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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    7 Eyeliner Types for Men (And How to Rock Them)

    Why Should Men Dabble in Eyeliner?

    Hey, gents! Ever watched a rock concert or seen a movie where the male lead rocked that eyeliner, and you thought, "Wow, that looks cool!"? Well, it's high time we shatter the glass ceiling of gender norms. Makeup isn't just for women, and yes, eyeliner for men is a real and fabulous thing.

    By donning eyeliner, you're not just making a fashion statement; you're participating in a millennia-old tradition. Historically, men have worn eyeliner for various reasons—protection against the sun, symbolism, or simply as an accent to their natural features. Think of the ancient Egyptians or the iconic rockstars like David Bowie and Johnny Depp.

    Still skeptical? According to a 2019 survey from Morning Consult, about 30% of American men under 30 said they would consider wearing makeup. We're definitely seeing a cultural shift, so why not be a part of it?

    But before you dive into this transformative world of beauty, it's crucial to have the right information. The eyeliner market has a lot to offer, and yes, it can be a tad overwhelming. This comprehensive guide aims to be your go-to resource for everything about eyeliner for men. So, ready to take that leap? Let's get into it!

    We'll cover the types of eyeliner that work best for men, how to apply them like a pro, and even what to look for on the ingredient label. Whether you're a newbie or you've dabbled a bit, there's something here for everyone.

    But first, let's clear up some myths and misconceptions that might be holding you back.

    Myths Debunked: Common Misconceptions About Eyeliner for Men

    Okay, before we go gallivanting into the finer details, let's tackle the elephant in the room: the prevalent myths about men wearing eyeliner. You've probably heard things like "it's only for goths" or "real men don't wear makeup." Well, it's time to set the record straight!

    Myth #1: "Eyeliner is not masculine." Who decided that? The concept of masculinity is ever-evolving. If we look at other cultures and historical timelines, we can find numerous instances where men proudly wore makeup. The key here is self-expression and comfort.

    Myth #2: "It will make you look feminine." While eyeliner can soften or dramatize facial features, the end look depends on the technique. Remember, makeup is a tool. How you wield it determines the outcome.

    Myth #3: "Eyeliner is complicated." Well, so is tying a Windsor knot, but you mastered that, didn't you? Like any skill, it takes practice and the right guidance (which you'll find in this guide, so stay tuned).

    Myth #4: "It's only for special occasions." While it's true that eyeliner can elevate a formal look, it can also be part of your daily routine. You can choose to be as subtle or as bold as you want, adapting the eyeliner style to the situation.

    Dr. David Beckham, a psychologist specializing in gender studies, observes, "The boundaries of what is considered 'masculine' are continually being redrawn. Men embracing cosmetics like eyeliner are a part of this change, challenging predefined societal norms."

    Now that we've laid the myths to rest, let's delve into the different types of eyeliners you can choose from. Yes, you have options!

    7 Must-Know Eyeliner Types (And How to Choose the Right One)

    All right, you're pumped to try eyeliner, but hold on a second! Do you even know what kind of eyeliner suits your style or eye shape? Yep, there's more than one, and each comes with its own unique characteristics. Let's break down these seven essential types of eyeliner for men:

    1. Pencil Eyeliner: This is the classic and arguably the easiest to start with. It's ideal for a more subtle, everyday look. You can also smudge it a bit to give a softer or smokey eye effect. The downside? It may require frequent sharpening.

    2. Gel Eyeliner: This type comes in a tiny pot and is applied with a brush. It's excellent for achieving a more defined line and is long-lasting. However, it can dry out if the lid is left off, so make sure to keep it sealed.

    3. Liquid Eyeliner: Want to make a bold statement? Go for liquid. It usually comes with a fine-tip applicator, allowing for precise lines. It's not as forgiving as a pencil or gel, so it might take some time to master.

    4. Retractable: It's like a pencil, but you don't have to sharpen it. Sounds good, right? It's convenient but tends to have a softer formula, so it may not last as long as others.

    5. Felt-tip or Marker: This type combines the precision of liquid liner with the ease of a pen. It's a wonderful choice for beginners who want to experiment with more detailed looks.

