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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    12 Surprising Mixed Signals from Guys (What to Do!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Mixed signals confuse emotional clarity
    • Inconsistent actions lead to doubt
    • Communication is key to resolution
    • Mixed signals can mask true intent
    • Setting boundaries helps protect yourself

    What Are Mixed Signals from Guys?

    Mixed signals are those frustrating behaviors that make you feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells. One day, he's sending you sweet texts and hinting at future plans, but the next, he's distant or ignoring your calls. It's that back-and-forth behavior that leaves you questioning where you stand and what he's really feeling. Does he like me or not?

    Let's be honest: mixed signals can feel like emotional whiplash. And it's not uncommon to feel confused, frustrated, or even drained when you're on the receiving end of them. We've all been there—spending hours analyzing his every move, dissecting his words, and wondering if you should even keep trying. If you've ever felt stuck in this cycle, you're definitely not alone.

    Why Do Men Give Mixed Signals?

    One of the biggest reasons guys give mixed signals is uncertainty—they might not be sure about their own feelings yet. Sometimes, he may be afraid of commitment, or he's still figuring out whether he sees a future with you. According to Dr. John Gottman, renowned for his relationship research, “Commitment issues are often rooted in fear—fear of being vulnerable, fear of failure, and fear of making the wrong choice.”

    In other cases, men give mixed signals because they enjoy the attention but aren't ready for something serious. They want to keep their options open while still reaping the benefits of your emotional investment. This might feel manipulative, but sometimes it's more about their own insecurities or a lack of emotional maturity. We have to ask ourselves, is he confused, or is he just playing a game?

    Understanding why he's doing this can help you take back control of your emotions. You deserve clarity, and sometimes, the best way to get it is to directly confront the behavior. Mixed signals shouldn't be normalized—they're often a sign that he's unsure or not ready, and that's something you can't ignore.

    12 Examples of Mixed Signals from Guys

    confused texting

    Mixed signals come in many forms, and often they're subtle, leaving you questioning everything. From inconsistent behavior to confusing body language, these signals can leave you feeling like you're constantly second-guessing his true intentions. Some of these signs might be glaringly obvious, while others are more insidious, but they all share one thing in common: they keep you off balance.

    It's important to recognize these behaviors for what they are—signs of uncertainty, emotional avoidance, or even emotional manipulation. By learning to spot these signals, you'll be better equipped to decide how to move forward, whether that means addressing the issue directly or walking away. Here are twelve common examples of mixed signals that guys often send, leaving you wondering, "What does he really want?"

    1. Inconsistent Communication

    One of the most frustrating mixed signals is inconsistent communication. One moment, he's texting you constantly—sending you memes, asking about your day, or keeping a lively conversation going—and then suddenly, he disappears for hours or days without explanation. This leaves you feeling confused and insecure, wondering if something changed or if you did something wrong.

    Inconsistent communication often points to emotional ambivalence. Sometimes, he's fully engaged, showing interest and making you feel important, only to pull back suddenly. It's a classic sign of someone who's unsure about where they stand emotionally. As Dr. Sue Johnson, a renowned psychologist in the field of attachment theory, explains, “Avoidance of emotional closeness often leads to inconsistent patterns of communication. It's not about you—it's about their inability to fully engage.”

    If you find yourself caught in this pattern, it's important to step back and observe. Is this inconsistency happening regularly, or is it an isolated event? Consistency in communication is one of the building blocks of a stable relationship, and without it, you'll constantly be left wondering where you stand.

    2. Flirting vs. Friendliness

    Is he flirting with you, or is he just being friendly? This is one of the most confusing mixed signals you can encounter. He might throw in a playful touch here, a lingering gaze there, and drop compliments that make your heart skip a beat. But when you try to reciprocate or take things to the next level, he pulls back and acts like you're just "friends."

    The line between flirting and friendliness can be incredibly thin. Some guys naturally have a flirty personality, which can make it hard to tell if he's genuinely interested or just being nice. It's even trickier when he's sending out different vibes depending on who's around or what mood he's in. One minute, he's acting like you're the only person in the room; the next, he's treating you like a casual acquaintance.

