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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Boyfriend Girlfriend Tattoos

    Why You're Thinking About Boyfriend Girlfriend Tattoos All Wrong

    So you and your beau are considering taking the plunge into the world of ink, permanently etching your love onto each other's skin. Ah, the modern-day love letter. But let's pause and ponder for a moment, shall we? Before you pull up a chair at your local tattoo parlor, there are a few things you should consider. The allure of boyfriend girlfriend tattoos can be intoxicating, but the outcome isn't always what you'd expect.

    First off, remember that a tattoo is permanent. Yes, you've heard that before, but have you really thought about it? Your relationship status may change (sorry to burst that love bubble), but that tattoo is forever—unless you opt for painful and costly removal treatments.

    Moreover, what seems like an artistic masterpiece today may turn into a regretful decision later in life. Trends fade, but ink doesn't. That yin-yang symbol or those initials may become a source of embarrassment. It's crucial to think long-term, even when your feelings are blissfully in the now.

    There's also the social stigma to consider. While tattoos are becoming increasingly accepted, they still carry certain connotations in various cultures and professional environments. Your couple tattoo could potentially be a hindrance in these contexts.

    In the heat of passion, it's easy to bypass the realities that come with permanently marking your body. You might think you're proclaiming eternal love, but to the rest of the world, you might be declaring something else entirely. It's crucial to step back and evaluate the decision with a clear and rational mindset.

    Lastly, think about individuality. In any healthy relationship, it's important to maintain your own unique identities. Does your tattoo idea reflect that, or is it subsuming your personality into the relationship? These are all crucial questions to ponder before going under the needle.

    The Psychology Behind Couples' Tattoos

    If you're still eager to get boyfriend girlfriend tattoos after reading the previous section, don't worry; you're not alone. There's a whole psychology behind why couples are drawn to this form of romantic expression. A tattoo can symbolize a shared experience, an inside joke, or a meaningful phrase—something deeply personal that holds immense emotional weight.

    Scientific research also provides some insight. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that couples with matching tattoos reported higher levels of relationship commitment compared to those without. Tattoos can serve as a tangible reminder of your commitment, making them somewhat akin to a wedding ring but with a bit more edge.

    However, experts caution against using tattoos as a way to 'fix' relationship issues or to serve as a constant reminder of your commitment. Dr. John Gottman, a renowned psychologist specializing in relationship research, argues that such gestures, while dramatic, don't necessarily solve underlying issues or create lasting bonds.

    From a psychological standpoint, shared tattoos can also create a sense of "relationship permanence" that might be illusory. It's easy to think that, because you've gotten a tattoo together, the relationship is invincible. Unfortunately, love doesn't work that way. A tattoo won't guarantee eternal bliss.

    There's also the concept of 'ownership.' Historically, tattoos were used to mark property or to signify belonging to a particular group. Does your shared tattoo inadvertently imply ownership rather than partnership? This is an aspect that you should explore deeply before committing to ink.

    It's fascinating how a simple piece of body art can reveal layers of complexity in human behavior and relationships. If you choose to go ahead, make sure you're doing it for reasons that are healthy and empowering for both of you.

    Why You Should Consider Temporary Tattoos First

    If you're on the fence about getting permanent boyfriend girlfriend tattoos, you might want to consider starting with a temporary version first. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Temporary tattoos? Isn't that child's play?" But hear me out: this is not only a safer bet, but it can also give you a good sense of how you'll feel about a permanent tattoo.

    When you go for a temporary tattoo, you get the chance to 'live' with the design for a certain period. You can see how it looks on your skin, how it complements your overall appearance, and how it makes you feel emotionally. After all, a tattoo, temporary or permanent, is an accessory you'll wear every single day.

    Another benefit of temporary tattoos is that they allow you to test out the placement. Maybe that delicate rose would look better on your wrist rather than your ankle. The size and orientation of the design are other factors that you can fine-tune.

    Temporary tattoos have come a long way in terms of quality. They are not the peel-and-stick varieties you remember from childhood. Advanced options like henna or jagua tattoos can last up to two weeks, giving you ample time to decide.

