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Size does matter Ladies, pls accept the truth


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f you are a woman and you don't prefer bigger than average penises, then you are... an exception. No matter what women say about the right size, these are the facts :




# Women prefer bigger penises more than men prefer bigger breasts.


# The average penis measures 6 to 7 inch long and 5 to 5 ½ inch in circumference (about 1 ¾ inch wide).


# When you think you have a small penis, you are generally right.


# Shorter and thinner than average flaccid penises are averagely shorter and thinner when erect than average erect penises. (Does that make any sense?)


# Penis size is not just a locker room issue.


# Women care about the size of flaccid penises.


# Women love touching and looking at big flaccid penises.


# Women love touching and looking at big erect penises.


# Women love giving oral sex to big penises, if they are able to of course.


# Big penises cause more vaginal pleasure for women.


# What about this: Twenty percent of all women stay with a man for his big penis...


# forty percent stay with a man for his money...


# forty percent stay with a man because of who he is...


# ...eighty percent would like their partner to have a bigger penis!


# ...eighty percent of women don't orgasm from intercourse alone!


# ...eighty percent of men have an average or small penis!


# If your penis slips out often during intercourse, you probably have a small penis.


# Women find small penises frustrating.


# Women find small penises annoying.


# Women find small penises boring.


# Women find small penises embarrassing.


# Women look for bulge when meeting men.


# Women look up to men with big penises.


# Women find big penises impressive.


# Women consider men with big penises more masculine.


# Men with big penises are more self secure.


# Women prefer men who are self secure.


# Most women consider men with a big penis a sex object.


# Most men don't mind to be considered a sex object by women.


# Women pretend they want a sensual and sensitive man no matter his size.


# Women know they want a macho and masculine man with big penis size.


# Women want to sleep at least once in their life with a man with a very big penis.


# Men with bigger penises date more women than men with smaller penises.


# Men with a big penis have more chance to have sex with two or more women at the same time.


# Women brag to other women if their partner has a big penis.


# Women have more patience when it comes to well hung guys.


# Men with a big penis get dumped less by their girlfriend than men with a small penis.


# Most women are sexually very active with different partners between the age of 17 and 21.


# Most women have had many more sexual partners than they are telling you.


# Consequently, the probability that a man's new date has seen a bigger penis than his is very high.


# If a woman doesn't make a comment about a man's penis it means she is not impressed, …or worse.


# Women make favorable comments when they discover their new mate has a big penis.


# If you haven't heard any great comments about your penis size when having sex the first time with a woman, you don't have a big penis.


# If you have never heard a complaint about your penis being too small, it might be because the complaint was muted while pronounced.


# Asking a woman if she thinks your penis is big is useless.


# If a woman tells you your penis is nice, it means usually it is rather small.


# If a woman tells you your penis is big, it means usually it is plain average.


# If a woman tells you your penis is so huuuuge, it usually means it is just big.


# If a woman lowers your pants, utters a shriek, takes off her clothes and hugs your penis, it usually means you are too big.


# However, if a woman lowers your pants, utters a shriek, puts her clothes back on and leaves, it usually means you are too small.


# Women don't tell you that you are average. They will tell you that you are big, the rest is small and very few are humongous.


# If your girlfriend's previous lover was above average thick, she will not feel you inside if you are below average thick.


# If your girlfriend's previous lover was way above average thick, she will not feel you inside if you are average thick.


