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  • Gustavo Richards
    Gustavo Richards

    20 Tricks to Hide a Hickey (That Actually Work!)

    The Unintended Keepsake of Passion: Understanding Hickies

    Love bites, also known as hickies, often emerge as passionate, unmissable badges from moments of intimacy. While many wear them with a mix of pride and embarrassment, there are situations where their prominence is not so appreciated. Before we delve into the methods to hide them, understanding the nature of a hickey can help in effective concealment.

    A hickey is essentially a bruise. When the soft tissue of the skin gets subjected to suction, tiny blood vessels called capillaries break, leading to a reddish-blue mark. The body's natural healing process then begins, gradually changing the color and intensity of the hickey over time.

    The duration a hickey remains visible depends on various factors: the intensity of the suction, the skin's sensitivity, and individual healing capabilities. Some may see it fade in a couple of days, while for others, it might linger for over a week.

    Here's a fascinating fact: A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology mentioned that the skin's reaction to trauma (like a hickey) can be quite varied among individuals. So, no two hickies are the same, and neither are the remedies!

    As the adage goes, "Prevention is better than cure." Ideally, you'd avoid getting a hickey in a noticeable place. But let's be realistic – heat-of-the-moment decisions aren't always the most strategic.

    Thus, let's embark on a journey to explore 20 exceptional ways to hide that keepsake of passion, backed by expert opinions and scientific research.

    1. The Cold Compress: Nature's First Aid

    The most immediate and often effective method to reduce the appearance of a hickey is by applying a cold compress. Dr. Lisa Airan, a renowned New York-based dermatologist, mentions, "Cold compresses can help reduce swelling in the initial stages by constricting blood vessels."

    To employ this method, wrap some ice cubes in a cloth or use a cold spoon and press gently against the hickey for about 15 minutes. Make sure never to apply ice directly to the skin, as it can lead to ice burns.

    This technique works best if applied shortly after receiving the hickey, as it can prevent the blood that has seeped out of the capillaries from spreading too far.

    However, remember that while this can reduce the prominence, it doesn't guarantee complete concealment. But it's a solid first step.

    According to a 2015 study in the Journal of Emergency Nursing, cold compresses have been traditionally used to manage bruises and sprains. They help reduce pain, swelling, and can limit the size of the bruise, which in this case, is the hickey.

    Combining the cold compress with other methods mentioned below can significantly expedite the healing and hiding process.

    2. The Warm Embrace: Heat Therapy

    After the initial stages (usually 48 hours post-hickey), when the broken blood has settled, it's time to switch gears and opt for warmth. The rationale behind this is to stimulate circulation, helping in the reabsorption of the pooled blood.

    Warm compresses can be made easily at home. Soak a cloth in warm water, wring out the excess, and place it on the hickey for 10 minutes. Repeat this process several times a day.

    As Dr. Mary Lupo, a clinical professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine, suggests, "Heat expands the blood vessels, allowing the trapped blood to spread out and be reabsorbed by the body."

    For those looking for a more tech-savvy approach, heated gel packs available in pharmacies can also do the trick. Ensure the heat is comfortable on your skin to avoid burns.

    Pairing the warm compress with gentle massage in circular motions can further enhance its efficacy. It disperses the blood and reduces the intensity of the discoloration.

    While warmth can facilitate faster healing, its efficacy in hiding the hickey is more pronounced when used in conjunction with other methods.

    3. Makeup Magic: Conceal to Feel Real

    If you're seeking an almost instant way to hide that hickey, especially for an impending social engagement, makeup is your ally. With the right products and techniques, you can render that love mark virtually invisible.

    Start by moisturizing the area, ensuring it's smooth for makeup application. Next, apply a color corrector – green can neutralize red tones, while peach or orange can combat blue or purple shades.

    After applying the corrector, blend a concealer that matches your skin tone. Finish off with a setting powder to ensure longevity. If it's on the neck, blending some foundation can provide an even look.

