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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    18 Beard Styles That Boost Attraction

    The Deep Connection Between Beards and Personal Growth

    For centuries, facial hair has been a symbol of maturity, strength, and wisdom. From the ancient civilizations to modern times, beards have been both a fashion statement and a reflection of personal growth. This article delves deep into the world of "beard styles, beard types, beard shapes", and how they intersect with attraction, relationships, and personal development.

    According to Dr. Alan Peterkin, author of "One Thousand Beards: A Cultural History of Facial Hair," the way a man chooses to style his beard can say a lot about his personality, his relationship status, and even his career aspirations. Let's dive into this fascinating exploration of facial hair and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

    Modern science has also weighed in on the matter. A study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology found that women tend to find men with facial hair more attractive than those without. But it's not just about attraction. Beard styles can also influence our perception of a person's trustworthiness, dominance, and even parenting abilities.

    Before we dissect the specifics of beard styles and their potential implications, let's explore why this topic is so relevant. With the resurgence of beard popularity in recent years, understanding the nuances can be beneficial, not just for personal grooming but also for our interpersonal relationships and personal growth.

    The fascinating thing about beards is that they're not just a fashion statement; they're a reflection of one's inner world. Just as our clothing choices might reflect our mood or our aspirations, our beard style can hint at deeper aspects of our personality and desires.

    So, whether you're a bearded man wondering what your facial hair says about you or someone looking to understand the beard-wearing individuals in your life, this article is for you.

    1. The Stubble: A Blend of Casual and Commitment

    Stubble, often referred to as the "5 o'clock shadow", is one of the most popular beard styles among men. It gives off a rugged yet refined look, striking a balance between carefree and committed.

    A study from the University of Queensland found that women were particularly attracted to men with heavy stubble compared to clean-shaven men, full-bearded men, or those with light stubble. But beyond attraction, stubble can also be a reflection of a man's current life phase.

    The stubble could indicate a man in transition – perhaps he's in between relationships, jobs, or simply reevaluating his life's direction. It signifies a sense of adventure with a hint of responsibility. This beard style could very well mean that the individual is open to exploring new relationships but isn't against settling down when the right opportunity or person comes along.

    For those considering this beard style, it's essential to maintain it well. Regular trimming ensures that the stubble doesn't venture into the "unkempt" territory. After all, the appeal lies in its intentional yet laid-back appearance.

    In the context of personal growth, adopting stubble could be seen as a rite of passage. It's a style that straddles youth and maturity, perfectly suited for those on a journey of self-discovery and personal development.

    On the career front, while a refined stubble can be acceptable in many modern workplaces, it's always wise to gauge the company culture before embracing this look. Some conservative environments might still prefer the clean-shaven look.

    2. The Full Beard: Signifying Depth and Stability

    There's something deeply primal about a full beard. It evokes images of rugged outdoorsmen, wise scholars, and mature leaders. The full beard, when well-maintained, can be a powerful statement of a man's depth, stability, and strength.

    From a relationship standpoint, a full beard might indicate a man who is stable, committed, and perhaps even family-oriented. Dr. Christopher Oldstone-Moore, in his book "Of Beards and Men," mentions that throughout history, full beards have been associated with wisdom and leadership.

    Interestingly, a study in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology found that while women found men with full beards more masculine, they didn't necessarily rank them highest in terms of attractiveness. However, participants perceived bearded men as having the potential to be better fathers and more invested in offspring.

    Embracing a full beard requires commitment, not just in terms of grooming but also understanding the perceptions it might evoke. For personal growth, it could signify a phase where one is focused on deep introspection, maturity, and a quest for knowledge.

    Regarding career, while many modern workplaces are becoming more accepting of diverse beard styles, it's always essential to ensure your full beard is neat and well-groomed. The key is to project intentionality in your choice of beard style, ensuring it complements your professional image.

    In terms of personal relationships, a full beard could signal to potential partners that you're in a phase of stability and looking for deeper connections.

    3. The Goatee: Expressing Creativity and Edge

    The goatee, a beard style that highlights the chin and often accompanies a mustache, has been the choice of many artists, musicians, and creative souls throughout history. It signifies a blend of conventional and rebellious, making it a perfect choice for those who like to tread the line between the mainstream and the alternative.

    In the realm of relationships, the goatee might suggest a man who values individuality and isn't afraid to venture outside the norm. It could indicate a preference for deep, intellectual conversations and a penchant for challenging the status quo.

