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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    17 (Subtle) Signs He Misses You More Than You Think

    Key Takeaways:

    • Recognize subtle signs of missing you.
    • Understand the psychology behind his actions.
    • Interpret his behavior during no contact.
    • Consider how friends reveal his feelings.
    • Decide your next steps wisely.

    The Silent Question in Your Heart

    Have you ever found yourself staring at your phone, wondering if he's thinking about you, too? It's that quiet, persistent question in the back of your mind: "Does he miss me?" We've all been there, feeling the ache of uncertainty, hoping for some sign that we're not alone in our thoughts. This article is for those moments when you need answers, not just from him but from within yourself. Because let's face it—relationships are complicated, and deciphering someone's feelings can feel like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces.

    In the following sections, we'll dive deep into the psychology behind missing someone and how you can spot the signs that he might still have you on his mind. Whether you're in the throes of a breakup, dealing with a temporary separation, or just trying to understand his behavior, we'll explore what it all means. Because sometimes, the answers are there—we just need to know where to look.

    Why Do You Wonder If He Misses You?

    The question of whether he misses you isn't just about him—it's about you, too. Why do we care so much? Why does it matter if he's thinking about you? These are questions worth exploring, because they get to the heart of what you really want: validation, closure, or maybe even hope for reconciliation. It's normal to seek these answers, especially when you've invested time, energy, and emotion into a relationship.

    Psychologists often talk about the concept of attachment. According to Dr. John Bowlby, the pioneer of attachment theory, our need to feel connected and loved is hardwired into us. When that connection is disrupted, such as during a breakup or a period of no contact, it triggers a deep, almost primal need to know whether the bond still exists in some form. This is why you find yourself wondering, even obsessing, over whether he misses you. It's a way to reaffirm that the relationship meant something—not just to you, but to him as well.

    But there's more to it than just attachment. Wondering if he misses you can also stem from a need to protect your ego. Nobody wants to feel like they were easily forgotten or that the relationship was one-sided. So, we look for signs, clues that we still matter. In doing so, we're not just questioning his feelings—we're also trying to safeguard our own self-worth.

    The Psychology of Missing Someone: What Science Says

    brain and heart

    Have you ever wondered why missing someone can feel so intense? It's not just in your head—there's actual science behind it. When we miss someone, our brain undergoes a series of chemical reactions that affect our emotions and even our physical state. According to Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist, the feelings associated with missing someone are linked to the same brain circuits that get activated during drug addiction. Yes, you read that right. Missing someone can be as powerful as a craving.

    When you're thinking about someone you love or miss, your brain releases dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. It's the same chemical that gets triggered when you're in love, which is why those memories can be so vivid and impactful. The more you think about this person, the more your brain reinforces those neural pathways, making the feeling of missing them even stronger.

    But it's not just about dopamine. Cortisol, the stress hormone, also plays a role. Prolonged separation or lack of contact can lead to increased cortisol levels, causing anxiety, restlessness, and even physical symptoms like headaches or a racing heart. This is why missing someone can sometimes feel almost unbearable—it's your body's way of responding to the perceived loss of connection.

    Understanding the science behind why we miss someone can help you realize that it's not just about your emotions. There are real, physiological processes at play, and recognizing this can give you a better sense of control over how you feel.

    Does He Miss Me During No Contact? How to Tell

    The no contact rule—it's both dreaded and revered. Whether you're using it as a strategy to move on or hoping it'll make him realize what he's missing, the burning question remains: does he miss me during no contact? The short answer is, it depends. But there are ways to tell.

    No contact can act like a reset button for both of you. It gives him space to reflect on what life is like without you. According to relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman, absence truly can make the heart grow fonder, but it can also make someone realize they're better off alone. It's a gamble, and that's what makes it so nerve-wracking.

    During no contact, he might start paying more attention to your social media or even ask mutual friends about how you're doing. These are signs that he's thinking about you, possibly missing you. If he's making an effort to find out what you're up to without directly reaching out, that's a clear indication he's not over you just yet.