    This behavior often leads to overthinking. You replay every interaction, trying to decode what it all means. When he mixes flirting with friendliness, it's like he's dangling a carrot of potential romance in front of you but never letting you have it. It keeps you engaged, always hoping for more, but ultimately unsure of where you stand.

    3. Hot and Cold Behavior

    One of the most classic and emotionally draining forms of mixed signals is when a guy swings between hot and cold behavior. One day, he's incredibly attentive, showering you with affection and making you feel like the center of his universe. The next day, he's distant, unresponsive, or even disinterested. This sudden shift leaves you questioning whether you did something to push him away or if he's losing interest.

    Hot and cold behavior can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. You're constantly riding a high when he's "hot"—feeling secure and valued—only to be left in confusion and doubt when he turns "cold." This kind of inconsistency often stems from internal conflict within the guy. He might be dealing with his own fears of intimacy or commitment, unsure of whether he wants to get closer or keep his distance.

    According to relationship therapist Dr. Terri Orbuch, “This hot and cold pattern can trigger anxiety in the partner on the receiving end. It's emotionally destabilizing and often reflects the other person's unresolved personal issues.” Being aware of this behavior is crucial because staying in such a dynamic for too long can take a toll on your self-esteem and emotional well-being.

    4. Mixed Signals in Person

    Face-to-face interactions can be even more confusing than texts or calls when it comes to mixed signals. You may notice a guy acting interested—leaning in, making lots of eye contact, or even initiating physical touch. But then, moments later, he's suddenly distant, distracted, or pulls away entirely. It's this in-person back-and-forth that can make your head spin.

    Sometimes his body language screams attraction—his feet pointing toward you, his posture open, and his smile engaging—but his actions don't line up. Maybe he's affectionate in private but cool and reserved around friends or in public. It's a constant guessing game where the rules keep changing, and you never know what to expect.

    Mixed signals in person can be particularly frustrating because they create moments of connection that feel real and genuine, only for him to withdraw without explanation. This inconsistency may leave you wondering whether he's hiding something, unsure of his feelings, or just playing with your emotions. It can be hard to know what's real and what's part of a confusing act.

    5. Avoiding Labels

    Ah, the dreaded "What are we?" conversation. If you've ever tried to define the relationship and were met with evasiveness, vague answers, or excuses, you're likely dealing with a guy who's avoiding labels. He might say things like, "Let's just go with the flow" or "Why rush things?"—phrases that sound good on the surface but really just keep you in limbo.

    Avoiding labels is a major form of mixed signals because it keeps the relationship in a gray area. On the one hand, he might be giving you all the signs of someone who's interested—introducing you to friends, spending time together regularly, or even being affectionate. On the other hand, he refuses to define what it all means, leaving you questioning his intentions.

    Men who avoid labels might be commitment-phobic or simply unsure of what they want. While some genuinely prefer to take things slow, others use this tactic to keep their options open. As relationship expert Esther Perel points out, “Ambiguity can serve as a protective mechanism to avoid vulnerability and the responsibilities that come with commitment.”

    If you've had several conversations about where things stand and he continues to avoid labels, it's a clear signal that he's not ready to commit. You deserve clarity, and staying in a label-less relationship will only prolong your frustration and confusion.

    6. Saying One Thing, Doing Another

    This is one of the most blatant forms of mixed signals, and it's incredibly frustrating. He tells you he's really into you, wants to spend more time together, or talks about future plans—but then his actions completely contradict his words. Maybe he says he wants to see you more often, but when you suggest plans, he's always “too busy.” Or he talks about taking the next step in the relationship, but never follows through.

    When his words don't match his actions, it's easy to feel like you're being strung along. It's important to remember that actions speak louder than words. A guy who says one thing and does another is sending a clear message, whether he realizes it or not. He might not be intentionally trying to mislead you, but his inability to back up his words with actions shows a lack of commitment or emotional readiness.

