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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    18 Signs He Is Hurting After The Breakup (And Why It Matters)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Men often mask their pain.
    • Signs vary from anger to silence.
    • Breakups can trigger denial or regret.
    • Emotional shifts impact their behavior.
    • Communication is crucial to healing.

    Does a guy hurt after a breakup?

    Let's be real for a second—breakups hurt. And despite the stereotypes, men feel that pain too. Sure, guys may not always express their emotions in the same way, but that doesn't mean they're immune to the sting of a broken relationship. If you've ever wondered, "Does he feel hurt?" the answer is likely a resounding yes. Men may struggle to open up about their emotions, but heartbreak isn't gender-specific. According to relationship expert Dr. Terri Orbuch, "Men are taught from a young age to bottle up their feelings, which often causes them to feel more isolated during breakups." That emotional isolation can lead to confusion and regret, and in some cases, even denial.

    When a man is hurting, his actions may not always align with what he feels deep down. You might see behavior that looks contradictory—reaching out for contact one moment, then pulling away the next. The pain is real, and it's essential to understand that.

    How does a guy behave after a breakup?

    There's a saying: “Actions speak louder than words.” This couldn't be more accurate when it comes to guys dealing with a breakup. Men's behavior post-breakup can range from full-on avoidance to erratic attempts to reconnect. We tend to see these changes not because men aren't capable of handling their feelings, but because they're often unsure how to process the loss. It's like they're wrestling with their instincts—part of them wants to get back to normal, but the emotional baggage won't let them.

    For some, that means diving into a new relationship, hoping the distraction will dull the ache. For others, it could mean cutting all ties, unfriending, unfollowing, or even blocking their ex on social media. It's not always about moving on; sometimes, it's about creating distance to protect their emotional state. And sometimes, it's not even conscious.

    In reality, these behaviors can be a mixture of self-preservation and confusion. The way a man acts after a breakup often hints at the internal battle he's waging. And those actions can speak volumes if you're paying attention.

    18 Signs He Is Hurting After The Breakup

    conflicted creature

    When a guy is going through the aftermath of a breakup, his behavior often sends subtle—or not-so-subtle—signals about how he's really feeling. Here, we'll go over 18 signs that a guy is hurting after a breakup. Some of these behaviors may seem contradictory, but they all reflect his struggle to cope with the end of the relationship.

    1. He talks to you often

    When he keeps reaching out, whether it's through text messages, phone calls, or even random “how have you been?” questions, it's a pretty strong sign that he's still not over you. Communication, even in small doses, may feel like his only way to maintain a connection that's no longer there. According to relationship psychologist Dr. Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., “Staying in touch with an ex can sometimes act as a coping mechanism—an attempt to regain the emotional closeness that's been lost.”

    This behavior could be out of confusion or an effort to test the waters and see where you stand. He might ask questions that seem casual, but deep down, they're laced with a desire for validation or clarity. This communication doesn't just happen by accident; it's a way of keeping the connection alive, even if it's just through brief exchanges.

    But be cautious. Talking to an ex frequently can also make moving on harder for both of you. It's easy to fall back into old patterns, rekindling memories of your relationship. And that can lead to an emotional cycle that's difficult to break.

    2. He says he misses you

    When he openly tells you that he misses you, it's not just a passing comment. Those three words—“I miss you”—can be loaded with unresolved feelings. It's his way of expressing regret or longing for what you both shared. Men, just like women, grapple with loneliness after a breakup, and sometimes they let those emotions slip out in moments of vulnerability.

    Psychologist and author Dr. Sue Johnson explains, “Expressing a sense of longing or saying 'I miss you' can be an attempt to rebuild emotional intimacy or even seek forgiveness.” This kind of statement is an emotional confession, revealing that he's struggling to let go.

    However, it's important to remember that his expression of missing you may not always be an invitation to get back together. Sometimes, it's just him trying to process the feelings that won't go away, a way of coming to terms with his own grief and nostalgia.

    3. He is in denial of the breakup

    Denial is a powerful thing. When he refuses to acknowledge the breakup or acts as if it's just a temporary situation, he's likely in denial about the reality of it all. You might hear him say things like, “We're just on a break” or “This isn't really over.” These statements reveal a struggle to accept the finality of the breakup.