    But actions speak louder than words. If he's posting nostalgic content, wearing gifts you gave him, or making life changes that align with your past conversations, he's likely missing you more than he'd care to admit. The no contact period can bring these feelings to the surface, making them more apparent in his behavior.

    On the other hand, if he's completely silent and shows no signs of interest, it could mean he's processing things differently. Everyone copes with separation in their own way, and silence doesn't always equate to indifference. It could simply mean he's trying to sort through his emotions before making any moves.

    The key is to observe without over-analyzing. Sometimes, the signs are there, but we can be too eager to see what we want to see. Trust your instincts, but also give the situation time to unfold naturally.

    Signs He's Keeping Tabs on You

    So, you're in the thick of no contact, and yet you have this sneaking suspicion that he's still keeping an eye on you. It's not just paranoia—there are ways to tell if he's quietly tracking your every move. Whether it's through social media, mutual friends, or even the occasional 'accidental' text, some behaviors are clear indicators that he hasn't completely let go.

    First off, let's talk social media. If he's suddenly liking your old posts, viewing your stories as soon as you post them, or even dropping subtle comments, it's a pretty strong sign that you're still on his mind. In today's digital age, social media is the go-to tool for staying connected without actually having to make contact. It's like a digital breadcrumb trail, and if he's following it, he's not just passing the time—he's actively thinking about you.

    But it's not just about the likes and comments. If you notice that he's showing up at places you frequent, or 'coincidentally' running into you, that's a more direct way of keeping tabs. Sure, it could be a coincidence, but if it happens more than once, it's worth considering that he might be orchestrating these run-ins. After all, proximity breeds familiarity, and he might be using these opportunities to remind you that he's still around.

    Then there's the mutual friends aspect. If your friends start mentioning that he's been asking about you or that they've seen him more than usual, take note. He could be using them to gather information without reaching out to you directly. It's a way to stay in the loop without breaking the no contact rule himself, showing that he's still invested in what's going on in your life.

    He's Showing Off His Feelings Publicly

    If he's not the type to keep things low-key, you might notice that he's making his feelings known in more public ways. This can be anything from posting about you on social media, to wearing the gifts you gave him, to suddenly becoming very vocal about his emotions. These actions aren't just random—they're deliberate attempts to communicate, even if it's indirectly.

    One of the most telling signs is when he starts posting things that are clearly meant for you to see. Maybe it's a song lyric that holds special meaning, a picture of a place you both loved, or even a post that seems to reflect on the relationship. Social media has become a modern-day megaphone for our innermost thoughts, and if he's using it to broadcast his feelings, it's because he wants you to hear them.

    Another thing to look out for is how he's presenting himself to others. If he's suddenly more attentive to how he looks, or if he's showcasing things you've given him, it's a way of keeping your connection alive in the public eye. He might not be saying it outright, but these subtle gestures are his way of signaling that he hasn't moved on.

    Lastly, listen to what he's saying—or not saying—when he's around others. If mutual friends tell you he's been talking about you, or if he's dropping hints that he's still thinking about the relationship, it's a clear sign that he's not over it. People often use public declarations as a way to express what they're too afraid to say directly. If he's doing this, it's because he wants you to know how he feels, even if he's not ready to admit it to your face.

    How His Friends and Family Might Reveal His Emotions

    Sometimes, it's not what he says or does, but what those close to him reveal that can give you the clearest insight into his feelings. His friends and family are often the unwitting messengers of his emotions, dropping hints and clues that he might be too guarded to express himself.

    If you're still in touch with mutual friends, pay attention to what they say about him. Are they mentioning that he's been asking about you? Or maybe they've noticed a change in his mood—maybe he seems more down or lost than usual. These are strong indicators that he's not handling the separation well. Friends often act as sounding boards, and if he's been talking about you to them, it's because he's struggling with his feelings and doesn't know how to move forward.