    Dr. Peterkin suggests that the goatee, especially in modern times, has been associated with a kind of edgy creativity. Those sporting it might be signaling their desire to be seen as outside-the-box thinkers, even mavericks in their fields.

    From a personal growth perspective, choosing a goatee might reflect a phase of exploration, pushing boundaries, and challenging oneself. It's a beard style that demands attention and can be a conversation starter, making it perfect for those who thrive in social situations and enjoy being at the center of debates and discussions.

    When it comes to career implications, a goatee might be more accepted in creative industries like advertising, design, or the arts. However, as with all beard styles, it's crucial to understand the cultural nuances of your workplace and industry.

    For personal relationships, a goatee might hint at a zest for life, an appreciation for deep connections, and a desire to constantly learn and grow. It's a style that resonates with those who appreciate individuality and uniqueness.

    4. The Mutton Chops: A Nod to Tradition with a Modern Twist

    Mutton chops, characterized by sideburns that are wider than the mouth and connected by a mustache, can be seen as a retro style harking back to the 19th century. This beard style reflects a unique blend of tradition and modernity.

    From a relationship perspective, mutton chops might be seen as a bold statement of individuality. It could suggest a person who appreciates history, perhaps enjoys vintage aesthetics, yet is not confined by the past. This style might resonate with those who value depth, tradition, and a sense of timelessness in their relationships.

    Regarding personal growth, sporting mutton chops could signify a phase of revisiting one's roots. It's a beard style that evokes nostalgia while allowing for modern reinterpretations, making it perfect for those on a journey of self-discovery that encompasses both the past and the present.

    In the professional realm, while mutton chops might be a daring choice, they could be embraced in environments that appreciate vintage aesthetics or where individuality is celebrated. As always, understanding the nuances of your industry and workplace culture is key.

    For those considering mutton chops, maintenance is essential. The style demands precision in shaping and trimming to ensure a neat appearance that pays homage to its historical roots while fitting in the modern world.

    5. The Soul Patch: Minimalism Meets Statement

    A soul patch, a small patch of hair just below the lower lip, is minimalistic yet can be a strong statement of individuality. Popularized in the jazz circles of the 1950s and 60s, it's a style that exudes coolness and nonchalance.

    In the sphere of relationships, the soul patch might suggest a person who is laid-back, perhaps a bit unconventional, and marches to the beat of their own drum. It's a subtle nod to an appreciation for the arts, especially music.

    From a personal growth standpoint, the soul patch might reflect a phase of introspection and minimalism. It's a choice that says, "I appreciate simplicity, but I'm not afraid to make a statement."

    Professionally, while it's a minimal beard style, the soul patch can still be seen as avant-garde in certain conservative settings. However, in creative fields or more laid-back environments, it could be a subtle nod to a quirky, artistic side.

    For those considering this style, even though it's minimalistic, regular grooming is essential to ensure it looks intentional and not like an afterthought.

    6. The Chin Strap: Precision and Modernity

    The chin strap, a thin line of hair that traces the jawline and connects to the sideburns, is a style that exudes modernity and precision. It's a choice for those who appreciate neatness, symmetry, and a contemporary aesthetic.

    From a relationship lens, a chin strap might suggest a person who values order, clarity, and directness. It's a style that could resonate with those who appreciate structure and clear boundaries in their relationships.

    In terms of personal growth, sporting a chin strap could reflect a phase of clarity and focus. It's a beard style that demands regular maintenance and attention to detail, suggesting a personality that is organized and forward-thinking.

    On the career front, the chin strap can be seen as modern and trendy, making it suitable for industries that value innovation and a fresh perspective. As always, the key lies in ensuring that the beard is well-maintained and complements the professional image one wishes to project.

    7. The Balbo: Sophistication and Strategy

    Characterized by a separated mustache and a beard that covers the chin and the area below the mouth, the Balbo is a style that screams sophistication and strategy. It's a beard style often associated with thinkers, strategists, and those in leadership roles.

    In relationships, the Balbo might hint at a person who values depth, intellectual conversations, and strategic thinking. It's a style that could resonate with individuals who appreciate maturity and a certain level of sophistication in their partners.

    From a personal growth perspective, the Balbo might signify a phase of leadership and taking charge. It reflects confidence, strategic thinking, and an inclination towards intellectual pursuits.

    Professionally, the Balbo, when well-maintained, can be seen as sophisticated and authoritative. It's a style that could be well-received in corporate settings, especially in roles that demand leadership, strategy, and decision-making.

