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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    7 Ways to React to a Breakup Text

    Breaking up is tough, no doubt about it. But what's even more challenging is receiving that unexpected breakup text. You stare at your phone, feeling a whirlwind of emotions, not knowing what to say, let alone how to react. In such times, what's needed is a compassionate and thoughtful approach. In this article, we explore seven unexpected yet thoughtful ways to respond to a breakup text, backed by personal insights and expert advice.

    1. Acknowledge your emotions

    When I first received a breakup text from someone I cared about deeply, the rush of emotions was overwhelming. I felt a mix of shock, disbelief, and sadness. What I found helpful, eventually, was acknowledging these emotions rather than repressing them. Understanding that it's okay to feel this way is the first step towards healing.

    Experts agree that allowing yourself to feel the pain instead of suppressing it can help in the long term. Dr. Suzanne Degges-White, a licensed counselor and professor, says, "It’s healthier to allow yourself to experience the natural reactions to loss instead of trying to suppress feelings of sadness."

    2. Don't Respond Immediately

    One of the first things I did when I got that text was not to respond immediately. The urge to send a quick, emotional response was strong, but taking a step back gave me the time to process what just happened.

    Dr. Gary Lewandowski, a relationship expert, supports this approach. He suggests, "After a breakup, it's important to take time and space to heal. Responding immediately, especially if you're not in a calm state, might lead to saying things you'd regret."

    3. Respond With Kindness

    Responding to a breakup text with kindness, even when hurt, is something I learned from personal experience. It not only helps maintain self-respect but also alleviates some of the pain. You may not control someone's decision to end the relationship, but how you react is entirely in your hands.

    As relationship coach Dr. Paulette Sherman affirms, "Even if you feel angry or hurt, try to respond from a place of kindness and understanding. This can aid in personal healing and maintain peaceful relations."

    4. Seek Support from Loved Ones

    After receiving the text, I reached out to my closest friends. They provided me with comfort, support, and a much-needed perspective. Never underestimate the healing power of a strong support network during tough times.

    According to Dr. Brene Brown, renowned researcher and author, "Connection is why we're here; it gives purpose and meaning to our lives. Reaching out to friends and family when we're in pain can make the difference between suffering alone and a path towards recovery."

    5. Establish Clear Boundaries

    In my experience, establishing clear boundaries post-breakup is essential. It might be challenging, especially if the breakup was not mutual. But, setting boundaries can help you focus on your healing process.

    Dr. Natalie Jones, a licensed psychotherapist, emphasizes, "After a breakup, it's crucial to set healthy boundaries. This can help protect your emotional health and enable a better recovery."

    6. Take Care of Your Mental Health

    Dealing with a breakup text can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions. In my case, I made sure to prioritize my mental health. I took time for self-care activities, exercised regularly, maintained a healthy diet, and sought professional help when needed.

    Renowned psychologist Dr. Guy Winch affirms this approach, "It's important to practice emotional first aid and prioritize self-care after a breakup. This can be through exercise, meditation, or seeking professional help."

    7. Utilize the Experience for Personal Growth

    The breakup was a painful experience, but it also became a catalyst for my personal growth. I began to understand myself better, learned what I valued in relationships, and realized the importance of self-love.

    According to clinical psychologist Dr. Lara Fielding, "While breakups can be painful, they can also be transformative. They offer opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth."


    Receiving a breakup text can be a heartbreaking experience. But remember, you are not alone. Many of us have been there, navigated through the pain, and emerged stronger. Follow these seven steps to respond to a breakup text in a way that fosters personal growth and healing. Your journey might be difficult, but with time and support, you will find yourself in a better place.

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