    Family members, too, can be unexpected sources of information. If you were close to his family, they might let slip that he's been asking about you or that he's been unusually quiet. Unlike friends, family members see him in his most unguarded moments. They can tell when something's bothering him, even if he's trying to put on a brave face.

    Don't underestimate the power of these indirect messages. They can offer a glimpse into what he's really going through, even if he's trying to keep his emotions hidden. After all, it's hard to completely mask your feelings from those who know you best.

    He's Staying Single: Is That a Sign?

    Another key indicator of whether he's still thinking about you is his relationship status. If he's staying single after your breakup, it could mean a few different things. On one hand, it might be a sign that he's not ready to move on. On the other, it could simply mean he's taking time to heal and figure out what he really wants. But how do you know which it is?

    Let's start with the possibility that he's staying single because he's not over you. This is especially likely if he's someone who typically jumps into relationships quickly but is now avoiding them altogether. According to relationship expert Dr. Terri Orbuch, when someone remains single after a breakup, it can be a sign that they're still emotionally attached to their ex. They might be comparing potential new partners to you and finding that no one quite measures up.

    Another reason he might be staying single is that he's hoping for a reconciliation. If he hasn't pursued anyone new, it could be because he's still holding out hope that you'll get back together. This is especially true if he's made it clear, either directly or indirectly, that he's not interested in dating anyone else. It's his way of leaving the door open for you to come back.

    On the flip side, staying single doesn't always mean he's pining for you. It could also mean that he's focusing on himself, trying to heal, or just not ready to dive into a new relationship. It's important to consider his personality and past behavior. If he's the type to take things slow after a breakup, this might just be his way of coping. The key is to look at the bigger picture and see how his behavior fits into what you know about him.

    Whether his single status is a sign of lingering feelings or just a phase he's going through, it's something to keep in mind as you try to piece together where he stands.

    When He Can't Help But Reach Out

    There's something telling about the moments when he just can't resist reaching out to you, even if he knows it might complicate things. These instances can be confusing—why would he contact you if he's trying to move on? The truth is, these actions are often less about logic and more about emotion.

    If he's texting, calling, or finding other ways to get in touch, it's a sign that he's struggling to maintain the distance. Maybe he's reaching out with a flimsy excuse, like asking for a mutual friend's contact information, or he might just send a simple, “Hey, how are you?” out of the blue. These small gestures are his way of staying connected, even if he's not ready to admit that he misses you.

    But it's not just the fact that he's reaching out—it's how and when he does it. If he's contacting you late at night, when he's more likely to be feeling lonely or reflective, it's a clear indication that you're on his mind. Or maybe he's reaching out during significant moments, like your birthday or an anniversary, when emotions naturally run high. These are the times when his defenses are down, and his true feelings are more likely to come through.

    It's important to consider the context of these interactions. Is he being friendly, nostalgic, or even flirtatious? Each tone reveals something different about his state of mind. Whatever the case, when he's compelled to reach out, it's because he hasn't fully let go. It's a mix of lingering attachment and a desire to keep the door open, just in case.

    The 'Coincidental' Encounters: Is He Really Bumping Into You?

    You're out and about, living your life, and suddenly—there he is. Maybe it's at your favorite coffee shop, the gym, or even at a party you didn't expect him to attend. These “coincidental” encounters can be unsettling, especially when they start to feel a little too frequent to be purely accidental.

    When these run-ins happen once, you might brush it off as mere coincidence. But if they become a pattern, it's worth asking yourself whether he's orchestrating these encounters. After all, he knows where you hang out, the places you like to go, and the events you're likely to attend. If he's showing up in these spaces, it could be his way of staying close to you without making direct contact.

    Psychologically, these encounters can be a way for him to gauge where you're at emotionally. He might be looking for signs that you miss him too, or he might simply want to remind you of his presence. It's a subtle form of connection—he's not reaching out, but he's not completely gone, either.