    According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' widely-known theory of grief, denial is the first stage of processing loss. While the theory often applies to more severe forms of grief, breakups can elicit similar emotional responses. In this stage, he might cling to the hope that things will go back to the way they were, or he could reject the breakup entirely in his conversations and actions.

    Denial doesn't just stop with words. It can manifest in his actions, like continuing to show up at places you used to go together, reaching out to your mutual friends for updates, or keeping his status and social media interactions as if you're still a couple. This refusal to accept the breakup can prolong his emotional pain and delay the healing process.

    4. He enters a new relationship

    One of the most common reactions to a breakup is jumping into a rebound relationship. If your ex is suddenly with someone new, it doesn't necessarily mean he's moved on. In fact, it could indicate that he's trying to fill the void left by the breakup. It's a classic coping mechanism—something to distract him from the lingering emotions.

    Relationship counselor Dr. Judith Sills notes, “A rebound relationship can be a way to anesthetize the pain of separation, allowing someone to momentarily avoid dealing with their feelings.” The excitement of new company might help him avoid thinking about what he lost, but it's not a true solution to the heartbreak he's still carrying.

    What often happens in these scenarios is that the new relationship doesn't go very deep. It's more of a temporary fix, which is why these rebounds rarely last. And even if they do, it doesn't mean he wasn't hurting when it began. It might just indicate that he didn't give himself the time to properly process the breakup.

    5. He cuts you off

    It can be confusing, even painful, to go from regular conversations to radio silence. But when a guy cuts you off completely, it's not always out of anger or bitterness. In many cases, it's a sign of deep emotional turmoil and his attempt at self-preservation.

    Cutting you off could mean blocking you on social media, avoiding mutual friends, or refusing to have any contact at all. It's his way of creating a boundary so he doesn't have to face reminders of what he's lost. Sometimes, guys feel like the only way to move on is to completely erase their ex from their lives, at least temporarily.

    Psychiatrist Dr. Gail Saltz explains, “Men often cut off their ex-partners not out of cruelty, but as a way to protect themselves from emotional pain.” In other words, it's easier to avoid you than to deal with the complex feelings seeing or speaking to you might stir up.

    This behavior can be tough to process on the receiving end. But if he's cutting you off, it's likely a reflection of his emotional struggle to move forward, and not necessarily an indicator of ill will.

    6. You don't hear from him

    If you've gone from daily chats to complete silence, it's not just a coincidence. When a guy stops communicating altogether, it can be a sign that he's deeply struggling with the breakup. Silence isn't always about anger; sometimes, it's a protective wall to shield himself from facing the emotional reality.

    Dr. Terri Orbuch, a relationship expert, explains, “Some people cope with loss by withdrawing and shutting down emotionally. This is often an unconscious effort to avoid feeling vulnerable.” His silence might be an attempt to reset his emotional baseline—he's trying to find stability in the quiet.

    But silence doesn't always mean indifference. It could indicate that he's overwhelmed and can't find the right words to say. When emotions run high, the simplest response can sometimes be to say nothing at all.

    7. He blocks you from his digital life

    Getting blocked on social media can feel harsh and final, but it's a reaction that often stems from intense emotional pain. In an age where our online presence is almost an extension of who we are, blocking someone isn't just about limiting their access—it's about protecting one's own peace of mind.

    If he blocks you on Instagram, Facebook, or other platforms, it's usually his way of creating distance from reminders of the relationship. The constant stream of memories, mutual friends, or even seeing your status updates can make it incredibly hard to let go. By blocking you, he's trying to take control of his healing process.

    As psychologist Dr. Guy Winch puts it, “Blocking or unfollowing an ex is a form of psychological self-care. It prevents us from reliving the pain and experiencing setbacks in our emotional recovery.” For some, it might seem extreme, but for him, it's an effort to put a mental barrier in place until the pain subsides.