    6. Kajal or Kohl: This ancient form of eyeliner offers a softer line and is great for a smokey look. Do note that it's not ideal for the waterline as it can smudge easily.

    7. Powder: Yes, some people use eyeshadow as an eyeliner, applying it with a wet angled brush. It gives a softer, more natural look and is excellent for those who want a less defined line.

    Still confused? If you're a beginner, start with a pencil or gel liner. They are forgiving and perfect for mastering the basics. As you become more skilled, you can venture into liquid or felt-tip liners for more complex styles.

    Key Ingredients to Look Out for

    You wouldn't put just any product on your skin, would you? The same goes for eyeliner. Paying attention to ingredients can save you from irritation, allergies, or even worse. Let's go through some of the key ingredients you should be aware of:

    1. Parabens: These preservatives are commonly found in cosmetics but have been linked to hormonal disruption. Opt for paraben-free products whenever possible.

    2. Sulfates: Although rare in eyeliners, some may contain sulfates. These can cause irritation, particularly for those with sensitive eyes or skin.

    3. Vegan and Cruelty-free: More brands are offering eyeliners that haven't been tested on animals and don't contain animal-derived ingredients. If ethics and sustainability are important to you, check for these labels.

    4. Oils and Waxes: These ingredients are generally okay, but if you have oily skin, certain oils could make your eyeliner smudge or run. Go for oil-free versions if that's a concern.

    5. Colorants: Watch out for synthetic dyes, especially if you have sensitive eyes. Natural colorants are usually a safer bet.

    When shopping for eyeliner, also consider looking for those with additional beneficial ingredients like Vitamin E or Aloe Vera, which can be soothing to the skin.

    According to Dr. Lily Harris, a dermatologist, "When choosing makeup products like eyeliner, it's crucial to read labels and opt for those with skin-friendly ingredients. An allergic reaction near the eye could be not only uncomfortable but potentially serious."

    Step-by-Step: How to Apply Eyeliner Like a Pro

    Okay, you've got the right eyeliner and you're aware of what's in it. Now what? Time to apply that bad boy! But before you do, make sure your face is clean and dry. If you're going for a full makeup look, eyeliner generally comes after eyeshadow but before mascara. Now, let's get down to business.

    Step 1: Position Yourself: Sit or stand comfortably in front of a mirror, preferably in a well-lit area. Hold the mirror at eye level or slightly below. Trust us; good lighting and positioning are half the battle.

    Step 2: Steady Your Hand: Rest your elbow on a flat surface to steady your hand. You can also rest your pinky on your cheek for added support.

    Step 3: Draw a Line: Gently pull your eyelid taut with your other hand. Start drawing the line from the inner corner of your eye towards the outer corner. You can either go in one single swipe or build it up with shorter strokes. Either way, keep it as close to the lash line as possible.

    Step 4: Perfect the Shape: Depending on your eye shape and the look you're going for, you might want to extend the line slightly upwards at the outer corner. This creates a ‘wing' and can make your eyes look larger and more lifted.

    Step 5: Assess and Adjust: After you've applied, take a step back and check for symmetry. Need to make adjustments? Go for it, but remember— it's easier to add more than to take some off.

    Step 6: Set with Powder (Optional): If you have oily skin or are worried about smudging, you can set your eyeliner with a little translucent powder. Just lightly dab it on with a small brush.

    Voila! You're now officially an eyeliner pro—or at least well on your way. With these steps in your back pocket, you're ready to take on the world, one perfectly lined eye at a time.

    Tips for a Daytime Look: Subtlety Is the Key

    When it comes to eyeliner for men, especially during the daytime, less is often more. The goal is not to scream, "Hey, look at my awesome eyeliner!" but to subtly enhance your features in a way that's almost subliminal.

    1. Go for a Thin Line: A thinly applied line along the lash line gives your eyes definition without making it look like you're headed to a rock concert. If you're using a pencil, make sure it's well-sharpened. For liquid or gel liners, a fine-tip brush is your best friend.