    Of course, it's possible that these run-ins are genuinely unplanned, especially if you both frequent the same places. But if he's making a habit of being where you are, it's likely that he's not quite ready to let go. These encounters allow him to maintain a sense of closeness and perhaps even spark a conversation that wouldn't have happened otherwise.

    The key is to trust your instincts. If these “coincidences” start to feel deliberate, they probably are. And if you find yourself thinking about him more after each encounter, then his plan—intentional or not—might be working.

    How Possessiveness Might Mask His True Feelings

    Possessiveness can be a complicated emotion, especially when it surfaces after a breakup or during a period of separation. If he's showing signs of being overly concerned about who you're spending time with or what you're doing, it could be more than just jealousy—it might be a sign that he's still deeply attached.

    At its core, possessiveness often stems from fear—the fear of losing something that still feels valuable. When he sees you moving on or spending time with someone new, it can trigger a protective instinct, even if he's not consciously aware of it. This behavior might manifest as constant questions about your social life, veiled comments about your new friends, or even more direct actions like trying to interfere with your plans.

    But why the possessiveness? It's likely because he hasn't fully come to terms with the idea of you being with someone else. According to relationship expert Dr. Brené Brown, people often express possessiveness when they feel vulnerable or insecure. It's a defense mechanism, a way of holding on to a connection that feels like it's slipping away. In this context, his possessiveness isn't about control—it's about fear. Fear of losing you for good.

    Understanding this can help you see beyond the surface behavior. Instead of viewing his possessiveness as merely annoying or intrusive, recognize it for what it is: a sign that he's not as detached as he might want you to believe. It's his way of masking his true feelings, of hiding the fact that he's not ready to let you go.

    Helping Hand or Hidden Agenda? Why He Wants to Help

    When he offers to help you, whether it's with something small like fixing a leaky faucet or something more significant like navigating a personal crisis, it can be hard to tell what his true intentions are. Is he being genuinely kind, or is there a hidden agenda behind his actions?

    Often, the urge to help an ex comes from a place of lingering affection. He might not know how to express his feelings directly, so he chooses to show it through acts of service. This is particularly true if helping you was something he did often during the relationship. It's a way for him to stay connected, to feel needed, and to demonstrate that he still cares.

    But there's also a more strategic side to consider. By positioning himself as someone you can rely on, he might be trying to reestablish his place in your life. According to Dr. Gary Chapman's concept of love languages, acts of service are a powerful way to communicate love and affection. If this was his primary love language during the relationship, his desire to help might be his way of saying, “I'm still here for you,” without actually having to say the words.

    However, it's important to evaluate the context. Is he offering help in situations where you don't really need it, or is he stepping in at times when you're clearly capable of handling things on your own? If his assistance seems unnecessary or overreaching, it could be a sign that he's trying to create a reason to stay in your life. This doesn't necessarily mean his intentions are bad, but it does suggest that he's struggling with the idea of stepping back and letting you move on.

    His willingness to help can be both a sign of lingering feelings and a way to maintain a connection. The key is to look at the bigger picture—how often does he offer help, and in what situations? Is it genuine concern, or is he using it as a way to keep himself close to you? Understanding his motives can help you navigate these offers of assistance with clarity and confidence.

    The Subtle Art of Seeking a Second Chance

    When someone wants a second chance, they rarely come out and say it directly—especially if they're unsure of your feelings. Instead, they might employ more subtle tactics to test the waters, to see if there's any possibility of rekindling what was lost. If you notice him making an effort to reconnect in small but meaningful ways, it could be his way of seeking a second chance without putting himself too much on the line.

    One of the most common signs is an increase in communication. He might start texting you more often, initiating conversations about shared memories or things you used to enjoy together. These aren't just random attempts at small talk; they're deliberate efforts to remind you of the good times and to rekindle that emotional connection.

