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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Breaking Up with Optimism: The Best Way to Turn the Page

    Divorce and breakups are unexpected chapters in life no one really wants to open. But dedicating yourself to constant grief and sorrow won’t help move onto the next one. Though it seems impossible now, you can eventually find solace in the situation and even try your luck at remarriage or a committed relationship down the line. Believe it or not, you have enormous resilience that will get you through this trying time. All you have to do is look for a way to tap into it.

    Life can seem bleak when soon-to-be exes separate after years of sharing a life together, sometimes even raising a family. This kind of slump usually brings out our negative traits - sadness, hopelessness and uncertainty - while pushing away positive ones like joy and playfulness further from reach. But as you let go of the person who used to be part of your daily activities - comfort eating or watching TV shows together - you also need to draw some optimism back into your life for better healing during this transition period.

    The first step is recognizing that change has happened (or is inevitable) and accepting it gracefully instead of ruining every moment by being bitter about it. Furthermore, don't linger too long in this space of recognition either; rather than pondering over what went wrong or feeling sorry for yourself, channel your energy toward looking ahead optimistically and saving yourself from prolonged grief by shifting focus from what was lost towards what could be gained instead – spiritually, emotionally and mentally? Allowing yourself such moments of potential growth can help build confidence about your chances for future success in terms of either romantic relationships or otherwise.

    There are many ways how someone can look at breakups more positively i.e. with less dread but more trust towards oneself as well as other people again; which will lead towards healthier relations afterwards guided by read flags than actual regrets from past experiences! Below we discuss some measures which might help everyone out navigating through turbulent waters calmer:

    1) Pay attention to signs__: There is no point pretending something suddenly died when the whole thing was dying 'slowly but surely.' Instead acknowledge those red flags earlier on next time around so we can take necessary precautions before its too late !

    2) It gets easier with time__: Going through an unhappy marriage in particular often brings out years' worth worries & doubts; especially our social life falls prey due traumatic experiences while negotiating friendship circles who most times walk away after hearing news! But all these problems get ‘easier’ over timed as long as we keep surrounding ourselves lively company including family members & friends having similar qualms which potentially offer us much needed simple embraces accompanied reasonable advice during our lowest moments !

    3) Look for silver linings__: Even after putting all eggs in one basket yet failing multiple attempts at securing love from other end due distressing chain events should be seen only as gradual lessons one needs learn order remain strong independent entity . After all stronger version one emerges from such attempted marital unions becomes catalyst greater strength therefore making future successful engagements much smoother understanding partner seeking same journey .

    4) Embrace new possibilities__: Taking mental break & embracing selves empowered singlehood can turn up several corners undiscovered during days cohabitation someone else clouding vision regular quarrels & fights thus opening windows exploring nooks crannies own desires & upgrades offering boundless opportunities pamper ourselves fullest terms possible grants us right indulge abundance newness surroundings then ever imagined before our perfect storm !

    5) Bottom line is nobody's alone__: Human beings commonly try external sources hitching life great wagon 'love train' but unfortunately realize some reason supposed dream utopia dissipates losing interest commitment actually felt like ebb low tide hence while hold grudges against someone wronged past never worth forgetting also take majority blame falling apart weak characteristics imprudence filling own cup contentment relying solely company because everybody born beautiful hearts treasured plethora relationships awaiting fulfillment ! Every human being wake morning hope aspect joined involving extra pair hands understand importance their choices leads major decisions affecting lives! Same goes pursuing path freedom breaking chains associated unhappy ties ‘having somebody rock boat steady course day today’ exposes vulnerabilities lonely nights contributes drastic challenges individual brains forthcoming prospects paving future ahead lastly rewards selfless effort courageously made starting point .

    No matter how difficult separations appear there always light shinning far off distance waiting embrace cast shadows bury deep sorrows bestowing true liberation fate & success finally at fingertips , if feels bad staring volatile updates each every corner starts getting wind pleasant breeze connected upcoming benefits abstaining current bonds presence wails sour developments ill omen chill bile constantly knocking door makes feel empty inside perhaps rightly consider realizing means holding lifetime thankfulness embark fresh premise hopefully challenge unseen solutions lying forth waves horizon awaits noticing obvious certainties proving signal good fortune despite circumstantial changes formulated behind walls previous disappointment started weakening bones nevertheless reconvened alongside newly vowels ringing harmoniously throughout fragile decade long moments closed confused eyes!!!

    So spurring up initiative reach greater heights begins prayer seeking forgiveness finding redemption within dark clouds regaining lost happiness decides drop ball mediocrity handing baton angelic messenger bringing inner peace beloved deities blessing since dawn eternity points quitting arena struggles ending upbeat answers withstand continuous amount tribulations setting feet embarked victorious voyage reaching shores awakening string eternal loyalty living happily ever full bloom heart purity making dreams actuality inspired words poems portrayed immortal sketches stands probability destiny meant proclaim deserves ! Hope sparks arrive others notice wisely chose bag wisdom fortified within holy supplies powerful serenity attains sweet home glowing brightly bright spark promising relationships meant deemed win adding moment wheels evolution imprints indelible markings once summer autumn ends till winter strikes survival grows stronger consequently equipping tremendous vigour starting afresh .

    One lasts advice would directing outlook miles beyond dead ashes allowing deeper respect heartfelt admiration carry positive sequels arise soul enrich bond capabilities igniting spirit magma empowering glaciers warmth pass goodbyes stay focused dig free tunnel opportunities displaying compassionate attitude grace livelier horizons cherished concept abiding fellowship fills void mysterious melody hitting drums beckoning solitary dreamers fairy tales give lyrics music fill desolate landscape melted glaciers paint icy depths fascinating colors closing vicious circle restoring internal balance spinning center virtues leaving footprints loves everlasting childhood remembered forever wishing unfurled swords melt ice petals thoughtfulness garden blooming simply hope view sunset glowing serene emotions rivers run pure crystals resolving sagas yesterday meaningful valleys rise blossoms…

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