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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    7 Shocking Signs You're Still Meant to Be with Your Ex!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understand the emotional pull of an ex
    • Recognize the signs you're not over them
    • Explore why they still cross your mind
    • Consider the possibility of rekindling love
    • Reflect on why they feel like “the one”

    Why We Can't Let Go of Our Exes

    Letting go of an ex is easier said than done, isn't it? We've all been there—haunted by memories of someone who once held such a significant place in our lives. The echoes of laughter, the warmth of shared moments, the familiarity of a presence that once felt like home. These aren't just memories; they're emotional anchors, holding us in a place we often don't want to leave.

    But why is it so hard to let go? Is it just nostalgia, or is there something deeper at play? Psychologically speaking, the attachment we form with a partner can be profound, often rooted in a blend of love, routine, and mutual growth. According to John Bowlby's attachment theory, these bonds aren't easily broken—they become part of our emotional fabric, making the process of moving on feel like tearing away a piece of ourselves.

    And let's be honest, sometimes we don't want to let go. We hold onto the “what ifs” and the “could-have-beens,” believing that maybe, just maybe, we're not meant to let go after all. So, how do you know if you're still holding onto your ex for a reason, or if it's time to finally close that chapter?

    They're Your 'One That Got Away'

    There's a particular sting that comes with the realization that someone might have been the “one that got away.” It's that lingering feeling that no matter how hard you try, no one else quite measures up. Maybe it's the way they understood you in a way that others haven't, or perhaps it's the simple fact that the timing was never quite right. Whatever the reason, they've left an indelible mark on your heart.

    Renowned relationship therapist Esther Perel touches on this in her book “The State of Affairs,” where she notes that people often hold onto the memory of an ex because of the potential they represented—the idea that this person could have been “the one” if circumstances had been different. It's a romantic notion, but it's also one that can keep us trapped in the past.

    However, recognizing that someone is your “one that got away” isn't just about longing for what might have been. It's also about acknowledging that they played a significant role in shaping who you are today. They helped you grow, challenged you, and maybe even inspired you to become a better version of yourself. And that's not something you easily forget.

    You Can't Bring Yourself to Hate Them

    Shared glance

    Hate is a strong word, and when it comes to your ex, it's not one you can bring yourself to use. Despite everything, there's a part of you that just can't muster the anger or resentment that usually comes with a breakup. Instead, what lingers is a sense of understanding, maybe even compassion. You see them for who they are—the good and the bad—and somehow, that makes it impossible to hate them.

    Psychologists often talk about the concept of “ambivalent emotions,” where we experience conflicting feelings towards someone. In this case, it's a mix of love, nostalgia, and maybe a touch of sadness. It's a complicated emotional cocktail, but it's also a sign that your connection with this person runs deep, beyond the usual post-breakup bitterness.

    Holding onto these feelings doesn't mean you're stuck in the past; it means that the relationship, in all its complexity, still holds a place in your heart. It's not about ignoring the reasons for the breakup, but rather acknowledging that even though things didn't work out, you still respect them as a person. And that's something not everyone can say about their ex.

    Your Breakup Ended on Good Terms

    Breakups are rarely easy, but when they end on good terms, it leaves a different kind of mark. There was no dramatic fallout, no harsh words or lingering anger—just a mutual understanding that it was time to part ways. You might even describe the breakup as bittersweet; it wasn't about love lost, but about two people recognizing that they weren't meant to be together at that point in time.

    This kind of ending can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it spares you the emotional wreckage that comes with a messy split. On the other hand, it can make moving on even harder because there's no clear villain, no obvious reason to sever all ties. You're left with the “what ifs” and the lingering thought that, under different circumstances, things might have worked out.

    But perhaps the most telling sign that you're not quite over your ex is the fact that you're grateful for how things ended. You appreciate the maturity it took to part ways with respect and care, and that in itself keeps the door slightly ajar for possibilities in the future. It's a sign that maybe, just maybe, the story isn't finished yet.

    You Truly Admire Each Other

    It's one thing to love someone; it's another to truly admire them. Even after everything you've been through, the respect and admiration you have for your ex haven't faded. You can still see the qualities that drew you to them in the first place—their kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, or perhaps their unyielding passion for something they care about. These aren't things that disappear just because the relationship did.