    Behavioral inconsistency is a red flag that can't be ignored. Relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The 5 Love Languages,” emphasizes that “consistency in actions is one of the foundations of trust in any relationship.” If he's constantly making promises he doesn't keep, it's a sign that something is off, and you deserve better than empty words.

    7. Keeping Options Open

    Some guys keep their options open, even when they're giving you signals that they might want something serious. Maybe he flirts with other people or continues to date around, despite the fact that you're spending a lot of time together. He may never explicitly tell you that he's not seeing other people, and when you ask, he might give vague answers like, “I'm just keeping things casual” or “I'm not ready to settle down yet.”

    Keeping options open is a form of emotional hedging. It's a way for him to get the benefits of being with you—companionship, affection, and maybe even emotional support—without fully committing. This can be incredibly painful for you, especially if you've already invested emotionally.

    Men who keep their options open are often afraid of missing out on something “better.” They may genuinely enjoy spending time with you but are hesitant to close off the possibility of meeting someone else. Psychologist Dr. Barry Schwartz calls this the “paradox of choice”—the idea that having too many options can make people feel more anxious about committing to any one decision. When a guy is keeping his options open, it's often a reflection of his fear of making the wrong choice, not necessarily a reflection of you or your worth.

    If he's keeping his options open while you're hoping for exclusivity, it's crucial to have a conversation and set clear boundaries. You deserve someone who's willing to choose you without hesitation.

    8. Mixed Signals on Social Media

    Social media has become a modern battleground for mixed signals. One minute, he's liking all your posts, leaving flirty comments, and sliding into your DMs. The next, he's ghosting you, not responding to your messages, or even worse—interacting more with other people's posts than with yours. Social media can amplify those confusing signals because it puts his behavior on full display for you (and everyone else) to see.

    Does he post about hanging out with friends but never invites you? Does he seem active online but takes hours to respond to your messages? These small actions, though they may seem insignificant, can build up and leave you feeling insecure or sidelined. It's easy to feel like he's sending signals that he's interested, but his online behavior doesn't fully match his in-person interactions.

    What's tricky about social media is that it's often a curated highlight reel. Just because he's engaging with your posts doesn't mean he's ready to fully commit to a relationship. Sometimes, social media attention can give the illusion of intimacy when, in reality, it's superficial. While it can be tempting to read into every like and comment, try to focus more on how he treats you offline, where real connections are made.

    9. Canceling Plans Last Minute

    Few things are more frustrating than a guy who consistently cancels plans at the last minute. You've made arrangements, gotten excited, maybe even put on your favorite outfit, only to get a “Sorry, something came up” text right before you're supposed to meet. This is a prime example of mixed signals because, on one hand, he's making plans with you, but on the other, his follow-through is unreliable.

    Canceling plans last minute can leave you feeling undervalued. It sends the message that his time, or whatever else came up, is more important than spending time with you. While emergencies do happen, a guy who frequently cancels plans without good reason is showing a lack of respect for your time and effort. It's a sign that you're not a priority.

    According to Dr. Jane Greer, a relationship expert, “A pattern of last-minute cancellations can indicate ambivalence. He may like the idea of spending time with you but isn't emotionally invested enough to follow through.” If this behavior becomes consistent, it's worth addressing directly. You deserve someone who shows up when they say they will and values the time you spend together.

    10. Talking About the Future but No Action

    A guy talking about the future can feel like a promising sign, especially if he's bringing it up. He might mention future trips you'll take together, talk about living together one day, or even drop hints about meeting his family. But what happens when all of that future talk leads to… nothing? If he's constantly painting a picture of what's ahead but never making any concrete steps to get there, you're likely dealing with a classic case of mixed signals.

    Future talk without follow-through is confusing because it shows he's thinking about it but isn't ready to act. He might enjoy the idea of a future with you but isn't fully committed to making it happen. It's the classic “words without actions” situation. If weeks, or even months, go by and there's no progress toward these future plans, it's worth asking yourself whether he's really serious about you or if he's just stringing you along.

