosexual man isn't afraid to stand out, and that confidence often makes him incredibly attractive. He takes pride in who he is and how he presents himself.
    5. Open-mindedness: His willingness to break free from traditional masculine stereotypes makes him more open to trying new things, whether it's a new skincare routine or exploring different aspects of life together.
    6. Emotional intelligence: Metrosexuals are often more in tune with their emotions and can express themselves clearly. This can lead to healthier, more communicative relationships.
    7. Independence: He doesn't need constant validation or someone to take care of him. His self-sufficiency means that your relationship will be a partnership of equals.

    Is a metrosexual guy more feminine than masculine?

    This is a question that often sparks debates, but let's clarify something right away: being metrosexual doesn't make a man more feminine. In fact, labeling certain behaviors as “feminine” or “masculine” is part of an outdated mindset that limits how men and women express themselves.

    What metrosexual men do is challenge those outdated notions by embracing traits such as self-care, grooming, and attention to style—things traditionally associated with women. However, these actions don't define a man's masculinity. If anything, it takes a confident man to step outside the box and unapologetically prioritize his appearance.

    Masculinity isn't about looking rugged or fitting into a mold—it's about being true to yourself. And a metrosexual man is fully aware of this. As author and speaker Brené Brown states, “The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance.” Metrosexual men embody this by embracing a version of masculinity that aligns with who they are, rather than what society expects them to be.

    In other words, a metrosexual man balances his care for his appearance with traditional masculine traits like confidence, independence, and emotional strength. He's not more feminine; he's just more in tune with what makes him feel good.

    Do women find metrosexual guys attractive?

    The short answer is: yes, many women do find metrosexual men attractive. But let's dive into why that's the case. One of the biggest draws of a metrosexual man is his attention to detail and his commitment to looking his best. A man who takes care of himself signals confidence and self-respect, two highly attractive qualities.

    Women often appreciate a partner who shares their love for fashion, grooming, and self-care. It makes date nights more interesting when both of you can discuss style, try new beauty products together, or appreciate the effort each person puts into their appearance. A man who understands the value of grooming and presents himself with care communicates that he's willing to invest time into his own well-being—and by extension, into the relationship.

    That said, attraction is subjective. While some women may love the polished look and sophisticated style of a metrosexual man, others may prefer a more rugged appearance. But for the most part, women are drawn to men who take pride in themselves, and metrosexuals fit the bill perfectly. It's about the balance of being well-groomed while also maintaining confidence, charm, and personality.

    Lifestyle of a Metrosexual Man

    The lifestyle of a metrosexual man goes beyond grooming and fashion. It's a whole mindset, an approach to living that emphasizes self-care, refinement, and attention to aesthetics. Whether it's how he maintains his home or how he plans his weekends, a metrosexual man seeks out experiences that elevate his life.

    For starters, his home is likely an extension of his style. You won't find mismatched furniture or clutter in his space. A metrosexual man's home is meticulously curated, with sleek furniture, modern art, and a clean, organized layout. He enjoys creating an environment that is as polished as his wardrobe, and his attention to interior design reflects his appreciation for beauty in all aspects of life.

    Metrosexuals are also often foodies. They enjoy trying new restaurants, experimenting with gourmet recipes at home, and appreciate fine dining experiences. He's just as likely to whip up a well-plated dish in the kitchen as he is to book a reservation at the hottest restaurant in town. His taste is refined, whether it's in food, art, or travel.

    He also values experiences over things. While he may enjoy luxury items, he's more likely to spend his money on a well-planned vacation or a unique cultural event. A metrosexual man invests in his personal growth, from taking care of his physical health to nurturing his mental and emotional well-being through mindfulness, reading, or even therapy. His lifestyle is a reflection of his desire to be the best version of himself, both inside and out.

    Is it okay for straight men to be metrosexual?

    Absolutely, it's more than okay for straight men to be metrosexual. In fact, the entire concept of metrosexuality is rooted in the idea that self-care, grooming, and style shouldn't be exclusive to any one group or sexual orientation. The notion that men who take care of themselves are somehow less masculine or that metrosexuality is tied to sexuality is an outdated stereotype that no longer holds up.