    8. He changes his location

    Sometimes, after a breakup, the pain runs so deep that staying in the same environment feels unbearable. If your ex decides to move to a new place or suddenly spends most of his time in unfamiliar surroundings, it could be his way of coping. This isn't always about running away from the problem; it's often about escaping the daily reminders that trigger emotional pain.

    Relocation can be symbolic. Moving to a different city or even just switching up his daily routine helps create a sense of new beginnings. According to psychologist Dr. Lisa Firestone, “People seek out new places and routines as a way to distance themselves from painful associations and create space for emotional recovery.” Changing locations gives him a chance to redefine his reality, free from reminders of the relationship.

    However, moving away doesn't automatically erase the pain—it just provides a temporary distraction. Eventually, the emotional work of processing the breakup must still be done, regardless of the physical distance.

    9. He bumps into you and says it's a coincidence

    Have you ever noticed your ex suddenly showing up in places you frequent? He might act surprised and say, “Wow, what a coincidence!”—but deep down, you might wonder if it really is. When a guy is hurting, bumping into you unexpectedly could be his way of staying close without admitting it.

    This behavior often stems from a sense of longing. He might not be ready or willing to reach out directly, but showing up at familiar places provides him with a way to maintain a connection, even if it's indirect. It's a subtle and emotionally conflicted action, driven by a desire to see you while still hiding behind the guise of coincidence.

    Relationship therapist Esther Perel suggests that these encounters can be a reflection of unresolved feelings and a desire for validation. Perel explains, “People sometimes orchestrate accidental meetings to reconnect or gauge how the other person feels post-breakup.” So if you find yourself crossing paths more than you used to, it might be worth considering if there's more beneath the surface.

    10. He stalks you

    It's an unsettling thought, but if he begins watching your every move—online or in real life—there's more going on beneath the surface. Stalking isn't just about physical presence; it can manifest through constant checking of your social media, asking mutual friends for updates, or “accidentally” driving by your house.

    When someone stalks, it's often driven by a mix of fear, insecurity, and desperation. The breakup may have left him feeling out of control, and knowing what you're doing or who you're with can provide a false sense of regaining that control. Relationship expert Dr. Shannon Kolakowski says, “Stalking behavior after a breakup is often a manifestation of unresolved emotions, like jealousy, anxiety, or fear of being replaced.”

    However, stalking can cross boundaries quickly and turn into a dangerous behavior. If you notice your ex appearing unexpectedly or if you feel uncomfortable, it's essential to set firm boundaries and prioritize your safety.

    11. He sabotages you

    When an ex tries to interfere with your life post-breakup, whether by spreading rumors, making snide comments to mutual friends, or actively trying to disrupt your happiness, it's a form of sabotage. This behavior often stems from unresolved anger or bitterness about the end of the relationship. He's hurting and might believe that making you feel some of his pain will provide him with relief.

    Sabotage can take on many forms, from damaging your reputation to trying to ruin new relationships you may start. It can be fueled by lingering resentment or the belief that if he's not happy, you shouldn't be either. According to therapist Dr. Holly Parker, “Sabotaging an ex's happiness is often an attempt to cope with feelings of inadequacy, rejection, or betrayal.”

    It's critical to recognize that his attempts at sabotage are not a reflection of your worth but rather his struggle to come to terms with the breakup. The best course of action in these cases is to maintain your boundaries and not engage in retaliatory behavior, which will only escalate the situation.

    12. He badmouths you

    When a guy starts talking negatively about you after a breakup, it's often more about him than it is about you. Badmouthing an ex can be a coping mechanism for dealing with unresolved anger, disappointment, or shame. He may feel betrayed, rejected, or deeply hurt, and spreading negative comments gives him an outlet to express those emotions.

    Psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly points out, “Speaking poorly of an ex can be an attempt to protect one's ego or justify the breakup to oneself and others.” It allows him to paint himself as the “good guy” in the narrative, especially if he feels insecure or guilty about his role in the relationship's end.

    If your ex is badmouthing you, it's essential not to take the bait. Responding defensively can escalate the conflict and keep you both trapped in an unhealthy post-breakup cycle. Letting go of the need to clear your name can help you maintain your emotional peace.