    More importantly, temporary tattoos provide a no-commitment, no-regret option for couples who want to express their love but aren't quite sure about taking the permanent step. A temporary tattoo will wash away, but the wrong permanent ink can leave a lasting impact on both your skin and your relationship.

    If you find that you still love the tattoo after the temporary version has faded, then perhaps you're ready to make it permanent. But if you're breathing a sigh of relief when it's gone, you've saved yourself from a potentially costly mistake.

    The 5 Golden Rules of Getting a Couples' Tattoo

    Alright, so you've weighed the pros and cons, maybe even trialed a temporary version, and you're ready to go all in. Fantastic! But, wait, before you do, there are some golden rules you should follow. These five rules are the cornerstone of making the right boyfriend girlfriend tattoos choices.

    Rule #1: Be Certain, Not Just In Love
    Love might feel eternal, but you both need to be sure that this is what you want. Don't make impulsive decisions—especially when those decisions involve needles and ink.

    Rule #2: Avoid Names and Dates
    Unless you've been together for decades and are entirely sure about your bond, avoid getting each other's names or significant dates. Designs or symbols that represent your relationship are usually a safer bet.

    Rule #3: Consult Together, But Choose Individually
    While it's a 'couples' tattoo, each person will have it on their body, and it should be something they individually like. Collaboration is excellent, but don't compromise your personal preferences for the sake of matching tattoos.

    Rule #4: Think About Placement
    Where the tattoo goes is just as important as what the tattoo is. Consider your daily activities, your profession, and how comfortable you are with displaying your tattoo to the world.

    Rule #5: Take Your Time Finding the Right Artist
    You're not just paying for a piece of art; you're investing in expertise and skill. The right artist will be able to guide you through the process, ensuring the result is something you'll be proud of for years to come.

    By following these rules, you're laying the foundation for a tattoo choice that you and your significant other will treasure, not regret.

    The Pop Culture Influence on Boyfriend Girlfriend Tattoos

    Let's not pretend like we live in a vacuum. Our choices, especially aesthetic ones, are often influenced by what we see around us, including pop culture. Celebrities like David and Victoria Beckham, Jay-Z and Beyoncé, and many others have popularized the concept of boyfriend girlfriend tattoos. But should you really take tattoo inspiration from celebrities?

    When you see a celeb couple flaunting their matching or complementary ink, it's easy to get swept up in the romance of it all. However, what's often not publicized are the removal procedures that some of these celebrities later undergo. For every couple that has happily displayed their ink, there's another that has discreetly had it removed or altered.

    Moreover, these tattoos often come into fashion and fall out just as quickly. Remember when Chinese symbols were all the rage? Now, they're often cited as a cliche. Trends change, but tattoos are for life—something worth pondering.

    Furthermore, celebrities live in a world of image crafting and public relations spins. What might seem like an act of love could also be an act of brand building. It's important to not get wrapped up in the optics presented by the media.

    Still, if you find a design or concept that resonates with you and transcends its pop culture origins, why not? Just make sure that the tattoo has personal significance to you and isn't just a carbon copy of what's currently trending. Tattoos are deeply personal; they should mean something to you beyond just looking cool.

    Whether it's from a movie, a song, or an Instagram post, pop culture will always offer inspiration. The key is to absorb that inspiration and make it uniquely your own. After all, your relationship is like no other, so why should your boyfriend girlfriend tattoos be?

    Customization: Making Your Tattoo Unique

    The beauty of tattoos is that they can be as unique as your fingerprints, especially when you and your significant other are looking to express something profoundly personal. Customization isn't just an option; it's an opportunity to turn your skin into a canvas that tells your love story in a way that no other medium can.

    Start with your common interests, experiences, or even inside jokes. What symbols, words, or themes resonate with you both? Identifying these aspects can serve as a blueprint for your tattoo design. Instead of settling for clichéd images like heart shapes or arrows, delve deeper into your shared narrative.

