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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    19 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (But Is Scared)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Ex stays in regular contact
    • Nostalgic talks signal longing
    • Jealousy shows they still care
    • Mixed signals create confusion
    • Extended eye contact reveals emotions

    Frequent contact but not directly addressing feelings

    When your ex is still reaching out to you regularly, but they avoid addressing their true feelings, it's a major sign they might want you back but are scared to admit it. It could look like casual check-ins, a random meme here and there, or asking about something completely irrelevant, like how your day is going. They're trying to stay connected, but emotional conversations? They're keeping those at arm's length.

    Why? They're probably wrestling with their own emotions—afraid of rejection, or even scared of reigniting something that might bring pain. As relationship expert Dr. John Gottman puts it, “We can be caught between longing and fear—feeling drawn back into a relationship but terrified of repeating past mistakes.” Their frequent contact is a signal of that internal conflict.

    Nostalgic conversations about the past

    When your ex keeps bringing up shared memories, it's not just a walk down memory lane—they might be trying to remind you (and themselves) of the good times. It's their subtle way of rekindling the emotional connection, without outright saying, “I miss you.”

    These conversations are usually peppered with lighthearted “Remember when…” moments, where they dig up specific events that only the two of you shared. It's more than just a fondness for the past—it's their way of testing the waters, checking if you're still emotionally available, without risking vulnerability. Nostalgia, after all, has a way of softening the edges of a breakup, making it easier to consider what was lost.

    Jealousy indicators when you interact with others

    Jealousy is one of the clearest signs that your ex still has feelings for you but might be scared to show it. If they start acting weird or seem a bit uncomfortable when they see you talking to or interacting with someone else, their emotions are more involved than they let on. They might ask probing questions about the new people in your life or make sly remarks to gauge your reaction.

    Psychologist Dr. Terri Orbuch says, “Jealousy can often reveal deeper attachment than we'd like to admit.” If your ex exhibits jealousy—even if they try to mask it—it's often a clue that they're struggling with the thought of you moving on, while they aren't ready to fully let go. They want to know they still matter in your life, even if it means pushing boundaries just to see how you'll react.

    Mixed signals and confusing behavior

    One minute, they're warm and affectionate, and the next, they pull back as if nothing happened. If your ex is sending you mixed signals, it's likely they're emotionally torn. They want you back, but they're afraid of getting hurt again, so they push and pull in ways that leave you confused.

    They may flirt with you one day and then act distant the next. Or perhaps they're consistently reaching out but not making any solid plans to see you. Mixed signals can drive anyone crazy, but in most cases, it's a defense mechanism. Your ex might be afraid of being vulnerable again or reopening old wounds, so they teeter between showing interest and stepping back. Understanding that these mixed signals are a reflection of their internal struggle can help you see through the confusion.

    Extended eye contact during interactions

    Eye contact can speak volumes, especially when it lingers longer than usual. If your ex maintains extended eye contact when you talk, it's likely they're still emotionally invested. Eyes have a way of expressing what words can't, and holding that gaze may be their way of silently conveying that they're not ready to let go.

    Prolonged eye contact often creates an emotional connection that's hard to ignore. It can be intimate and vulnerable, especially for someone who is scared to openly admit their feelings. They're using those silent moments to gauge your reaction, to see if there's still a spark, and to test the waters of reconnecting. As they lock eyes with you, they're likely searching for clues—are you open to the idea of getting back together?

    Experts like psychologist Dr. Linda Blair note that “eye contact fosters closeness and trust, making it a powerful tool in maintaining emotional ties.” When your ex engages in those long gazes, it's rarely just casual. It's a signal of emotional depth, even if they're afraid to verbalize it.

    Increased social media engagement

    Social media might seem trivial, but it's a window into what someone is thinking, especially when it comes to an ex. If they're liking your posts, commenting on your photos, or even watching your stories consistently, they're trying to stay connected in the digital space. It's subtle, but intentional. They want to keep themselves in your life without being too forward.

    Maybe they're not texting you directly, but their presence on your social media speaks louder than words. Whether they're liking an old photo or reacting to your newest post, this kind of engagement shows they're keeping tabs on you. In many cases, they're trying to see if you've moved on, while still signaling that they're interested in what's going on in your world.