    13. He meets up with other girls and makes you see it

    Breakups can trigger all sorts of emotional responses, and for some men, flaunting their interactions with other women can be a way to provoke jealousy or show they've “moved on.” If he's deliberately putting himself in situations where you'll see him with someone else, it's not just about moving on—it's about getting a reaction from you.

    This behavior often stems from insecurity. He may want to reassure himself that he's still desirable or that he holds power over your emotions. By making sure you see him with other girls, he's attempting to elicit jealousy or prove a point. As Dr. Joshua Klapow, a clinical psychologist, explains, “Trying to spark jealousy after a breakup is usually about seeking validation or regaining a sense of control after feeling rejected.”

    Remember, these attempts to get a reaction aren't about the other women he's with—they're about trying to manage his own unresolved feelings. While it might sting to witness, recognizing the underlying motivation can help you respond with grace instead of feeding into the drama.

    14. He deletes the great moments you had together

    When a guy goes through and deletes photos, texts, or any evidence of happy times you shared, it's not always out of spite. In many cases, it's a painful way to close a chapter and try to move on. Those old memories can be powerful triggers for emotions like regret, longing, or anger, and deleting them is often an attempt to gain control over that emotional weight.

    Dr. John Gottman, a leading expert on relationships, explains, “Memories are tied to emotions, and when those emotions become overwhelming, people may feel compelled to erase the past to create space for healing.” Essentially, removing reminders of your relationship is his way of managing the pain and attempting to distance himself emotionally.

    This act of purging your shared memories may be heartbreaking for you, especially if it feels like he's erasing the good times. But it's essential to recognize it as a coping mechanism rather than an attempt to erase the significance of your relationship. It's his way of gaining emotional distance, even if it seems harsh from your perspective.

    15. He starts drinking

    For some men, breakups can trigger destructive behaviors, and turning to alcohol is, unfortunately, a common one. When a guy starts drinking heavily after a breakup, it's usually a sign that he's trying to numb his pain. The breakup may have left him feeling lost, and alcohol can temporarily dull those feelings of hurt and rejection.

    But this coping strategy is only a temporary fix, and it often exacerbates the underlying pain. Addiction specialist Dr. Mark Willenbring states, “People often use substances to escape emotional pain, but it creates a vicious cycle where the root problem remains unresolved.” Drinking becomes a way to suppress emotions that are too intense to face head-on.

    If you notice that he's resorting to alcohol, it's not about you or your worth—it's about him trying to escape his reality. While you can't control his choices, it's essential to protect your own boundaries and not feel responsible for his actions.

    16. He refuses to express his feelings

    Emotional suppression isn't uncommon after a breakup. If your ex consistently shuts down and refuses to talk about how he's feeling, it's not necessarily because he doesn't care—it's often a sign that he's overwhelmed or uncertain about how to articulate his emotions. Men, in particular, are frequently conditioned to believe that expressing feelings is a weakness, which can lead them to bottle up their pain instead.

    As psychotherapist Dr. Brené Brown shares, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.” But for someone hurting after a breakup, this type of vulnerability can feel impossible. Refusing to express his feelings could be a way to protect himself from reliving the pain or from appearing vulnerable in front of you.

    It's important to remember that while his silence might seem like indifference, it often masks a much deeper internal struggle. He may be trying to protect himself or is simply unsure of how to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions he's experiencing.

    17. He talks about you to your friends

    If your friends start mentioning that your ex has been asking about you or talking about the breakup, it's a clear sign that he's still processing his emotions. This behavior suggests that he's trying to make sense of the situation or seeking validation for how he's feeling. Talking to your mutual friends gives him a safe space to air his thoughts without directly confronting you.

    Dr. Susan Whitbourne, a professor of psychology, explains, “Discussing an ex with mutual friends is often a way to gain perspective or reassurance about one's emotions and actions.” When he brings you up in conversations, it shows that he's struggling to move on and looking for a way to cope with his feelings.

    This can be frustrating, especially if you feel like he's pulling your friends into the breakup drama. However, it's usually not about manipulating the narrative—it's about finding some kind of relief in the confusion and seeking clarity through outside perspectives.