# Most vaginas prefer thick penises.


# Most penises prefer tight vaginas.


# If your woman purposely squeezes her vagina very tight during intercourse, she wants to make you feel big.


# Women have to strain themselves to get off on a thinner than average penis.


# Men with a short penis have to work harder to give pleasure to a woman.


# Men with a long penis have to work less hard during intercourse.


# Men with a long penis have more fun during intercourse.


# Men with a long penis cause more fun during intercourse.


# Men with a long and thick penis cause the most fun during intercourse.


# Women consider a penis between 7 and 8 inch in length and between 6 and 6 1/2 inch girth ideal.


# Women whose partner is smaller than average, wish sometimes he would wear a big strap-on.


# A big strap-on causes less pleasure than a real penis of the same size.


# Women whose partner is larger than average never think of him wearing a strap-on.


# Men with small penises masturbate more often.


# Over-masturbating causes your penis to shrink by eventually depleting your sexual energy.


# Men with small penises are getting masturbated more often than getting laid.


# Not using your penis by getting laid might cause it to shrink as well.


# If a woman publicly says that size doesn't matter, it is often because she is with a small penis guy.


# Women who believe size is a non-issue tend to be more spiritual than sexual.


# Women who believe size is a non-issue tend to be more insecure and are looking for long-term relations.


# Women who believe size is a non-issue care less about sex to begin with.


# Women who believe size is a non-issue usually want flowers, candies and long walks under the moonlight instead of wild sex.


# Women who believe size is a non-issue only want to make love.


# Normal women want to make love on some days and have sex on the other ones.


# Making love is spiritual..., having sex is physical attraction, size and technique.


# Men with a big penis can be just as good or bad in technique as smaller endowed men.


# If a smaller endowed man has great technique, it might be because he doesn't have much choice.


# Most women who always prefer receiving oral sex to penetration, do so because of either mental or physical causes.


# In general, women prefer vaginal penetration above oral stimulation.


# The main reason some women feel pain from penetration by a large penis is that the guy rushes without waiting for the vagina to be expanded.


# Other reasons a woman can feel pain from penetration by a large penis is that she is not relaxed enough or that the guy has bad technique.


Ladies, I hope most of you would agree me. Pls tell us the Truth.

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...eighty percent of women don't orgasm from intercourse alone. that should end it right there you can have a huge penis a never make her orgasm if you dont know what to do so you can have 9 or 10 inch make a chick scream and it not mean notin in the end cause she gotta get right in

the shower and finish her self of.

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While I do agree with some of your statistics, I would not want to be with a woman who placed that much emphasis on having a partner with such a large penis.


Sure relationships have their sexual side, but as long as you make your partner happy, make her climax and enjoy herself then who cares about any of this? It would seem blatently selfish to be like that.


Also as mentioned above most women do not orgasm from penetration alone but through oral stimulation as well.

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This is quite a list of generalizations, can you tell me how many women and men were interviewed for this list of conclusions? Is this based on a trustworthy research that has been published? It's not like all women are the same, and it's hard to call statements like these "The Truth". You label women who regard size as a non-issue as both 'insecure' and 'looking for a longterm relationship'. I would agree on the last one, because when you actually love someone, size is not really an issue. I doubt the insecurity part though.



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I didn't mean to offend by writing like this. I like your views and hope most of people think the way you wrote. This was a study done by some sexologists in Europe. Quite surprising. Afterall, we men alway keep wondering about our Ladies and try to find out different ways to satisfy them.

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Yes but I just feel there is too much pressure put on men in this situation. I do find this subject a little sensitive.


Men with a long penis cause more fun during intercourse


I just see it as there is nothing I can do to change the size of my penis so why should I worry if it is big enough to satisfy a woman? When in fact it really isn't anything further from the truth that you can fully satisfy a woman in many other ways.

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The OP is unsubstantiated FUD. All claims are furnished without backup and many claims conflict with established studies.


My index finger is 3inch / 7.5cm long and less than 2inch / 5cm around. This is sufficent to reach the g-spot which is essential to give a great orgasm. I have done it many times.


The rest is considerateness, patience and technique.


Practical technique consists mainly of sufficient oral preparation and stimulating the clit and g-spot together and lasting a reasonable amount of time.

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I disagree with a lot of that orignal post.


I've had sex with a man who had 8 and a half inches, and the sex was uncomfortable and I couldn't deep throat which was disappointing as it is my fav thing. He wasn't too good in bed either, had no clue about oral either. I felt like I was missing out in a different kind of way.


Gimme average guy with an average penis who does good oral any day.

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No, I am not offended by your statements. It's just that generalizations like these are dangerous in a sense. That is why I asked for the research that is behind those statements. The men I have been with of course had different sizes. In retrospect, the first was kind of small, but still near average. But I wouldn't know, I had nothing to compare it with, and I was very happy with the sexual aspect in our relationship. I can't say the bigger sized partners turned me on more or that the sex was more pleasurable. The quality of the sex does not depend on the size, but I have never been with someone that I really thought had a small one. So maybe I have no experience there


I keep thinking of the episode of Sex and the City where Samantha falls in love for the first time, and discovers that her man has a 'small pencil'. In that episode she couldn't be with him, but I doubt all women would do the same.