    As social media expert Erik Qualman says, “We don't have a choice on whether we do social media; the question is how well we do it.” Your ex is using social media to maintain a connection that they're too scared to pursue in person. If their online engagement ramps up after the breakup, it's a clear sign they're still invested in you but just don't know how to express it directly.

    Late-night messages or calls

    There's something about late-night messages or calls that feels different, more intimate. When your ex reaches out to you late at night, it's often because their guard is down, and they're feeling more vulnerable. Maybe they've been thinking about you all day, and by the time night falls, they can't resist the urge to connect.

    These messages can range from casual check-ins to deeper, emotional conversations. It's during these late hours when feelings are harder to suppress. Whether they text you something as simple as “Can't sleep, what are you up to?” or engage in more heartfelt dialogue, it shows that you're still on their mind, even when they should be winding down. It's in these quieter moments that we often feel the weight of emotions we've tried to ignore, and your ex is no exception.

    As therapist Esther Perel notes, “Nighttime brings out our more honest, raw emotions.” Your ex reaching out late at night isn't just about boredom—it's a sign they're wrestling with their feelings for you and may be testing the waters to see how receptive you are.

    Concern for your well-being and emotions

    If your ex seems genuinely concerned about how you're doing—emotionally or otherwise—it's a pretty big indicator that they still care. This goes beyond just asking how your day was; they're invested in making sure you're okay, even though they might not be showing their own emotions.

    They might ask if you're eating well, sleeping enough, or handling stress at work. It's as if they're still in that role of caring for you, even from a distance. This concern stems from a place of attachment, where they can't fully detach from your well-being. They don't want you to struggle, and they may feel a lingering responsibility to ensure you're happy.

    Psychologist Dr. Sue Johnson explains that “when we deeply care for someone, their emotional state impacts our own.” If your ex continues to express concern for your emotional or physical health, it's not just an act of politeness. It's a signal they're emotionally invested in you, whether they openly admit it or not.

    Trying to repair old arguments or conflicts

    If your ex suddenly starts bringing up old arguments or conflicts, not to reignite them but to resolve them, it's a clear sign they still care. Addressing past issues isn't easy, especially after a breakup, but if they're willing to revisit those tough conversations, it means they want to clear the air and potentially rebuild what was lost.

    They might acknowledge mistakes, apologize for things they didn't before, or ask for your perspective on something that caused tension in the relationship. This isn't just about getting closure for themselves; it's often about creating a foundation for a new, healthier chapter. If your ex is actively trying to fix past problems, it's a pretty strong indicator that they're not over you and want to heal those old wounds to open the door for future possibilities.

    As relationship expert Dr. Shirley Glass puts it, “Repairing past conflicts shows a willingness to invest in emotional growth.” When they take the time to address unresolved issues, it's their way of demonstrating that they want to move forward in a more mature and thoughtful way.

    Acts of emotional support or checking in

    If your ex continues to show up in your life in supportive ways, even after the breakup, it's a sign that their emotional connection hasn't completely faded. They might offer a listening ear when you're stressed, send encouraging messages, or check in after you've had a rough day. These little acts of support may seem minor, but they carry a lot of weight when coming from someone who's supposed to have moved on.

    Emotional support is often one of the hardest ties to break after a relationship ends. If your ex is still playing that role in your life—offering advice, showing concern, or being a source of comfort—they're maintaining that bond because they're not ready to fully let go. It's not just about being friendly; it's about keeping a deeper emotional link alive.

    As Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, explains, “Emotional support speaks directly to our need for connection.” Your ex may be scared to admit they still want you, but their actions of showing up for you speak volumes about their true feelings.

    Noticing and commenting on your changes

    One of the more subtle signs your ex still has feelings is when they notice and comment on changes in your life—whether it's your appearance, behavior, or lifestyle. If they're paying attention to the little things, like a new haircut, changes in your wardrobe, or even shifts in your mood, it means they're still invested in what's happening with you.

    Exes who have emotionally moved on usually don't keep track of these details. But if your ex comments, “You seem happier lately” or “I noticed you've been working out more,” it's a sign they're watching closely. It's as though they're still tuned in to your growth, and they might even feel a mix of curiosity and longing for the person you're becoming. They're seeing your evolution, and it could be making them rethink what they've lost.