    18. He relapses into his old habits

    Breakups can be an emotional trigger that sends someone back into unhealthy patterns they thought they'd outgrown. If your ex starts slipping into old habits—whether that's smoking, excessive partying, or re-engaging with toxic friendships—it's often a sign that he's struggling to regain control of his life. The familiarity of old habits can feel like a comforting escape from the uncertainty of a breakup.

    Clinical psychologist Dr. Andrea Bonior explains, “When someone is feeling emotionally lost, they might gravitate toward behaviors that once served as a coping mechanism, even if those behaviors are harmful.” Relapsing into old habits isn't necessarily a sign of regression in personal growth; it's more often an indication that the breakup has left him feeling unmoored.

    While it's tempting to intervene, it's crucial to recognize that you're not responsible for his choices. Old habits can be tough to break, but they're ultimately his to confront and change when he's ready.

    What to do if he's hurting after the breakup

    It's natural to feel conflicted when you suspect that your ex is struggling after the breakup. You might want to reach out, offer support, or even try to help him move on. But navigating this situation requires careful consideration of your own boundaries and emotional well-being.

    First and foremost, you need to ask yourself what you want out of the situation. Are you seeking closure, friendship, or reconciliation? If reaching out aligns with your intentions and you believe it would help both of you find peace, it's worth considering. However, if staying in contact will only prolong your own healing, it's okay to let go and move forward separately.

    Psychologist Dr. Guy Winch recommends focusing on your own healing, explaining, “If your ex is hurting, it's important to recognize that you're not his emotional caretaker. Prioritizing your own recovery is not selfish; it's essential for moving forward in a healthy way.” Setting clear boundaries and being mindful of your motivations will help you decide whether to offer support or maintain distance.

    Ultimately, how you handle this situation should prioritize your own emotional health while respecting his need to work through his feelings on his own timeline.

    How long does a man take to get over a breakup?

    The timeline for healing after a breakup isn't one-size-fits-all. How long it takes for a man to get over a breakup depends on various factors, including the depth of the relationship, his coping mechanisms, and his emotional resilience. For some, the healing process can take just a few weeks; for others, it could be months or even longer.

    Men often experience delayed grief because they might initially bury their emotions to appear strong or unaffected. According to Dr. Terri Orbuch, “Men may take longer to fully process a breakup because they often postpone dealing with the emotional fallout until their feelings catch up to them.” This can lead to a longer and more drawn-out recovery period.

    Ultimately, healing takes as long as it takes, and there's no fixed timeline. Everyone processes heartbreak differently, so it's crucial to avoid comparing your recovery (or his) to that of others.


    What should I do if he's avoiding me after the breakup?

    If your ex is avoiding you, it's likely a sign that he's trying to protect himself emotionally. Give him the space he needs to process his feelings. Pressuring him for communication or closure can backfire, deepening the divide between you two. Focus on your own healing and allow time to bring clarity.

    Can a guy fake being okay after a breakup?

    Yes, many guys put on a brave face to avoid appearing vulnerable. Society often teaches men that showing pain is a sign of weakness, leading them to act as if everything is fine when, in reality, they're struggling internally. Don't let outward appearances fool you—just because he seems “okay” doesn't mean he's not hurting.

    Why do some men go back to their exes after a breakup?

    Men may return to their exes for several reasons, including unresolved feelings, loneliness, or the comfort of familiarity. When a breakup leaves them feeling disconnected or uncertain, reaching out to an ex can provide a temporary sense of security. Sometimes, it's about wanting to give the relationship a second chance, but other times it's simply seeking relief from the discomfort of being alone.

    Is it normal for a guy to block his ex on social media after a breakup?

    Yes, blocking an ex on social media is a fairly common response, especially when the emotional pain is still fresh. For many men, it's about avoiding triggers that bring up memories or emotions they're trying to manage. Blocking helps them create a clean break and regain control over their emotional state.

    Recommended Resources

    • “The Breakup Bible” by Rachel Sussman
    • “Daring Greatly” by Dr. Brené Brown
    • “Attached” by Dr. Amir Levine and Rachel Heller



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