    This behavior can be incredibly draining because it keeps you in a state of anticipation. Dr. Shirley Glass, a renowned psychologist, explains, “Talking about the future builds emotional intimacy, but without action, it creates a false sense of security that can leave the other partner feeling misled.” If he's all talk and no action, it's a sign he might not be ready to commit to the future he's describing.

    11. Mixed Signals with Physical Touch

    Physical touch is one of the most powerful ways we communicate in relationships, so when his touch feels inconsistent, it can be deeply unsettling. Maybe one day he's all about holding your hand, cuddling, and being affectionate. The next, he's pulling away, avoiding closeness, or only engaging in physical touch when it feels convenient for him. This hot-and-cold behavior with physical affection can leave you feeling confused about his true feelings.

    Mixed signals with physical touch are often a sign of emotional ambivalence. He might be unsure about his feelings for you, so his body language reflects that inner conflict. Physical intimacy can sometimes create a sense of closeness that he's not fully ready for, causing him to pull back when it gets too real. Other times, he might be affectionate only when it's convenient or when it benefits him, leaving you feeling used rather than valued.

    This kind of behavior can take a toll on your sense of security in the relationship. According to Dr. Sue Johnson, “Physical touch is a way of establishing emotional connection, and when it's inconsistent, it sends a message that the emotional connection is also unstable.” If his touch leaves you wondering where you stand, it's important to communicate your needs and see if he's willing to meet you halfway.

    12. Overprotective but Distant

    This type of mixed signal can be especially confusing. He might act protective, almost to the point of jealousy—asking where you are, who you're with, or seeming to worry about your safety. At first, this might feel like he really cares, but then his behavior shifts, and suddenly he's distant, emotionally unavailable, or even cold. It's like he wants to keep you close, but only on his terms, and without offering you real intimacy in return.

    Overprotectiveness without emotional closeness is a red flag because it often indicates a need for control rather than genuine care. He may be trying to keep tabs on you, but when it comes to having deeper, meaningful conversations or showing vulnerability, he shuts down. This push-pull dynamic can leave you feeling isolated and unsure of where you truly stand.

    Relationship expert Dr. Harriet Lerner explains, “Overprotectiveness can mask insecurity or control issues, but it can also signal emotional unavailability. When a partner is distant emotionally, but still tries to monitor or control the relationship, it reflects their inner struggle with vulnerability and attachment.” If you're constantly feeling like he's keeping you at arm's length, even though he's protective, it's important to confront this behavior and set boundaries.

    Decoding His Intentions

    Decoding a guy's mixed signals can feel like solving a puzzle with missing pieces. The ups and downs, the hot and cold behavior, and the constant back-and-forth can leave you emotionally exhausted. So how do you decode his true intentions? The key is to focus on patterns, not just isolated moments. Is his inconsistency part of a larger trend, or are there moments of genuine connection that are worth pursuing?

    First, pay attention to his actions over time. Words can be misleading, but consistent behavior reveals his true intentions. If he's constantly leaving you in the dark, it's a clear sign that he's either unsure or unwilling to fully commit. Secondly, don't be afraid to communicate openly. If his mixed signals are causing you emotional stress, bring it up. A guy who's serious about you will appreciate your honesty and work to provide clarity.

    Lastly, trust your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is. Mixed signals often indicate deeper issues—whether it's fear of commitment, emotional unavailability, or simply not being ready for a relationship. You deserve someone who is clear, consistent, and ready to offer the same level of commitment that you are.

    At the end of the day, decoding his intentions is about protecting your emotional well-being. Don't settle for someone who keeps you in a state of confusion. You deserve clarity, honesty, and someone who knows exactly what they want—and isn't afraid to show it.