    Psychologist Dr. Terri Orbuch states, “Noticing changes in an ex reflects emotional involvement that goes beyond casual observation.” If your ex is still tracking your personal growth, it's likely because they're considering how those changes could affect your relationship dynamics.

    Introducing you to new people or mentioning friends

    If your ex is introducing you to new people in their life or talking about their friends, they're trying to maintain a sense of connection that goes beyond casual interaction. It could be that they're testing how you fit into their world now, even post-breakup. Mentioning their friends or inviting you into new social circles shows they're not ready to completely detach you from their life.

    This behavior often indicates they're seeking validation from others about how the two of you fit together. If they're casually dropping comments like “Oh, my friend asked about you” or “You'd really get along with this person I know,” it's a way of reestablishing social ties that were part of your relationship. They're trying to see how you still fit into their current life and possibly open a door for you to be a part of it again.

    Relationship expert Dr. John Gottman notes that “introducing someone to your inner circle is a form of trust and emotional investment.” If your ex is doing this, it's not just about being polite; they're finding ways to keep you integrated into their life, even if it's not immediately obvious.

    Apologies or admissions of regret

    When your ex starts apologizing or expressing regret over past mistakes, they're doing more than just clearing their conscience—they're likely trying to open the door for reconciliation. Apologies, especially unprompted ones, signal a deep reflection on what went wrong in the relationship. It's their way of acknowledging the hurt they caused and, perhaps, a way to soften the ground for future conversations about getting back together.

    Regret can be a powerful motivator. If your ex admits to feeling sorry about how things ended or even takes responsibility for specific actions, it's a sign they've been thinking about what they've lost. These admissions don't come easily, and they rarely happen unless there's still some emotional attachment. They may not be ready to fully jump back into a relationship, but by offering apologies, they're testing the waters to see if reconciliation is possible.

    Dr. Harriet Lerner, author of The Dance of Connection, emphasizes that “genuine apologies are about owning our mistakes and making amends for the right reasons.” If your ex is doing this, it's not just about closure; it's about finding a way to reconnect emotionally.

    Initiating small plans to spend time together

    When your ex starts initiating small, seemingly casual plans to spend time together, they're likely trying to test the waters without coming on too strong. They might suggest grabbing coffee, going for a walk, or catching up over lunch. These plans may feel light and non-committal, but beneath the surface, they're trying to see if there's still a connection.

    It's important to notice how frequently they initiate these get-togethers. One-off plans could be just friendly, but if they're consistently finding reasons to see you, it's a clear indicator that they miss the time you spent together. They may be scared to fully dive back into the relationship, but these small plans are their way of easing into reconnecting.

    As relationship coach Dr. Gary Lewandowski says, “Shared experiences are what build relationships, and revisiting those moments creates a bridge between the past and the future.” If your ex keeps suggesting time together, even in small doses, it's their way of seeing if that old connection can spark back to life.

    Small gifts with symbolic meaning

    When your ex gives you small gifts, especially ones with symbolic meaning, it's a sign they're thinking about the deeper connection you once had. These aren't grand gestures, but thoughtful items that remind you of shared memories or inside jokes. It could be something as simple as your favorite snack, a book you once mentioned, or even a trinket from a place you visited together.

    These gifts carry emotional weight because they're a way of saying, “I remember you, and I still care.” It's less about the material value and more about what it represents—shared moments, personal knowledge, and their ongoing attachment to you. When they give you something with sentimental meaning, it's not random. It's a signal that they're still emotionally invested, even if they're too scared to come out and say it.

    As author Gary Chapman explains in The 5 Love Languages, “Gift-giving is a universal way to show love and emotional connection.” If your ex is sending small, meaningful gifts your way, they're likely using that as a safe way to express their feelings without being too direct.

    Attempting to relive shared experiences

    If your ex is trying to recreate moments from your past relationship, it's a clear sign they're still holding on to those memories. They might suggest going to a restaurant you both loved, or they could bring up a trip you took together, hinting at revisiting it. These attempts to relive shared experiences are their way of reconnecting emotionally, using familiar places and activities as a bridge between the past and the present.