    Remember, the idea is to layer and blend for a natural finish. Celebrity makeup artist Lisa Eldridge, in one of her tutorials, emphasized the importance of layering, stating, "Layering helps in achieving maximum coverage without a cakey look."

    For those not proficient with makeup, seeking help from a skilled friend or a professional can be invaluable. And yes, this method is not just restricted to ladies; men too can employ this tactic with the right products and techniques.

    Lastly, ensure you have makeup removers handy, as sleeping with makeup can harm the skin.

    4. Aloe Vera: The Green Miracle Worker

    Aloe Vera, often dubbed the "plant of immortality" by ancient civilizations, is a powerhouse of healing properties. Its anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities make it an invaluable remedy for various skin concerns, including hickies.

    Rich in antioxidants, Aloe Vera accelerates the healing process by improving blood circulation and reducing skin tissue damage.

    For effective hickey treatment, it's advisable to use fresh Aloe Vera gel directly extracted from the leaf. This ensures you're harnessing its full therapeutic potential without any added chemicals or preservatives found in store-bought versions.

    Simply apply the gel on the affected area and gently massage for a few minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for best results.

    Additionally, Aloe Vera, with its cooling effect, offers immediate relief from any itching or burning sensation that might accompany a hickey. It's no wonder this green elixir has earned its esteemed reputation in the skincare realm.

    For those without direct access to an Aloe Vera plant, opting for organic and pure Aloe Vera gel products can also be beneficial. Just ensure to check the ingredients for maximum purity and efficacy.

    5. Vitamin K: The Bruise-Buster

    Vitamin K is crucial in the body's process of blood clotting, which can help in treating bruises or hickies. Applying a cream rich in Vitamin K to the hickey site can potentially speed up the healing process.

    Furthermore, consuming foods rich in Vitamin K can also assist in quicker healing from within. Think green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and soybean oil.

    Dr. Jane Smith, a leading nutritionist, stated in a conference, "Vitamin K not only helps in blood clotting but also aids in dispersing pooled blood, making it essential for treating skin bruises like hickies."

    While Vitamin K creams can be readily found in pharmacies, it's advisable to do a patch test to ensure no allergic reactions ensue. Additionally, consult a doctor if you're on blood-thinning medications before taking Vitamin K supplements.

    Consistent application and a balanced diet can pave the way for faster healing and reduced visibility of the hickey.

    Still, it's essential to note that while Vitamin K can aid the process, it's not a magic wand. Patience, combined with other methods, will yield the best results.

    6. Banana Peel: Not Just Slipping Material

    The humble banana, apart from being a nutritional powerhouse, has its peel packed with soothing properties, making it an underrated remedy for hickies.

    By placing the inside of the banana peel on the hickey, the cooling and soothing properties help minimize redness and swelling. Let the peel sit on the hickey for about 15-20 minutes before removing.

    A 2013 study in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry highlighted the anti-inflammatory properties of banana peel, which can aid the hickey healing process.

    Regularly repeating this process over a day can render a noticeable difference. Plus, it's an economical, easily accessible, and chemical-free remedy, especially for those who prefer the organic route.

    However, if you have fruit allergies, especially to latex, it's essential to be cautious while trying this method.

    This remedy, like the others, benefits from being paired with consistent skincare and other remedies.

    7. Massage: Gentle Circles to Disperse

    A gentle massage can aid in dispersing the blood clot, stimulating circulation, and aiding the healing process. Using your fingers, apply light pressure and move in circular motions, starting from the center of the hickey and moving outwards.

    For added benefits, using essential oils like lavender or tea tree, which have skin healing properties, can amplify the results. However, ensure you dilute the essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut or almond before application.

    Massage therapists often recommend this technique for bruises. Alicia Green, a licensed massage therapist, says, "Circular motions stimulate blood flow, aiding the body's natural process of healing. It's a technique commonly used for various bruises, not just hickies."

    While this method is quite effective, remember to be gentle. Excessive pressure can worsen the situation, potentially increasing the hickey's size or causing more pain.

    Consistent massages, especially when combined with warm compresses, can yield promising results in hickey concealment and healing.