    8. The Van Dyke: Artistry and Flamboyance

    Combining a mustache with a pointed beard at the chin, the Van Dyke is a beard style that exudes artistry and flamboyance. Historically associated with artists and free thinkers, it's a choice for those who want to make a bold statement.

    In the realm of relationships, the Van Dyke might suggest a person who is passionate, expressive, and perhaps a tad unconventional. It's a style that could attract individuals who appreciate flamboyance, artistry, and a zest for life.

    From a personal growth standpoint, sporting a Van Dyke could reflect a phase of creative expression and a desire to stand out from the crowd. It's a style that demands attention and showcases an individual's artistic side.

    In the professional realm, the Van Dyke might be more accepted in artistic or creative fields. However, as with all beard styles, understanding the cultural nuances of your industry and ensuring regular maintenance is key.

    9. The Anchor: Depth and Reflection

    Resembling the shape of an anchor, this beard style combines a pencil mustache with a chin beard that extends along the jawline. The Anchor is a subtle yet profound statement of depth and reflection.

    In relationships, the Anchor might hint at a person who is introspective, thoughtful, and values deep connections. It's a style that could resonate with those who appreciate depth and reflection in their partners.

    Regarding personal growth, the Anchor might reflect a phase of introspection, self-discovery, and grounding. It's a beard style that, while subtle, makes a statement about an individual's journey and the depths they're willing to explore within themselves.

    Professionally, the Anchor is understated yet distinct, making it suitable for both creative and corporate environments. It can be seen as a sign of someone who is steady, reliable, and reflective in their decision-making processes.

    As with all styles, maintenance is key. The Anchor demands precision in shaping to maintain its distinct look, and regular grooming ensures it always looks its best.

    10. The Circle Beard: Balanced and Harmonious

    A combination of a rounded goatee and mustache, the Circle Beard represents balance and harmony. It's a popular choice among many men because of its versatile and universally flattering shape.

    From a relationship standpoint, the Circle Beard might suggest a person who seeks balance, harmony, and equanimity in their connections. It's a style that could attract individuals who value stability, consistency, and a harmonious relationship dynamic.

    In terms of personal growth, the Circle Beard could symbolize a phase of equilibrium and seeking balance in all areas of life, whether it's personal, professional, or spiritual.

    Professionally, the Circle Beard is versatile and can fit in a variety of settings, from corporate to creative. It reflects a balanced approach to work, suggesting someone who can be both analytical and creative.

    Regular grooming is essential to maintain the rounded appearance, ensuring the Circle Beard remains a symbol of balance and not neglect.

    11. The Full Beard: Timeless and Authoritative

    The Full Beard, covering the entire lower half of the face, is a timeless choice that exudes authority, wisdom, and maturity. It's a classic style that has been embraced by men across centuries and cultures.

    In relationships, a Full Beard can suggest a sense of stability, maturity, and depth. It's a style that might resonate with individuals who value these traits in a partner.

    From a personal growth perspective, sporting a Full Beard can signify a phase of embracing one's authentic self, being comfortable in one's skin, and showcasing a mature, grounded personality.

    In the professional realm, a Full Beard, when well-maintained, can command respect and authority. It's a style that could be well-suited for leadership roles or positions that demand gravitas.

    Given its fullness, regular maintenance, including washing, trimming, and moisturizing, is essential to ensure it looks neat and well-groomed.

    12. The Garibaldi: Natural and Free-spirited

    A rounded, slightly longer version of the Full Beard, the Garibaldi is for the free-spirited. It's a more natural beard style that doesn't require as much grooming, reflecting a laid-back and organic approach to life.

    In the realm of relationships, the Garibaldi might indicate a partner who is easy-going, appreciates natural beauty, and values authenticity over artifice. It's a style that could attract individuals seeking genuine connections and simplicity.

    From a personal growth standpoint, choosing the Garibaldi could be indicative of a phase where one is embracing nature, seeking authenticity, and prioritizing inner peace over external validations.

    Professionally, while it's a relaxed style, the Garibaldi, when kept reasonably neat, can be suitable for environments that appreciate authenticity and a more organic approach to work and creativity.

    Though it's a more natural style, occasional trimming and regular washing are crucial to ensure the beard remains healthy and looks its best.

    13. The Extended Goatee: Edgy and Contemporary

    Also known as the Hollywoodian, the Extended Goatee is a combination of a mustache and a goatee that extends wider along the jawline. It's a contemporary style that is both edgy and sophisticated.

    From a relationship perspective, the Extended Goatee might suggest someone who is modern, keeps up with trends, and isn't afraid to experiment. It's a style that could resonate with individuals who appreciate a touch of edginess in their partners.