    Next, consider color. While black and gray tattoos have their charm, adding color can give the artwork extra depth and significance. Just remember, color tattoos may require a bit more maintenance to keep them vibrant over time.

    Font style is also something you might overlook but shouldn't. If your tattoo involves text, the choice of font can dramatically change its impact. A whimsical script might be ideal for a light-hearted message, whereas a classic typeface might better suit a profound statement.

    Be sure to talk to your tattoo artist about customizing your design. A good artist can take your ideas and provide sketches that can help you visualize the end result. Remember, you're collaborating with an artist; make the most of their skills and insights.

    Lastly, size matters. While a large tattoo can be a bold expression of your love, smaller tattoos can be just as meaningful and are often easier to conceal if that's a concern. Strike a balance between visibility, comfort, and personal preference.

    Why Some Couples Regret Their Tattoos

    As much as we want to focus on the romantic and artistic aspects of boyfriend girlfriend tattoos, it's crucial to discuss the other side of the coin: tattoo regret. The numbers are revealing; a 2012 Harris Poll found that 21% of adults with tattoos regret getting them, and we can assume that this number includes a considerable number of couple tattoos.

    One of the primary reasons couples regret tattoos is haste. Love, particularly in its initial stages, can be impulsive. As the saying goes, "Act in haste, repent at leisure." Regret can also arise from choosing designs that were trendy at the moment but lost their appeal over time.

    Another common regret stems from breakups, which, let's be honest, are a reality. You may forever love the memory of what was, but do you really want a daily visual reminder of a relationship that ended, possibly painfully?

    Changing personal or aesthetic preferences also play a part. As you evolve as individuals and as a couple, something that felt right 10 years ago might not resonate now. Even if the relationship remains strong, a tattoo might lose its emotional potency.

    Moreover, poor artistry can be a source of regret. A poorly executed tattoo can ruin even the most touching design concept. This circles back to the importance of choosing a highly skilled and reputable tattoo artist.

    So how do you mitigate the risk of regret? One approach is to follow some of the earlier advice about temporary tattoos, thoughtful design choices, and placement considerations. If both partners are equally enthusiastic and involved in the decision-making process, the chances of regret are likely to be lower.

    Reversibility and Alternatives: What if Things Go South?

    When we're head over heels in love, it's tough to imagine that things might not work out. But we must address the elephant in the room: what if the relationship sours? With the rise of tattoo removal technologies like laser treatment, you do have an exit strategy, albeit a costly and painful one.

    Laser tattoo removal has become more effective over the years but is not without its complications. It can require multiple sessions, be painful, and leave scarring. Also, not all colors are easy to remove, so think twice if your tattoo involves vibrant shades.

    If you're concerned about the potential for regret but still want to go ahead with getting inked, you could opt for less prominent areas of your body, or choose a design that could be easily incorporated into another tattoo later. You can also consider semi-permanent ink technologies, though these are still in the experimental phase.

    Another route is to choose a tattoo design that holds individual significance for each of you apart from your relationship. That way, if the relationship ends, the tattoo still retains personal value.

    There are also alternatives to tattoos altogether. Jewelry or personalized items can serve as potent symbols of love without the permanence of tattoos. Think engraved necklaces, love locks, or even a shared journal that you can both contribute to over the years.

    However, if you've carefully considered all these aspects and still feel that a tattoo is the best way to express your shared love and commitment, then by all means, go ahead. Just make sure it's a decision you've both arrived at thoughtfully and collaboratively.

    The Cultural Implications of Couple Tattoos

    We've talked a lot about the personal and emotional facets of boyfriend girlfriend tattoos, but what about the broader cultural implications? In Western societies, tattoos have gradually shed their taboo status and have become mainstream. But it's worth noting that tattoos still carry cultural and sometimes even religious significance in many parts of the world.

    In some cultures, tattoos can represent rites of passage, social status, or even spiritual beliefs. For example, Polynesian cultures have a rich history of intricate tattoo designs that carry significant meaning. In these societies, getting a tattoo might be seen as a communal experience rather than a personal choice.