    How to Deal with a Guy Who Gives Mixed Signals: 5 Ways

    Dealing with mixed signals can be exhausting, but you don't have to sit around and wait for clarity. There are steps you can take to protect your emotional well-being while figuring out where he truly stands. These five strategies will help you regain control, find clarity, and either strengthen the relationship or move on from the uncertainty.

    The goal is to empower yourself and set boundaries that protect your emotional space. When you're receiving mixed signals, it's easy to spiral into overthinking, but these actionable steps will help you ground yourself and make decisions based on what's best for you, not just his confusing behavior.

    1. Communicate Openly

    The first and most important step in dealing with mixed signals is communication. It's easy to assume or make excuses for his behavior, but nothing beats having an honest conversation. Sit down with him and tell him how his mixed signals are making you feel. Don't approach it with accusations; instead, focus on how his inconsistency is impacting you. A simple, “I've noticed you've been hot and cold lately, and it's confusing. Can we talk about where we stand?” can open the door to a meaningful conversation.

    It's important to remember that you deserve clear communication in any relationship. By addressing the issue head-on, you're giving him the chance to explain himself and clarify his intentions. He may not even realize he's sending mixed signals, or he could be dealing with personal issues that he hasn't shared with you yet. Open communication is the only way to bridge that gap.

    Psychotherapist Dr. Julie Gottman emphasizes the importance of vulnerability in communication: “Directly expressing your needs and concerns opens the door to a deeper connection. Without clear communication, misunderstandings and emotional distance are inevitable.” Be honest, be open, and let the conversation flow naturally. If he's willing to listen and make changes, that's a positive sign. If he gets defensive or avoids the conversation altogether, it's time to reassess whether he's emotionally mature enough for the relationship.

    2. Observe His Consistency

    Actions speak louder than words. After you've communicated openly with him, pay close attention to whether his behavior changes. Is he more consistent, or does he fall back into the same patterns of hot and cold behavior? Consistency is a key indicator of someone's emotional availability and commitment level. If he says he's going to do something, does he follow through? Or does he continue to make promises with no real action?

    Consistency is what builds trust in a relationship. A guy who's serious about you will make an effort to be steady in his actions, whether it's checking in regularly, showing up for plans, or just being emotionally available when you need him. If you find that he's still inconsistent after you've discussed the mixed signals, it may be time to question how invested he really is.

    Relationship coach Matthew Hussey puts it this way: “You don't judge a relationship by the promises someone makes when it's easy—you judge it by the consistency of their actions over time, especially when it's hard.” If his behavior remains erratic despite conversations, it might indicate that he's simply not ready for a committed relationship. Don't ignore these red flags, and always trust your observations.

    3. Set Boundaries

    Boundaries are essential when dealing with someone who gives mixed signals. If he's keeping you on an emotional rollercoaster, you need to protect your own well-being. Set clear boundaries around what kind of behavior is acceptable and what isn't. For example, you can tell him that you won't tolerate being left in the dark or that you need consistency to feel secure in the relationship. If he continues to disregard your boundaries, that's a strong indication that he's not respecting your needs.

    Setting boundaries isn't about giving ultimatums—it's about clearly defining what you need in order to feel valued and secure. Let him know that you're not interested in playing games or accepting half-hearted efforts. Boundaries empower you and help establish respect in the relationship. Without them, you risk being trapped in a cycle of uncertainty, constantly questioning his actions and your own worth.

    Dr. Henry Cloud, author of “Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life,” explains, “When you set boundaries, you protect your emotional space and give the other person a clear understanding of what you expect. This isn't about controlling them; it's about safeguarding your emotional well-being.” Healthy boundaries are necessary for any successful relationship, and if he can't respect yours, it's a clear sign that he's not ready for a real commitment.

    4. Focus on Yourself

    When you're dealing with mixed signals, it's easy to become overly focused on him—trying to decode his behavior, waiting for him to text back, or constantly wondering where you stand. This can take up so much emotional and mental energy that you forget to focus on the most important person in this situation: you. Instead of pouring all your attention into figuring him out, redirect that energy toward your own happiness and growth.