    Another tactic might be an increased interest in your life, particularly in what's new or different since the breakup. He might ask more questions about your work, your hobbies, or even your friends, trying to show that he still cares about what's going on with you. This can be his way of demonstrating that he's still invested in your happiness, even if he's not explicitly saying he wants to get back together.

    He might also start suggesting activities or outings that you used to do as a couple. Maybe he casually mentions going to your favorite restaurant or brings up a concert you both wanted to see. These are subtle ways of trying to recreate the bond you once had, to see if there's still a spark. If you notice these kinds of behaviors, it's likely that he's testing the waters, hoping you'll be open to giving things another try.

    When He Wears His Heart on His Sleeve: Signs Through Gifts

    Gifts can be powerful symbols, especially when they come from someone who's trying to express emotions they can't put into words. If he's holding on to or displaying gifts you gave him, it's more than just sentimentality—it's a sign that those gifts, and by extension you, still mean a lot to him.

    Maybe you notice that he's still wearing the watch you bought him for his birthday, or he's using the wallet you gave him that first Christmas together. These items are more than just practical objects—they're tangible reminders of the relationship. When he continues to use or display them, it's his way of keeping a piece of you close, even if the relationship itself has ended.

    But it's not just about what he's holding on to. If he starts giving you gifts again, especially ones that are thoughtful or meaningful, it's a clear sign that he's trying to reestablish a connection. These gifts aren't just random gestures—they're carefully chosen to convey a message, to show that he's still thinking about you and that he still cares.

    According to psychologist Dr. Gary Chapman, gifts are one of the five love languages, and for some people, they're a primary way of expressing love and affection. If this was true for him during your relationship, it's likely that his continued gift-giving is his way of trying to show you that his feelings haven't changed. He might not be ready to say it out loud, but through these gestures, he's letting you know that he still cares deeply.

    Understanding the significance of these gifts can help you see beyond the surface. It's not just about the item itself, but about what it represents—a lingering attachment, a desire to reconnect, or even a hope for a second chance.

    Life Changes That Might Signal His Regret

    Change can be one of the biggest indicators of regret, especially when those changes align with things you discussed during your relationship. If you notice that he's suddenly making significant life changes, it could be a sign that he's trying to correct past mistakes or align himself more with what you once wanted together.

    Maybe he's picked up a new hobby that you used to encourage him to try, or perhaps he's made a big career move that you both talked about but never acted on. These shifts in behavior aren't just random—they're often motivated by a sense of loss or a desire to show you that he's grown. When someone feels regret, they often look for ways to improve themselves, not just for their own sake, but to prove to others, and sometimes themselves, that they've learned from their past.

    If these changes seem to mirror things you once wished for or discussed as a couple, it's likely that he's doing them with you in mind. Regret can be a powerful motivator, pushing people to become better versions of themselves in the hopes that it will bring them closer to the ones they've lost.

    However, it's important to approach these changes with a critical eye. Are they genuine improvements, or are they attempts to win you back? While the changes might be real, the motivation behind them can vary. Understanding this can help you decide whether these transformations are worth considering as signs of sincere regret or simply gestures aimed at reconciliation.

    The Transformation: Has He Really Changed?

    When someone tells you they've changed, it's natural to be skeptical—after all, words are easy, but true transformation takes time and effort. If he's claiming to be different, or if you're noticing changes in his behavior, it's worth considering whether these shifts are genuine or just an act to get back into your life.

    One of the key things to look for is consistency. Has he been maintaining these changes over a significant period, or are they recent developments? True change is often gradual, not sudden. If he's made sweeping changes overnight, it's possible that he's doing it more to impress you than because of any real personal growth.

    Another factor to consider is the motivation behind these changes. Is he making these adjustments because he genuinely wants to be better, or is he doing it because he thinks it's what you want to see? Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, emphasizes that genuine change comes from within and is often reflected in how someone treats themselves, not just how they treat others.