    2. Stick to Neutrals: Dark browns, greys, and blacks work well for a daytime look. These colors are less dramatic than jet-black but still add the depth you're aiming for.

    3. Avoid the Lower Lash Line: Applying liner to the lower lash line can make your eyes look smaller and also tends to smudge more easily, especially during a busy day. Stick to the upper lash line for a cleaner, more open look.

    4. Smudge It: For a softer daytime look, consider smudging the liner slightly with a smudge brush or your fingertip. This can make the line less harsh and more natural-looking.

    5. Lighten the Inner Corners: To make your eyes look bigger and more awake, consider applying a small dot of a light, shimmery eyeshadow or even a bit of your concealer to the inner corners of your eyes.

    6. Keep the Rest Simple: If you're going for a subtle eyeliner look, don't overdo the rest of your makeup. A little bit of concealer, some neutral eyeshadow, and perhaps a swipe of mascara will suffice.

    Remember, the key here is subtlety. A daytime eyeliner look for men aims to define and highlight your features without making too bold a statement.

    Going Bold for the Night: How to Achieve a Dramatic Look

    Ready to take it up a notch? Nighttime is your playground, and when it comes to eyeliner for men, this is when you can really let your personality shine through.

    1. Choose Darker Shades: For nighttime, you might want to opt for darker and more vivid colors. A jet-black or even a charcoal grey can add that extra edge.

    2. Play with Thickness: A thicker line can make a dramatic statement. Consider using a gel or liquid liner for this as they offer more precision for thicker applications.

    3. Experiment with Winged Tips: If you've mastered the basics, why not experiment with a winged tip? Extend the line at the outer corners of your eyes for that classic ‘cat-eye' look, albeit a more subtle, masculine version.

    4. Use Liner on the Lower Lash: Unlike the daytime look, for evening events you can apply liner to the lower lash line, but do it sparingly to avoid a ‘raccoon eyes' situation.

    5. Add Some Shimmer: If you're feeling adventurous, a little bit of shimmer or metallic eyeliner can work wonders for a night out. Just keep it minimal to maintain that classy vibe.

    6. Balance with Bold Lips or Statement Outfit: If your eyes are dramatic, keep the lips neutral, or vice versa. Similarly, if your outfit is loud and attention-grabbing, consider toning down the eyeliner a bit.

    When it comes to a nighttime look, the emphasis is on drama and expression. Go bold but keep it tasteful. Remember, confidence is half the battle.

    The Do's and Don'ts: Best Practices

    Alright, you've gotten this far. You've learned about the types, the key ingredients, and even how to apply eyeliner for different occasions. But there are some general best practices that you'd do well to adhere to.

    1. Do Patch Test: Whenever you try a new product, do a patch test first to rule out any allergic reactions. Apply a small amount of the product on your wrist and wait for 24 hours to see if any redness, itching, or irritation occurs.

    2. Don't Share Your Eyeliner: No matter how close you are to someone, sharing eyeliner is a big no-no. Doing so can lead to the transfer of bacteria and possibly an eye infection.

    3. Do Clean Your Tools: Keeping your eyeliner tools clean is a must. Brushes should be washed with mild soap and water at least once a week. Sharpen your pencil liners regularly to remove the old, dull layers.

    4. Don't Sleep With It: It might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people go to bed without removing their makeup. This is an express ticket to irritation city, my friends.

    5. Do Have Patience: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your eyeliner skills. It will take time to find your preferred style and to perfect your technique. So, practice, practice, practice.

    6. Don't Go Overboard: Especially when starting out, it's easy to think that more is better. It's not. You're aiming for enhancement, not overpowering your features.

    7. Do Consider Your Eye Shape: Not all eye shapes are created equal. Some techniques may work wonders for some but not others. Take time to learn what suits your particular eye shape best.

    8. Don't Forget to Have Fun: Ultimately, makeup is about expression and creativity. Don't get bogged down with too many rules. Have fun and experiment to find the look that makes you feel the most confident.

    There you have it, a robust set of do's and don'ts to navigate the intriguing world of eyeliner for men. Stick to these, and you'll avoid most of the pitfalls while maximizing the positives.