    However, even in cultures where tattoos have gained social acceptance, couple tattoos can provoke mixed reactions. In some conservative circles, they might still be frowned upon, especially if they are highly visible. The choice of subject matter can also influence public perception.

    That said, cultural norms are ever-evolving. The millennial and Gen Z populations are showing an increased acceptance of tattoos, which may lessen these cultural repercussions. Yet, it's always a good idea to understand the cultural dynamics of tattoos in your specific community, as well as in your and your partner's families.

    Moreover, remember that tattoos are permanent, and you may travel or move to a place where tattoos are viewed differently. A bit of foresight can go a long way in preventing uncomfortable situations down the line.

    So before you and your partner decide to get inked, weigh the cultural considerations. It's one more layer in the multi-dimensional decision to get a couples' tattoo, but it's a crucial one that can often get overlooked.

    The 'Why Not?' Argument: In Defense of Eternal Ink

    With all the caveats and warnings, you might wonder why anyone would get a couple's tattoo in the first place. Well, for the ultimate romantics among us, the idea of eternal ink as a symbol of eternal love is too enticing to pass up. So here's the 'Why not?' argument in defense of such a permanent gesture.

    First, let's acknowledge that love, in all its complexity, is a gamble. Whether it's saying "I do" at the altar, buying a home together, or having children, every step involves a leap of faith. A tattoo is another form of that commitment, tangible and indelible.

    Moreover, a well-thought-out, meaningful tattoo can serve as a constant reminder of the love and joy you bring to each other. It's like a love note but one that you carry with you everywhere, a personal talisman that stands against the challenges life throws your way.

    Some say that a tattoo can also act like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The constant presence of this visible pledge may deepen your commitment to make the relationship work. Psychologically speaking, we tend to invest more in things we have put effort or resources into, known as the "sunk cost" phenomenon.

    There's also something incredibly romantic and rebellious about defying the naysayers and going all-in on love. Of course, this isn't a decision to be made lightly or impulsively. If you've weighed all the pros and cons, understood the risks, and still find the idea compelling, then why not indeed?

    So if you're leaning towards making that lasting ink commitment, keep reading because choosing the right tattoo artist can make all the difference in your tattoo experience.

    How to Choose the Right Tattoo Artist

    By this point, you've given serious thought to the idea of boyfriend girlfriend tattoos, analyzed it from all angles, and perhaps even warmed up to it. The next crucial step is finding a skilled, experienced, and reputable tattoo artist. This isn't a step to skimp on; your artist's talent and professionalism will significantly impact the outcome.

    Begin your search by seeking recommendations from friends or family members who have tattoos that you admire. A word-of-mouth recommendation from a trusted source can be invaluable. However, remember that each artist has a unique style, so make sure their portfolio aligns with your vision.

    Next, dig deep into their portfolios, typically available on their website or social media platforms. This will give you an idea of their range, style, and expertise. You should look for consistency in quality, a good range of styles, and, importantly, evidence of excellent hygiene standards.

    Once you have a shortlist, arrange consultations. These meetings are usually free and give you the opportunity to discuss your design ideas, ask questions, and get a sense of the artist's personality and professionalism.

    During the consultation, take note of the cleanliness of the studio and the measures taken for hygiene. Are new needles used for each customer? Are surfaces sterilized? A lapse in hygiene can lead to infections, or worse, so don't underestimate this aspect.

    Finally, discuss the cost. Quality tattoos don't come cheap, and a higher price often equates to higher quality. Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true—they probably are. Remember, a tattoo is a lifelong investment; it's worth investing in an artist who can deliver the caliber of work you'll be happy with for years to come.

    Expert Opinions: What Tattoo Artists Want You to Know

    You've heard from psychologists and relationship experts, but what about the artists themselves? Tattoo artists have seen it all—the good, the bad, and the woefully misguided. Their experience offers a unique perspective on the trend of boyfriend girlfriend tattoos.