    More and more, men are realizing that there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good and feel confident. Straight men who identify as metrosexual break free from the old-school idea that men need to be rugged or careless about their appearance. In reality, it takes a lot of confidence and self-awareness to embrace aspects of self-care that have traditionally been viewed as feminine.

    Ultimately, metrosexuality is about how you choose to express yourself and how you take pride in your appearance. Whether you're straight, gay, or anywhere in between, the core of being metrosexual is embracing a lifestyle that values aesthetics, grooming, and self-care, and that has nothing to do with one's sexual orientation. It's okay for straight men to be metrosexual because it's okay for men to care about how they present themselves, regardless of their identity.

    How to become a metrosexual man

    If you're looking to adopt a metrosexual lifestyle, it's not as complicated as it might seem. It all starts with caring about your appearance, but there's more to it than just buying the latest clothes or getting a fancy haircut. Here's how you can begin your metrosexual transformation:

    1. Upgrade your wardrobe: A metrosexual man knows the power of good fashion. Invest in a few high-quality, well-fitted pieces that can be mixed and matched. Pay attention to current trends, but also stick with classic styles that never go out of fashion.
    2. Grooming is key: Start developing a consistent grooming routine. This doesn't just mean shaving or getting haircuts. It includes skincare, nail care, and even using the right cologne. Find products that work best for your skin and hair type.
    3. Pay attention to details: Metrosexual men are detail-oriented, whether it's how their clothes fit or the way they style their hair. Little things, like ensuring your shoes are clean and your accessories are on point, make a big difference.
    4. Focus on self-care: Being a metrosexual man means prioritizing your well-being. This could mean taking time for a spa day, getting regular exercise, or even practicing mindfulness. It's about feeling as good as you look.
    5. Upgrade your living space: Your home is an extension of your style. Invest in modern, stylish furniture, keep your space organized, and add personal touches that reflect your aesthetic.

    Ultimately, being metrosexual is about embracing a lifestyle of refinement and self-care. It's about paying attention to the way you look, feel, and live. Start with these steps, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a modern metrosexual man.

    FAQs About Metrosexuality

    There's still some confusion surrounding metrosexuality, and it's understandable given how much the term has evolved since it was first introduced. Below, we'll address some frequently asked questions to clear up any misconceptions and provide a better understanding of what it means to be metrosexual.

    Do women like metrosexual guys?

    While every woman's preferences are different, many women find metrosexual men appealing because of their confidence, attention to detail, and sense of style. A man who takes care of himself and dresses well often stands out for all the right reasons. Metrosexual men are typically more in tune with their appearance and aren't afraid to embrace self-care, traits that many women find attractive.

    What is the lifestyle of a metrosexual man?

    The lifestyle of a metrosexual man revolves around self-care, attention to detail, and aesthetics. This includes not only personal grooming and fashion but also maintaining a polished living space, indulging in high-quality experiences, and being open to self-improvement. From fine dining to creating an elegant home environment, a metrosexual man seeks out ways to elevate his day-to-day life.

    Is it okay for a straight man to be metrosexual?

    Yes! Metrosexuality isn't tied to sexual orientation. Whether a man is straight or gay, metrosexuality is about self-expression and grooming habits. It's perfectly okay for any man, regardless of orientation, to take pride in his appearance and embrace a more refined lifestyle.

    How do you become a metrosexual man?

    Becoming a metrosexual man involves adopting a lifestyle that values grooming, fashion, and self-care. Start by refining your wardrobe, investing in a good skincare routine, and paying attention to the details in your appearance and living space. Metrosexuality is about living well and presenting your best self to the world.

    Are metrosexual men more focused on appearance than personality in relationships?

    Not necessarily. While metrosexual men care deeply about their appearance, it doesn't mean they lack depth in other areas. In fact, many metrosexual men are confident, emotionally intelligent, and capable of maintaining meaningful relationships. Their focus on appearance is part of a broader commitment to self-care, which often extends to how they engage in relationships.

    Recommended Resources

    • “Metrosexual: Gender, Sexuality, and Culture” by Mark Simpson
    • “The Man's Guide to Style” by Antonio Centeno
    • “The New Male: Exploring Masculinity” by R.W. Connell


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