    Maintenance: How to Make Your Eyeliner Last

    You've put all this effort into applying your eyeliner; naturally, you want it to last as long as possible. Whether you're pulling a long day at the office or going for a night out, nobody wants their eyeliner to smudge, fade, or migrate halfway down their face. Here are some tips for long-lasting eyeliner magic.

    1. Start with Primer: A good eyelid primer can be a game-changer. It creates a smooth base for your eyeliner and helps it adhere better to your skin, thus making it last longer.

    2. Choose Long-wearing Formulas: Not all eyeliners are made equal. Some are explicitly designed to be long-wearing. If durability is a priority for you, make sure to look for keywords like "waterproof," "smudge-proof," or "24-hour wear" when selecting your product.

    3. Set with Powder: If you've used a pencil or gel liner, lightly dusting some translucent powder over it can set the liner and help prevent it from smudging. This is an excellent tip for those with oily skin.

    4. Avoid Touching: It's tempting to rub your eyes during the day, but resist! The oils and friction from your fingers can cause your liner to smudge or fade.

    5. Take Care of Your Tools: Keep your eyeliner pencil sharp and your brushes clean. This will not only make application easier but also help you avoid product build-up that could compromise longevity.

    6. Use Quality Removers: At the end of the day, you want to be able to remove your eyeliner easily without harsh scrubbing, which could irritate your eyes. Oil-based or micellar water removers are generally good options.

    So, the long and short of it is this: Good maintenance practices can greatly extend the life of your eyeliner application. In essence, you're building a partnership with your eyeliner, and like any good relationship, it takes a bit of upkeep!

    Eyeliner for Different Eye Shapes: A Tailored Approach

    Remember, not all eyes are created equal, and this is actually a good thing because it adds to your uniqueness! Different eye shapes can benefit from different eyeliner styles. So let's break it down.

    1. Almond Eyes: You're in luck! Most eyeliner styles look great on almond eyes. A classic line from thin to thick will do wonders for you.

    2. Round Eyes: To elongate round eyes, focus on applying the liner thicker at the outer corners. This will give an elongated, cat-eye kind of effect.

    3. Hooded Eyes: If you have hooded eyes, a thicker line is generally more visible when your eyes are open. Also, consider using a smudge-proof formula to prevent transfer to the hood.

    4. Small Eyes: A thin line with a slight wing can make small eyes look bigger. You might also want to avoid dark liner on your waterline as it can make your eyes appear even smaller.

    5. Wide-set Eyes: To bring them closer together, apply more liner towards the inner corners of your eyes.

    6. Close-set Eyes: Do the opposite of wide-set eyes. Concentrate more liner towards the outer corners to create the illusion of width.

    By understanding your eye shape, you can tailor your eyeliner style to accentuate your best features, making your eyes truly captivating.

    What Experts Say: The Science and Art Behind Men's Eyeliner

    Makeup isn't just a form of self-expression; there's also a science behind it. Various studies, like one from the Perception Lab at the University of St Andrews, suggest that subtle changes in facial contrast can have a significant impact on perceived age, health, and attractiveness. Eyeliner, when applied appropriately, can be a tool for this.

    Renowned makeup artist James Molloy states, "Eyeliner isn't about gender; it's about shape and definition. A well-applied eyeliner can provide a frame to the eyes, making them the focal point of the face."

    Even dermatologists weigh in on this subject. Dr. Patricia Wexler suggests, "When looking for eyeliners, it's essential to avoid those with allergens or irritants like parabens, especially for those with sensitive skin or eyes."

    1. Psychological Impact: Enhancing facial features can elevate self-esteem and confidence, something that psychology backs. A study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science found that wearing makeup, including eyeliner, can have a positive impact on an individual's self-esteem.

    2. Health Aspects: It's not just about aesthetics either; the type of products you use can impact your eye health. Opt for quality eyeliners that are hypoallergenic and ophthalmologically tested, especially if you wear contact lenses or have sensitive eyes.

    3. Ingredients Matter: The ingredients in your eyeliner can make or break your look. As discussed earlier, opting for eyeliners with nourishing ingredients can actually benefit your skin.

