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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    10 Rules for Dating Your Ex's Friend (You Won't Believe #5)

    We live in a complex world of relationships, where connections intertwine and sometimes blur the lines of social norms. One such unconventional and debatable scenario is dating your ex's friend. Yes, you read that right! It's an idea that might seem outrageous to some, a forbidden territory that questions the sanctity of friendships and ex-relationships. But as they say, 'The heart wants what it wants.' So, how do you navigate through this intricate emotional maze? What are the rules for dating your ex's friend? Here are 10 unconventional guidelines that will help you tread these murky waters while maintaining your emotional health, dignity, and relationships.

    The 10 Unconventional Rules of Dating Your Ex's Friend

    Whether it's a surprise attraction or a slow realization, finding yourself drawn to your ex's friend can be a challenging situation. It's easy to become entangled in a web of guilt, confusion, and fear. But, these guidelines can help you understand and navigate through this perplexing journey.

    Rule #1: Self-Reflection is Your Best Friend

    Before making any move, take a deep breath and reflect on your feelings. Are they genuine or merely a rebound reaction? Is it just physical attraction or something more profound? Understanding the depth of your feelings will prevent you from a possible emotional catastrophe. Self-reflection can also help you recognize any patterns of behavior. Do you often find yourself attracted to unavailable people or people who may cause a drama? It's a difficult process, but your emotional well-being is worth it.

    Rule #2: Respect the 'Ex' Equation

    No matter how you perceive it, the 'ex' in the picture holds emotional importance. Respect their feelings and consider how your decision will affect them. Are they still healing from the breakup, or have they moved on? Do they hold any resentment or lingering feelings for you? Acknowledging this equation will help avoid possible emotional turmoil.

    Rule #3: Honesty is The Best Policy

    Once you have understood your feelings and the potential consequences, it's time for a candid conversation with your ex's friend. Communicate your emotions without expectations and understand theirs. This open communication will lay a strong foundation for your relationship if you choose to pursue it.

    Rule #4: Don't Ask for Permission, But Inform

    You don't need to ask for permission to date anyone. However, it's courteous to inform your ex about your feelings for their friend, especially if you share a close bond. You can express your intentions while also assuring them that their friendship is valued. Remember, your intention is not to seek approval, but to maintain transparency and avoid unnecessary complications.

    Rule #5: The Past is in The Past

    If you have decided to date your ex's friend, let the past be in the past. No comparisons between your ex and their friend, no discussing old wounds, and no using your ex's secrets against them. If you want a fresh start, then truly embrace it.

    Rule #6: Understand the Potential Friend Fallout

    Dating your ex's friend could impact their friendship. Are you ready for the potential fallout? Is the person you're interested in prepared for the same? Discuss this in advance and make sure you're on the same page.

    Rule #7: Give Time its Time

    Rushing into a relationship, especially in a delicate situation like this, can lead to disastrous consequences. Giving time its time will allow everyone involved to process the situation, reduce the potential of a drama-fueled fallout, and give your new relationship a fair chance to flourish.

    Rule #8: Your Emotions Matter

    In trying to handle everyone else's feelings, don't forget your own. Remember, your emotional health matters too. If you feel overwhelmed, it's okay to step back and reassess. There's no need to force yourself into a situation where your well-being is compromised.

    Rule #9: Be Ready for Judgment

    No matter how considerate you are, some people will judge you for dating your ex's friend. It's a societal taboo and a break from the conventional rules of dating. Prepare yourself to face criticism, rumors, and judgment. Remember, you can't please everyone, and as long as you're not hurting anyone, it's okay to live your life on your terms.

    Rule #10: When in Doubt, Seek Professional Help

    If things get too complicated and you find yourself unable to handle the situation, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A counselor or therapist can guide you through your feelings and help you make a decision that's best for your emotional well-being.

    Personal Experience: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster

    To better illustrate these rules, I'd like to share a personal experience. A few years ago, I found myself in this very predicament. I was attracted to a friend of my ex. At first, I thought I was just trying to fill the void that my ex had left. But with time, I realized that my feelings were genuine.

    After a lot of self-reflection, I decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation with my ex's friend. I shared my feelings and asked for his. He was surprised but admitted that he felt the same way. Next, came the challenging part: informing my ex. I did not ask for permission, but I informed him about our feelings. My ex was upset initially, but with time he came around and respected our decision.

    Throughout this journey, I received a fair share of judgment and rumors. But, we were prepared for it. I believe if we hadn't followed these rules, our story would have been vastly different. It was a journey filled with emotional ups and downs, but it was worth it. And it was this experience that made me realize that even though dating your ex's friend is a path less traveled, it's not necessarily the wrong one.


    There is no one-size-fits-all guide to relationships, especially when it comes to matters as intricate as dating your ex's friend. While these unconventional rules can guide you, ultimately, it's about listening to your heart, being kind to yourself and others involved, and understanding that relationships aren't about winning or losing, but about finding happiness and shared understanding.

    So, whether you decide to pursue this relationship or not, remember that your feelings are valid. And while society's norms are there for a reason, sometimes it's alright to forge your own path, provided you do so with empathy, respect, and honesty.

    Further Reading

    • "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most" by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. A valuable resource for effectively communicating your feelings and intentions.
    • "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" by Daniel Goleman. A deep dive into understanding your own emotions and those of others.
    • "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life" by Mark Manson. A helpful guide on dealing with societal judgment and prioritizing your happiness.

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