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It sounds like whoever wrote this has some serious insecurities. Plus, so many of these are just not true. eg. # Not using your penis by getting laid might cause it to shrink as well.


If I had my choice of how big my man's penis would be, I'd chose average. The long one's hurt too much when they hit the bumper stop. But it doesn't really matter. I'm adaptable.

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This source doesn't sound reliable at all. I seriously doubt someone legitamate in the scientific community would use this kind of language. And I agree with some of the other posters that it's a little offensive...

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If a woman lowers your pants, utters a shriek, takes off her clothes and hugs your penis, it usually means you are too big


You have to be kidding me when you say a bunch of sexologists actually came up with this?

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I'm sorry but that study sounds bogus. Women prefer to give oral sex to a large penis? I would have to say that I *hate* giving oral sex to a man with a large penis. It hurts my jaw and makes me gag.


Long penises can hurt like hell. When they are too big it is uncomfortable at best, not fun. I prefer average size. My man does just fine getting me to orgasm.

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I didn't mean to offend by writing like this. I like your views and hope most of people think the way you wrote. This was a study done by some sexologists in Europe. Quite surprising. Afterall, we men alway keep wondering about our Ladies and try to find out different ways to satisfy them.


When you cite an actual study you're expected to provide a link so we can verify this was a real and respectable study as opposed to some kids idea of what women want.


Just wanted to add that most, if not practically all of what was said in that list is total B.S....ChickLuver, I'm guessing you're a teenager with little or no sexual experience with women? Because a mature adult would have seen how B.S this "study" is after reading the first few lines.

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Jeez if I were a guy and just read that I would be some what rather p!ssed off right now.

I dont thing size is such a great issue - but I am not going to lie...I dated a guy who I can tell you was smaller than average. I sex is great and important in a relationship and he just did not satisfy me - the relationship ended!

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The truth?


Ok, I really hate it when men tell me what women think.


I'd rather have cunnilingus anyway.


And I'd rather give head to something that isn't going to choke me or give me a sore jaw.



If this is a genuine study, as opposed to something you found on the internet claiming to be a study, please provide links.

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Hmm, I always like it when someone of any gender trys to tell the "facts" about an entire gender.....


I would like to cut out all those "facts" and change it to this. By the way, that *study* does appear to be complete propagandic B.S., so a link to a study would be appreciated.


- Some/Many women do have preferences physically & sexually. This does not make them shallow, everyone is entitled to have preferences. It's only shallow if they ridicule those whom do not meet their preferences. Some/Many men also have physical & sexual preferences.


- The regular penis length is around 5-5.5". This is more than enough to impregnate, and to use sexually for penetration. Actually, unless you are below 2" you are considered normal...and able to impregnate, AND you can hit the g-spot as well. A woman's vaginal canal is only 3-4" long, and while it can stretch to accommodate, it does not need 10" to be pleasurable. On this note, many women find longer penis' uncomfortable as it does have tendency to hit & bruise cervix which..is not exactly a feel good moment for most women.


- Most women are more concerned with how a man treats her, takes time for her, and makes the experience, then how big his penis is. Since most women can't orgasm through penetration, it usually is not the major concern either.


- Most women I know don't care much about the flaccid state, knowing that they also grow! What it looks like flaccid is not a guaranteed indicator, since larger flaccid penis's sometimes grow less, while smaller ones grow more.


- If there are women whom stay with men for their penis alone...well, I would suggest there are bigger issues involved there than their penis. I don't know ANY women whom would say "you know, he treats me like crap, but his penis is huge...so I stay".


Seriously, for every woman that says they prefer a large penis, you can find one whom says they prefer an average-smaller one.


And, most women I know care more about the person they are WITH, than their penis. It's not the "little head" that makes a relationship truly worthwhile, enriching, rewarding and pleasurable. Not by a "long" shot.

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