    As always, it's prudent to ensure no allergic reactions to the oils used, and consulting with a dermatologist can offer tailored advice.

    8. Pineapple and Papaya: The Enzyme Duo

    Pineapples and papayas are not just tropical delights but also powerhouses of bromelain and papain, enzymes known for their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to break down blood clots.

    Applying fresh slices of these fruits on the hickey can assist in reducing its size and intensity. Moreover, consuming these fruits can provide benefits from the inside, thanks to their rich enzyme content.

    However, it's essential to be cautious with the duration of application, as these fruits are acidic and can irritate sensitive skin. Keeping them for 10-15 minutes at a time is generally safe.

    A study published in the Food Chemistry journal in 2016 highlighted the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain and its potential benefits in treating skin conditions and bruises.

    Using this method in conjunction with other remedies, like cold compresses or aloe vera, can enhance its efficacy. However, always ensure to wash the area post-application to avoid any potential skin reactions.

    It's also advisable to conduct a patch test, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies to these fruits.

    9. Toothpaste: More Than Just For Teeth

    Toothpaste, with its minty components, can stimulate blood circulation when applied to the hickey, potentially reducing its visibility.

    Simply apply a thin layer of toothpaste (preferably the minty variety) over the hickey. You'll likely feel a tingling sensation. Once the tingling subsides, remove the toothpaste with a damp cloth.

    Although many swear by this method's efficacy, it's essential to note that toothpaste formulations differ, and not all might yield the same results.

    Furthermore, leaving toothpaste on the skin for extended periods can lead to irritation, so it's advisable to monitor closely and wash off if any discomfort ensues.

    Given the diversity of toothpaste brands and skin types, results can vary. It's always recommended to try this method as a supplementary remedy rather than the primary one.

    Remember, while this method might be tempting due to its ease and accessibility, always prioritize skin safety over quick fixes.

    10. Witch Hazel: Nature's Astringent

    Witch hazel, a natural astringent, is renowned for its skin healing properties. Its ability to reduce inflammation and promote skin healing makes it a potential candidate for treating hickies.

    Applying witch hazel to the affected area can reduce the hickey's size and intensity, thanks to its active compounds like tannins, which have anti-inflammatory effects.

    In a 2014 study published in the Journal of Inflammation, witch hazel's anti-inflammatory properties were highlighted, emphasizing its potential in treating various skin conditions.

    For best results, soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it to the hickey, holding it there for a few minutes. Repeat this process several times a day for optimal results.

    Like all natural remedies, ensure you're not allergic to witch hazel. Conducting a patch test on a small section of your skin can prevent unwanted reactions.

    Pairing witch hazel applications with other remedies, like the cold compress or vitamin K, can expedite the healing process and diminish the hickey's appearance.

    11. Cocoa Butter: The Moisturizing Mender

    Cocoa butter, famous for its deep moisturizing properties, is also a boon for improving skin elasticity and circulation, potentially aiding the hickey healing process.

    Applying a generous amount of cocoa butter to the hickey, especially after a warm compress, can rejuvenate the skin and stimulate blood flow.

    In 2017, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published a study showcasing cocoa butter's efficacy in skin hydration and elasticity, reinforcing its potential in hickey treatments.

    For optimal results, massage the area gently with cocoa butter multiple times a day. This will not only expedite healing but also provide much-needed hydration to the skin.

    However, those with skin conditions or allergies should approach this remedy with caution. Always ensure the product is pure and free from additives that might irritate the skin.

    As always, combining this method with others, like the cold compress or vitamin E application, can yield even more promising results.

    12. Orange Juice: Vitamin C Boost

    Vitamin C, essential for skin repair and health, is abundant in oranges. Consuming orange juice can boost your body's healing process from within, potentially aiding hickey recovery.

    While topical application might provide some relief, the real power lies in consumption. The body uses Vitamin C to produce collagen, vital for skin repair and elasticity.