    Admiration is a powerful emotion. According to psychologist Carl Rogers, unconditional positive regard—respect and acceptance regardless of circumstances—is a cornerstone of healthy relationships. When you truly admire someone, it's a sign that your connection was built on more than just fleeting attraction. It was rooted in a deep appreciation for who they are as a person, beyond the roles you played in each other's lives.

    This kind of admiration doesn't just fade away. It's a testament to the fact that, despite the breakup, you still value them, and perhaps they feel the same way about you. In some cases, this mutual respect can be the foundation for a rekindled relationship or, at the very least, a lifelong friendship.

    You Only Have Fond Memories of Them

    When you think back on your time together, what comes to mind? If it's a flood of happy, warm memories rather than pain or regret, that's a significant sign. Maybe it's the way they always knew how to make you smile, or the little things they did that made you feel special. These memories don't just disappear; they linger, reminding you of the good times and the connection you shared.

    According to the well-known psychologist Daniel Kahneman, our memories are shaped more by the peak moments and the end of an experience than by the entirety of it. So if your memories of your ex are overwhelmingly positive, it's no surprise that you find yourself thinking about them often. These memories serve as emotional anchors, pulling you back to a time when things felt right, even if just for a moment.

    But it's not just about nostalgia. These fond memories can be a sign that the relationship had a lot of good in it—good that might still be worth exploring. After all, if all you can remember are the good times, it's natural to wonder if maybe there's still something there worth rekindling.

    They Often Cross Your Mind

    You're going about your day, maybe driving to work or making dinner, and suddenly, there they are—popping into your mind as if no time has passed at all. It's not that you're obsessing over them; it's just that they have a way of sneaking into your thoughts more often than you'd expect. Maybe it's a song that reminds you of them, or a place you used to go together. Whatever the trigger, the fact is, they still occupy space in your mind.

    Freud would argue that these thoughts aren't random. In fact, they might be clues from your subconscious, hinting at unresolved feelings or unfinished business. When someone frequently crosses your mind, it's often because they still hold some significance in your life, even if you don't fully understand why.

    These moments of reflection aren't just fleeting thoughts—they're emotional bookmarks, reminders that the story isn't over, at least not in your heart. And maybe, just maybe, there's a reason they keep coming back to you. Perhaps it's your mind's way of telling you that there's something left to explore, something that's worth considering before fully moving on.

    Your Lives and Priorities Are Slowly Aligning

    Timing is everything, right? Sometimes, relationships don't work out simply because the timing wasn't right. But what happens when, after some time apart, you start noticing that your lives and priorities are beginning to align? Maybe you've both grown in ways that make you more compatible now than you were before, or perhaps life's circumstances have shifted, bringing you back into each other's orbit.

    This alignment isn't just about external factors like careers or geography. It's also about internal growth—how you've both evolved and what you're looking for in life now. When your goals, values, and aspirations start to mirror each other's, it's a sign that maybe the universe is giving you another shot. You're no longer the people you were when you first broke up; you're more in sync now, more ready for what a relationship demands.

    And this is crucial. Relationships thrive when both partners are on the same page, moving in the same direction. If you find that your lives are slowly but surely aligning, it could be a sign that the stars are finally in your favor, and that maybe, this time, things could work out.

    Your Family and Friends Adore Them

    We all know that family and friends can be brutally honest when it comes to our relationships. They're often the first to point out red flags or question our choices. So, when your loved ones not only approve of your ex but still adore them, it speaks volumes. Maybe it's the way your mom still asks about them, or how your best friend lights up when their name comes up in conversation. It's clear that your ex made a lasting impression, not just on you, but on the people who matter most in your life.

    But why does this matter? Well, relationships don't exist in a vacuum. They're influenced by the people around us, and when those people hold your ex in high regard, it can validate the feelings you still have. Psychologist Dr. John Gottman, known for his work on relationship stability, often emphasizes the importance of social support in romantic relationships. When your inner circle is rooting for a reunion, it's not just wishful thinking; it's a sign that maybe they see something you do too—a potential for happiness that's worth reconsidering.

    It's also worth noting that if your ex is still beloved by your family and friends, it likely means they treated you well and fit into your life in a meaningful way. That kind of compatibility isn't easy to find, and it's not something to be taken lightly.