    Focus on the things that make you feel fulfilled outside of the relationship. Whether it's diving into your hobbies, spending time with friends and family, or working on personal goals, centering yourself will not only improve your mood but also give you the clarity to see things as they are. When you invest in your own well-being, you're less likely to tolerate mixed signals or settle for a relationship that leaves you questioning your worth.

    Self-care isn't just about face masks and bubble baths (though those help too!). It's about prioritizing your emotional health and building a life that doesn't revolve around someone else's confusing behavior. Relationship coach Esther Perel says, “When you focus on yourself, you reclaim your power. You stop chasing clarity from someone else and instead create clarity within yourself.” Focusing on you will not only help you navigate the relationship but also boost your confidence and independence.

    5. Be Prepared to Walk Away

    At the end of the day, you need to be ready to walk away if the mixed signals don't stop. Staying in a relationship where you're constantly second-guessing his intentions will wear you down over time. If you've communicated openly, observed his consistency (or lack thereof), set boundaries, and focused on yourself, and he's still sending mixed signals, it's time to protect your emotional well-being and consider leaving.

    Walking away doesn't mean you're giving up—it means you're prioritizing yourself and your needs. Sometimes the hardest part of dealing with mixed signals is accepting that no amount of love or patience will change someone who isn't ready to fully commit. Leaving the relationship might feel scary, but it can also be empowering, offering you the chance to find someone who is clear, consistent, and ready to meet you where you are.

    As relationship expert Dr. Brené Brown says, “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” Walking away from a situation that's causing you emotional turmoil is one of the strongest acts of self-love. You deserve a relationship where you don't have to question your place or fight for someone's attention. Be prepared to walk away, knowing that by doing so, you're making room for something better.

    FAQ: How Do You Know When a Guy is Giving You Mixed Signals?

    Mixed signals can be incredibly confusing, and it's normal to question whether you're overreacting or if he's genuinely sending you inconsistent messages. If you find yourself constantly questioning his behavior, feeling confused about where you stand, or noticing a pattern of hot-and-cold actions, it's a clear sign you're dealing with mixed signals.

    Pay attention to your own emotional state. Are you feeling anxious, uncertain, or like you're putting in more effort than he is? These are often the emotional clues that mixed signals are present, even if they're subtle. If his actions don't consistently match his words, or if you're left guessing about his intentions, that's a big red flag.

    How Do You Know When a Guy is Giving You Mixed Signals?

    You'll know when you start feeling emotionally off-balance. One minute, he's super attentive, and the next, he's distant or unavailable. A guy who's giving mixed signals will leave you questioning whether he's really interested, often because his behavior keeps fluctuating. If he's unpredictable in how he communicates, makes plans, or shows affection, you're likely dealing with mixed signals.

    Are Mixed Signals a Good Thing?

    In most cases, no, mixed signals are not a good thing. They create uncertainty and confusion, which is the opposite of what you want in a healthy relationship. When someone is clear about their feelings, it makes the relationship stronger and helps both people feel secure. Mixed signals, on the other hand, often indicate indecision, emotional unavailability, or a lack of serious interest.

    However, sometimes mixed signals can be a result of temporary circumstances, like stress or personal issues. In these cases, it's important to communicate and see if the behavior changes once the issue is resolved. But Consistent mixed signals are a sign of deeper problems and shouldn't be brushed aside.

    Does a Guy Like You if He Gives You Mixed Signals?

    It's possible that a guy giving mixed signals does like you, but he may not be ready to fully commit or isn't sure how to handle his feelings. Unfortunately, even if he has feelings for you, mixed signals usually indicate that he's not in a place to offer you the kind of stable, secure relationship you deserve. If a guy truly likes you and is serious about pursuing something with you, his actions will match his words, and he won't leave you guessing.

    Don't settle for someone who keeps you in limbo. If he really likes you, he'll make it clear—through consistent actions, open communication, and a willingness to move forward without hesitation.

    Recommended Resources

    • The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
    • Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No by Dr. Henry Cloud
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson

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