    Revisiting shared experiences can evoke powerful emotions. Your ex might not be able to express their feelings directly, but by reliving those moments, they're hoping to rekindle the same feelings you both once had. It's their way of testing whether those old sparks are still there, without having to take the emotional risk of verbalizing it.

    According to psychologist Dr. Lisa Firestone, “Shared experiences help couples bond by creating lasting emotional memories.” If your ex is constantly bringing up or trying to relive the past, it's because they're still emotionally tethered to those moments and want to see if the connection can be revived.

    Lingering in places where you usually are

    If your ex seems to be showing up in places you frequent, it's not just a coincidence. Whether it's the coffee shop you both loved or events you regularly attend, this behavior is often a subtle way of staying connected without having to directly engage. They're trying to be in your orbit, hoping to spark a natural conversation or rekindle the connection without making it too obvious.

    This kind of “accidental” run-in allows them to feel close to you without the pressure of a planned meeting. It's less confrontational, and it gives them an excuse to see how you're doing without having to overtly reach out. By being in familiar spaces, they're reminding themselves—and you—of the relationship you shared, using the comfort of routine to ease any awkwardness.

    As relationship therapist Dr. Jenn Mann explains, “People often return to familiar places as a way of reconnecting with comforting memories and feelings.” If your ex is frequently lingering in spaces you associate with each other, it's likely a sign they're trying to stay present in your life, even if they're not ready to make direct contact.

    Apologizing and seeking forgiveness

    When your ex apologizes and actively seeks forgiveness, it's a sign they're trying to heal old wounds—both theirs and yours. An apology is one thing, but when they go out of their way to ask for your forgiveness, it shows a deeper level of reflection and emotional growth. They're not just acknowledging their mistakes; they're making an effort to make things right, which often points to a desire for reconciliation.

    Seeking forgiveness is their way of testing if there's still space in your heart for them. They're hoping that by addressing the past and taking responsibility for their actions, they can pave the way for a fresh start. This isn't always about getting back together immediately, but it's a big step toward clearing the emotional clutter that may have kept you apart.

    As Dr. Sue Johnson, creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy, says, “Forgiveness is the release of past pain, allowing a couple to build something new on a foundation of trust.” If your ex is seeking your forgiveness, they're not just looking for closure—they're likely hoping for the possibility of something more.

    Expressing regret for the breakup

    If your ex expresses regret for the breakup, it's a major emotional cue that they're not entirely over the relationship. They may talk about how things could've been different or mention specific moments when they made mistakes. Regret often means they've reflected on what went wrong and are thinking about what could have been done to save the relationship.

    These conversations might feel heavy, but they're rooted in their unresolved feelings. Your ex is likely grappling with the loss, and by expressing regret, they're signaling that the breakup hasn't brought them closure. Whether they directly say, “I wish I hadn't done that” or hint at moments they regret, it's a sign they're reconsidering the finality of the split.

    As relationship expert Dr. Terri Orbuch explains, “Regret is an emotional signal that we're unhappy with our choices and wish for an alternative outcome.” If your ex is openly expressing these feelings, they're likely hoping for a chance to revisit what was lost, even if they're scared to fully admit it.

    FAQ: Commonly asked questions

    How to tell if your ex still loves you but won't admit it?

    If your ex still loves you but is scared to admit it, they'll often show it through actions rather than words. They may stay connected through frequent messages, bring up old memories, or express concern for your well-being. Even if they don't verbalize their feelings, their continued presence and emotional support are strong indicators they still care.

    How do you know if your ex wants you back but is scared?

    Your ex might want you back but be afraid to make the first move. Signs include mixed signals, such as being affectionate one moment and distant the next. They may also initiate small plans to see you or try to repair old arguments without directly addressing their desire to reconcile. Fear of rejection or getting hurt again often holds them back from fully expressing their feelings.

    How do you test if your ex still loves you?

    Testing if your ex still loves you can be as simple as engaging in deeper conversations, revisiting shared experiences, or even watching for their reactions when you mention moving on. Do they get jealous? Are they nostalgic? These emotional reactions often reveal lingering feelings, even if they're too scared to say it outright.

    Recommended Resources

    • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
    • The Dance of Connection by Harriet Lerner
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson

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