    If he's genuinely changed, you'll notice it not just in how he interacts with you, but in how he approaches his own life. Is he more responsible, more thoughtful, more focused on personal growth? Or is he simply trying to play the part of the person he thinks you want him to be? Real change is often accompanied by a deeper sense of self-awareness and a shift in priorities that extends beyond just getting back together.

    It's also important to listen to your gut. Do these changes feel real, or do they seem like an act? Trusting your intuition can help you navigate whether he's truly transformed or if he's just putting on a show. Actions speak louder than words, and only time will tell if these changes are here to stay.

    Dark Night of the Soul: What It Means When He's Struggling

    When someone goes through a "dark night of the soul," it's more than just a rough patch—it's a period of deep, often painful introspection. If you notice that he's suddenly withdrawn, struggling with his emotions, or seems lost, it could be a sign that he's experiencing this kind of existential crisis. It's a time when everything he thought he knew about himself and his life is called into question, often leading to significant personal turmoil.

    This kind of struggle is usually triggered by a major life event, like a breakup. It forces a person to confront their deepest fears, regrets, and insecurities. If he's going through this, he might pull away from friends and family, become less communicative, or even exhibit signs of depression. The "dark night of the soul" isn't something that can be easily fixed or soothed by external comfort—it's an internal battle that he has to face on his own.

    But why should this matter to you? Because it's during these times of intense struggle that true change can happen. If he's going through this kind of experience, it means he's likely reevaluating his past actions, including how he handled your relationship. It's a period of growth, albeit a painful one, and it might lead him to realize things about himself and his feelings for you that he wasn't aware of before.

    Understanding that he's in this space can help you approach the situation with more compassion and less frustration. It's not about you—his struggle is internal. And while it's tempting to want to reach out and help, sometimes the best thing you can do is give him the space to work through it on his own terms.

    When Partying Goes Too Far: Is It a Cry for Help?

    If you've noticed that he's suddenly hitting the party scene harder than usual, staying out late, or indulging in reckless behavior, it's easy to write it off as him simply trying to move on. But excessive partying can sometimes be a sign of something deeper—a cry for help masked by a carefree facade.

    People often use partying as a way to escape their problems, to drown out the feelings they don't want to confront. If he's suddenly going out more than he ever did before, drinking heavily, or engaging in risky behaviors, it could be his way of coping with the pain of the breakup or the loneliness that follows. It's not uncommon for people to seek out these distractions when they're struggling to come to terms with their emotions.

    But why does this matter? Because beneath the surface of all that partying, there might be a lot of unresolved feelings and pain. If he's acting out in ways that are out of character, it could be because he doesn't know how else to handle the situation. Dr. Gabor Maté, a well-known expert on addiction and trauma, suggests that such behaviors are often a form of self-soothing, a way to numb emotional pain.

    If you're concerned about his well-being, it's important to approach the situation carefully. Confronting him directly might push him further away, especially if he's not ready to face his own emotions. Instead, offering support in a non-judgmental way, or simply letting him know that you're there if he needs to talk, can be more effective. Sometimes, just knowing that someone cares is enough to make a person rethink their choices.

    Excessive partying isn't just about having a good time—it's often a sign that something deeper is going on. Recognizing this can help you understand his behavior and decide how best to respond.

    Emotional Outbursts: What They Say About His State of Mind

    Emotional outbursts can be alarming, especially when they come from someone who usually keeps their emotions in check. If he's suddenly reacting with anger, frustration, or even tears over seemingly small issues, it's a sign that there's more going on beneath the surface. These outbursts are often a manifestation of internal turmoil—an external expression of the emotions he's struggling to control.

    When someone is overwhelmed by their feelings, they might lash out at those around them or become easily upset by things that wouldn't normally bother them. This is because their emotional threshold has been lowered; they're carrying around so much internal stress that it takes very little to push them over the edge. In the context of a breakup, these outbursts could be his way of processing the pain and confusion he feels but can't fully articulate.