    They Can Still Make You Laugh

    Laughter is a powerful thing. It's one of the simplest yet most profound ways we connect with others. If your ex can still make you laugh, even after everything that's happened, it's a sign that the spark between you hasn't fully extinguished. There's something about their sense of humor, their way of seeing the world, that resonates with you in a way that few others can match.

    Humor is often cited as one of the key components of a successful relationship. According to a study published in the journal Personal Relationships, couples who share a similar sense of humor tend to have stronger, more resilient relationships. So, if your ex still knows exactly how to make you laugh, it's a reminder of the unique connection you shared—and maybe still share.

    But it's not just about the laughs; it's about the underlying ease and comfort that comes with them. The ability to laugh together suggests a level of understanding and closeness that doesn't just disappear with a breakup. It's a sign that, despite the ups and downs, you two still get each other on a fundamental level. And that's something worth paying attention to.

    You Still Click Effortlessly

    Some connections are just easy, aren't they? Even after time apart, when you're with your ex, it feels like no time has passed. Conversation flows naturally, there's no awkwardness, and the chemistry is still there, simmering just beneath the surface. It's as if the universe designed you to fit perfectly together, and despite everything, that fit still feels right.

    Effortless connection isn't something that comes along every day. According to relationship expert Dr. Helen Fisher, who studies the biology of love, when we connect with someone on a deep level, our brain releases dopamine, creating feelings of pleasure and contentment. If you still experience this effortless click with your ex, it's likely because your brain still recognizes them as a source of happiness.

    But it's not just about chemistry. It's about the comfort that comes with being around someone who truly knows you—the good, the bad, and everything in between. When you still click effortlessly, it's a sign that the foundation of your relationship is still strong. And that kind of connection is rare, worth holding onto, and perhaps worth exploring again.

    You Compare Them to Your Current Partner

    It's natural to compare, but when you find yourself constantly measuring your current partner against your ex, it might be a sign that you're not as over them as you thought. Maybe your new relationship is perfectly fine, but there's something about your ex that you just can't replicate. Whether it's their sense of humor, the way they made you feel, or the connection you shared, these comparisons are telling.

    In relationships, we often use past experiences as benchmarks. If your ex is the standard by which you judge others, it could mean that they set the bar pretty high. According to research by psychologist Dr. Robert Sternberg, our perceptions of love are shaped by past relationships, which influence how we evaluate future ones. If your ex still occupies this central role in your mind, it's a strong indication that they still hold a significant place in your heart.

    But it's also important to consider what these comparisons are doing to your current relationship. If you're constantly comparing, it might be a sign that something is missing, something your ex provided that your current partner doesn't. This doesn't necessarily mean you should break up, but it's definitely worth examining why your ex still has such a strong hold on your thoughts and feelings.

    They've Changed for the Better

    People grow, they change, and sometimes they surprise us. If you've noticed that your ex has evolved in ways that make them even more attractive or compatible with you, it's hard not to take notice. Maybe they've become more patient, more ambitious, or perhaps they've worked on the issues that caused friction between you two in the past. Whatever it is, these changes can reignite feelings that you thought were long gone.

    Change is a natural part of life, and in relationships, it can be a double-edged sword. When someone changes for the better, it can make you reconsider what you once had. Relationship counselor Gary Chapman, known for his work on the five love languages, suggests that growth and change are essential for long-term relationship success. If your ex has made positive strides, it could mean that they're now more aligned with who you are and what you want.

    But it's not just about them; it's about how their changes make you feel. Do you find yourself thinking, “If only they were like this when we were together”? That's a powerful realization, one that might indicate there's still potential for something meaningful between you two. After all, if they've changed for the better, maybe your relationship would be better too.

    You Still Subtly Flirt with Each Other

    Flirting isn't just about attraction; it's about connection. If you and your ex still find yourselves exchanging playful comments, teasing, or sharing knowing glances, it's a sign that the chemistry between you hasn't completely faded. This kind of subtle flirting can be innocent, or it can be a signal that there's still something more lingering beneath the surface.