    Regarding personal growth, sporting an Extended Goatee could symbolize a phase of experimentation, pushing boundaries, and embracing the modern while nodding to the classic.

    Professionally, the Extended Goatee can be seen as stylish and updated, making it suitable for industries that value a fresh and modern aesthetic. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure it retains its edgy look.

    14. The Mutton Chops: Bold and Unconventional

    Mutton Chops, which are full sideburns that extend towards the corners of the mouth but aren't connected by a mustache or chin hair, certainly make a statement. This style screams boldness and has historical roots, reminding us of times when men wore their hair and beards with distinct flamboyance.

    In relationships, Mutton Chops might indicate a partner who is confident, unafraid of judgment, and embraces individuality. It might appeal to those who appreciate a partner who doesn't conform to current norms and stands out in a crowd.

    From a personal growth perspective, adopting Mutton Chops can suggest an exploration phase, maybe delving into historical contexts, and a desire to express individuality in unconventional ways.

    On the professional front, while Mutton Chops might not be the first choice in conservative settings, in creative fields, they can showcase a flair for the dramatic and an affinity for the avant-garde.

    Given their distinct look, maintenance is essential. Regular trimming ensures the shape remains defined and the style intentional rather than unkempt.

    15. The Van Dyke: Artistic and Distinguished

    Consisting of a mustache and a pointed beard at the chin (with cheeks shaven clean), the Van Dyke has been the choice of many artists and intellectuals throughout history. It's a precise style that combines flair with sophistication.

    In the realm of relationships, a Van Dyke might be seen as a sign of a partner who is both thoughtful and playful. It might attract those who appreciate a blend of seriousness and whimsy.

    When considering personal growth, the Van Dyke could signify a period of intellectual exploration and artistic expression, symbolizing a balance between the heart and the mind.

    Professionally, it's a style that can be versatile, fitting well in both academic and creative fields, showcasing a person who thinks deeply but also approaches tasks with creativity.

    Given its precise nature, regular grooming and shaping are crucial to maintain its distinguished look.

    16. The Balbo: Strategic and Sharp

    The Balbo consists of a mustache and a beard, but with a gap beneath the bottom lip. It's a sharp look that requires strategic shaving and is often associated with precision and keen attention to detail.

    In relationships, the Balbo might suggest a partner who is meticulous, values clarity, and appreciates a sharp mind. Those who are attracted to intelligence and thoughtfulness might find this beard style particularly appealing.

    From a personal growth viewpoint, sporting a Balbo might represent a phase of strategic planning, laying out clear goals, and pursuing them with intent.

    In professional settings, it can indicate someone with a sharp analytical mind, well-suited for roles that require planning, strategy, and attention to detail.

    Maintenance is essential with this style, as its appeal lies in its precision. Regular trims can ensure it retains its sharp appearance.

    17. The Chin Strap: Minimalistic and Defined

    The Chin Strap follows the jawline in a narrow strip, providing a minimalistic but defined look. It's for those who appreciate subtlety while still making a statement.

    From a relationship angle, it might appeal to those who appreciate minimalism and believe that less is more. It indicates a partner who is confident in their choices and doesn't need extravagance to feel validated.

    Considering personal growth, the Chin Strap might symbolize a phase of simplification, decluttering, and focusing on the essentials.

    Professionally, it's a subtle style that can fit in most environments, reflecting a person who is straightforward and values clarity over complexity.

    Given its narrow nature, regular trims ensure it remains neat and defined, maintaining its minimalist charm.

    18. The Sparrow: Adventurous and Spirited

    Characterized by a mustache that descends into two narrow strips down the chin, the Sparrow exudes an adventurous spirit. It's unconventional, reminding us of pirates and adventurers from folklore.

    In relationships, it could indicate a partner who loves adventure, is spirited, and always up for a challenge. It might resonate with those who appreciate a touch of the wild and unconventional in their partner.

    From a personal growth perspective, the Sparrow could signify a period of seeking adventures, challenging the status quo, and embracing the unknown.

    On the professional front, it's a style that stands out, suitable for those in fields that value out-of-the-box thinking and a zest for challenges.

    Maintenance is essential to ensure the style remains intentional and doesn't appear unkempt. Regular trims can help retain its adventurous charm.


    1. "The Art of Shaving: Mastering the Ritual of the Perfect Shave" by Myriam Zaoui and Eric Malka

    2. "Hair: Fashion and Fantasy" by Laurent Philippon

    3. "Beards: A Spotter's Guide" by Ned Pennant-Rea

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