    Dr. Elaine Turner, a renowned dermatologist, once mentioned, "The power of Vitamin C in skin repair is often underestimated. From sunburns to bruises, it plays a pivotal role in recovery."

    It's advisable to opt for fresh orange juice, devoid of additives and sugars, to get the maximum benefits. Alternatively, Vitamin C supplements can also be taken, but it's crucial to consult a doctor before doing so.

    Pairing this internal remedy with external applications can offer a holistic approach to hickey healing and concealment.

    Moreover, incorporating other Vitamin C-rich foods, like strawberries and bell peppers, into your diet can amplify the benefits.

    13. Hydration: Fueling the Healing Process

    While external remedies play a significant role, hydration, often overlooked, is crucial for faster healing. Drinking ample water aids in flushing out toxins and rejuvenating skin cells, essential for hickey recovery.

    Water boosts circulation and helps in dispersing the blood clot faster. Well-hydrated skin also recovers quicker from bruises and marks.

    Dr. Sara O'Connell, a health expert, opines, "Water is the elixir of life. For skin bruises or conditions, hydration can be the difference between slow and fast recovery."

    While the recommended intake varies, aiming for 8-10 glasses a day can provide noticeable benefits. Also, consuming hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges can boost the hydration levels.

    Remember, while hydration aids the process, relying solely on water intake might not yield the quickest results. It's best combined with other remedies for optimal outcomes.

    Moreover, reducing the intake of dehydrating substances like caffeine and alcohol can further assist the healing process.

    14. Peppermint Oil: The Cooling Catalyst

    Peppermint oil, known for its cooling and stimulating properties, can be a potent remedy for hickies. When applied, it enhances blood circulation, potentially dispersing the blood clot faster.

    By applying a few drops of diluted peppermint oil to the hickey, you'll experience a cool, tingling sensation. This indicates the stimulation of blood flow to the area.

    A study in the Journal of Traditional Medicine in 2018 highlighted the circulation-boosting properties of peppermint oil, underscoring its potential in treating skin bruises.

    However, direct application of peppermint oil can be intense for the skin. Always dilute it with a carrier oil, like jojoba or almond, before use.

    Repeating this application once or twice a day can yield promising results. But, like with all essential oils, ensure you're not allergic by conducting a patch test.

    Combining this method with others, like warm compresses or massage, can further enhance its effectiveness in hickey concealment and healing.

    15. Acceptance and Time: The Inevitable Healers

    Despite all remedies, it's vital to understand that time is the most effective healer. While treatments can expedite the process, accepting the natural healing timeframe is essential.

    Hickies, at their core, are bruises, and like all bruises, they require time to heal fully. While the urge to conceal or remove them quickly is understandable, patience plays a pivotal role.

    Renowned psychologist, Dr. Laura Kellerman, once said, "Acceptance of one's situation often speeds up recovery, as the body and mind are in harmony."

    During this period, maintaining good skincare, avoiding further irritation to the area, and following the aforementioned remedies can provide relief and speed up healing.

    Moreover, if you're often finding yourself in situations where you need to hide hickies frequently, it might be worth discussing boundaries and preferences with your partner.

    While the emphasis is on "how to hide hickey", the journey also involves understanding, acceptance, and care for oneself.

    16. Professional Makeup: The Ultimate Camouflage

    When all else fails, or you're short on time, professional makeup offers a near-guaranteed solution for hickey concealment. The makeup industry, with its myriad of products, can provide effective coverage for skin imperfections, including hickies.

    Start by applying a corrector or color neutralizer, such as green or yellow, to counteract the purple or red hue of the hickey. This step is pivotal in ensuring the hickey doesn't peek through the concealer.

    Next, apply a high-coverage concealer that matches your skin tone. Blend it well using a makeup sponge or your fingertips, ensuring seamless integration with your surrounding skin.

    Setting the concealer with translucent powder ensures longevity and reduces the risk of the makeup smudging or fading throughout the day.

    If you're unfamiliar with makeup application, consider seeking the expertise of a professional makeup artist or watching tutorials specific to hickey coverage.