    Flirting is often a way of testing the waters, of seeing if that old spark is still there. It's a light-hearted, low-risk way to maintain a connection without fully diving back into a relationship. According to Dr. Monica Moore, a psychologist who studies flirting behavior, these small, seemingly insignificant interactions can actually reveal a lot about our true feelings. If you're still flirting with your ex, it's likely because a part of you still wants to keep that door open, even if just a crack.

    And let's be honest—flirting feels good. It's a reminder of the fun, playful side of your relationship, the part that made you smile and laugh together. If that energy is still alive, it's a sign that there's still some unfinished business between you two, something that maybe, just maybe, deserves another look.

    You Can't See Yourself Married to Anyone Else

    Marriage is a big deal. It's not just about love; it's about commitment, partnership, and the person you want to share your life with. So when you think about your future and you can't imagine walking down the aisle with anyone but your ex, that's a pretty significant sign. Maybe it's the way they understood you, the dreams you shared, or simply the feeling that they were “the one.” Whatever the reason, the thought of marrying someone else just doesn't sit right with you.

    This kind of attachment isn't just about nostalgia; it's about envisioning a life that feels incomplete without them in it. According to relationship expert Dr. Terri Orbuch, who has studied long-term relationships for over two decades, the person we see ourselves marrying is often the one who aligns most closely with our values, goals, and vision for the future. If your ex still holds that place in your heart, it's a sign that your connection was more than just a fleeting romance—it was something foundational, something that still shapes your idea of what a lifelong partnership should be.

    Of course, this doesn't mean you should rush back into a relationship. But it does mean that your feelings are worth exploring. If no one else feels right in that role, it might be because deep down, you know that your ex was, and maybe still is, the person you're meant to spend your life with.

    Your Friends Say You Should Get Back Together

    Friends are often the ones who see our relationships from the outside, giving them a perspective that we might not have ourselves. So when multiple friends keep suggesting that you should get back together with your ex, it's worth paying attention to. Maybe they see something you're too close to notice, or perhaps they remember the happiness you both shared and believe it's still possible.

    There's something to be said for the opinions of those who know you best. They've seen you at your worst and your best, and they usually have a good sense of what makes you happy. According to research in social psychology, peer influence plays a significant role in our romantic decisions. If your friends are advocating for a reunion, it's because they believe that your ex brings out the best in you—or at least, that the two of you are better together than apart.

    But beyond just taking their advice, it's important to consider why they feel this way. Do they see the potential for growth, or do they believe that you and your ex have unresolved issues that need addressing? Whatever their reasons, if the people you trust most are rooting for a second chance, it might be time to seriously consider whether they're onto something. After all, sometimes it takes an outside perspective to see what's been right in front of you all along.

    You Want to Stay Updated on Each Other's Lives

    Even after the relationship has ended, you find yourself wanting to know how your ex is doing—what they're up to, how their job is going, or even if they've started seeing someone new. It's not just idle curiosity; it's a genuine interest in their well-being. Maybe you still follow each other on social media, or perhaps you occasionally ask mutual friends how they're doing. The point is, you care, and that's not something that fades easily.

    This need to stay updated isn't just about staying connected; it's about maintaining a bond, even if it's from a distance. According to attachment theory, when we form a deep connection with someone, that bond can persist even after the relationship ends. Your desire to know what's happening in your ex's life could be a sign that, in some way, they're still part of your emotional world.

    But it's more than just keeping tabs—it's about the emotional investment you still have in each other. If you're both interested in each other's lives, it suggests that the connection you shared hasn't been fully severed. It's a sign that, despite the breakup, you still matter to each other, and that's not something to take lightly.

    It Took Both of You a While to Move On

    Breakups are hard, but sometimes they're especially difficult to move on from. If it took both you and your ex a long time to find closure, it could be because the bond you shared was deeper than either of you realized. Maybe it wasn't just a matter of letting go of the relationship, but of letting go of a future you both imagined. The process of moving on wasn't just about getting over each other; it was about coming to terms with the loss of something significant.

    In psychology, this difficulty in moving on can be linked to what's known as “complicated grief.” While typically associated with bereavement, the concept can apply to breakups as well. It's when the emotional attachment to the past lingers, making it hard to fully embrace the present. If both you and your ex struggled to move on, it's a sign that what you had was more than just a relationship—it was something that touched your very core.