    One common piece of advice from artists is to avoid names and portraits. Even the most confident couples may face uncertain futures, and these types of tattoos are the most difficult to modify or cover up later on. If you're set on including a name, consider hiding it within a larger design that can stand alone if need be.

    Tattoo artists also stress the importance of sizing and placement. While small and discreet might seem like the safest choice, tiny tattoos can bleed or fade more easily over time. The forearm, ribcage, and upper arm are generally recommended as the best locations for readability and longevity.

    Many artists also advocate for each partner to have a voice in the design process. While the concept of a "surprise" tattoo may sound romantic, it can result in disappointment or regret for one or both partners. A shared design process ensures that both parties are equally invested in—and pleased with—the final product.

    Lastly, artists point out that while they can offer guidance and technical expertise, the decision to get a couples' tattoo should be deeply personal and thoroughly considered. They've seen firsthand how tattoo regret can sour a relationship, so their advice? Be sure, be clear, and be committed—both to the design and to each other.

    By heeding the advice of these industry veterans, you can approach your couples' tattoo journey with a greater degree of confidence and understanding.

    The Healing Process: Post-Tattoo Care

    Congratulations! You've gotten your boyfriend girlfriend tattoos. Now, the ink is set, but your responsibility isn't over. Tattoo aftercare is as crucial as the decision to get a tattoo in the first place. After all, you don't want your beautiful artwork to fade or get infected.

    First and foremost, listen to your tattoo artist's aftercare advice. They'll usually provide a leaflet or verbal instructions. Typically, you'll need to keep the tattoo clean and moist to promote healing. That means washing it gently with soap and water, then applying a thin layer of tattoo ointment.

    Avoid submerging the tattoo in water for long periods, especially in swimming pools or hot tubs where bacteria could be lurking. It's also essential to keep the tattoo out of direct sunlight for the first few weeks, as UV rays can fade the ink.

    Your tattoo will likely itch as it heals, but resist the urge to scratch. Scratching can damage the tattoo and even cause an infection. If it gets too unbearable, consult with your tattoo artist or a healthcare provider for safe remedies.

    Remember that proper aftercare also means maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Adequate sleep and a balanced diet can aid in faster healing. Alcohol and aspirin, which thin the blood, should be avoided to minimize the risk of bleeding and bruising.

    Though it might seem like a lot, these are tried-and-true steps that have stood the test of time in tattoo care. Your art is permanent, so the more diligent you are in the aftercare, the better it will look in the long run.

    Final Thoughts: The Good, The Bad, and The Inky

    Boyfriend girlfriend tattoos are undeniably a hot topic filled with intrigue, caution, and romance. They can be an intensely personal way to express your love and commitment, but they also come with risks and considerations that shouldn't be ignored.

    If you've weighed all the options, navigated the potential pitfalls, and are still keen to get inked with your significant other, then by all means, go for it! Tattoos, like relationships, are deeply personal and subjective. What works for one couple may not work for another, and that's perfectly okay.

    For those on the fence, remember that a tattoo is for life, just like the commitment you're expressing through it. Ensure that both parties are equally committed to the idea and to the relationship itself.

    As we've navigated the intricate tapestry of emotions, artistry, and cultural nuances surrounding this subject, the final piece of advice is to go into this decision with both eyes open. Talk to each other, talk to experts, and most importantly, talk to yourself. Are you doing this for the right reasons? If the answer is yes, then you're already off to a good start.

    So there you have it—the good, the bad, and the inky about boyfriend girlfriend tattoos. Whether you decide to ink your love or keep it metaphorical, what matters most is the love and respect you share. And that, my friends, is something no tattoo can either make or break.

    Best of luck in your inked (or un-inked) journey of love!


    • "Inked: Tattoos and Body Art around the World" by Margo DeMello
    • "The Chemistry of Tattoos: Science in Permanent Ink" by John A. Sweeney
    • "Psychology of Tattoos, Body Piercings and Permanent Make-Up: Tools to Understand the Mind" by Anil Aggrawal


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