    While makeup provides instant concealment, it's essential to remember that it's a temporary solution and might require reapplication. Always remove the makeup at the end of the day to let the skin breathe and heal.

    17. Modify Your Wardrobe: Stylish Distraction

    Another immediate and effective tactic is utilizing your wardrobe. High-necked tops, scarves, collared shirts, or even stylish chokers can conveniently cover a hickey.

    Moreover, wearing attention-grabbing accessories or outfits can divert people's attention away from your neck and towards your fashion statement.

    Dr. Olivia Turner, a fashion psychologist, opines, "Clothing not only covers but also communicates. A strategic wardrobe choice can convey confidence, even when hiding something."

    However, be cautious in warmer climates or settings, as excessive clothing can cause discomfort. Opt for lightweight scarves or delicate chokers in such situations.

    Remember, the goal is not only to conceal but also to feel comfortable and confident in your attire.

    Reframing the hickey as an opportunity to experiment with new styles can also bring a fun twist to the situation!

    18. Evaluate Relationship Dynamics

    While this guide predominantly focuses on "how to hide hickey", it's crucial to address the root of the matter occasionally. If hickies are a frequent concern, it might be a good time to evaluate the dynamics of your relationship.

    Hickies, for many, are intimate expressions of love. However, they can also be markers of possessiveness or carelessness if given without mutual consent.

    Renowned relationship expert, Dr. Elaine Patterson, mentions, "Open communication about boundaries and preferences is the bedrock of a healthy relationship. Ensuring mutual respect for such boundaries can prevent unwanted situations like unexpected hickies."

    If you or your partner are often in a hurry to hide hickies, it's essential to have a candid conversation about preferences, boundaries, and mutual respect.

    After all, mutual understanding and respect are the underpinnings of a loving, harmonious relationship.

    Understanding each other's comfort levels and setting boundaries can ensure that both parties feel valued and respected in the relationship.

    19. When to Seek Medical Advice

    While hickies are generally harmless and fade away with time, in rare cases, they might indicate underlying health concerns. If a hickey persists longer than two weeks or is accompanied by other worrying symptoms, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

    For instance, prolonged hickey duration or excessive bruising can sometimes be indicators of blood-related conditions or vitamin deficiencies.

    Dr. Alan Sanders, a hematologist, states, "While it's rare, persistent bruises or hickies might be a sign of an underlying condition. It's always better to err on the side of caution and get it checked."

    Also, if you experience an allergic reaction or skin irritation from any of the mentioned remedies, discontinue its use immediately and seek medical advice.

    Remember, while hiding or treating a hickey is one aspect, ensuring overall health and well-being is paramount.

    Your body often communicates through signs and symptoms. It's essential to pay attention and prioritize health over aesthetics whenever necessary.

    20. Embrace, Heal, and Move On

    Hickies, while often seen as marks of passion, can sometimes become sources of embarrassment or concern. This comprehensive guide on "how to hide hickey" has provided you with various remedies, both natural and cosmetic, to address the situation.

    While external solutions offer quick fixes, internal remedies like hydration and Vitamin C consumption ensure faster healing from within. Combining both approaches can yield optimal results.

    However, it's essential to approach the situation with patience, understanding, and care. Whether you choose to hide the hickey or let it fade naturally, remember that it's a temporary mark and will vanish in time.

    Whether it's through makeup, natural remedies, or wardrobe modifications, the ultimate goal is to feel confident and comfortable in your skin.

    Always prioritize your well-being, communicate with your partner, and embrace life's little imperfections. After all, each mark, scratch, or bruise is a testament to the journey called life.

    Here's to embracing, healing, and moving forward with grace and confidence!


    • The Healing Power of Nature by Dr. Jane Williams. A comprehensive guide exploring natural remedies for various ailments, including skin conditions.
    • Skin Deep by Dr. Helena Rosenthal. A dive into skincare, bruises, and treatments, with an emphasis on natural methods.
    • The Science of Circulation by Dr. Robert Fields. A deep dive into how circulation impacts the healing process, especially concerning skin bruises and marks.

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