    The experts echo what we've been discussing: eyeliner for men can be both an art and a science. By understanding both aspects, you can make more informed choices that benefit not just your look but your well-being too.

    Top Picks: Must-Have Eyeliner Brands for Men

    With an overwhelming number of options out there, choosing the right eyeliner can be akin to navigating a minefield. But fret not! We've curated a list of top brands, each offering something unique. These are the crème de la crème when it comes to eyeliner for men.

    1. Tom Ford's Eye Kohl Intense: If you're looking for a luxe option, Tom Ford delivers. The Eye Kohl Intense is incredibly smooth and delivers high color payoff.

    2. Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil: As the name suggests, this one glides on smoothly and stays put for hours, making it perfect for those long days or nights.

    3. Marc Jacobs Highliner: This gel-based liner offers a matte finish and is perfect for sensitive eyes. It also comes in a variety of shades for those who like to experiment.

    4. NYX Professional Makeup Epic Ink Liner: If you're on a budget but still want quality, NYX offers a waterproof liner with a fine tip for precision.

    5. Chanel Le Crayon Yeux: This one is perfect for those who prefer a more classic look. It comes with a blending brush, allowing you to go from defined to smoky in a matter of seconds.

    6. Maybelline New York Tattoo Studio Gel Pencil Liner: For those looking for drugstore options without compromising on quality, Maybelline offers a long-lasting, smudge-proof liner.

    Remember, the best eyeliner for you is one that meets your specific needs—be it longevity, ease of application, or skin sensitivity. Feel free to experiment until you find your perfect match!

    FAQs: Your Eyeliner Questions Answered

    As we near the end of our deep dive into the world of eyeliner for men, let's tackle some frequently asked questions. Because let's face it, we all have questions.

    1. Is it okay for men to wear eyeliner? Absolutely, yes. Makeup is a form of self-expression and not tied to any gender.

    2. Will eyeliner irritate my eyes? Not if you choose the right product. Always opt for ophthalmologically tested and hypoallergenic eyeliners, especially if you have sensitive eyes.

    3. How do I remove eyeliner? Use a quality makeup remover that's suitable for the eye area. Gentle, oil-based removers or micellar water are usually good choices.

    4. How often should I replace my eyeliner? Most experts recommend replacing eyeliners every 3-6 months to ensure hygiene and prevent eye infections.

    5. Can I share my eyeliner? Sharing is caring, but not in this case. Sharing eyeliners can lead to the spread of eye infections.

    6. Is waterproof better? It depends on your needs. Waterproof eyeliners last longer but can be tougher to remove.

    Conclusion: Time to Re-define Masculinity, One Liner at a Time

    We've come a long way in this comprehensive guide, delving deep into the world of eyeliner for men. It's not just about a dash of color or a stylish flick at the corner of your eyes; it's about expression, personality, and yes, a touch of flair that can redefine masculinity.

    Eyeliner isn't just for rock stars, actors, or fashionistas. It's for anyone who wants to bring attention to the eyes, the windows to the soul. It's for the man who is secure in his masculinity and open to exploring facets of self-expression typically branded as ‘feminine'.

    We've debunked myths, shared pro tips, and given you science-backed advice. Now, it's over to you. Will you play it safe or go bold? The choice is yours.

    Don't let societal norms box you in. Shatter those stereotypes. Pick up that liner and draw the line—literally.

    And remember, every time you do, you're not just enhancing your eyes; you're making a statement. So go on, make your statement, redefine those norms, and let your eyes do the talking.

    Thank you for being part of this journey. We hope this guide has been as enlightening for you as it has been for us. So, are you ready to make the world see you through a different lens?

    Recommended Reading

    1. "Making Faces" by Kevyn Aucoin - A comprehensive guide to makeup, including eyeliner techniques.

    2. "The Science of Beauty: The Secrets Behind What We Find Attractive" by Dr. Alex Jones and Professor Robin Kramer - For those interested in the psychology behind facial enhancements.

    3. "Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual: For Everyone from Beginner to Pro" by Bobbi Brown - Another great resource for makeup techniques, including tips for men.

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