    It's important to understand that these outbursts aren't necessarily about you, even if they're directed at you. They're more about his own inability to cope with what he's feeling. According to psychologist Dr. Susan David, people often experience emotional outbursts when they're avoiding deeper emotions, like sadness or fear. These outbursts can be a cry for help, a way of signaling that he's not okay, even if he doesn't have the words to express it.

    If you find yourself on the receiving end of one of these outbursts, it's crucial to respond with empathy rather than anger. Recognizing that his behavior is a reflection of his internal state can help you avoid escalating the situation and instead offer a calming presence that might help him regain control.

    The Drunken Dial: A Window into His True Feelings

    The late-night drunken dial—an age-old cliché, yet it remains one of the most telling signs of unresolved emotions. If he's calling or texting you while under the influence, especially late at night, it's a strong indication that you're on his mind when his defenses are down and his inhibitions are lowered. Alcohol has a way of loosening the tongue, allowing thoughts and feelings that might normally be kept hidden to spill out.

    When someone reaches out in this way, it's often because they're feeling vulnerable. The combination of alcohol and loneliness can lead to a powerful urge to reconnect, even if it's just to hear your voice or get some form of reassurance. These calls or messages might be filled with nostalgia, confessions of missing you, or even apologies for past behavior. While it's easy to dismiss these as meaningless drunken ramblings, they often reveal the emotions he's been keeping bottled up.

    But it's not just about what he says during these moments—it's also about why he's reaching out. If he's consistently contacting you when he's been drinking, it's a sign that his feelings for you are still very much alive, even if he's trying to suppress them during the day. Alcohol lowers the barriers we put up, allowing our true feelings to come to the forefront. According to Dr. Tara Narula, alcohol's disinhibiting effects can lead to people acting on their deepest desires, even if they wouldn't normally do so when sober.

    However, it's important to take these interactions with a grain of caution. While they might give you insight into his true feelings, they're also not a reliable basis for making decisions about your relationship. The key is to listen to what he's saying and observe how he behaves when sober. If his actions when he's clear-headed align with what he says during these drunken moments, then you have a clearer picture of where he stands. But if there's a disconnect, it might be a sign that he's still confused about his own emotions.

    In any case, the drunken dial is more than just a late-night inconvenience—it's a window into the emotional state he's struggling to keep hidden, and it's worth paying attention to.

    What Should You Do Next? A Practical Guide

    So, you've analyzed the signs, interpreted his behavior, and now you're left with the big question: What should you do next? It's natural to feel overwhelmed by the emotions and decisions at play, but it's important to approach this situation with clarity and self-awareness.

    The first step is to decide what you want. Do you miss him, too? Are you open to the possibility of getting back together, or are you looking for closure so you can move on? Understanding your own desires and needs is crucial before you take any further action. If you're unsure, give yourself the time and space to reflect. It's okay not to have all the answers immediately.

    If you decide that you want to explore the possibility of reconciliation, start by communicating openly and honestly. Avoid playing games or trying to manipulate the situation—relationships built on authentic communication are the ones that stand the test of time. Reach out to him and express your feelings, but also be prepared for whatever response you might receive. Remember, it's a two-way street, and both of you need to be on the same page for it to work.

    On the other hand, if you realize that moving on is the best course of action, take proactive steps to focus on yourself. This might mean limiting or cutting off contact, engaging in self-care, and investing time in hobbies, friends, and activities that bring you joy. Healing isn't linear, and there will be days when you miss him more than others, but with time, the pain will lessen, and you'll find yourself stronger for it.

    Regardless of your choice, remember that your happiness and well-being come first. It's easy to get caught up in what he might be thinking or feeling, but ultimately, you are in control of your life and your decisions. Trust your instincts, lean on your support system, and take each step forward with confidence. You've got this.

    Recommended Resources

    • "Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love" by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
    • "The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts" by Gary Chapman
    • "Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown


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