    And perhaps the most telling part? Even after all that time, you still think about each other. The fact that moving on was such a challenge could be your heart's way of telling you that maybe, just maybe, you weren't meant to move on at all.

    They Know Exactly What to Say

    There's something comforting about being with someone who knows you so well that they can say exactly the right thing at exactly the right time. Your ex was that person—they knew how to calm your nerves, lift your spirits, or make you laugh when you needed it most. Even now, you remember those moments when their words seemed to cut through the noise and reach you on a level that few others ever have.

    This kind of understanding doesn't just disappear. It's the result of a deep emotional connection, one where you both truly “got” each other. According to Dr. John Gottman, who has studied relationships for decades, one of the key elements of a successful relationship is being able to turn towards each other in times of need, offering support and understanding through words and actions. If your ex still knows exactly what to say to make you feel better or to make you smile, it's a sign that the bond you shared was real, and perhaps, still is.

    It's not just about the words, though; it's about the feeling that comes with them—the sense that this person understands you on a level that others don't. That's a rare and precious thing, and it might be one of the reasons why your ex still holds a special place in your heart.

    You Still Text During Special Occasions

    Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries—these are the times when you find yourself reaching out to your ex, or when they reach out to you. It's not just about maintaining a connection; it's about acknowledging that, despite everything, you still care about each other. These messages might be short and simple, but they carry a lot of meaning. They're a way of saying, “I'm thinking of you,” without actually saying it.

    This kind of communication, even after a breakup, is a sign that the emotional connection hasn't been fully severed. You both still hold a place in each other's lives, even if it's just through the occasional text. According to research by Dr. Justin Lehmiller, staying in touch with an ex can be a way of preserving the positive aspects of the relationship, especially if the breakup was amicable. These texts during special occasions are a subtle yet powerful reminder that you're still important to each other.

    And let's be honest—there's a reason you're still texting. It's not just about being polite; it's about keeping that door open, just a little bit. These texts are a way of saying that, despite everything, you're not ready to let go completely. And maybe, just maybe, they feel the same way.

    They Still Feel Like Home

    There's a certain warmth and comfort that comes with being around someone who feels like home. For many people, that feeling doesn't just go away after a breakup. If your ex still feels like home—if being around them brings a sense of peace and belonging—it's a powerful sign that the connection you shared was more than just surface deep. It's about the familiarity, the shared history, and the sense of safety you felt with them.

    According to attachment theory, our earliest relationships shape how we connect with others throughout our lives. If your ex still feels like home, it might be because they fulfilled a deep emotional need for you—a need that hasn't been met since the breakup. This sense of home isn't just about physical presence; it's about emotional resonance. It's about feeling understood, accepted, and loved for who you are, flaws and all.

    This feeling is hard to replicate with someone new. It's not just about finding another person to fill the void; it's about recognizing that some connections are unique, irreplaceable. When your ex still feels like home, it's a sign that maybe, just maybe, you haven't fully moved on because there's something there worth holding onto.

    You'll Strongly Regret Not Giving It Another Try

    Regret is a powerful emotion, one that can linger for years, even decades. If you already know, deep down, that you'll regret not giving your relationship with your ex another try, it's a sign that your heart is still invested in what you had. Maybe it's the “what ifs” that haunt you, or the feeling that you didn't fully explore the potential of your relationship. Whatever it is, the thought of not trying again feels like a missed opportunity—one you might never forgive yourself for.

    Psychologists often talk about the concept of “closure,” the idea that we need to fully process and understand an experience before we can move on from it. If you're worried about regret, it could be because you haven't found that closure yet. There's still a part of you that believes in the possibility of what could have been, and that's not something you want to carry with you for the rest of your life.

    Regret is a heavy burden to bear, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. If you know that you'll always wonder “what if,” it might be worth considering whether giving it another try is the right choice for you. After all, life is too short to live with regrets, especially when it comes to love.

    Recommended Resources

    • The State of Affairs by Esther Perel – A deep dive into the complexities of love and relationships, offering insights into why we hold onto past loves.
    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman – Essential reading for understanding the dynamics that make relationships successful, including insights into why some connections endure.
    • Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller – An exploration of attachment theory and how it shapes our relationships, helping you understand why some people feel like “home.”


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